Виртуальная экскурсия по булгаковской Москве

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Зимние картинки. Набор открыток, 12 шт.
Новый год - время, когда мы верим в чудеса и загадываем самые заветные желания. Открытки из этого комплекта сделают любимый праздник еще ярче: ведь с ними так легко подарить близким настоящую зимнюю сказку! Набор из 12 открыток.
Набор "Шьем сумочку " Летающие Звери. Рыбка" (57035)
Набор для развития детского творчества. Шить из фетра - очень увлекательно и просто. Стильный аксессуар из экологичного материала придется по душе любой маленькой моднице, и процесс его создания, несомненно, принесет удовольствие. Все фетровые детали специально перфорированы так, чтобы их было легко сшивать безопасной пластиковой иголкой. Набор способствует развитию вкуса, воображения и творческих способностей! В наборе: фетровые детали, безопасная пластиковая игла, нитки, элементы декора, пуговицы. Изготовлено из текстильных материалов (в т.ч. фетровых деталей), пластмассы, дерева. Для детей старше 6-ти лет. Запрещено детям младше 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Набор "Шьем папку-пенал "Летающие Звери. Прабу" (57040)
Набор для развития детского творчества. Шить из фетра - очень увлекательно и просто. Стильный аксессуар из экологичного материала придется по душе любой маленькой моднице, и процесс его создания, несомненно, принесет удовольствие. Все фетровые детали специально перфорированы так, чтобы их было легко сшивать безопасной пластиковой иголкой. Набор способствует развитию вкуса, воображения и творческих способностей! В наборе: фетровые детали, безопасная пластиковая игла, нитки, элементы декора. Изготовлено из текстильных материалов (в т.ч. фетровых деталей), пластмассы, дерева. Для детей старше 6-ти лет. Запрещено детям младше 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Набор фигурок "Дикие животные" (6 предметов) (57363)
Вашему вниманию предлагается набор фигурок "Дикие животные". В наборе 6 фигурок животных. Материал: пластмасса. Для детей старше 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Масса для лепки (4 цвета по 55 гр) (53456)
Вашему вниманию предлагается набор массы для лепки. Масса легко разминается, застывает на воздухе. В наборе: масса для лепки (4 штуки по 55 гр). Изготовлено из массы для лепки. Для детей старше 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Масса для лепки с формочками "Транспорт" (4 цвета по 20 гр) (53464)
Что игра развивает у наших детей? Занятия с массой для лепки тренируют пальчики и кисти рук, подготавливают их к письму, развивают мелкую моторику рук, что способствует развитию речи. Это прекрасный способ проявиться фантазии малыша и безграничный простор для творчества. Смешивая цвета, можно получать новые и новые удивительные оттенки. Инструмент для моделирования поможет при занятиях с массой для лепки, а с помощью формочек, входящих в набор, можно быстро сделать различные фигурки. Для того чтобы фигурка стала твердой и с ней можно было играть, просушите ее на открытом воздухе. Чтобы масса не застывала, храните ее в баночках с плотно закрытой книжкой Комплектность: масса для лепки (4 цвета по 20 гр.), формочки (4 штук), инструменты для моделирования (2 штуки). Изготовлено из массы для лепки, с элементами из пластмассы. Рекомендуется детям старше 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Масса для лепки в чемоданчике, с формочками, 6 штук по 20 гр., в ассортименте (53459)
Вашему вниманию предлагается набор массы для лепки в чемоданчике. Масса легко разминается, застывает на воздухе. В наборе: масса для лепки (6 штук по 20 гр), 4 формочки, инструмент для моделирования. Изготовлено из массы для лепки, с элементами из пластмассы. Для детей старше 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. В ассортименте. Сделано в Китае.
Масса для лепки (4 цвета по 140 гр) (53457)
Вашему вниманию предлагается набор массы для лепки. Масса легко разминается, застывает на воздухе. В наборе: масса для лепки (4 штуки по 140 гр). Изготовлено из массы для лепки. Для детей старше 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Масса для лепки с формочками (8 штук по 20 гр) (53462)
Что игра развивает у наших детей? Занятия с массой для лепки тренируют пальчики и кисти рук, подготавливают их к письму, развивают мелкую моторику рук, что способствует развитию речи. Это прекрасный способ проявиться фантазии малыша и безграничный простор для творчества. Смешивая цвета, можно получать новые и новые удивительные оттенки. Инструмент для моделирования поможет при занятиях с массой для лепки, а с помощью формочек, входящих в набор, можно быстро сделать различные фигурки. Для того чтобы фигурка стала твердой и с ней можно было играть, просушите ее на открытом воздухе. Чтобы масса не застывала, храните ее в баночках с плотно закрытой книжкой Комплектность: масса для лепки (4 цвета, 8 штук по 20 гр.), формочки (8 штук), инструменты для моделирования (4 штуки). Изготовлено из массы для лепки, с элементами из пластмассы. Рекомендуется детям старше 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Набор для создания подвески "Прекрасная незнакомка" (57318)
Вашему вниманию предлагается набор для создания подвески. В наборе: детали из фетра, колечко для подвески, нитки, кружево, шнур, пластмассовая игла для соединения фетровых деталей, инструкция. Изготовлено из металла, пластмассы, текстильных материалов. Для детей старше 7-ми лет. Не рекомендовано детям младше 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Набор для создания подвески "Пташка" (57316)
Вашему вниманию предлагается набор для создания подвески. В наборе: детали из фетра, колечко для подвески, нитки, кружево, шнур, пластмассовая игла для соединения фетровых деталей, инструкция. Изготовлено из металла, пластмассы, текстильных материалов. Для детей старше 7-ми лет. Не рекомендовано детям младше 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Энфельдт Андреас Революция в еде! LCHF Диета без голода
"От жиров жиреют, от белков холестерин!" - долгое время уверяли нас врачи и диетологи, призывая есть "легкую" пищу. Мы так и делали, заменяя белки и насыщенные жиры углеводами. Каковы же последствия? Сладкие напитки, чипсы, обезжиренные продукты, напичканные стабилизаторами и консервантами, в последние двадцать-тридцать лет привычно вошли в наш рацион - и мир захлестнула эпидемия ожирения. В России ожирением страдают 30% населения, а лишние килограммы - почти у каждого второго. Что же впереди? Одышка, диабет, инфаркты и инсульты? Стоп, хватит объедаться! LCHF - уникальная низкоуглеводная диета, которая позволит вам начать новую жизнь. Ешьте без ограничений масло, мясо и рыбу и наблюдайте, как с каждой неделей стрелка весов неудержимо ползет вниз, а ваша фигура обретает стройность. Фантастика? Нет, это диета по системе доктора Энфельдта - и у нее уже немало сторонников, проверивших ее на личном опыте. Прочтите книгу, оцените все преимущества новой системы похудения, подумайте, скольким людям уже помогла эта диета, и, быть может, вам захочется произвести личную "революцию в еде" и начать путь к здоровой полноценной жизни. С диетой LCHF - это не только нетрудно, но и приятно!
