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Леонтьев Д. В. Живой мир
Энциклопедия рассказывает о разнообразии живой природы всех континентов и природных зон. Самые удивительные и наиболее характерные представители животного и растительного царств, населяющие нашу планету от Приполярья до пустынь и от Америки до Австралии, описаны в отдельных статьях, характеризующих их облик и образ жизни. Всего в энциклопедии описано более 700 живых организмов, каждый из которых проиллюстрирован яркими рисунками и качественными фотографиями, дающими о них наиболее полное представление. Энциклопедия рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
Ларионова Марина Владимировна, Гонсалес-Фернандес Алисия, Царева Наталья Ивановна Испанский язык с элементами делового общения для начинающих. Учебник для бакалавров
Учебник является первой из четырех книг, объединенных названием Esp@nol.hoy, и ориентирован на формирование начальных умений и навыков общения по-испански в учебно-профессиональной и социально-культурной сферах, приобретение грамматических и лексических знаний, необходимых для успешной коммуникации и соответствующих уровням A1 A2 языковой компетенции. Учебник направлен на решение двойной задачи: научить владению испанским языком в рамках основных лексических тем социально-бытовой сферы и познакомить с особенностями языка делового общения. Учебник состоит из 18 уроков, которые строятся на неадаптированных текстах современных испанских авторов. Каждый урок включает грамматический и лексический разделы, речевые и разговорные задания, а также тематический цикл Деловой испанский язык. Содержание учебника соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту высшего профессионального образования третьего поколения и методическим требованиям, предъявляемым к учебным изданиям. Для студентов языковых и неязыковых вузов, курсов иностранных языков, широкого круга лиц, интересующихся культурой испаноязычных стран, а также для самостоятельного обучения. 3-е издание, исправленное.
Ларионова Марина Владимировна, Гонсалес-Фернандес Алисия, Царева Наталья Ивановна Испанский язык с элементами делового общения для начинающих. Учебник для бакалавров
Учебник является первой из четырех книг, объединенных названием Esp@nol.hoy, и ориентирован на формирование начальных умений и навыков общения по-испански в учебно-профессиональной и социально-культурной сферах, приобретение грамматических и лексических знаний, необходимых для успешной коммуникации и соответствующих уровням A1 A2 языковой компетенции. Учебник направлен на решение двойной задачи: научить владению испанским языком в рамках основных лексических тем социально-бытовой сферы и познакомить с особенностями языка делового общения. Учебник состоит из 18 уроков, которые строятся на неадаптированных текстах современных испанских авторов. Каждый урок включает грамматический и лексический разделы, речевые и разговорные задания, а также тематический цикл Деловой испанский язык. Содержание учебника соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту высшего профессионального образования третьего поколения и методическим требованиям, предъявляемым к учебным изданиям. Для студентов языковых и неязыковых вузов, курсов иностранных языков, широкого круга лиц, интересующихся культурой испаноязычных стран, а также для самостоятельного обучения. 3-е издание, исправленное.
Гонсалес-Фернандес Алисия, Ларионова Марина Владимировна, Царева Наталья Ивановна Испанский язык с элементами делового общения для продолжающих. Учебник для бакалавров
Книга является продолжением учебника Esp@nol.hoy. Niveles A1 A2. Испанский язык с элементами делового общения для начина ющих М. В. Ларионовой, Н. И. Царевой, А. Гонсалес-Фернандес. Это новое, оригинальное учебное издание, направленное на решение двойной задачи: развить и закрепить навыки общения в рамках основных лексических тем социально-бытовой сферы, а также расширить знакомство с особенностями делового языка с помощью широкого круга тем из области экономики и сферы бизнеса. Учебник развивает уникальные традиции русской школы преподавания испанского языка, сочетая их с опытом передовых иностранных методик. Содержание учебника соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту высшего профессионального образования третьего поколения и методическим требованиям, предъявляемым к учебным изданиям. Для студентов языковых и неязыковых вузов, курсов иностранных языков, широкого круга лиц, интересующихся культурой испаноязычных стран, а также для самостоятельного обучения. 2-е издание, исправленное.
Гонсалес-Фернандес Алисия, Ларионова Марина Владимировна, Царева Наталья Ивановна Испанский язык с элементами делового общения для продолжающих. Учебник для бакалавров
Книга является продолжением учебника Esp@nol.hoy. Niveles A1 A2. Испанский язык с элементами делового общения для начина ющих М. В. Ларионовой, Н. И. Царевой, А. Гонсалес-Фернандес. Это новое, оригинальное учебное издание, направленное на решение двойной задачи: развить и закрепить навыки общения в рамках основных лексических тем социально-бытовой сферы, а также расширить знакомство с особенностями делового языка с помощью широкого круга тем из области экономики и сферы бизнеса. Учебник развивает уникальные традиции русской школы преподавания испанского языка, сочетая их с опытом передовых иностранных методик. Содержание учебника соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту высшего профессионального образования третьего поколения и методическим требованиям, предъявляемым к учебным изданиям. Для студентов языковых и неязыковых вузов, курсов иностранных языков, широкого круга лиц, интересующихся культурой испаноязычных стран, а также для самостоятельного обучения. 2-е издание, исправленное.
Святловская Евгения Александровна Английский язык. 3 класс. Аудиоприложение к УМК "Английский язык. 4 класс (2-й год обучения)"
Аудиоприложение к учебно-методическому комплекту "Английский язык. 3 класс (2-й год обучения)". Автор Е.А. Святловская.
Святловская Евгения Александровна Английский язык. 3 класс. Аудиоприложение к УМК "Английский язык. 4 класс (2-й год обучения)"
Аудиоприложение к учебно-методическому комплекту "Английский язык. 3 класс (2-й год обучения)". Автор Е.А. Святловская.
Святловская Евгения Александровна Английский язык. 3 класс. Аудиоприложение к УМК "Английский язык. 4 класс (2-й год обучения)"
Аудиоприложение к учебно-методическому комплекту "Английский язык. 3 класс (2-й год обучения)". Автор Е.А. Святловская.
Святловская Евгения Александровна Английский язык. 4 класс. Аудиоприложение к УМК "Английский язык. 4 класс (3-й год обучения)"
Аудиоприложение к учебно-методическому комплекту "Английский язык. 4 класс (3-й год обучения)". Автор Е.А. Святловская.
Святловская Евгения Александровна Английский язык. 4 класс. Аудиоприложение к УМК "Английский язык. 4 класс (3-й год обучения)"
Аудиоприложение к учебно-методическому комплекту "Английский язык. 4 класс (3-й год обучения)". Автор Е.А. Святловская.
Святловская Евгения Александровна Английский язык. 4 класс. Аудиоприложение к УМК "Английский язык. 4 класс (3-й год обучения)"
Аудиоприложение к учебно-методическому комплекту "Английский язык. 4 класс (3-й год обучения)". Автор Е.А. Святловская.
Алексеев Сергей Владимирович, Груздева Наталья Владимировна, Гущина Эльвира Васильевна Экологический практикум школьника. Методическое пособие для учителя
Методическое пособие входит в учебно-методический комплект элективного курса для старшей профильной школы "Экологический практикум школьника".
Алексеев Сергей Владимирович, Груздева Наталья Владимировна, Гущина Эльвира Васильевна Экологический практикум школьника. Методическое пособие для учителя
Методическое пособие входит в учебно-методический комплект элективного курса для старшей профильной школы "Экологический практикум школьника".
Алексеев Сергей Владимирович, Груздева Наталья Владимировна, Гущина Эльвира Васильевна Экологический практикум школьника. Методическое пособие для учителя
Методическое пособие входит в учебно-методический комплект элективного курса для старшей профильной школы "Экологический практикум школьника".
Аргинская Ирэн Ильинична Математика. 3-4 классы. Примерное планирование уроков
Данное методическое пособие приводит варианты примерного планирования уроков математики для 3 и 4 классов и адресовано учителям, работающим по системе развивающего обучения Л.В. Занкова. Планирование уроков математики дано: - к учебнику "Математика. 3 класс" (авторы И.И. Аргинская, Е.И. Ивановская) и тетрадям "Математика. 3 класс": В 3 частях (авторы Е.П. Бененсон, Л.С. Итина). Самара: Корпорация "Федоров", 2002; - учебнику "Математика. 4 класс" (авторы И.И. Аргинская, Е.И. Ивановская) и тетрадям "Математика. 4 класс": В 2 частях (авторы Е.П. Бененсон, Л.С. Итина). Самара: Корпорация "Федоров", 2002. В последующие издания этих учебников и тетрадей авторами были внесены небольшие изменения, однако предлагаемые варианты планирования вполне применимы и при работе с ними.
Аргинская Ирэн Ильинична Математика. 3-4 классы. Примерное планирование уроков
Данное методическое пособие приводит варианты примерного планирования уроков математики для 3 и 4 классов и адресовано учителям, работающим по системе развивающего обучения Л.В. Занкова. Планирование уроков математики дано: - к учебнику "Математика. 3 класс" (авторы И.И. Аргинская, Е.И. Ивановская) и тетрадям "Математика. 3 класс": В 3 частях (авторы Е.П. Бененсон, Л.С. Итина). Самара: Корпорация "Федоров", 2002; - учебнику "Математика. 4 класс" (авторы И.И. Аргинская, Е.И. Ивановская) и тетрадям "Математика. 4 класс": В 2 частях (авторы Е.П. Бененсон, Л.С. Итина). Самара: Корпорация "Федоров", 2002. В последующие издания этих учебников и тетрадей авторами были внесены небольшие изменения, однако предлагаемые варианты планирования вполне применимы и при работе с ними.
Аргинская Ирэн Ильинична Математика. 3-4 классы. Примерное планирование уроков
Данное методическое пособие приводит варианты примерного планирования уроков математики для 3 и 4 классов и адресовано учителям, работающим по системе развивающего обучения Л.В. Занкова. Планирование уроков математики дано: - к учебнику "Математика. 3 класс" (авторы И.И. Аргинская, Е.И. Ивановская) и тетрадям "Математика. 3 класс": В 3 частях (авторы Е.П. Бененсон, Л.С. Итина). Самара: Корпорация "Федоров", 2002; - учебнику "Математика. 4 класс" (авторы И.И. Аргинская, Е.И. Ивановская) и тетрадям "Математика. 4 класс": В 2 частях (авторы Е.П. Бененсон, Л.С. Итина). Самара: Корпорация "Федоров", 2002. В последующие издания этих учебников и тетрадей авторами были внесены небольшие изменения, однако предлагаемые варианты планирования вполне применимы и при работе с ними.
Аргинская Ирэн Ильинична Математика. 3-4 классы. Примерное планирование уроков
Данное методическое пособие приводит варианты примерного планирования уроков математики для 3 и 4 классов и адресовано учителям, работающим по системе развивающего обучения Л.В. Занкова. Планирование уроков математики дано: - к учебнику "Математика. 3 класс" (авторы И.И. Аргинская, Е.И. Ивановская) и тетрадям "Математика. 3 класс": В 3 частях (авторы Е.П. Бененсон, Л.С. Итина). Самара: Корпорация "Федоров", 2002; - учебнику "Математика. 4 класс" (авторы И.И. Аргинская, Е.И. Ивановская) и тетрадям "Математика. 4 класс": В 2 частях (авторы Е.П. Бененсон, Л.С. Итина). Самара: Корпорация "Федоров", 2002. В последующие издания этих учебников и тетрадей авторами были внесены небольшие изменения, однако предлагаемые варианты планирования вполне применимы и при работе с ними.
Аргинская Ирэн Ильинична Методическое пособие к учебнику "Математика. 4 класс" И.И. Аргинской
Методическое пособие к учебнику И.И. Аргинской, Е.И. Ивановской, С.Н. Кормишиной "Математика. 4 класс" предназначено для учителей, работающих по системе развивающего обучения Л.В. Занкова. Основная часть пособия написана И.И. Аргинской - автором концепции курса "Математика" для начальной школы в системе Л.В. Занкова. Материал по заданиям рабочих тетрадей подготовлен Е.П. Бененсон. В работе над новым изданием пособия приняли участие соавтор учебника 4 класса С.Н. Кормишина и кандидат педагогических наук О.В. Федоскина.
Аргинская Ирэн Ильинична Методическое пособие к учебнику "Математика. 4 класс" И.И. Аргинской
Методическое пособие к учебнику И.И. Аргинской, Е.И. Ивановской, С.Н. Кормишиной "Математика. 4 класс" предназначено для учителей, работающих по системе развивающего обучения Л.В. Занкова. Основная часть пособия написана И.И. Аргинской - автором концепции курса "Математика" для начальной школы в системе Л.В. Занкова. Материал по заданиям рабочих тетрадей подготовлен Е.П. Бененсон. В работе над новым изданием пособия приняли участие соавтор учебника 4 класса С.Н. Кормишина и кандидат педагогических наук О.В. Федоскина.
Аргинская Ирэн Ильинична Методическое пособие к учебнику "Математика. 4 класс" И.И. Аргинской
Методическое пособие к учебнику И.И. Аргинской, Е.И. Ивановской, С.Н. Кормишиной "Математика. 4 класс" предназначено для учителей, работающих по системе развивающего обучения Л.В. Занкова. Основная часть пособия написана И.И. Аргинской - автором концепции курса "Математика" для начальной школы в системе Л.В. Занкова. Материал по заданиям рабочих тетрадей подготовлен Е.П. Бененсон. В работе над новым изданием пособия приняли участие соавтор учебника 4 класса С.Н. Кормишина и кандидат педагогических наук О.В. Федоскина.
Никонова М. А., Бахчиева Ольга Александровна, Шилина И.Б. Основы географии: Учебник для 5-6 класса
Учебник. "Основы географии" предназначен для учащихся 5 класса, обучающихся по системе Занкова, или учащихся 6 класса общеобразовательных школ и гимназий. В учебнике дан общий обзор компонентов географической оболочки: литосферы, гидросферы, атмосферы, биосферы. Рассмотрены их строение и особенности, а также даны основные понятия физической географии. Особое внимание уделено взаимодействию окружающей среды и человека. Знакомство с географической картой позволит учащимся овладеть "языком географии". Структура и содержание учебника предполагают возможность работы школы по разным учебным планам.
Никонова М. А., Бахчиева Ольга Александровна, Шилина И.Б. Основы географии: Учебник для 5-6 класса
Учебник. "Основы географии" предназначен для учащихся 5 класса, обучающихся по системе Занкова, или учащихся 6 класса общеобразовательных школ и гимназий. В учебнике дан общий обзор компонентов географической оболочки: литосферы, гидросферы, атмосферы, биосферы. Рассмотрены их строение и особенности, а также даны основные понятия физической географии. Особое внимание уделено взаимодействию окружающей среды и человека. Знакомство с географической картой позволит учащимся овладеть "языком географии". Структура и содержание учебника предполагают возможность работы школы по разным учебным планам.
Никонова М. А., Бахчиева Ольга Александровна, Шилина И.Б. Основы географии: Учебник для 5-6 класса
Учебник. "Основы географии" предназначен для учащихся 5 класса, обучающихся по системе Занкова, или учащихся 6 класса общеобразовательных школ и гимназий. В учебнике дан общий обзор компонентов географической оболочки: литосферы, гидросферы, атмосферы, биосферы. Рассмотрены их строение и особенности, а также даны основные понятия физической географии. Особое внимание уделено взаимодействию окружающей среды и человека. Знакомство с географической картой позволит учащимся овладеть "языком географии". Структура и содержание учебника предполагают возможность работы школы по разным учебным планам.
Бененсон Евгения Павловна, Итина Лариса Самуиловна математика. Геометрия: Многогранники и многоугольники. Рабочая тетрадь
Предлагаемые задания познакомят детей с основными понятиями геометрии, помогут развить их пространственное воображение, сформировать логическое и геометрическое мышление. Будут способствовать общему развитию, побуждать к творческому подходу при изучении математики.
Бененсон Евгения Павловна, Итина Лариса Самуиловна математика. Геометрия: Многогранники и многоугольники. Рабочая тетрадь
Предлагаемые задания познакомят детей с основными понятиями геометрии, помогут развить их пространственное воображение, сформировать логическое и геометрическое мышление. Будут способствовать общему развитию, побуждать к творческому подходу при изучении математики.
Бененсон Евгения Павловна, Итина Лариса Самуиловна математика. Геометрия: Многогранники и многоугольники. Рабочая тетрадь
Предлагаемые задания познакомят детей с основными понятиями геометрии, помогут развить их пространственное воображение, сформировать логическое и геометрическое мышление. Будут способствовать общему развитию, побуждать к творческому подходу при изучении математики.
Ригина Галина Сергеевна Музыка: Обучение. Творческое развитие. Воспитание. 6 класс
Учебник продолжает тематику музыкального обучения, развития и воспитания учащихся, заложенную в начальной школе и в 5 классе. Содержание учебника дает возможность реализации целостного подхода к обучению музыке, при котором не только осваиваются предметные знания и развивается эрудиция учащихся, но и учитывается нравственно-эстетическое содержание музыки, обогащающее духовный мир детей.
Ригина Галина Сергеевна Музыка: Обучение. Творческое развитие. Воспитание. 6 класс
Учебник продолжает тематику музыкального обучения, развития и воспитания учащихся, заложенную в начальной школе и в 5 классе. Содержание учебника дает возможность реализации целостного подхода к обучению музыке, при котором не только осваиваются предметные знания и развивается эрудиция учащихся, но и учитывается нравственно-эстетическое содержание музыки, обогащающее духовный мир детей.
Свиридова Виктория Юрьевна Методический комментарий к учебнику "Литература" 5 класс
Данное методическое пособие адресовано педагогам, работающим по учебно-методическому комплекту "Литература", 5 класс (автор В.Ю.Свиридова), разработанному на основе дидактических принципов и типических свойств методической системы Л.В.Занкова. В пособии поясняются цели и задачи каждой конкретной главы учебника-хрестоматии, даются идеи ответов на вопросы учебника, раскрывается взаимосвязь учебника с заданиями "Рабочей тетради".
Свиридова Виктория Юрьевна Методический комментарий к учебнику "Литература" 5 класс
Данное методическое пособие адресовано педагогам, работающим по учебно-методическому комплекту "Литература", 5 класс (автор В.Ю.Свиридова), разработанному на основе дидактических принципов и типических свойств методической системы Л.В.Занкова. В пособии поясняются цели и задачи каждой конкретной главы учебника-хрестоматии, даются идеи ответов на вопросы учебника, раскрывается взаимосвязь учебника с заданиями "Рабочей тетради".
Святловская Евгения Александровна Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику "Английский язык. 3 класс". В 2-х частях. Часть 1
Задания рабочей тетради дополняют и сопровождают материал учебника. В тетрадь вынесен весь материал, связанный с письменными работами. Большое количество занимательных заданий делает обучение английскому языку легким и увлекательным.