Набор для создания подвески "Модистка" (57317)
Вашему вниманию предлагается набор для создания подвески. В наборе: детали из фетра, колечко для подвески, нитки, кружево, шнур, пластмассовая игла для соединения фетровых деталей, инструкция. Изготовлено из металла, пластмассы, текстильных материалов. Для детей старше 7-ми лет. Не рекомендовано детям младше 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Набор "Шьем сумочку "MeLala" (55222)
Набор для развития детского творчества. Стильный аксессуар из экологичного материала придется по душе любой маленькой моднице, а процесс его создания, несомненно, принесет удовольствие. Все фетровые детали специально перфорированы так, чтобы их было легко сшивать безопасной пластиковой иголкой. Набор способствует развитию вкуса, воображения и творческих способностей. В наборе: детали из фетра, вязаный цветок, бусины, стразы, пуговица, безопасная игла, нитки, инструкция. Изготовлено из текстильных материалов (в т.ч. фетровых деталей), пластмассы. Для детей старше 5-ти лет. Запрещено детям до 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Набор "Шьем украшение для комнаты " MeLala. Праздник" (55234)
Набор для развития детского творчества. Стильный аксессуар из экологичного материала придется по душе любой маленькой моднице, а процесс его создания, несомненно, принесет удовольствие. Все фетровые детали специально перфорированы так, чтобы их было легко сшивать безопасной пластиковой иголкой. Набор способствует развитию вкуса, воображения и творческих способностей. В наборе: детали из фетра, лента, безопасная игла, нитки, инструкция. Изготовлено из текстильных материалов (в т.ч. фетровых деталей), пластмассы. Для детей старше 5-ти лет. Запрещено детям до 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Набор для создания аксессуара "MeLala. Ободок" (55236)
Набор для развития детского творчества. Стильный аксессуар из экологичного материала придется по душе любой маленькой моднице, а процесс его создания, несомненно, принесет удовольствие. Все фетровые детали специально перфорированы так, чтобы их было легко сшивать безопасной пластиковой иголкой. Набор способствует развитию вкуса, воображения и творческих способностей. В наборе: детали из фетра, ободок, вязаный цветок, бусина, стразы, безопасная игла, нитки, инструкция. Изготовлено из текстильных материалов (в т.ч. фетровых деталей), пластмассы. Для детей старше 5-ти лет. Запрещено детям до 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Набор "Шьем чехол для телефона MeLala" (красный) (55228)
Набор для развития детского творчества. Стильный аксессуар из экологичного материала придется по душе любой маленькой моднице, а процесс его создания, несомненно, принесет удовольствие. Все фетровые детали специально перфорированы так, чтобы их было легко сшивать безопасной пластиковой иголкой. Набор способствует развитию вкуса, воображения и творческих способностей. В наборе: детали из фетра, бусина, стразы, безопасная игла, нитки, инструкция. Размер готового изделия: 9х14,5 см. Изготовлено из текстильных материалов (в т.ч. фетровых деталей), пластмассы. Для детей старше 5-ти лет. Запрещено детям до 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Набор для создания заколок "MeLala. Милашка" (55240)
Набор для развития детского творчества. Стильный аксессуар из экологичного материала придется по душе любой маленькой моднице, а процесс его создания, несомненно, принесет удовольствие. Все фетровые детали специально перфорированы так, чтобы их было легко сшивать безопасной пластиковой иголкой. Набор способствует развитию вкуса, воображения и творческих способностей. В наборе: детали из фетра, заколки, бусина, безопасная игла, нитки, инструкция. Изготовлено из текстильных материалов (в т.ч. фетровых деталей), пластмассы. Для детей старше 5-ти лет. Запрещено детям до 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Набор для создания аксессуара-трансформера "Melala. Цветы" (55224)
Набор для развития детского творчества. Стильный аксессуар из экологичного материала придется по душе любой маленькой моднице, а процесс его создания, несомненно, принесет удовольствие. Все фетровые детали специально перфорированы так, чтобы их было легко сшивать безопасной пластиковой иголкой. Набор способствует развитию вкуса, воображения и творческих способностей. В наборе: детали из фетра, ленты, бусина, безопасная игла, нитки, инструкция. Изготовлено из текстильных материалов (в т.ч. фетровых деталей), пластмассы. Для детей старше 5-ти лет. Запрещено детям до 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Набор "Шьем чехол для планшета "MeLala" (55226)
Набор для развития детского творчества. Стильный аксессуар из экологичного материала придется по душе любой маленькой моднице, а процесс его создания, несомненно, принесет удовольствие. Все фетровые детали специально перфорированы так, чтобы их было легко сшивать безопасной пластиковой иголкой. Набор способствует развитию вкуса, воображения и творческих способностей. В наборе: детали из фетра, вязаный цветок, бусины, стразы, пуговица, безопасная игла, нитки, инструкция. Размер готового изделия: 21х26 см. Изготовлено из текстильных материалов (в т.ч. фетровых деталей), пластмассы. Для детей старше 5-ти лет. Запрещено детям до 3-х лет. Содержит мелкие детали. Сделано в Китае.
Интерактивная энциклопедия по биологии с наклейками
"Интерактивная энциклопедия по биологии с наклейками, играми и поделками" - новая потрясающая энциклопедия по биологии с уникальными реалистичными иллюстрациями, красочными наклейками и увлекательными заданиями - всё для того, чтобы ребенок стал отличником по окружающему миру и биологии. Вас и вашего ребенка ожидает знакомство с различными растениями и животными, насекомыми, грибами и моллюсками, вы узнайте, как устроены лягушки и какими бывают цветы орхидеи, где растут водоросли, научитесь делать кормушки для птиц и выращивать фасоль. А ещё эту книгу можно использовать на уроках в качестве наглядного пособия! Гид для родителей: "Интерактивная энциклопедия по биологии с наклейками, играми и поделками" ориентирована на читателей от 7 лет. Эта книга станет прекрасным подарком для школьника, поможет в выполнении домашних заданий по биологии, географии и даже рисованию и труду, в подготовке рефератов и творческих проектов. Новую интерактивную энциклопедию ребенок может изучать самостоятельно и читать интересные факты, также книга подойдет для семейного изучения и времяпрепровождения. Красочные реалистичные изображения, интересные факты, обилие экспериментов и заданий, которые предлагается сделать читателю, множество животных и растений, большой формат и качественная полиграфия сделают книгу незаменимой! Изюминки книжки: - 40 наклеек для выполнения заданий на страницах энциклопедии! - Новая энциклопедия в Большой образовательной программе CLEVER - коллекция удивительных фактов об окружающим мире с наглядными иллюстрациями. - Идеально подходит в качестве наглядного пособия на уроках биологии, окружающего мира и природоведения. - Легкий, игровой формат подачи информации - справочная информация дополнена заданиями на сообразительность, рецептами, схемами поделок и играми. Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Интерактивная энциклопедия по биологии с наклейками
"Интерактивная энциклопедия по биологии с наклейками, играми и поделками" - новая потрясающая энциклопедия по биологии с уникальными реалистичными иллюстрациями, красочными наклейками и увлекательными заданиями - всё для того, чтобы ребенок стал отличником по окружающему миру и биологии. Вас и вашего ребенка ожидает знакомство с различными растениями и животными, насекомыми, грибами и моллюсками, вы узнайте, как устроены лягушки и какими бывают цветы орхидеи, где растут водоросли, научитесь делать кормушки для птиц и выращивать фасоль. А ещё эту книгу можно использовать на уроках в качестве наглядного пособия! Гид для родителей: "Интерактивная энциклопедия по биологии с наклейками, играми и поделками" ориентирована на читателей от 7 лет. Эта книга станет прекрасным подарком для школьника, поможет в выполнении домашних заданий по биологии, географии и даже рисованию и труду, в подготовке рефератов и творческих проектов. Новую интерактивную энциклопедию ребенок может изучать самостоятельно и читать интересные факты, также книга подойдет для семейного изучения и времяпрепровождения. Красочные реалистичные изображения, интересные факты, обилие экспериментов и заданий, которые предлагается сделать читателю, множество животных и растений, большой формат и качественная полиграфия сделают книгу незаменимой! Изюминки книжки: - 40 наклеек для выполнения заданий на страницах энциклопедии! - Новая энциклопедия в Большой образовательной программе CLEVER - коллекция удивительных фактов об окружающим мире с наглядными иллюстрациями. - Идеально подходит в качестве наглядного пособия на уроках биологии, окружающего мира и природоведения. - Легкий, игровой формат подачи информации - справочная информация дополнена заданиями на сообразительность, рецептами, схемами поделок и играми. Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Коваль Татьяна Новый год у пиратов
А знаете ли вы, как пираты отмечают новый год? И какие подарки они хотят получить на этот праздник? И возможно ли получить подарок от Деда Мороза, если ты пират? Можно, но... придется потрудиться! Но пираты никогда не справятся без вас. Помогите главным героям новой книжки "Новый год у пиратов" найти подарки, которые спрятаны под клапанами и подарите им Новый год. Гид для родителей: "Новый год у пиратов" - красочная книжка-игрушка с весёлой сказкой в стихах. Наверняка каждому ребенку понравятся пираты, которые ради праздника стали милыми и добрыми, аппетитно едят манную кашу, отпускают пленных матросов и просят у них прощения - и все ради встречи с Дедом Морозом, который так спешил к нашим героям… Книга станет волшебным новогодним подарком для детей в возрасте от 3 до 5 лет. Детям этого возраста так любопытно искать тайны под клапанами, сгибать-разгибать странички, узнавать секреты и тайны. Разыскивайте сюрпризы и встречайте Новый год вместе с пиратами! Изюминки книжки: - "Новый год у пиратов" -яркая и красочная новогодняя книжка о волшебном празднике. - Прекрасный новогодний подарок: увлекательная книга развивает воображение ребенка. - Качественная полиграфия и твердый картон надолго сохранят первоначальный вид книги. - Красивая книга с пухлой обложкой, украшенной фольгой, и клапанами - идеальный подарок на Новый Год для мальчиков и девочек. - На каждой странице много открывающихся клапанов - развивает мелкую моторику и акцентирует внимание ребенка на деталях. - Веселые, легко запоминающиеся и поучительные стихи. Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Радуга. Животные (коробка с карточками)
Эта серия развивающих карточек входит в новую универсальную программу для дошкольников "Радуга" - прекрасный инструмент для развития и обучения ребёнка, соответствующий ФГОС ДО. Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Радуга. Животные (коробка с карточками)