Святловская Евгения Александровна Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику "Английский язык. 3 класс". В 2-х частях. Часть 1
Задания рабочей тетради дополняют и сопровождают материал учебника. В тетрадь вынесен весь материал, связанный с письменными работами. Большое количество занимательных заданий делает обучение английскому языку легким и увлекательным.
Святловская Евгения Александровна Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику "Английский язык. 3 класс". В 2-х частях. Часть 2
Задания рабочей тетради дополняют и сопровождают материал учебника. В тетрадь вынесен весь материал, связанный с письменными работами. Большое количество занимательных заданий делает обучение английскому языку легким и увлекательным.
Святловская Евгения Александровна Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику "Английский язык. 3 класс". В 2-х частях. Часть 2
Задания рабочей тетради дополняют и сопровождают материал учебника. В тетрадь вынесен весь материал, связанный с письменными работами. Большое количество занимательных заданий делает обучение английскому языку легким и увлекательным.
Русско-казахский тематический словарь. 9000 слов
Словарь содержит около 9000 наиболее употребительных слов, организованных по тематическому принципу. 250 тем словаря охватывают основные сферы повседневной деятельности, бизнеса, науки, культуры и др. Словарь предназначен для активной работы со словарным запасом, расширения и систематизации знаний иностранной лексики. Словарь будет полезен как при самостоятельном изучении языка, так и в качестве дополнительного пособия к основному курсу. Составитель: А.М. Таранов.
Русско-казахский тематический словарь. 9000 слов
Словарь содержит около 9000 наиболее употребительных слов, организованных по тематическому принципу. 250 тем словаря охватывают основные сферы повседневной деятельности, бизнеса, науки, культуры и др. Словарь предназначен для активной работы со словарным запасом, расширения и систематизации знаний иностранной лексики. Словарь будет полезен как при самостоятельном изучении языка, так и в качестве дополнительного пособия к основному курсу. Составитель: А.М. Таранов.
Русско-чеченский тематический словарь. 9000 слов
Словарь содержит около 9000 наиболее употребительных слов, организованных по тематическому принципу. 250 тем словаря охватывают основные сферы повседневной деятельности, бизнеса, науки, культуры и др. Словарь предназначен для активной работы со словарным запасом, расширения и систематизации знаний иностранной лексики. Словарь будет полезен как при самостоятельном изучении языка, так и в качестве дополнительного пособия к основному курсу. Составитель: Шаухалов М.Т.
Русско-чеченский тематический словарь. 9000 слов
Словарь содержит около 9000 наиболее употребительных слов, организованных по тематическому принципу. 250 тем словаря охватывают основные сферы повседневной деятельности, бизнеса, науки, культуры и др. Словарь предназначен для активной работы со словарным запасом, расширения и систематизации знаний иностранной лексики. Словарь будет полезен как при самостоятельном изучении языка, так и в качестве дополнительного пособия к основному курсу. Составитель: Шаухалов М.Т.
Белка и компания. Экономическая настольная игра
Действие экономической игры "Белка и компания" происходит в необычном лесу, который состоит из нескольких государств: Этой Части Леса, Той Части Леса, Дремучего Леса и Дальнего Болота. В Этой Части Леса обитают главные герои игры: Белка, Еж Пыхтя, Лис Фукс, Водяная Крыса и Мышонок Шмыг. Они ведут свое хозяйство, стараясь жить в достатке и получать за свой труд хорошее вознаграждение. Однако не все так просто. Жители других государств, особенно жадный и завистливый Филин, все время чинят им препятствия. Поэтому нашим героям приходится постоянно считать доходы и расходы, на практике познавать основные экономические законы. Вместе с ними будете делать это и вы. Обо всех приключениях дружных зверюшек можно узнать, прочитав книги "Белка и компания" и "Новые приключения Белки и ее друзей". А пока попробуйте, путешествуя по сказочному лесу, не разориться, не попасть в долговую яму, а наоборот, тщательно просчитывая каждую продажу и покупку фирмы или товара, приумножить свое состояние.
Белка и компания. Экономическая настольная игра
Действие экономической игры "Белка и компания" происходит в необычном лесу, который состоит из нескольких государств: Этой Части Леса, Той Части Леса, Дремучего Леса и Дальнего Болота. В Этой Части Леса обитают главные герои игры: Белка, Еж Пыхтя, Лис Фукс, Водяная Крыса и Мышонок Шмыг. Они ведут свое хозяйство, стараясь жить в достатке и получать за свой труд хорошее вознаграждение. Однако не все так просто. Жители других государств, особенно жадный и завистливый Филин, все время чинят им препятствия. Поэтому нашим героям приходится постоянно считать доходы и расходы, на практике познавать основные экономические законы. Вместе с ними будете делать это и вы. Обо всех приключениях дружных зверюшек можно узнать, прочитав книги "Белка и компания" и "Новые приключения Белки и ее друзей". А пока попробуйте, путешествуя по сказочному лесу, не разориться, не попасть в долговую яму, а наоборот, тщательно просчитывая каждую продажу и покупку фирмы или товара, приумножить свое состояние.
Чуракова Наталия Александровна Методический комментарий к учебнику "Литературное чтение. 4 класс. Часть 1"
Пособие содержит программу курса, разъяснение целей и задач курса, структуры учебника и подробный методический комментарий ко всем главам, включающий те сведения, которые будут полезны учителю при работе с темой урока, ответы на вопросы, которые могут возникнуть у учеников при изучении данной темы.
Чуракова Наталия Александровна Методический комментарий к учебнику "Литературное чтение. 4 класс. Часть 1"
Пособие содержит программу курса, разъяснение целей и задач курса, структуры учебника и подробный методический комментарий ко всем главам, включающий те сведения, которые будут полезны учителю при работе с темой урока, ответы на вопросы, которые могут возникнуть у учеников при изучении данной темы.
Чуракова Наталия Александровна Методический комментарий к учебнику "Литературное чтение. 4 класс. Часть 1"
Пособие содержит программу курса, разъяснение целей и задач курса, структуры учебника и подробный методический комментарий ко всем главам, включающий те сведения, которые будут полезны учителю при работе с темой урока, ответы на вопросы, которые могут возникнуть у учеников при изучении данной темы.
Чуракова Наталия Александровна Методический комментарий к учебнику "Литературное чтение. 4 класс. Часть 2"
Пособие содержит программу курса, разъяснение целей и задач курса, структуры учебника и подробный методический комментарий ко всем главам, включающий те сведения, которые будут полезны учителю при работе с темой урока, ответы на вопросы, которые могут возникнуть у учеников при изучении данной темы.
Чуракова Наталия Александровна Методический комментарий к учебнику "Литературное чтение. 4 класс. Часть 2"
Пособие содержит программу курса, разъяснение целей и задач курса, структуры учебника и подробный методический комментарий ко всем главам, включающий те сведения, которые будут полезны учителю при работе с темой урока, ответы на вопросы, которые могут возникнуть у учеников при изучении данной темы.
Чуракова Наталия Александровна Методический комментарий к учебнику "Литературное чтение. 4 класс. Часть 2"
Пособие содержит программу курса, разъяснение целей и задач курса, структуры учебника и подробный методический комментарий ко всем главам, включающий те сведения, которые будут полезны учителю при работе с темой урока, ответы на вопросы, которые могут возникнуть у учеников при изучении данной темы.
Студеникин Михаил Тимофеевич Рабочие программы для 4 класса к учебнику "Основы духовно-нравственной культур народов России"
Издание адресовано преподавателям модуля "Основы светской этики". Программа содержит два варианта планирования содержания - на 34 часа (по ФК ГОС 2004 г.) и на 17 часов (по ФГОС 2009 г.) 2 издание, исправленное и дополненное.
Студеникин Михаил Тимофеевич Рабочие программы для 4 класса к учебнику "Основы духовно-нравственной культур народов России"
Издание адресовано преподавателям модуля "Основы светской этики". Программа содержит два варианта планирования содержания - на 34 часа (по ФК ГОС 2004 г.) и на 17 часов (по ФГОС 2009 г.) 2 издание, исправленное и дополненное.
Студеникин Михаил Тимофеевич Рабочие программы для 4 класса к учебнику "Основы духовно-нравственной культур народов России"
Издание адресовано преподавателям модуля "Основы светской этики". Программа содержит два варианта планирования содержания - на 34 часа (по ФК ГОС 2004 г.) и на 17 часов (по ФГОС 2009 г.) 2 издание, исправленное и дополненное.
Lewis C. S. The Last Battle
Издание полностью на английском языке. "To my side, all true Narnians! Would you wait till your new masters have killed you one by one?" A false Aslan is commanding all Narnians to work for the cruel Calormenes and striking terror into every heart. Jill and Eustace find themselves called into Narnia once more, this time to aid King Tirian in the mightiest of all battles This is the seventh adventure in the exciting Chronicles of Narnia.
Lewis C. S. The Last Battle
Издание полностью на английском языке. "To my side, all true Narnians! Would you wait till your new masters have killed you one by one?" A false Aslan is commanding all Narnians to work for the cruel Calormenes and striking terror into every heart. Jill and Eustace find themselves called into Narnia once more, this time to aid King Tirian in the mightiest of all battles This is the seventh adventure in the exciting Chronicles of Narnia.
Lewis C. S. The Last Battle
Издание полностью на английском языке. "To my side, all true Narnians! Would you wait till your new masters have killed you one by one?" A false Aslan is commanding all Narnians to work for the cruel Calormenes and striking terror into every heart. Jill and Eustace find themselves called into Narnia once more, this time to aid King Tirian in the mightiest of all battles This is the seventh adventure in the exciting Chronicles of Narnia.
Lewis C. S. The Magician's Nephew
Издание полностью на английском языке. Narnia… where Talking Beasts walk… where a witch waits… where a new world is about to be born. On a daring quest to save a life, two friends are hurled into another world, where an evil sorceress seeks to enslave them. But then the lion Asian's song weaves itself into the fabric of a new land, a land that will be known as Narnia. And in Narnia, all things are possible…
Lewis C. S. The Magician's Nephew
Издание полностью на английском языке. Narnia… where Talking Beasts walk… where a witch waits… where a new world is about to be born. On a daring quest to save a life, two friends are hurled into another world, where an evil sorceress seeks to enslave them. But then the lion Asian's song weaves itself into the fabric of a new land, a land that will be known as Narnia. And in Narnia, all things are possible…
Lewis C. S. The Magician's Nephew
Издание полностью на английском языке. Narnia… where Talking Beasts walk… where a witch waits… where a new world is about to be born. On a daring quest to save a life, two friends are hurled into another world, where an evil sorceress seeks to enslave them. But then the lion Asian's song weaves itself into the fabric of a new land, a land that will be known as Narnia. And in Narnia, all things are possible…
Lewis C. S. Prince Caspian
Introducing the fourth book of the newly designed Narnia classics. Perfect for those seeking a contemporary take on The Chronicles of Narnia Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are mysteriously transported back to Narnia where they discover that it has been hundred's of years since their reign as Kings and Queens of the land ended. Cair Paravel, the castle where they lived, is in ruins and the evil King Miraz has taken charge. Along with their old friend Prince Caspian they race to overthrow the King, calling on the help of Aslan and his trusty follower, Reepicheep the mouse.
Lewis C. S. Prince Caspian
Introducing the fourth book of the newly designed Narnia classics. Perfect for those seeking a contemporary take on The Chronicles of Narnia Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are mysteriously transported back to Narnia where they discover that it has been hundred's of years since their reign as Kings and Queens of the land ended. Cair Paravel, the castle where they lived, is in ruins and the evil King Miraz has taken charge. Along with their old friend Prince Caspian they race to overthrow the King, calling on the help of Aslan and his trusty follower, Reepicheep the mouse.
Lewis C. S. Prince Caspian
Introducing the fourth book of the newly designed Narnia classics. Perfect for those seeking a contemporary take on The Chronicles of Narnia Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are mysteriously transported back to Narnia where they discover that it has been hundred's of years since their reign as Kings and Queens of the land ended. Cair Paravel, the castle where they lived, is in ruins and the evil King Miraz has taken charge. Along with their old friend Prince Caspian they race to overthrow the King, calling on the help of Aslan and his trusty follower, Reepicheep the mouse.
Lewis C. S. The Silver Chair
Издание полностью на английском языке. Narnia… where giants wreak havoc… where evil weaves a spell… where enchantment rules. Through dangers untold and caverns deep and dark, a noble band of friends are sent to rescue a prince held captive. But their mission to Underland brings them face-to-face with an evil more beautiful and more deadly than they ever expected.
Lewis C. S. The Silver Chair
Издание полностью на английском языке. Narnia… where giants wreak havoc… where evil weaves a spell… where enchantment rules. Through dangers untold and caverns deep and dark, a noble band of friends are sent to rescue a prince held captive. But their mission to Underland brings them face-to-face with an evil more beautiful and more deadly than they ever expected.
Lewis C. S. The Silver Chair
Издание полностью на английском языке. Narnia… where giants wreak havoc… where evil weaves a spell… where enchantment rules. Through dangers untold and caverns deep and dark, a noble band of friends are sent to rescue a prince held captive. But their mission to Underland brings them face-to-face with an evil more beautiful and more deadly than they ever expected.
Lewis C. S. Horse and His Boy
Издание полностью на английском языке. It is enough of a surprise for Shasta to discover he isn't the son of Arsheesh the fisherman. But when Bree, the talking horse, whisks him away from the cruel land of Calormen in search of the safe and happy land of Narnia where High King Peter rules, Shasta finds himself up to his ears in mystery and adventure such as he could never imagine in his wildest dreams. Their journey is charged with fear and danger, intrigue and adventure, as they make their way in disguise through the city of Tashbaan, past the eerie tombs, then on by burning day and silvery night over the harsh desert to the high mountains of Archenland. Even when Narnia is in sight, Shasta realises he must finally conquer his fear. "If you funk this," he tells himself, "you'll funk every battle in your life. Now or never."
Lewis C. S. Horse and His Boy
Издание полностью на английском языке. It is enough of a surprise for Shasta to discover he isn't the son of Arsheesh the fisherman. But when Bree, the talking horse, whisks him away from the cruel land of Calormen in search of the safe and happy land of Narnia where High King Peter rules, Shasta finds himself up to his ears in mystery and adventure such as he could never imagine in his wildest dreams. Their journey is charged with fear and danger, intrigue and adventure, as they make their way in disguise through the city of Tashbaan, past the eerie tombs, then on by burning day and silvery night over the harsh desert to the high mountains of Archenland. Even when Narnia is in sight, Shasta realises he must finally conquer his fear. "If you funk this," he tells himself, "you'll funk every battle in your life. Now or never."
Lewis C. S. Horse and His Boy
Издание полностью на английском языке. It is enough of a surprise for Shasta to discover he isn't the son of Arsheesh the fisherman. But when Bree, the talking horse, whisks him away from the cruel land of Calormen in search of the safe and happy land of Narnia where High King Peter rules, Shasta finds himself up to his ears in mystery and adventure such as he could never imagine in his wildest dreams. Their journey is charged with fear and danger, intrigue and adventure, as they make their way in disguise through the city of Tashbaan, past the eerie tombs, then on by burning day and silvery night over the harsh desert to the high mountains of Archenland. Even when Narnia is in sight, Shasta realises he must finally conquer his fear. "If you funk this," he tells himself, "you'll funk every battle in your life. Now or never."
Lewis C. S. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Издание полностью на английском языке. A voyage to the very ends of the world. Narnia... where a dragon awakens... where stars walk the earth... where anything can happen. A king and some unexpected companions embark on a voyage that will take them beyond all known lands. As they sail further and further from charted waters, they discover that their quest is more than they imagined and that the world's end is only the beginning.
Lewis C. S. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Издание полностью на английском языке. A voyage to the very ends of the world. Narnia... where a dragon awakens... where stars walk the earth... where anything can happen. A king and some unexpected companions embark on a voyage that will take them beyond all known lands. As they sail further and further from charted waters, they discover that their quest is more than they imagined and that the world's end is only the beginning.
Lewis C. S. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Издание полностью на английском языке. A voyage to the very ends of the world. Narnia... where a dragon awakens... where stars walk the earth... where anything can happen. A king and some unexpected companions embark on a voyage that will take them beyond all known lands. As they sail further and further from charted waters, they discover that their quest is more than they imagined and that the world's end is only the beginning.
Christie Agatha Nemesis
A message from a dead acquaintance prompts a bus tour to an unknown crime! In utter disbelief Miss Marple read the letter addressed to her from the recently deceased Mr Rafiel - an acquaintance she had met briefly on her travels. Recognising in Miss Marple a natural flair for justice, Mr Rafiel had left instructions for her to investigate a crime after his death. The only problem was, he had failed to tell her who was involved or where and when the crime had been committed. It was most intriguing.
Christie Agatha Nemesis
A message from a dead acquaintance prompts a bus tour to an unknown crime! In utter disbelief Miss Marple read the letter addressed to her from the recently deceased Mr Rafiel - an acquaintance she had met briefly on her travels. Recognising in Miss Marple a natural flair for justice, Mr Rafiel had left instructions for her to investigate a crime after his death. The only problem was, he had failed to tell her who was involved or where and when the crime had been committed. It was most intriguing.
Christie Agatha Nemesis
A message from a dead acquaintance prompts a bus tour to an unknown crime! In utter disbelief Miss Marple read the letter addressed to her from the recently deceased Mr Rafiel - an acquaintance she had met briefly on her travels. Recognising in Miss Marple a natural flair for justice, Mr Rafiel had left instructions for her to investigate a crime after his death. The only problem was, he had failed to tell her who was involved or where and when the crime had been committed. It was most intriguing.