Эта серия развивающих карточек входит в новую универсальную программу для дошкольников "Радуга" - прекрасный инструмент для развития и обучения ребёнка, соответствующий ФГОС ДО. Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Радуга. Мой дом (коробка с карточками)
Эта серия развивающих карточек входит в новую универсальную программу для дошкольников "Радуга" - прекрасный инструмент для развития и обучения ребёнка, соответствующий ФГОС ДО. Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Радуга. Мой дом (коробка с карточками)
Эта серия развивающих карточек входит в новую универсальную программу для дошкольников "Радуга" - прекрасный инструмент для развития и обучения ребёнка, соответствующий ФГОС ДО. Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Радуга. Цвета и числа (коробка с карточками)
"Цвета и числа" - новая развивающая коробочка для малышей, которая вошла в новую универсальную программу для дошкольников РАДУГА. Это прекрасный инструмент для развития и обучения ребенка, соответствующий ФГОС ДО. В серии развивающих коробочек вы найдете несколько основных тем, которые должен знать ребенок: - Животные - Цвета и числа - Мой дом Карточки предназначены для развития речи малыша и изучения окружающего мира. Гид для родителей: Открывая развивающую коробочку "Цвета и числа", вы найдете знакомые ребенку цвета и цифры, которые окружают его в повседневной жизни. Яркие картинки, крупный шрифт карточек и их удобный формат заинтересуют малышей от 0 до 3 лет. Пухлые ламинированные картонные карточки прослужат не одному поколению веселых непосед и не позволят им пораниться, т.к. они со скругленными углами! Изучайте числа, ассоциируйте цвета и цифры, играйте и объясняйте ребенку основы счета, и вы увидите насколько стремительно начнет развиваться Ваш малыш! Изюминки книжки: - Серия коробок с пухлыми карточками, предназначенных для изучения окружающего мира и развития речи ребенка. - Удобный небольшой формат коробки, который поместится в мамину сумку. - Яркие иллюстрации, высокое качество полиграфии. - Плотные карточки из экологичного материала EVA сложно порвать или испортить - набор прослужит долго. - Скругленные углы не позволят ребенку травмировать себя в процессе игры. - Соответствие ФГОС ДО. Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Радуга. Цвета и числа (коробка с карточками)
"Цвета и числа" - новая развивающая коробочка для малышей, которая вошла в новую универсальную программу для дошкольников РАДУГА. Это прекрасный инструмент для развития и обучения ребенка, соответствующий ФГОС ДО. В серии развивающих коробочек вы найдете несколько основных тем, которые должен знать ребенок: - Животные - Цвета и числа - Мой дом Карточки предназначены для развития речи малыша и изучения окружающего мира. Гид для родителей: Открывая развивающую коробочку "Цвета и числа", вы найдете знакомые ребенку цвета и цифры, которые окружают его в повседневной жизни. Яркие картинки, крупный шрифт карточек и их удобный формат заинтересуют малышей от 0 до 3 лет. Пухлые ламинированные картонные карточки прослужат не одному поколению веселых непосед и не позволят им пораниться, т.к. они со скругленными углами! Изучайте числа, ассоциируйте цвета и цифры, играйте и объясняйте ребенку основы счета, и вы увидите насколько стремительно начнет развиваться Ваш малыш! Изюминки книжки: - Серия коробок с пухлыми карточками, предназначенных для изучения окружающего мира и развития речи ребенка. - Удобный небольшой формат коробки, который поместится в мамину сумку. - Яркие иллюстрации, высокое качество полиграфии. - Плотные карточки из экологичного материала EVA сложно порвать или испортить - набор прослужит долго. - Скругленные углы не позволят ребенку травмировать себя в процессе игры. - Соответствие ФГОС ДО. Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Бианки Виталий Валентинович Аришка-Трусишка
Серия книг "По слогам читаю сам" разработана для родителей и педагогов, обучающих детей чтению. Адаптированные тексты коротких рассказов и сказок помогут вашим детям с успехом приобщиться к волшебному миру русской классической литературы. Короткие предложения набраны крупным шрифтом, слова разделены на слоги, переносы слов отсутствуют. Всё это снижает напряжение, которым неизбежно сопровождается период обучения чтению, и помогает ребёнку лучше понимать содержание текстов. Для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.
Бианки Виталий Валентинович Аришка-Трусишка
Серия книг "По слогам читаю сам" разработана для родителей и педагогов, обучающих детей чтению. Адаптированные тексты коротких рассказов и сказок помогут вашим детям с успехом приобщиться к волшебному миру русской классической литературы. Короткие предложения набраны крупным шрифтом, слова разделены на слоги, переносы слов отсутствуют. Всё это снижает напряжение, которым неизбежно сопровождается период обучения чтению, и помогает ребёнку лучше понимать содержание текстов. Для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.
Красильников Николай Николаевич Кто потерял серёжки?
Серия книг "По слогам читаю сам" разработана для родителей и педагогов, обучающих детей чтению. Адаптированные тексты коротких рассказов и сказок помогут вашим детям с успехом приобщиться к волшебному миру русской классической литературы. Короткие предложения набраны крупным шрифтом, слова разделены на слоги, переносы слов отсутствуют. Всё это снижает напряжение, которым неизбежно сопровождается период обучения чтению, и помогает ребёнку лучше понимать содержание текстов. Для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.
Красильников Николай Николаевич Кто потерял серёжки?
Серия книг "По слогам читаю сам" разработана для родителей и педагогов, обучающих детей чтению. Адаптированные тексты коротких рассказов и сказок помогут вашим детям с успехом приобщиться к волшебному миру русской классической литературы. Короткие предложения набраны крупным шрифтом, слова разделены на слоги, переносы слов отсутствуют. Всё это снижает напряжение, которым неизбежно сопровождается период обучения чтению, и помогает ребёнку лучше понимать содержание текстов. Для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.
Ермолова Елена Про белую лошадку
Серия книг "По слогам читаю сам" разработана для родителей и педагогов, обучающих детей чтению. Адаптированные тексты коротких рассказов и сказок помогут вашим детям с успехом приобщиться к волшебному миру русской классической литературы. Короткие предложения набраны крупным шрифтом, слова разделены на слоги, переносы слов отсутствуют. Всё это снижает напряжение, которым неизбежно сопровождается период обучения чтению, и помогает ребёнку лучше понимать содержание текстов. Для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.
Ермолова Елена Про белую лошадку
Серия книг "По слогам читаю сам" разработана для родителей и педагогов, обучающих детей чтению. Адаптированные тексты коротких рассказов и сказок помогут вашим детям с успехом приобщиться к волшебному миру русской классической литературы. Короткие предложения набраны крупным шрифтом, слова разделены на слоги, переносы слов отсутствуют. Всё это снижает напряжение, которым неизбежно сопровождается период обучения чтению, и помогает ребёнку лучше понимать содержание текстов. Для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста.
Набор для изготовления слепков. Рамочка "Лайт" тройная, белая
Рамочка тройная раздельная с отпечатком из полимерной глины. В набор входит деревянная рамка (вставка стекло), материал для отпечатка, скалка. С помощью набора "Лайт" вы можете создать отпечаток ручки или ножки. Все что вам нужно, это раскатать с помощью скалки материал для отпечатка, затем прижать ручку или ножку ребенка. И в руках у вас нежный отпечаток вашего малыша, который всегда будет напоминать о дорогих сердцу минутах. В наборе: рамка, материал для отпечатка, скалка, картонный лист Двусторонняя клейкая бумага. В сможете украсить рамку наклейками или разрисовать с помощью акриловых красок. Размеры: Ширина - 460 мм Высота - 210 мм Толщина -20 мм Размер фотографии - 13х18 Упаковка: картонная коробка. Сделано в Китае.
Набор для изготовления слепков. Рамочка "Лайт" тройная, белая
Рамочка тройная раздельная с отпечатком из полимерной глины. В набор входит деревянная рамка (вставка стекло), материал для отпечатка, скалка. С помощью набора "Лайт" вы можете создать отпечаток ручки или ножки. Все что вам нужно, это раскатать с помощью скалки материал для отпечатка, затем прижать ручку или ножку ребенка. И в руках у вас нежный отпечаток вашего малыша, который всегда будет напоминать о дорогих сердцу минутах. В наборе: рамка, материал для отпечатка, скалка, картонный лист Двусторонняя клейкая бумага. В сможете украсить рамку наклейками или разрисовать с помощью акриловых красок. Размеры: Ширина - 460 мм Высота - 210 мм Толщина -20 мм Размер фотографии - 13х18 Упаковка: картонная коробка. Сделано в Китае.
Худошин Александр Рассказы Старца Паисия
В сборнике представлены поучения старца Паисия Афонского, пересказанные простым и понятным ребенку языком. Автор не упустил описать жизнь самого старца, а также святогорский быт. Книга рассчитана на детей возраста 6-14 лет. Рассказы сопровождены яркими и запоминающимися стихотворениями и красочными иллюстрациями. Книга станет хорошим подарком для детей и юношества.
Худошин Александр Святые дети. Рассказы для детей и юношества
В сборнике представлены рассказы о детях. Но не простых, а святых. Эти истории будут тем более интересны, поскольку написаны простым и понятным ребенку языком специально для детей 6-12 лет. Рассказы сопровождены яркими и запоминающимися стихотворениями и красочными иллюстрациями. Книга станет хорошим подарком для ребенка и рассчитана для чтения всей семьей.
My First 200 Activity Words. Colour and Learn
Bursting with a variety of colouring activities that will introduce over 200 words, this book makes learning fun for young children! There are words to read and learn, colour to copy, find and colour, follow-the-dot colouring and traditional colouring. Encourage your child to take their first steps to reading by asking him or her to point to words or pictures, and to say the first or last letter sound and then say the word. And have fun spotting the cute teddy bear who appears in six lively, busy scenes included in the book.
My First 200 Activity Words. Colour and Learn
Bursting with a variety of colouring activities that will introduce over 200 words, this book makes learning fun for young children! There are words to read and learn, colour to copy, find and colour, follow-the-dot colouring and traditional colouring. Encourage your child to take their first steps to reading by asking him or her to point to words or pictures, and to say the first or last letter sound and then say the word. And have fun spotting the cute teddy bear who appears in six lively, busy scenes included in the book.