Christie Agatha Taken At The Flood
Издание полностью на английском языке. A few weeks after marrying an attractive young widow, Gordon Cloade is tragically killed by a bomb blast in the London blitz. Overnight, the former Mrs Underhay finds herself in sole possession of the Cloade family fortune. Shortly afterwards, Hercule Poirot receives a visit from the dead man's sister-in-law who claims she has been warned by "spirits" that Mrs Underhay's first husband is still alive. Poirot has his suspicions when he is asked to find a missing person guided only by the spirit world. Yet what mystifies Poirot most is the woman's true motive for approaching him…
Christie Agatha Taken At The Flood
Издание полностью на английском языке. A few weeks after marrying an attractive young widow, Gordon Cloade is tragically killed by a bomb blast in the London blitz. Overnight, the former Mrs Underhay finds herself in sole possession of the Cloade family fortune. Shortly afterwards, Hercule Poirot receives a visit from the dead man's sister-in-law who claims she has been warned by "spirits" that Mrs Underhay's first husband is still alive. Poirot has his suspicions when he is asked to find a missing person guided only by the spirit world. Yet what mystifies Poirot most is the woman's true motive for approaching him…
Christie Agatha Taken At The Flood
Издание полностью на английском языке. A few weeks after marrying an attractive young widow, Gordon Cloade is tragically killed by a bomb blast in the London blitz. Overnight, the former Mrs Underhay finds herself in sole possession of the Cloade family fortune. Shortly afterwards, Hercule Poirot receives a visit from the dead man's sister-in-law who claims she has been warned by "spirits" that Mrs Underhay's first husband is still alive. Poirot has his suspicions when he is asked to find a missing person guided only by the spirit world. Yet what mystifies Poirot most is the woman's true motive for approaching him…
Christie Agatha Mrs McGinty's Dead
Издание полностью на английском языке. Mrs McGinty died from a brutal blow to the back of her head. Suspicion falls immediately on her shifty lodger, James Bentley, whose clothes reveal traces of the victim's blood and hair. Yet something is amiss: Bentley just doesn't seem like a murderer! Could the answer lie in an article clipped from a newspaper two days before the death? With a desperate killer still free, Hercule Poirot will have to stay alive long enough to find out.
Christie Agatha Mrs McGinty's Dead
Издание полностью на английском языке. Mrs McGinty died from a brutal blow to the back of her head. Suspicion falls immediately on her shifty lodger, James Bentley, whose clothes reveal traces of the victim's blood and hair. Yet something is amiss: Bentley just doesn't seem like a murderer! Could the answer lie in an article clipped from a newspaper two days before the death? With a desperate killer still free, Hercule Poirot will have to stay alive long enough to find out.
Christie Agatha Mrs McGinty's Dead
Издание полностью на английском языке. Mrs McGinty died from a brutal blow to the back of her head. Suspicion falls immediately on her shifty lodger, James Bentley, whose clothes reveal traces of the victim's blood and hair. Yet something is amiss: Bentley just doesn't seem like a murderer! Could the answer lie in an article clipped from a newspaper two days before the death? With a desperate killer still free, Hercule Poirot will have to stay alive long enough to find out.
Christie Agatha Hickory Dickory Dock
Издание полностью на английском языке. Hercule Poirot doesn't need all his detective skills to realise something is troubling his secretary, Miss Lemon - she has made three mistakes in a simple letter. It seems an outbreak of kleptomania at the student hostel in which her sister works is distracting his usually efficient assistant. Deciding that desperate times call for desperate measures, the great detective agrees to investigate. Unknown to Poirot, however, desperation is a motive he shares with a killer...
Christie Agatha Hickory Dickory Dock
Издание полностью на английском языке. Hercule Poirot doesn't need all his detective skills to realise something is troubling his secretary, Miss Lemon - she has made three mistakes in a simple letter. It seems an outbreak of kleptomania at the student hostel in which her sister works is distracting his usually efficient assistant. Deciding that desperate times call for desperate measures, the great detective agrees to investigate. Unknown to Poirot, however, desperation is a motive he shares with a killer...
Christie Agatha Hickory Dickory Dock
Издание полностью на английском языке. Hercule Poirot doesn't need all his detective skills to realise something is troubling his secretary, Miss Lemon - she has made three mistakes in a simple letter. It seems an outbreak of kleptomania at the student hostel in which her sister works is distracting his usually efficient assistant. Deciding that desperate times call for desperate measures, the great detective agrees to investigate. Unknown to Poirot, however, desperation is a motive he shares with a killer...
Christie Agatha Sad Cypress
Издание полностью на английском языке. Beautiful young Elinor Carlisle stood serenely in the dock, accused of the murder of Mary Gerrard, her rival in love. The evidence was damning: only Elinor had the motive, the opportunity and the means to administer the fatal poison. Yet, inside the hostile courtroom, only one man still presumed Elinor was innocent until proven guilty: Hercule Poirot was all that stood between Elinor and the gallows...
Christie Agatha Sad Cypress
Издание полностью на английском языке. Beautiful young Elinor Carlisle stood serenely in the dock, accused of the murder of Mary Gerrard, her rival in love. The evidence was damning: only Elinor had the motive, the opportunity and the means to administer the fatal poison. Yet, inside the hostile courtroom, only one man still presumed Elinor was innocent until proven guilty: Hercule Poirot was all that stood between Elinor and the gallows...
Christie Agatha Sad Cypress
Издание полностью на английском языке. Beautiful young Elinor Carlisle stood serenely in the dock, accused of the murder of Mary Gerrard, her rival in love. The evidence was damning: only Elinor had the motive, the opportunity and the means to administer the fatal poison. Yet, inside the hostile courtroom, only one man still presumed Elinor was innocent until proven guilty: Hercule Poirot was all that stood between Elinor and the gallows...
Christie Agatha Hercule Poirot's Christmas
Издание полностью на английском языке. Christmas Eve and the Lee family's reunion is shattered by a deafening crash of furniture, and a high-pitched wailing scream. Upstairs, the tyrannical Simeon Lee lies dead in a pool of blood, his throat slashed. When Hercule Poirot offers to assist, he finds an atmosphere not of mourning but of mutual suspicion. It seems everyone had their own reason to hate the old man…
Christie Agatha Hercule Poirot's Christmas
Издание полностью на английском языке. Christmas Eve and the Lee family's reunion is shattered by a deafening crash of furniture, and a high-pitched wailing scream. Upstairs, the tyrannical Simeon Lee lies dead in a pool of blood, his throat slashed. When Hercule Poirot offers to assist, he finds an atmosphere not of mourning but of mutual suspicion. It seems everyone had their own reason to hate the old man…
Christie Agatha Hercule Poirot's Christmas
Издание полностью на английском языке. Christmas Eve and the Lee family's reunion is shattered by a deafening crash of furniture, and a high-pitched wailing scream. Upstairs, the tyrannical Simeon Lee lies dead in a pool of blood, his throat slashed. When Hercule Poirot offers to assist, he finds an atmosphere not of mourning but of mutual suspicion. It seems everyone had their own reason to hate the old man…
Christie Agatha Hallowe'en Party
Издание полностью на английском языке. A thirteen-year-old girl holds the clue to a death at a party on 31st October - was it a fatal mistake or a murder? At a Hallowe'en party, Joyce - a hostile thirteen-year-old - boasts that she once witnessed a murder. When no-one believes her, she storms off home. But within hours her body is found, still in the house, drowned in an apple-bobbing tub. That night, Hercule Poirot is called in to find the 'evil presence'. But first he must establish whether he is looking for a murderer or a double-murderer. Famed for her crime masterpieces, Agatha Christie's books have become the best-selling in the world, appealing to readers young and old for their ingenious plots and immediately recognizable characters. The stories have also transcended the printed page, become bestselling audiobooks and award-winning films, plays and television series. Now words and pictures combine in an exciting new way of telling these stories - full-colour graphic novels which enhance the original stories and offer a completely new way of enjoying some of the world's most popular and exciting mysteries.
Christie Agatha Hallowe'en Party
Издание полностью на английском языке. A thirteen-year-old girl holds the clue to a death at a party on 31st October - was it a fatal mistake or a murder? At a Hallowe'en party, Joyce - a hostile thirteen-year-old - boasts that she once witnessed a murder. When no-one believes her, she storms off home. But within hours her body is found, still in the house, drowned in an apple-bobbing tub. That night, Hercule Poirot is called in to find the 'evil presence'. But first he must establish whether he is looking for a murderer or a double-murderer. Famed for her crime masterpieces, Agatha Christie's books have become the best-selling in the world, appealing to readers young and old for their ingenious plots and immediately recognizable characters. The stories have also transcended the printed page, become bestselling audiobooks and award-winning films, plays and television series. Now words and pictures combine in an exciting new way of telling these stories - full-colour graphic novels which enhance the original stories and offer a completely new way of enjoying some of the world's most popular and exciting mysteries.
Christie Agatha Hallowe'en Party
Издание полностью на английском языке. A thirteen-year-old girl holds the clue to a death at a party on 31st October - was it a fatal mistake or a murder? At a Hallowe'en party, Joyce - a hostile thirteen-year-old - boasts that she once witnessed a murder. When no-one believes her, she storms off home. But within hours her body is found, still in the house, drowned in an apple-bobbing tub. That night, Hercule Poirot is called in to find the 'evil presence'. But first he must establish whether he is looking for a murderer or a double-murderer. Famed for her crime masterpieces, Agatha Christie's books have become the best-selling in the world, appealing to readers young and old for their ingenious plots and immediately recognizable characters. The stories have also transcended the printed page, become bestselling audiobooks and award-winning films, plays and television series. Now words and pictures combine in an exciting new way of telling these stories - full-colour graphic novels which enhance the original stories and offer a completely new way of enjoying some of the world's most popular and exciting mysteries.
Christie Agatha After the Funeral
Издание полностью на английском языке. When Cora is savagely murdered with a hatchet, the extraordinary remark she made the previous day at her brother Richards funeral suddenly takes on a chilling significance. At the reading of Richards will, Cora was clearly heard to say: It's been hushed up very nicely, hasn't it… But he was murdered, wasn't he? In desperation, the family solicitor turns to Hercule Poirot to unravel the mystery...
Christie Agatha After the Funeral
Издание полностью на английском языке. When Cora is savagely murdered with a hatchet, the extraordinary remark she made the previous day at her brother Richards funeral suddenly takes on a chilling significance. At the reading of Richards will, Cora was clearly heard to say: It's been hushed up very nicely, hasn't it… But he was murdered, wasn't he? In desperation, the family solicitor turns to Hercule Poirot to unravel the mystery...
Christie Agatha After the Funeral
Издание полностью на английском языке. When Cora is savagely murdered with a hatchet, the extraordinary remark she made the previous day at her brother Richards funeral suddenly takes on a chilling significance. At the reading of Richards will, Cora was clearly heard to say: It's been hushed up very nicely, hasn't it… But he was murdered, wasn't he? In desperation, the family solicitor turns to Hercule Poirot to unravel the mystery...
Christie Agatha The Labours of Hercules
Издание полностью на английском языке. Poirot sets himself a challenge before he retires - to solve 12 cases which correspond with the labours of his classical Greek namesake... In appearance Hercule Poirot hardly resembled an ancient Greek hero. Yet - reasoned the detective - like Hercules he had been responsible for ridding society of some of its most unpleasant monsters. So, in the period leading up to his retirement, Poirot made up his mind to accept just twelve more cases: his self-imposed 'Labours'. Each would go down in the annals of crime as a heroic feat of deduction.
Christie Agatha The Labours of Hercules
Издание полностью на английском языке. Poirot sets himself a challenge before he retires - to solve 12 cases which correspond with the labours of his classical Greek namesake... In appearance Hercule Poirot hardly resembled an ancient Greek hero. Yet - reasoned the detective - like Hercules he had been responsible for ridding society of some of its most unpleasant monsters. So, in the period leading up to his retirement, Poirot made up his mind to accept just twelve more cases: his self-imposed 'Labours'. Each would go down in the annals of crime as a heroic feat of deduction.
Christie Agatha The Labours of Hercules
Издание полностью на английском языке. Poirot sets himself a challenge before he retires - to solve 12 cases which correspond with the labours of his classical Greek namesake... In appearance Hercule Poirot hardly resembled an ancient Greek hero. Yet - reasoned the detective - like Hercules he had been responsible for ridding society of some of its most unpleasant monsters. So, in the period leading up to his retirement, Poirot made up his mind to accept just twelve more cases: his self-imposed 'Labours'. Each would go down in the annals of crime as a heroic feat of deduction.
Bushnell Candace The Carrie Diaries
Издание полностью на английском языке. Meet teen Carrie Bradshaw before Sex and the City in the first of two novels based on the formative experiences of New Yorks ultimate fashionista and star of SEX AND THE CITY. The Carrie Diaries is the coming-of-age story of one of the most iconic characters of our generation. Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small town girl who knew she wanted more. Shes ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friends betrayal makes her question everything. With an unforgettable cast of characters, The Carrie Diaries is the story of how a regular girl learns to think for herself, and evolves into a sharp, insightful writer. Readers will learn about her family background, how she found her writing voice, and the indelible impression her early...
Bushnell Candace The Carrie Diaries
Издание полностью на английском языке. Meet teen Carrie Bradshaw before Sex and the City in the first of two novels based on the formative experiences of New Yorks ultimate fashionista and star of SEX AND THE CITY. The Carrie Diaries is the coming-of-age story of one of the most iconic characters of our generation. Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small town girl who knew she wanted more. Shes ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friends betrayal makes her question everything. With an unforgettable cast of characters, The Carrie Diaries is the story of how a regular girl learns to think for herself, and evolves into a sharp, insightful writer. Readers will learn about her family background, how she found her writing voice, and the indelible impression her early...
Bushnell Candace The Carrie Diaries
Издание полностью на английском языке. Meet teen Carrie Bradshaw before Sex and the City in the first of two novels based on the formative experiences of New Yorks ultimate fashionista and star of SEX AND THE CITY. The Carrie Diaries is the coming-of-age story of one of the most iconic characters of our generation. Before Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw was a small town girl who knew she wanted more. Shes ready for real life to start, but first she must navigate her senior year of high school. Up until now, Carrie and her friends have been inseparable. Then Sebastian Kydd comes into the picture, and a friends betrayal makes her question everything. With an unforgettable cast of characters, The Carrie Diaries is the story of how a regular girl learns to think for herself, and evolves into a sharp, insightful writer. Readers will learn about her family background, how she found her writing voice, and the indelible impression her early...
Christie Agatha The ABC Murders
Издание полностью на английском языке. There's a serial killer on the loose, working his way through the alphabet and the whole country is in a state of panic. A is for Mrs Ascher in Andover, В is for Betty Barnard in Bexhill, С is for Sir Carmichael Clarke in Churston. With each murder, the killer is getting more confident - but leaving a trail of deliberate clues to taunt the proud Hercule Poirot might just prove to be the first, and fatal mistake...
Christie Agatha The ABC Murders
Издание полностью на английском языке. There's a serial killer on the loose, working his way through the alphabet and the whole country is in a state of panic. A is for Mrs Ascher in Andover, В is for Betty Barnard in Bexhill, С is for Sir Carmichael Clarke in Churston. With each murder, the killer is getting more confident - but leaving a trail of deliberate clues to taunt the proud Hercule Poirot might just prove to be the first, and fatal mistake...
Christie Agatha The ABC Murders
Издание полностью на английском языке. There's a serial killer on the loose, working his way through the alphabet and the whole country is in a state of panic. A is for Mrs Ascher in Andover, В is for Betty Barnard in Bexhill, С is for Sir Carmichael Clarke in Churston. With each murder, the killer is getting more confident - but leaving a trail of deliberate clues to taunt the proud Hercule Poirot might just prove to be the first, and fatal mistake...
Christie Agatha By the Pricking of My Thumbs
Издание полностью на английском языке. When Tommy and Tuppence visit an elderly aunt in her gothic nursing home, they think nothing of her mistrust of the doctors; after all, Ada is a very difficult old lady. But when Mrs Lockett mentions a poisoned mushroom stew and Mrs Lancaster talks about "something behind the fireplace", Tommy and Tuppence find themselves caught up in a spine-chilling adventure which could spell death for either of them...
Christie Agatha By the Pricking of My Thumbs
Издание полностью на английском языке. When Tommy and Tuppence visit an elderly aunt in her gothic nursing home, they think nothing of her mistrust of the doctors; after all, Ada is a very difficult old lady. But when Mrs Lockett mentions a poisoned mushroom stew and Mrs Lancaster talks about "something behind the fireplace", Tommy and Tuppence find themselves caught up in a spine-chilling adventure which could spell death for either of them...
Christie Agatha By the Pricking of My Thumbs
Издание полностью на английском языке. When Tommy and Tuppence visit an elderly aunt in her gothic nursing home, they think nothing of her mistrust of the doctors; after all, Ada is a very difficult old lady. But when Mrs Lockett mentions a poisoned mushroom stew and Mrs Lancaster talks about "something behind the fireplace", Tommy and Tuppence find themselves caught up in a spine-chilling adventure which could spell death for either of them...
Christie Agatha The Unexpected Guest
Издание полностью на английском языке. A young man, broken down in the fog, witnesses a murder he is asked to conceal… A full-length novel adapted by Charles Osborne from Agatha Christie's acclaimed play. When a stranger runs his car into a ditch in dense fog in South Wales and makes his way to an isolated house, he discovers a woman standing over the dead body of her wheelchair-bound husband, gun in her hand. She admits to murder, and the unexpected guest offers to help her concoct a cover story. But is it possible that Laura Warwick did not commit the murder after all? If so, who is she shielding? The victim's retarded young half-brother or his dying matriarchal mother? Laura's lover? Perhaps the father of the little boy killed in an accident for which Warwick was responsible? The house seems full of possible suspects… "The Unexpected Guest" is considered to be one of the finest of Christie's plays. Hailed as 'another Mousetrap' when it opened on 12 August 1958 in the West End, it ran for 604 performances over the succeeding 18 months and has been staged many times around the world over the last 40 years.
Christie Agatha The Unexpected Guest
Издание полностью на английском языке. A young man, broken down in the fog, witnesses a murder he is asked to conceal… A full-length novel adapted by Charles Osborne from Agatha Christie's acclaimed play. When a stranger runs his car into a ditch in dense fog in South Wales and makes his way to an isolated house, he discovers a woman standing over the dead body of her wheelchair-bound husband, gun in her hand. She admits to murder, and the unexpected guest offers to help her concoct a cover story. But is it possible that Laura Warwick did not commit the murder after all? If so, who is she shielding? The victim's retarded young half-brother or his dying matriarchal mother? Laura's lover? Perhaps the father of the little boy killed in an accident for which Warwick was responsible? The house seems full of possible suspects… "The Unexpected Guest" is considered to be one of the finest of Christie's plays. Hailed as 'another Mousetrap' when it opened on 12 August 1958 in the West End, it ran for 604 performances over the succeeding 18 months and has been staged many times around the world over the last 40 years.
Christie Agatha The Unexpected Guest
Издание полностью на английском языке. A young man, broken down in the fog, witnesses a murder he is asked to conceal… A full-length novel adapted by Charles Osborne from Agatha Christie's acclaimed play. When a stranger runs his car into a ditch in dense fog in South Wales and makes his way to an isolated house, he discovers a woman standing over the dead body of her wheelchair-bound husband, gun in her hand. She admits to murder, and the unexpected guest offers to help her concoct a cover story. But is it possible that Laura Warwick did not commit the murder after all? If so, who is she shielding? The victim's retarded young half-brother or his dying matriarchal mother? Laura's lover? Perhaps the father of the little boy killed in an accident for which Warwick was responsible? The house seems full of possible suspects… "The Unexpected Guest" is considered to be one of the finest of Christie's plays. Hailed as 'another Mousetrap' when it opened on 12 August 1958 in the West End, it ran for 604 performances over the succeeding 18 months and has been staged many times around the world over the last 40 years.