My First 200 Vehicles. Colour and Learn
Bursting with a variety of colouring activities that will introduce over 200 words, this book makes learning fun for young children! There are words to read and learn, colour to copy, find and colour, follow-the-dot colouring and traditional colouring. Encourage your child to take their first steps to reading by asking him or her to point to words or pictures, and to say the first or last letter sound and then say the word. And have fun spotting the cute teddy bear who appears in six lively, busy scenes included in the book.
My First 200 Vehicles. Colour and Learn
Bursting with a variety of colouring activities that will introduce over 200 words, this book makes learning fun for young children! There are words to read and learn, colour to copy, find and colour, follow-the-dot colouring and traditional colouring. Encourage your child to take their first steps to reading by asking him or her to point to words or pictures, and to say the first or last letter sound and then say the word. And have fun spotting the cute teddy bear who appears in six lively, busy scenes included in the book.
Draw it! London - Activity Book
Add boats to the map of the Thames, put fish in the pelican's mouth, draw the Jurassic fossils you spot in Green Park underground station and much more! Experience weird and wonderful London with this amazing doodle book, bursting with strange facts, fun things to colour in, maps, and plenty of space to draw! The fantastic 'Draw it!' series from Sally Kindberg has weird and wonderful doodles for every occasion. Perfect for every journey, rainy afternoon or holiday, each book is packed full of fun and wacky things to draw and colour, guaranteed to get every kid from age 6-106 drawing away! Each includes over 100 stickers.
Draw it! London - Activity Book
Add boats to the map of the Thames, put fish in the pelican's mouth, draw the Jurassic fossils you spot in Green Park underground station and much more! Experience weird and wonderful London with this amazing doodle book, bursting with strange facts, fun things to colour in, maps, and plenty of space to draw! The fantastic 'Draw it!' series from Sally Kindberg has weird and wonderful doodles for every occasion. Perfect for every journey, rainy afternoon or holiday, each book is packed full of fun and wacky things to draw and colour, guaranteed to get every kid from age 6-106 drawing away! Each includes over 100 stickers.
My 1 2 3. Sticker Activity Book
A fantastic book of counting fun! A great introduction to 1-10, with beautiful illustrations and fantastic stickers. Bloomsbury Activity Books is an exciting new Bloomsbury brand designed to provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My 1 2 3. Sticker Activity Book
A fantastic book of counting fun! A great introduction to 1-10, with beautiful illustrations and fantastic stickers. Bloomsbury Activity Books is an exciting new Bloomsbury brand designed to provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My Colours. Sticker Activity Book
Can you spot the purple train? How many yellow ducks can you add to the pond? What colour are the sweets? And many more! Enjoy learning about colours with this beautiful activity book, packed full of stickers for hours of fun. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My Colours. Sticker Activity Book
Can you spot the purple train? How many yellow ducks can you add to the pond? What colour are the sweets? And many more! Enjoy learning about colours with this beautiful activity book, packed full of stickers for hours of fun. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My Enchanted Sticker Storybook
This beautiful activity book is packed full of colourful illustrations and stickers to help you write fantastic fairytales! The first sentence of every story has been written for you, but you need to decide what will happen and how your amazing tales will end. Also features two completed stories to add fun stickers to. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My Enchanted Sticker Storybook
This beautiful activity book is packed full of colourful illustrations and stickers to help you write fantastic fairytales! The first sentence of every story has been written for you, but you need to decide what will happen and how your amazing tales will end. Also features two completed stories to add fun stickers to. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My Fabulous Pink Fairy. Activity and Sticker Book
Your very own magical fairyland comes to life with fairies dancing to dressing up with activities including through the maze to the magic castle to decorating the fairy shoes. Sticker, colour, puzzle and draw fun for every little fairy! Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My Fabulous Pink Fairy. Activity and Sticker Book
Your very own magical fairyland comes to life with fairies dancing to dressing up with activities including through the maze to the magic castle to decorating the fairy shoes. Sticker, colour, puzzle and draw fun for every little fairy! Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My Fairies Sticker Storybook
This wonderful activity book is bursting with colourful illustrations and stickers to help you write your own magical fairy stories! The first sentence of every story has been written for you, but you need to decide what will happen and how your amazing tales will end. Also features two completed stories to add fun stickers to. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My Fairies Sticker Storybook
This wonderful activity book is bursting with colourful illustrations and stickers to help you write your own magical fairy stories! The first sentence of every story has been written for you, but you need to decide what will happen and how your amazing tales will end. Also features two completed stories to add fun stickers to. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My Fearless Knight. Activity and Sticker Book
Join the knights on their valiant quests. Battles, invasions and slaying dragon activities for every brave knight. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My Fearless Knight. Activity and Sticker Book
Join the knights on their valiant quests. Battles, invasions and slaying dragon activities for every brave knight. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
May Peter Compact First. Workbook with Answers. Second Edition
Highly focused preparation for the revised 2015 Cambridge English: First (FCE) course in 50-60 core hours. Compact First Second edition provides B2-level students with thorough preparation and practice needed for exam success. Ten units cover all five exam papers in a step-by-step approach. The Workbook units for homework and self-study provide further practice corresponding to the Student's Book units. Each unit has four pages of exercises which consolidate the language and exam skills presented in the Student's Book. Exercises teach students how to avoid common mistakes highlighted by the Cambridge Learner Corpus. Audio material for all the Workbook listening tasks is available online to download. A Workbook without answers is also available.
Thomas Barbara, Matthews Laura Compact First for Schools (CD)
A focused, 50-60 hour course for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam from 2015. This Class Audio CD features recordings of all listening material in Units 1-8 of the Compact First for Schools Second edition Student's Book, including sample speaking tasks. CD Duration 55:40 Second Edition.
Thomas Barbara, Matthews Laura Compact First for Schools (CD)
A focused, 50-60 hour course for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam from 2015. This Class Audio CD features recordings of all listening material in Units 1-8 of the Compact First for Schools Second edition Student's Book, including sample speaking tasks. CD Duration 55:40 Second Edition.
Thomas Barbara, Matthews Laura Compact First for Schools (CD)
A focused, 50-60 hour course for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam from 2015. This Class Audio CD features recordings of all listening material in Units 1-8 of the Compact First for Schools Second edition Student's Book, including sample speaking tasks. CD Duration 55:40 Second Edition.
Thomas Barbara, Matthews Laura Compact First for Schools. Workbook with answers
Choose an official Cambridge English course for the most authoritative exam preparation available! Compact First for Schools Second Edition is a concise and focused course which thoroughly prepares B2-level students for all four papers of the revised Cambridge English: First for Schools, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE) for Schools. Eight units provide 50-60 hours of core material to maximise the performance of school-age learners. Key features: - The Workbook provides extra practice in Reading, Writing and exam-style Listening for each unit of the Student's Book. - Recordings for the listening exercises are available as flexible MP3 downloads. - Grammar and vocabulary exercises for each unit teach students to avoid common mistakes identified in Cambridge's unique collection of real exam candidates' answers. - An eight-page Writing section provides further dedicated practice for this part of the exam.
Thomas Barbara, Matthews Laura Compact First for Schools. Workbook with answers
Choose an official Cambridge English course for the most authoritative exam preparation available! Compact First for Schools Second Edition is a concise and focused course which thoroughly prepares B2-level students for all four papers of the revised Cambridge English: First for Schools, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE) for Schools. Eight units provide 50-60 hours of core material to maximise the performance of school-age learners. Key features: - The Workbook provides extra practice in Reading, Writing and exam-style Listening for each unit of the Student's Book. - Recordings for the listening exercises are available as flexible MP3 downloads. - Grammar and vocabulary exercises for each unit teach students to avoid common mistakes identified in Cambridge's unique collection of real exam candidates' answers. - An eight-page Writing section provides further dedicated practice for this part of the exam.
Thomas Barbara, Matthews Laura Compact First for Schools Workbook without Answers. 2nd Revised edition
The course is designed to maximise the performance of school-age learners. It features eight units covering the core topics, vocabulary, grammar and skills needed for all four exam papers for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam from 2015. Two teen-inspired topics in each unit ensure the entire exam syllabus is covered, and can also act as a basis for CLIL-based extension activities and projects. Grammar sections and a Grammar Reference help students build up the accurate language structure necessary for the Use of English parts of the new Reading and Use of English paper, while B2-level vocabulary is targeted, drawing on insights from English Profile, and brought together in a Wordlist based on key vocabulary from the units. 'Exam tips', and grammar and vocabulary exercises teach students to avoid common mistakes identified in Cambridge's unique collection of real exam papers, the Cambridge Learner Corpus.
Thomas Barbara, Matthews Laura Compact First for Schools Workbook without Answers. 2nd Revised edition
The course is designed to maximise the performance of school-age learners. It features eight units covering the core topics, vocabulary, grammar and skills needed for all four exam papers for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam from 2015. Two teen-inspired topics in each unit ensure the entire exam syllabus is covered, and can also act as a basis for CLIL-based extension activities and projects. Grammar sections and a Grammar Reference help students build up the accurate language structure necessary for the Use of English parts of the new Reading and Use of English paper, while B2-level vocabulary is targeted, drawing on insights from English Profile, and brought together in a Wordlist based on key vocabulary from the units. 'Exam tips', and grammar and vocabulary exercises teach students to avoid common mistakes identified in Cambridge's unique collection of real exam papers, the Cambridge Learner Corpus.
Elliott Sue, ODell Felicity, Tiliouine Helen First for Schools Trainer. 2 Edetion. Tests with answers and Teacher's notes
Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools. First for Schools Trainer offers six practice tests for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam combined with easy-to-follow guidance and exam tips. The first two tests are fully guided with advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a bank of real candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need most help. This edition contains teachers notes and a full answer key. Audio for the listening and speaking test activities is available online for download. Audio CDs featuring the listening material are also available, separately.
Elliott Sue, ODell Felicity, Tiliouine Helen First for Schools Trainer. 2 Edetion. Tests with answers and Teacher's notes
Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools. First for Schools Trainer offers six practice tests for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam combined with easy-to-follow guidance and exam tips. The first two tests are fully guided with advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a bank of real candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need most help. This edition contains teachers notes and a full answer key. Audio for the listening and speaking test activities is available online for download. Audio CDs featuring the listening material are also available, separately.
Elliott Sue, ODell Felicity, Tiliouine Helen First for Schools Trainer. Second Edition Tests without Answears +D Rev
Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools. First for Schools Trainer offers six practice tests for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam combined with easy-to-follow guidance and exam tips. The first two tests are fully guided with advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a bank of real candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need the most help. This 'without answers' edition is ideal for class use. Audio for the listening and speaking test activities is available online for download. Audio CDs featuring the listening material are also available, separately.
Elliott Sue, ODell Felicity, Tiliouine Helen First for Schools Trainer. Second Edition Tests without Answears +D Rev
Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools. First for Schools Trainer offers six practice tests for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam combined with easy-to-follow guidance and exam tips. The first two tests are fully guided with advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a bank of real candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need the most help. This 'without answers' edition is ideal for class use. Audio for the listening and speaking test activities is available online for download. Audio CDs featuring the listening material are also available, separately.
Flounders Anne DK. Workbook. Language Arts - 1st Grade
Support the expanding communication skills of children ages 6 and 7 in DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Grade 1. Topics include long and short vowels, consonants, pronouns, past, present, and future tense, and other areas of language arts taught in a first-grade classroom. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Flounders Anne DK. Workbook. Language Arts - 1st Grade
Support the expanding communication skills of children ages 6 and 7 in DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Grade 1. Topics include long and short vowels, consonants, pronouns, past, present, and future tense, and other areas of language arts taught in a first-grade classroom. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Flounders Anne DK. Workbook. Language Arts - 1st Grade
Support the expanding communication skills of children ages 6 and 7 in DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Grade 1. Topics include long and short vowels, consonants, pronouns, past, present, and future tense, and other areas of language arts taught in a first-grade classroom. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Flounders Anne DK. Workbook. Language Arts - 2nd Grade
In DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Grade 2 second graders can practice what they learn in school with exercises on punctuation, adjectives, adverbs, simple compound sentences, and more. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Flounders Anne DK. Workbook. Language Arts - 2nd Grade
In DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Grade 2 second graders can practice what they learn in school with exercises on punctuation, adjectives, adverbs, simple compound sentences, and more. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Flounders Anne DK. Workbook. Language Arts - 2nd Grade
In DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Grade 2 second graders can practice what they learn in school with exercises on punctuation, adjectives, adverbs, simple compound sentences, and more. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
DK Workbook. Language Arts. 3rd Grade
DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Grade 3 will sharpen the language arts skills of 8 and 9 year olds. With lessons to help understand speech, reflexive pronouns, and cause and effect, plus exercises on poetry, myths, drama, and more, third graders will boost their confidence and knowledge in these subject areas. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
DK Workbook. Language Arts. 3rd Grade
DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Grade 3 will sharpen the language arts skills of 8 and 9 year olds. With lessons to help understand speech, reflexive pronouns, and cause and effect, plus exercises on poetry, myths, drama, and more, third graders will boost their confidence and knowledge in these subject areas. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
DK Workbook. Language Arts. 3rd Grade
DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Grade 3 will sharpen the language arts skills of 8 and 9 year olds. With lessons to help understand speech, reflexive pronouns, and cause and effect, plus exercises on poetry, myths, drama, and more, third graders will boost their confidence and knowledge in these subject areas. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Flounders Anne DK Workbook. Language Arts - Pre-K
Focusing on very basic principles such as the letters A to Z, rhyming, and simple verbs, DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Pre-K will help preschoolers learn and understand first language arts concepts. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Flounders Anne DK Workbook. Language Arts - Pre-K
Focusing on very basic principles such as the letters A to Z, rhyming, and simple verbs, DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Pre-K will help preschoolers learn and understand first language arts concepts. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Flounders Anne DK Workbook. Language Arts - Pre-K
Focusing on very basic principles such as the letters A to Z, rhyming, and simple verbs, DK Workbooks: Language Arts: Pre-K will help preschoolers learn and understand first language arts concepts. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Language Arts is an innovative series of home-learning language arts workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum, and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children to understand each topic, the books reinforce key concepts such as phonics, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda Math. 1st Grade
Support the expanding math skills of children ages 6 and 7 in DK Workbooks: Math: Grade 1. Topics include adding and subtracting up to twenty, symmetry, giving change, patterns, bar graphs, and other areas of math taught in a first grade classroom. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda Math. 1st Grade
Support the expanding math skills of children ages 6 and 7 in DK Workbooks: Math: Grade 1. Topics include adding and subtracting up to twenty, symmetry, giving change, patterns, bar graphs, and other areas of math taught in a first grade classroom. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda Math. 1st Grade
Support the expanding math skills of children ages 6 and 7 in DK Workbooks: Math: Grade 1. Topics include adding and subtracting up to twenty, symmetry, giving change, patterns, bar graphs, and other areas of math taught in a first grade classroom. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda Math. 2nd Grade
In DK Workbooks: Math: Grade 2, second graders can practice what they learn in school with exercises on odd and even numbers, counting in tens, measuring, adding and subtracting lengths, problem solving with money, and more. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda Math. 2nd Grade
In DK Workbooks: Math: Grade 2, second graders can practice what they learn in school with exercises on odd and even numbers, counting in tens, measuring, adding and subtracting lengths, problem solving with money, and more. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda Math. 2nd Grade
In DK Workbooks: Math: Grade 2, second graders can practice what they learn in school with exercises on odd and even numbers, counting in tens, measuring, adding and subtracting lengths, problem solving with money, and more. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda DK Workbook. Math. 3rd Grade
DK Workbooks: Math: Grade 3 will sharpen the math skills of 8 and 9 year olds. With lessons to help understand problem solving, multiplication and division, times tables, estimating, fractions and more, third graders will boost their confidence and knowledge in these subject areas. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda DK Workbook. Math. 3rd Grade
DK Workbooks: Math: Grade 3 will sharpen the math skills of 8 and 9 year olds. With lessons to help understand problem solving, multiplication and division, times tables, estimating, fractions and more, third graders will boost their confidence and knowledge in these subject areas. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda DK Workbook. Math. 3rd Grade
DK Workbooks: Math: Grade 3 will sharpen the math skills of 8 and 9 year olds. With lessons to help understand problem solving, multiplication and division, times tables, estimating, fractions and more, third graders will boost their confidence and knowledge in these subject areas. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda DK Workbook. Math Kindergarten
Perfect for children ages 5 and 6, DK Workbooks: Math: Kindergarten contains exercises on sorting objects into sets, counting to twenty, comparing shapes, writing time, and other fundamentals of math. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda DK Workbook. Math Kindergarten
Perfect for children ages 5 and 6, DK Workbooks: Math: Kindergarten contains exercises on sorting objects into sets, counting to twenty, comparing shapes, writing time, and other fundamentals of math. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda DK Workbook. Math Kindergarten
Perfect for children ages 5 and 6, DK Workbooks: Math: Kindergarten contains exercises on sorting objects into sets, counting to twenty, comparing shapes, writing time, and other fundamentals of math. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda DK Workbook. Math. Pre-K
Focusing on the very basic principles of math including counting to ten, shapes, money, and reading and writing numbers, DK Workbooks: Math: Pre-K will help preschoolers learn and understand first math concepts. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning,DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda DK Workbook. Math. Pre-K
Focusing on the very basic principles of math including counting to ten, shapes, money, and reading and writing numbers, DK Workbooks: Math: Pre-K will help preschoolers learn and understand first math concepts. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning,DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Ruggieri Linda DK Workbook. Math. Pre-K
Focusing on the very basic principles of math including counting to ten, shapes, money, and reading and writing numbers, DK Workbooks: Math: Pre-K will help preschoolers learn and understand first math concepts. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning,DK Workbooks: Math is an innovative series of home-learning math workbooks that is closely linked to school curriculum and helps make learning easy and fun! Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen what children learn in school. With clear questions and supportive illustrations to help children understand each topic, the books provide practice to reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts, such as fractions, times tables, and shapes. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Westrup Hugh Science. 3rd Grade