Christie Agatha Black Coffee
Издание полностью на английском языке. The inventor Sir Claud Amory is left with a bitter taste in his mouth when the formula for his powerful new explosive is stolen - by someone staying in his own house. Seeking a swift remedy, Sir Claud locks the doors and switches off the lights to allow the thief to replace the formula, no questions asked. But the darkness brings death, and Hercule Poirot is left to unravel a tangle of family feuds, old flames and suspicious guests to find the killer and prevent a catastrophe.
Christie Agatha Black Coffee
Издание полностью на английском языке. The inventor Sir Claud Amory is left with a bitter taste in his mouth when the formula for his powerful new explosive is stolen - by someone staying in his own house. Seeking a swift remedy, Sir Claud locks the doors and switches off the lights to allow the thief to replace the formula, no questions asked. But the darkness brings death, and Hercule Poirot is left to unravel a tangle of family feuds, old flames and suspicious guests to find the killer and prevent a catastrophe.
Christie Agatha Black Coffee
Издание полностью на английском языке. The inventor Sir Claud Amory is left with a bitter taste in his mouth when the formula for his powerful new explosive is stolen - by someone staying in his own house. Seeking a swift remedy, Sir Claud locks the doors and switches off the lights to allow the thief to replace the formula, no questions asked. But the darkness brings death, and Hercule Poirot is left to unravel a tangle of family feuds, old flames and suspicious guests to find the killer and prevent a catastrophe.
Christie Agatha Five Little Pigs
Издание полностью на английском языке. Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, yet there were five other suspects: Philip Blake (the stockbroker) who went to market; Meredith Blake (the amateur herbalist) who stayed at home; Elsa Greer (the three-time divorcee) who had roast beef; Cecilia Williams (the devoted governess) who had none; and Angela Warren (the disfigured sister) who cried 'wee wee wee' all the way home. It is sixteen years later, but Hercule Poirot just can't get that nursery rhyme out of his mind…
Christie Agatha Five Little Pigs
Издание полностью на английском языке. Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, yet there were five other suspects: Philip Blake (the stockbroker) who went to market; Meredith Blake (the amateur herbalist) who stayed at home; Elsa Greer (the three-time divorcee) who had roast beef; Cecilia Williams (the devoted governess) who had none; and Angela Warren (the disfigured sister) who cried 'wee wee wee' all the way home. It is sixteen years later, but Hercule Poirot just can't get that nursery rhyme out of his mind…
Christie Agatha Five Little Pigs
Издание полностью на английском языке. Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, yet there were five other suspects: Philip Blake (the stockbroker) who went to market; Meredith Blake (the amateur herbalist) who stayed at home; Elsa Greer (the three-time divorcee) who had roast beef; Cecilia Williams (the devoted governess) who had none; and Angela Warren (the disfigured sister) who cried 'wee wee wee' all the way home. It is sixteen years later, but Hercule Poirot just can't get that nursery rhyme out of his mind…
Christie Agatha The Mystery of the Blue Train
Издание полностью на английском языке. Poirot takes a train to France and find himself embroiled in an adventure of murder and mayhem in this exciting new comic strip adaptation. Famed for her crime masterpieces, Agatha Christie's books have become the best-selling in the world, appealing to readers young and old for their ingenious plots and immediately recognizable characters. The stories have also transcended the printed page, become bestselling audiobooks and award-winning films, plays and television series. Now words and pictures combine in an exciting new way of telling these stories - full-colour graphic novels which enhance the original stories and offer a completely new way of enjoying some of the world's most popular and exciting mysteries. When the luxurious Blue Train arrives at Nice, a guard attempts to wake serene Ruth Kettering from her slumbers. But she will never wake again - for a heavy blow has killed her, disfiguring her features almost beyond recognition. What is more, her precious rubies are missing. The prime suspect is Ruth's estranged husband, Derek. Yet Poirot is not convinced, so he stages an eerie reenactment of the journey, complete with the murderer on board!
Christie Agatha The Mystery of the Blue Train
Издание полностью на английском языке. Poirot takes a train to France and find himself embroiled in an adventure of murder and mayhem in this exciting new comic strip adaptation. Famed for her crime masterpieces, Agatha Christie's books have become the best-selling in the world, appealing to readers young and old for their ingenious plots and immediately recognizable characters. The stories have also transcended the printed page, become bestselling audiobooks and award-winning films, plays and television series. Now words and pictures combine in an exciting new way of telling these stories - full-colour graphic novels which enhance the original stories and offer a completely new way of enjoying some of the world's most popular and exciting mysteries. When the luxurious Blue Train arrives at Nice, a guard attempts to wake serene Ruth Kettering from her slumbers. But she will never wake again - for a heavy blow has killed her, disfiguring her features almost beyond recognition. What is more, her precious rubies are missing. The prime suspect is Ruth's estranged husband, Derek. Yet Poirot is not convinced, so he stages an eerie reenactment of the journey, complete with the murderer on board!
Christie Agatha The Mystery of the Blue Train
Издание полностью на английском языке. Poirot takes a train to France and find himself embroiled in an adventure of murder and mayhem in this exciting new comic strip adaptation. Famed for her crime masterpieces, Agatha Christie's books have become the best-selling in the world, appealing to readers young and old for their ingenious plots and immediately recognizable characters. The stories have also transcended the printed page, become bestselling audiobooks and award-winning films, plays and television series. Now words and pictures combine in an exciting new way of telling these stories - full-colour graphic novels which enhance the original stories and offer a completely new way of enjoying some of the world's most popular and exciting mysteries. When the luxurious Blue Train arrives at Nice, a guard attempts to wake serene Ruth Kettering from her slumbers. But she will never wake again - for a heavy blow has killed her, disfiguring her features almost beyond recognition. What is more, her precious rubies are missing. The prime suspect is Ruth's estranged husband, Derek. Yet Poirot is not convinced, so he stages an eerie reenactment of the journey, complete with the murderer on board!
Christie Agatha Elephants Can Remembe
Издание полностью на английском языке. Hercule Poirot stood on the cliff-top. Here, many years earlier, there had been a fatal accident. This was followed by the grisly discovery of two bodies - a husband and wife - shot dead. But who had killed whom? Was it a suicide pact? A crime of passion? Or cold-blooded murder? Poirot delves back into the past and discovers that "old sins leave long shadows".
Christie Agatha Elephants Can Remembe
Издание полностью на английском языке. Hercule Poirot stood on the cliff-top. Here, many years earlier, there had been a fatal accident. This was followed by the grisly discovery of two bodies - a husband and wife - shot dead. But who had killed whom? Was it a suicide pact? A crime of passion? Or cold-blooded murder? Poirot delves back into the past and discovers that "old sins leave long shadows".
Christie Agatha Elephants Can Remembe
Издание полностью на английском языке. Hercule Poirot stood on the cliff-top. Here, many years earlier, there had been a fatal accident. This was followed by the grisly discovery of two bodies - a husband and wife - shot dead. But who had killed whom? Was it a suicide pact? A crime of passion? Or cold-blooded murder? Poirot delves back into the past and discovers that "old sins leave long shadows".
Christie Agatha The Big Four
Издание полностью на английском языке. Framed in the doorway of Poirot's bedroom stood an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust. The man's gaunt face stared for a moment, then he swayed and fell. Who was he? Was he suffering from shock or just exhaustion? Above all, what was the significance of the figure 4, scribbled over and over again on a sheet of paper? Poirot finds himself plunged into a world of international intrigue, risking his life - and that of his twin brother - to uncover the truth about "Number Four".
Christie Agatha The Big Four
Издание полностью на английском языке. Framed in the doorway of Poirot's bedroom stood an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust. The man's gaunt face stared for a moment, then he swayed and fell. Who was he? Was he suffering from shock or just exhaustion? Above all, what was the significance of the figure 4, scribbled over and over again on a sheet of paper? Poirot finds himself plunged into a world of international intrigue, risking his life - and that of his twin brother - to uncover the truth about "Number Four".
Christie Agatha The Big Four
Издание полностью на английском языке. Framed in the doorway of Poirot's bedroom stood an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust. The man's gaunt face stared for a moment, then he swayed and fell. Who was he? Was he suffering from shock or just exhaustion? Above all, what was the significance of the figure 4, scribbled over and over again on a sheet of paper? Poirot finds himself plunged into a world of international intrigue, risking his life - and that of his twin brother - to uncover the truth about "Number Four".
Christie Agatha Murder in Mesopotamia
Издание полностью на английском языке. An archaeologist's wife is murdered on the shores of the River Tigris in Iraq... It was clear to Amy Leatheran that something sinister was going on at the Hassanieh dig in Iraq; something associated with the presence of 'Lovely Louise', wife of celebrated archaeologist Dr Leidner. In a few days' time Hercule Poirot was due to drop in at the excavation site. But with Louise suffering from terrifying hallucinations, and tension within the group becoming almost unbearable, Poirot might just be too late!
Christie Agatha Murder in Mesopotamia
Издание полностью на английском языке. An archaeologist's wife is murdered on the shores of the River Tigris in Iraq... It was clear to Amy Leatheran that something sinister was going on at the Hassanieh dig in Iraq; something associated with the presence of 'Lovely Louise', wife of celebrated archaeologist Dr Leidner. In a few days' time Hercule Poirot was due to drop in at the excavation site. But with Louise suffering from terrifying hallucinations, and tension within the group becoming almost unbearable, Poirot might just be too late!