Third-grade science can be tricky, but DK Workbooks: Science: Grade 3 will sharpen the science skills of 8 and 9 year olds. With lessons to help understand speed, force, mass and volume, energy, the solar system, land and sea features, anatomy, and plant reproduction, third graders will boost their confidence and knowledge in these areas. Help your child move to the head of the class! DK Workbooks: Science is an innovative series of workbooks aligned to school curriculum that helps make learning easy and fun. Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen knowledge from the science lessons taught in school. Developed in consultation with curriculum experts, these science workbooks reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts such as force and motion, materials, and ecosystems. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Westrup Hugh Science. 3rd Grade
Third-grade science can be tricky, but DK Workbooks: Science: Grade 3 will sharpen the science skills of 8 and 9 year olds. With lessons to help understand speed, force, mass and volume, energy, the solar system, land and sea features, anatomy, and plant reproduction, third graders will boost their confidence and knowledge in these areas. Help your child move to the head of the class! DK Workbooks: Science is an innovative series of workbooks aligned to school curriculum that helps make learning easy and fun. Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen knowledge from the science lessons taught in school. Developed in consultation with curriculum experts, these science workbooks reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts such as force and motion, materials, and ecosystems. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Westrup Hugh Science. 3rd Grade
Third-grade science can be tricky, but DK Workbooks: Science: Grade 3 will sharpen the science skills of 8 and 9 year olds. With lessons to help understand speed, force, mass and volume, energy, the solar system, land and sea features, anatomy, and plant reproduction, third graders will boost their confidence and knowledge in these areas. Help your child move to the head of the class! DK Workbooks: Science is an innovative series of workbooks aligned to school curriculum that helps make learning easy and fun. Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen knowledge from the science lessons taught in school. Developed in consultation with curriculum experts, these science workbooks reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts such as force and motion, materials, and ecosystems. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Westrup Hugh DK Workbook. Science Kindergarten
Perfect for children ages 5 and 6, DK Workbooks: Science: Kindergarten contains exercises on changes in the weather, comparing objects, animal and plant life cycles, and other fundamentals of science. Help your child move to the head of the class! DK Workbooks: Science is an innovative series of workbooks aligned to school curriculum that helps make learning easy and fun. Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen knowledge from the science lessons taught in school. Developed in consultation with curriculum experts, these science workbooks reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts such as force and motion, materials, and ecosystems. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Westrup Hugh DK Workbook. Science Kindergarten
Perfect for children ages 5 and 6, DK Workbooks: Science: Kindergarten contains exercises on changes in the weather, comparing objects, animal and plant life cycles, and other fundamentals of science. Help your child move to the head of the class! DK Workbooks: Science is an innovative series of workbooks aligned to school curriculum that helps make learning easy and fun. Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen knowledge from the science lessons taught in school. Developed in consultation with curriculum experts, these science workbooks reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts such as force and motion, materials, and ecosystems. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Westrup Hugh DK Workbook. Science Kindergarten
Perfect for children ages 5 and 6, DK Workbooks: Science: Kindergarten contains exercises on changes in the weather, comparing objects, animal and plant life cycles, and other fundamentals of science. Help your child move to the head of the class! DK Workbooks: Science is an innovative series of workbooks aligned to school curriculum that helps make learning easy and fun. Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen knowledge from the science lessons taught in school. Developed in consultation with curriculum experts, these science workbooks reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts such as force and motion, materials, and ecosystems. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Westrup Hugh, Pranikoff Kara DK. Workbook. Science. Pre-K
Focusing on the very basic principles of science including the five senses, weather, seasons, animal babies, and more, DK Workbooks: Science: Pre-K will help preschoolers learn and understand first science concepts. Help your child move to the head of the class! DK Workbooks: Science is an innovative series of workbooks aligned to school curriculum that helps make learning easy and fun. Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen knowledge from the science lessons taught in school. Developed in consultation with curriculum experts, these science workbooks reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts such as force and motion, materials, and ecosystems. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Westrup Hugh, Pranikoff Kara DK. Workbook. Science. Pre-K
Focusing on the very basic principles of science including the five senses, weather, seasons, animal babies, and more, DK Workbooks: Science: Pre-K will help preschoolers learn and understand first science concepts. Help your child move to the head of the class! DK Workbooks: Science is an innovative series of workbooks aligned to school curriculum that helps make learning easy and fun. Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen knowledge from the science lessons taught in school. Developed in consultation with curriculum experts, these science workbooks reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts such as force and motion, materials, and ecosystems. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Westrup Hugh, Pranikoff Kara DK. Workbook. Science. Pre-K
Focusing on the very basic principles of science including the five senses, weather, seasons, animal babies, and more, DK Workbooks: Science: Pre-K will help preschoolers learn and understand first science concepts. Help your child move to the head of the class! DK Workbooks: Science is an innovative series of workbooks aligned to school curriculum that helps make learning easy and fun. Each title is packed with exercises and activities to strengthen knowledge from the science lessons taught in school. Developed in consultation with curriculum experts, these science workbooks reinforce learning and understanding of key concepts such as force and motion, materials, and ecosystems. A parents' section contains answers, tips, and guidance to provide support, and a certificate of achievement will reinforce confidence in kids by rewarding their accomplishments. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
Sirett Dawn Animals
My Little Carry Book Animals introduces 10 favorite animals, with charming photographs and informative rhyming text. A fluffy duckling, furry dog, tiny tree frog, prowling tiger, and six more lovable creatures are featured separately throughout the book and then together in the end, reinforcing what has been learned. Featuring easy-grip, die-cut handles, these all-new board books are just the right size for toddlers to carry and take the fun of DK books around with them wherever they go!
Sirett Dawn Animals
My Little Carry Book Animals introduces 10 favorite animals, with charming photographs and informative rhyming text. A fluffy duckling, furry dog, tiny tree frog, prowling tiger, and six more lovable creatures are featured separately throughout the book and then together in the end, reinforcing what has been learned. Featuring easy-grip, die-cut handles, these all-new board books are just the right size for toddlers to carry and take the fun of DK books around with them wherever they go!
Sirett Dawn Animals
My Little Carry Book Animals introduces 10 favorite animals, with charming photographs and informative rhyming text. A fluffy duckling, furry dog, tiny tree frog, prowling tiger, and six more lovable creatures are featured separately throughout the book and then together in the end, reinforcing what has been learned. Featuring easy-grip, die-cut handles, these all-new board books are just the right size for toddlers to carry and take the fun of DK books around with them wherever they go!
1 2 3
Make learning early number games fun with Touch and Feel 123. Twinkly, bumpy, scaly, silky, sandy, sticky and shiny textures in a chunky package will help your child discover and enjoy early number games. Help them learn to count 1-2-3 and let their little hands roam and feel the numbers as well as read them. Read it together - they'll learn as you play. Touch and Feel 123 is a new Touch and Feel chunky padded board book that will help encourage your child's early learning and language. It is perfect for encouraging tiny fingers to explore and great for sensory development.
1 2 3
Make learning early number games fun with Touch and Feel 123. Twinkly, bumpy, scaly, silky, sandy, sticky and shiny textures in a chunky package will help your child discover and enjoy early number games. Help them learn to count 1-2-3 and let their little hands roam and feel the numbers as well as read them. Read it together - they'll learn as you play. Touch and Feel 123 is a new Touch and Feel chunky padded board book that will help encourage your child's early learning and language. It is perfect for encouraging tiny fingers to explore and great for sensory development.
1 2 3
Make learning early number games fun with Touch and Feel 123. Twinkly, bumpy, scaly, silky, sandy, sticky and shiny textures in a chunky package will help your child discover and enjoy early number games. Help them learn to count 1-2-3 and let their little hands roam and feel the numbers as well as read them. Read it together - they'll learn as you play. Touch and Feel 123 is a new Touch and Feel chunky padded board book that will help encourage your child's early learning and language. It is perfect for encouraging tiny fingers to explore and great for sensory development.
This title helps you learn all about the alphabet with touch and feel textures in this chunky board book. You can learn your ABC with the twinkly, bumpy, scaly, silky, sandy, sticky and shiny textures in a chunky package that will help your child discover all about the alphabet. A is for apple - but how does it feel? Touch the skin on C (for crocodile) - it's bumpy! Let their little hands roam, read it together - they'll learn as they play. These Touch and Feel chunky padded board books will help encourage your child's early learning and language. It is perfect for encouraging tiny fingers to explore and great for sensory development.
This title helps you learn all about the alphabet with touch and feel textures in this chunky board book. You can learn your ABC with the twinkly, bumpy, scaly, silky, sandy, sticky and shiny textures in a chunky package that will help your child discover all about the alphabet. A is for apple - but how does it feel? Touch the skin on C (for crocodile) - it's bumpy! Let their little hands roam, read it together - they'll learn as they play. These Touch and Feel chunky padded board books will help encourage your child's early learning and language. It is perfect for encouraging tiny fingers to explore and great for sensory development.
This title helps you learn all about the alphabet with touch and feel textures in this chunky board book. You can learn your ABC with the twinkly, bumpy, scaly, silky, sandy, sticky and shiny textures in a chunky package that will help your child discover all about the alphabet. A is for apple - but how does it feel? Touch the skin on C (for crocodile) - it's bumpy! Let their little hands roam, read it together - they'll learn as they play. These Touch and Feel chunky padded board books will help encourage your child's early learning and language. It is perfect for encouraging tiny fingers to explore and great for sensory development.
Blount Jr. Roy Alphabet Juice
After forty years of making a living using words in every medium except greeting cards, Blount Jr. still can't get over his ABCs. In Alphabet Juice, he celebrates the juju, the crackle, the sonic and kinetic energies, of letters and their combinations. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, but he is not out to prescribe proper English. His passion is for questions such as these: Did you know that both mammal and matter derive from baby talk? Have you noticed how wince makes you wince? Three and a half centuries ago, Thomas Blount produced his Glossographia, the first dictionary to explore derivations of English words. This Blount's Glossographia takes that pursuit to new levels. From sources as venerable as the OED and as fresh as Urbandictionary.com, and especially from the author's own wide-ranging experience, Alphabet Juice derives an organic take on language that is unlike, and more fun than, any other.
Blount Jr. Roy Alphabet Juice
After forty years of making a living using words in every medium except greeting cards, Blount Jr. still can't get over his ABCs. In Alphabet Juice, he celebrates the juju, the crackle, the sonic and kinetic energies, of letters and their combinations. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, but he is not out to prescribe proper English. His passion is for questions such as these: Did you know that both mammal and matter derive from baby talk? Have you noticed how wince makes you wince? Three and a half centuries ago, Thomas Blount produced his Glossographia, the first dictionary to explore derivations of English words. This Blount's Glossographia takes that pursuit to new levels. From sources as venerable as the OED and as fresh as Urbandictionary.com, and especially from the author's own wide-ranging experience, Alphabet Juice derives an organic take on language that is unlike, and more fun than, any other.
Blount Jr. Roy Alphabet Juice
After forty years of making a living using words in every medium except greeting cards, Blount Jr. still can't get over his ABCs. In Alphabet Juice, he celebrates the juju, the crackle, the sonic and kinetic energies, of letters and their combinations. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, but he is not out to prescribe proper English. His passion is for questions such as these: Did you know that both mammal and matter derive from baby talk? Have you noticed how wince makes you wince? Three and a half centuries ago, Thomas Blount produced his Glossographia, the first dictionary to explore derivations of English words. This Blount's Glossographia takes that pursuit to new levels. From sources as venerable as the OED and as fresh as Urbandictionary.com, and especially from the author's own wide-ranging experience, Alphabet Juice derives an organic take on language that is unlike, and more fun than, any other.
Jackman John At Home With English. Age 7-9
Build your child's confidence at school through practising at home. This English workbook is written by teachers. The step-by-step activities support primary teaching in school. Clear instructions and varied tasks enable your child to enjoy improving their key skills independently.
Jackman John At Home With English. Age 7-9
Build your child's confidence at school through practising at home. This English workbook is written by teachers. The step-by-step activities support primary teaching in school. Clear instructions and varied tasks enable your child to enjoy improving their key skills independently.
Irwin Janet At Home With French. Age 7-9
The Art Home With workbooks provide step-by-step activities for your child to do at home. Each workbook follows curriculum requirements and, through fun activities, encourages your child to practise their key skills. - Easy-to-read instructions to simple tasks; - Colour illustrations make learning fun; - Hours of activities to engross your child. Boost your child's confidence at school with the test booklet and gold star reward stickers.
Irwin Janet At Home With French. Age 7-9
The Art Home With workbooks provide step-by-step activities for your child to do at home. Each workbook follows curriculum requirements and, through fun activities, encourages your child to practise their key skills. - Easy-to-read instructions to simple tasks; - Colour illustrations make learning fun; - Hours of activities to engross your child. Boost your child's confidence at school with the test booklet and gold star reward stickers.
Куприянов Вячеслав Глебович, Месяц Вадим, Вебер Вальдемар Журнал "Плавучий мост" №3. 2014. Журнал современной русской и переводной поэзии
Журнал современной русской и переводной поэзии "Плавучий мост" является изданием некоммерческим, издаётся на личные средства его создателей, а также при содействии и участии издательств "Водолей", Москва и "Werlag an der Vertach" Augsburg. Журнал не зависит от вкусов и пристрастий одного человека, его готовит группа редакторов, каждый из которых работает автономно. Наряду с постоянным редакторским составом, в его подготовке принимает участие также гостевой редактор, сменяющийся с каждым последующим выпуском журнала.
Куприянов Вячеслав Глебович, Месяц Вадим, Вебер Вальдемар Журнал "Плавучий мост" №3. 2014. Журнал современной русской и переводной поэзии
Журнал современной русской и переводной поэзии "Плавучий мост" является изданием некоммерческим, издаётся на личные средства его создателей, а также при содействии и участии издательств "Водолей", Москва и "Werlag an der Vertach" Augsburg. Журнал не зависит от вкусов и пристрастий одного человека, его готовит группа редакторов, каждый из которых работает автономно. Наряду с постоянным редакторским составом, в его подготовке принимает участие также гостевой редактор, сменяющийся с каждым последующим выпуском журнала.
Куприянов Вячеслав Глебович, Месяц Вадим, Вебер Вальдемар Журнал "Плавучий мост" №3. 2014. Журнал современной русской и переводной поэзии
Журнал современной русской и переводной поэзии "Плавучий мост" является изданием некоммерческим, издаётся на личные средства его создателей, а также при содействии и участии издательств "Водолей", Москва и "Werlag an der Vertach" Augsburg. Журнал не зависит от вкусов и пристрастий одного человека, его готовит группа редакторов, каждый из которых работает автономно. Наряду с постоянным редакторским составом, в его подготовке принимает участие также гостевой редактор, сменяющийся с каждым последующим выпуском журнала.
Куприянов Вячеслав Глебович, Месяц Вадим, Вебер Вальдемар Журнал "Плавучий мост" №3. 2014. Журнал современной русской и переводной поэзии
Журнал современной русской и переводной поэзии "Плавучий мост" является изданием некоммерческим, издаётся на личные средства его создателей, а также при содействии и участии издательств "Водолей", Москва и "Werlag an der Vertach" Augsburg. Журнал не зависит от вкусов и пристрастий одного человека, его готовит группа редакторов, каждый из которых работает автономно. Наряду с постоянным редакторским составом, в его подготовке принимает участие также гостевой редактор, сменяющийся с каждым последующим выпуском журнала.
Куприянов Вячеслав Глебович, Месяц Вадим, Вебер Вальдемар Журнал "Плавучий мост" №3. 2014. Журнал современной русской и переводной поэзии
Журнал современной русской и переводной поэзии "Плавучий мост" является изданием некоммерческим, издаётся на личные средства его создателей, а также при содействии и участии издательств "Водолей", Москва и "Werlag an der Vertach" Augsburg. Журнал не зависит от вкусов и пристрастий одного человека, его готовит группа редакторов, каждый из которых работает автономно. Наряду с постоянным редакторским составом, в его подготовке принимает участие также гостевой редактор, сменяющийся с каждым последующим выпуском журнала.
Collins. Student World Atlas + CD
A new and extended edition of a vital tool for students, with new topics including world agriculture, world climate change, low and middle economic developing countries, and ecological footprint Although specifically designed for students aged 14-16 years, the well-researched uncluttered design of this reference makes it suitable for all students. This edition has been extensively revised, updated, and extended with up-to-date reference and thematic mapping, mapping skills, country-by-country statistics, and a fully comprehensive index to all names appearing on reference maps. All maps have been fully updated using the latest statistical information available, while the inclusion of a selective list of web addresses on each thematic page ensures students are motivated to explore more deeply into a topic. High quality satellite imagery, selectively used within special topic or study areas, supports data on the maps and is used to illustrate key environmental issues. Extensive lists of statistics for demographic and socioeconomic facts provide up-to-date data for students wishing to create their own graphs to support individual geography, tourism, mathematics, economics, or IT projects.
Defoe Daniel, Стивенсон Роберт Льюис Adventure Classics for Boys
Three classic, timeless yarns to fill young readers' minds with action, adventure, and possibility-abridged for easy reading In Robinson Crusoe, Crusoe is stranded on an island, totally isolated, until 24 years later when he unexpectedly meets another human. Jim Hawkins finds a treasure map in Treasure Island, and sets off in search of buried treasure, but treacherous Long John Silver has other ideas for the treasure. In Kidnapped, David Balfour leaves Scotland to seek his fame and fortune, but upon meeting a mysterious relative, dark family secrets are uncovered. Retold and abridged for younger readers.
Defoe Daniel, Стивенсон Роберт Льюис Adventure Classics for Boys
Three classic, timeless yarns to fill young readers' minds with action, adventure, and possibility-abridged for easy reading In Robinson Crusoe, Crusoe is stranded on an island, totally isolated, until 24 years later when he unexpectedly meets another human. Jim Hawkins finds a treasure map in Treasure Island, and sets off in search of buried treasure, but treacherous Long John Silver has other ideas for the treasure. In Kidnapped, David Balfour leaves Scotland to seek his fame and fortune, but upon meeting a mysterious relative, dark family secrets are uncovered. Retold and abridged for younger readers.
Little Red Riding-Hood and Other Stories
Not everyone is happy at the end of the classic "Little Red Riding-Hood" (and we're thinking of the wolf, here), but Grandma and Little Red are "not much the worse for wear" in this droll telling. Here too are "Puss in Boots"; "The Three Wishes"; and "The Musicians of Bremen." Taken from The Macmillan Treasury of Nursery Stories, this collection of folk tales and fairy tales for all ages features Anna Currey's sweet-faced, finely detailed watercolor cartoons accompanying faithful retellings by Mary Hoffman, a nominee for Britain's Children's Laureate post, 2011-2013.
Little Red Riding-Hood and Other Stories
Not everyone is happy at the end of the classic "Little Red Riding-Hood" (and we're thinking of the wolf, here), but Grandma and Little Red are "not much the worse for wear" in this droll telling. Here too are "Puss in Boots"; "The Three Wishes"; and "The Musicians of Bremen." Taken from The Macmillan Treasury of Nursery Stories, this collection of folk tales and fairy tales for all ages features Anna Currey's sweet-faced, finely detailed watercolor cartoons accompanying faithful retellings by Mary Hoffman, a nominee for Britain's Children's Laureate post, 2011-2013.
Meddaugh Susan Martha Speaks (+CD)
When Helen Finney feeds alphabet soup to her dog Martha, Martha begins to speak. But having a talking dog is not as fun as it seems. When she wins a call-in radio contest, Martha the talking dog and her family go for a vacation and manage to change the "no dogs allowed" policy.
Meddaugh Susan Martha Speaks (+CD)
When Helen Finney feeds alphabet soup to her dog Martha, Martha begins to speak. But having a talking dog is not as fun as it seems. When she wins a call-in radio contest, Martha the talking dog and her family go for a vacation and manage to change the "no dogs allowed" policy.
Stevens Satia, Gaines Isabel Winnie the Pooh: Easter Egg Read-Along Storybook (+CD)
It's spring in the Hundred-Acre Woods, and Winnie the Pooh is going on an Easter-egg hunt. There are many different parts of the Wood to explore, and much fun to be had, in this Easter-themed storybook. With a read-along CD that features charming narration, plus the voices of the beloved characters and dazzling sound effects, this book and CD make the perfect holiday gift!
Stevens Satia, Gaines Isabel Winnie the Pooh: Easter Egg Read-Along Storybook (+CD)
It's spring in the Hundred-Acre Woods, and Winnie the Pooh is going on an Easter-egg hunt. There are many different parts of the Wood to explore, and much fun to be had, in this Easter-themed storybook. With a read-along CD that features charming narration, plus the voices of the beloved characters and dazzling sound effects, this book and CD make the perfect holiday gift!
Marsoli Lisa Ann Winnie the Pooh. Out of Bounce
Tigger is determined to teach his friends in the Hundred-Acre Wood how to bounce, and sets to work with his usual enthusiasm-but his first lesson turns out to be his last when his entire class bounces clean out of sight! Bounce along with Tigger and his friends in this delightful die-cut board book.
Marsoli Lisa Ann Winnie the Pooh. Out of Bounce
Tigger is determined to teach his friends in the Hundred-Acre Wood how to bounce, and sets to work with his usual enthusiasm-but his first lesson turns out to be his last when his entire class bounces clean out of sight! Bounce along with Tigger and his friends in this delightful die-cut board book.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Day of Sweet Surprises (+CD)
Pooh is on a mission to feed his very rumbly tummy when he discovers poor Eeyore has lost his tail. The friends look high and low, but their search takes another turn when it appears Christopher Robin is also in need of their help. Join them on a lively adventure that takes some hilarious- and positively surprising-twists and turns! Adapted by Lisa Ann Marsoli.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Day of Sweet Surprises (+CD)
Pooh is on a mission to feed his very rumbly tummy when he discovers poor Eeyore has lost his tail. The friends look high and low, but their search takes another turn when it appears Christopher Robin is also in need of their help. Join them on a lively adventure that takes some hilarious- and positively surprising-twists and turns! Adapted by Lisa Ann Marsoli.
Willems Mo We Are in a Book!
Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald and Piggie are best friends. In We Are in a Book! Gerald and Piggie discover the joy of being read. But what will happen when the book ends? Using vocabulary perfect for beginning readers (and vetted by an early-learning specialist), Mo Willems has crafted a mind-bending story that is even more interactive than previous Elephant & Piggie adventures. Fans of the Geisel Award-winning duo won't be able to put this book down--literally!
Willems Mo We Are in a Book!
Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald and Piggie are best friends. In We Are in a Book! Gerald and Piggie discover the joy of being read. But what will happen when the book ends? Using vocabulary perfect for beginning readers (and vetted by an early-learning specialist), Mo Willems has crafted a mind-bending story that is even more interactive than previous Elephant & Piggie adventures. Fans of the Geisel Award-winning duo won't be able to put this book down--literally!
Fancy Nancy. Heart to Heart
Almost everything about Valentine's Day is fancy... especially with Fancy Nancy! Mystery is in the air when Nancy receives a valentine from a secret someone. Join Nancy as she follows the clues to find out who it is-all in her trademark fabulous style, of course. Gorgeous stickers included!
Fancy Nancy. Heart to Heart
Almost everything about Valentine's Day is fancy... especially with Fancy Nancy! Mystery is in the air when Nancy receives a valentine from a secret someone. Join Nancy as she follows the clues to find out who it is-all in her trademark fabulous style, of course. Gorgeous stickers included!
Clarkson Stephanie Peppa Pig. The Official Annual 2015
The Official Peppa Pig Annual 2015 is packed! With two new stories, puzzles, activities and much more, it is the ultimate stocking-filler for Peppa fans. It is based on the award-winning Peppa Pig animation. There are lots more Peppa Pig books from Ladybird for you to enjoy including: The Big Tale of Little Peppa, Peppa's Big Race and many more.
Clarkson Stephanie Peppa Pig. The Official Annual 2015
The Official Peppa Pig Annual 2015 is packed! With two new stories, puzzles, activities and much more, it is the ultimate stocking-filler for Peppa fans. It is based on the award-winning Peppa Pig animation. There are lots more Peppa Pig books from Ladybird for you to enjoy including: The Big Tale of Little Peppa, Peppa's Big Race and many more.
Peppa Pig: Daddy Pig's Old Chair
This is a Peppa Pig story. Madame Gazelle is having a jumble sale to raise money for a new school roof. What does Daddy Pig buy? Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling reading series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills. Each Read it yourself book is very carefully written to include many key, high-frequency words that are vital for learning to read, as well as a limited number of story words that are introduced and practised throughout. Simple sentences and frequently repeated words help to build the confidence of beginner readers and the four different levels of books support children all the way from very first reading practice through to independent, fluent reading. Each book has been carefully checked by educational consultants and can be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school. Further content includes comprehension puzzles, helpful notes for parents, carers and teachers, and book band information for use in schools. Peppa Pig: Daddy Pig's Old Chair is a Level 1 Read it yourself book, suitable for very early readers who are ready to take their first steps in reading real stories. Each simple story uses a small number of frequently repeated words.
Peppa Pig: Daddy Pig's Old Chair
This is a Peppa Pig story. Madame Gazelle is having a jumble sale to raise money for a new school roof. What does Daddy Pig buy? Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling reading series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read develop and improve their reading skills. Each Read it yourself book is very carefully written to include many key, high-frequency words that are vital for learning to read, as well as a limited number of story words that are introduced and practised throughout. Simple sentences and frequently repeated words help to build the confidence of beginner readers and the four different levels of books support children all the way from very first reading practice through to independent, fluent reading. Each book has been carefully checked by educational consultants and can be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school. Further content includes comprehension puzzles, helpful notes for parents, carers and teachers, and book band information for use in schools. Peppa Pig: Daddy Pig's Old Chair is a Level 1 Read it yourself book, suitable for very early readers who are ready to take their first steps in reading real stories. Each simple story uses a small number of frequently repeated words.
Пивень Марина Анри Матисс
Перед вами первая книжка из серии "Рисуем с художниками", которая не только знакомит детей с величайшими мастерами живописи, но и предлагает попробовать свои силы в разных видах изобразительного искусства. Герой этой книги - великий французский художник Анри Матисс - живописец, график, мастер декоративного искусства. Автор книги Марина Пивень - кандидат искусствоведения, старший научный сотрудник НИИ теории и истории изобразительных искусств Российской академии художеств.
Визнер Хеннинг Большая книга о животных. Рассказы директора зоопарка
В основу этой книги легли многолетние наблюдения директора зоопарка за животными и активная работа по защите природы и сохранению редких видов зверей и птиц. О самых разных животных - домашних, диких, редких и даже ископаемых, тех, что вымерли много веков назад, - автор книги рассказывает подробно и увлекательно, а рисунки и схемы помогают лучше представить себе жизнь животных, их повадки и происхождение. Главная задача этой книги - пробудить познавательный интерес детей и взрослых к миру природы. Для среднего школьного возраста.
Сказки диких зверей
На этот раз к каравану сказок присоединились дикие звери и птицы: тигр, рысь, леопард и другие свирепые хищники. Но не надо бояться! Ведь не испугался же маленький поросёнок злого голодного волка в американской сказке, южноафриканский страус сумел одолеть хищную львицу, а петух побратался с зубастым крокодилом. Среди сказочных зверей встречаются хитрые и простодушные, трусливые и отважные, самолюбивые и благородные. Одни вызывают восхищение, как бесстрашная скопа, избранная правителем птиц, другие заставляют смеяться, как гусеница из сказки масаев, - она хвастает, что сможет свернуть голову слону, носорогу и шакалу, но удирает прочь, испугавшись лягушки! Составитель: Пленар М. Для чтения взрослыми детям.

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