Christie Agatha Murder in Mesopotamia
Издание полностью на английском языке. An archaeologist's wife is murdered on the shores of the River Tigris in Iraq... It was clear to Amy Leatheran that something sinister was going on at the Hassanieh dig in Iraq; something associated with the presence of 'Lovely Louise', wife of celebrated archaeologist Dr Leidner. In a few days' time Hercule Poirot was due to drop in at the excavation site. But with Louise suffering from terrifying hallucinations, and tension within the group becoming almost unbearable, Poirot might just be too late!
Christie Agatha Evil Under the Sun
Издание полностью на английском языке. The beautiful bronzed body of Arlena Stuart lay face down on the beach. But strangely, there was no sun and Arlena was not sun-bathing... she had been strangled. Ever since Arlena's arrival the air had been thick with sexual tension. Each of the guests had a motive to kill her, including Arlena's new husband, but Hercule Poirot suspects that this apparent "crime of passion" conceals something much more evil.
Christie Agatha Evil Under the Sun
Издание полностью на английском языке. The beautiful bronzed body of Arlena Stuart lay face down on the beach. But strangely, there was no sun and Arlena was not sun-bathing... she had been strangled. Ever since Arlena's arrival the air had been thick with sexual tension. Each of the guests had a motive to kill her, including Arlena's new husband, but Hercule Poirot suspects that this apparent "crime of passion" conceals something much more evil.
Christie Agatha Evil Under the Sun
Издание полностью на английском языке. The beautiful bronzed body of Arlena Stuart lay face down on the beach. But strangely, there was no sun and Arlena was not sun-bathing... she had been strangled. Ever since Arlena's arrival the air had been thick with sexual tension. Each of the guests had a motive to kill her, including Arlena's new husband, but Hercule Poirot suspects that this apparent "crime of passion" conceals something much more evil.
Christie Agatha Peril at End House
Издание полностью на английском языке. On holiday on the Cornish Riviera, Hercule Poirot is alarmed to hear pretty Nick Buckley describe her recent 'accidental brushes with death': 5t, on a treacherous Cornish hillside, the brakes on her car failed. Then, on a coastal path, a falling boulder missed her by inches. Later an oil painting fell and almost crushed her in bed. So when Poirot finds a bullet hole in Nick's sun hat, he decides that this girl needs his help. Can he find the would-be killer before he hits his target?
Christie Agatha Peril at End House
Издание полностью на английском языке. On holiday on the Cornish Riviera, Hercule Poirot is alarmed to hear pretty Nick Buckley describe her recent 'accidental brushes with death': 5t, on a treacherous Cornish hillside, the brakes on her car failed. Then, on a coastal path, a falling boulder missed her by inches. Later an oil painting fell and almost crushed her in bed. So when Poirot finds a bullet hole in Nick's sun hat, he decides that this girl needs his help. Can he find the would-be killer before he hits his target?
Christie Agatha Peril at End House
Издание полностью на английском языке. On holiday on the Cornish Riviera, Hercule Poirot is alarmed to hear pretty Nick Buckley describe her recent 'accidental brushes with death': 5t, on a treacherous Cornish hillside, the brakes on her car failed. Then, on a coastal path, a falling boulder missed her by inches. Later an oil painting fell and almost crushed her in bed. So when Poirot finds a bullet hole in Nick's sun hat, he decides that this girl needs his help. Can he find the would-be killer before he hits his target?
Christie Agatha Death on the Nile
Издание полностью на английском языке. The tranquillity of a cruise along the Nile was shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway had been shot through the head. She was young, stylish and beautiful. A girl who had everything... until she lost her life. Hercule Poirot recalled an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: "I'd like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just press the trigger". Yet in this exotic setting nothing was ever quite what it seemed...
Christie Agatha Death on the Nile
Издание полностью на английском языке. The tranquillity of a cruise along the Nile was shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway had been shot through the head. She was young, stylish and beautiful. A girl who had everything... until she lost her life. Hercule Poirot recalled an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: "I'd like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just press the trigger". Yet in this exotic setting nothing was ever quite what it seemed...
Christie Agatha Death on the Nile
Издание полностью на английском языке. The tranquillity of a cruise along the Nile was shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway had been shot through the head. She was young, stylish and beautiful. A girl who had everything... until she lost her life. Hercule Poirot recalled an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: "I'd like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just press the trigger". Yet in this exotic setting nothing was ever quite what it seemed...
Christie Agatha Mirror Crack'd From Side to Side
Издание полностью на английском языке. One minute, silly Heather Badcock had been babbling on at her movie idol, the glamorous Marina Gregg. The next, Heather suffered a massive seizure, poisoned by a deadly cocktail. It seems likely that the cocktail was intended for the beautiful actress. But whilst the police fumble to find clues, Miss Marple begins to ask her own questions, because as she knows - even the most peaceful village can hide dark secrets.
Christie Agatha Mirror Crack'd From Side to Side
Издание полностью на английском языке. One minute, silly Heather Badcock had been babbling on at her movie idol, the glamorous Marina Gregg. The next, Heather suffered a massive seizure, poisoned by a deadly cocktail. It seems likely that the cocktail was intended for the beautiful actress. But whilst the police fumble to find clues, Miss Marple begins to ask her own questions, because as she knows - even the most peaceful village can hide dark secrets.
Christie Agatha Mirror Crack'd From Side to Side
Издание полностью на английском языке. One minute, silly Heather Badcock had been babbling on at her movie idol, the glamorous Marina Gregg. The next, Heather suffered a massive seizure, poisoned by a deadly cocktail. It seems likely that the cocktail was intended for the beautiful actress. But whilst the police fumble to find clues, Miss Marple begins to ask her own questions, because as she knows - even the most peaceful village can hide dark secrets.
Christie Agatha Death in the Clouds
Книга полностью на английском языке. From seat No.9, Hercule Poirot was ideally placed to observe his fellow air passengers. Over to his right sat a pretty young woman, clearly infatuated with the man opposite; ahead, in seat No.13, sat a Countess with a poorly-concealed cocaine habit; across the gangway in seat No.8, a detective writer was being troubled by an aggressive wasp. What Poirot did not yet realize was that behind him, in seat No.2, sat the slumped, lifeless body of a woman.
Christie Agatha Death in the Clouds
Книга полностью на английском языке. From seat No.9, Hercule Poirot was ideally placed to observe his fellow air passengers. Over to his right sat a pretty young woman, clearly infatuated with the man opposite; ahead, in seat No.13, sat a Countess with a poorly-concealed cocaine habit; across the gangway in seat No.8, a detective writer was being troubled by an aggressive wasp. What Poirot did not yet realize was that behind him, in seat No.2, sat the slumped, lifeless body of a woman.
Christie Agatha Death in the Clouds
Книга полностью на английском языке. From seat No.9, Hercule Poirot was ideally placed to observe his fellow air passengers. Over to his right sat a pretty young woman, clearly infatuated with the man opposite; ahead, in seat No.13, sat a Countess with a poorly-concealed cocaine habit; across the gangway in seat No.8, a detective writer was being troubled by an aggressive wasp. What Poirot did not yet realize was that behind him, in seat No.2, sat the slumped, lifeless body of a woman.
Christie Agatha The Hollow
Издание полностью на английском языке. A far-from-warm welcome greets Hercule Poirot as he arrives for lunch at Lucy Angkatell's country house. A man lies dying by the swimming pool, his blood dripping into the water and his wife stands over him, holding a revolver. As Poirot investigates he begins to realize that beneath the respectable surface lies a tangle of family secrets and everyone becomes a suspect.
Christie Agatha The Hollow
Издание полностью на английском языке. A far-from-warm welcome greets Hercule Poirot as he arrives for lunch at Lucy Angkatell's country house. A man lies dying by the swimming pool, his blood dripping into the water and his wife stands over him, holding a revolver. As Poirot investigates he begins to realize that beneath the respectable surface lies a tangle of family secrets and everyone becomes a suspect.
Christie Agatha The Hollow
Издание полностью на английском языке. A far-from-warm welcome greets Hercule Poirot as he arrives for lunch at Lucy Angkatell's country house. A man lies dying by the swimming pool, his blood dripping into the water and his wife stands over him, holding a revolver. As Poirot investigates he begins to realize that beneath the respectable surface lies a tangle of family secrets and everyone becomes a suspect.
Christie Agatha At Bertram's Hotel
When Miss Marple comes up from the country for a holiday in London, she finds what she's looking for at Bertram's Hotel: traditional decor, impeccable service and memories of childhood. What she doesn't expect is the unmistakable atmosphere of danger behind the highly polished veneer. Yet, not even Miss Marple can foresee the violent chain of events set in motion when an eccentric guest makes his way to the airport on the wrong day...
Christie Agatha At Bertram's Hotel
When Miss Marple comes up from the country for a holiday in London, she finds what she's looking for at Bertram's Hotel: traditional decor, impeccable service and memories of childhood. What she doesn't expect is the unmistakable atmosphere of danger behind the highly polished veneer. Yet, not even Miss Marple can foresee the violent chain of events set in motion when an eccentric guest makes his way to the airport on the wrong day...
Christie Agatha At Bertram's Hotel
When Miss Marple comes up from the country for a holiday in London, she finds what she's looking for at Bertram's Hotel: traditional decor, impeccable service and memories of childhood. What she doesn't expect is the unmistakable atmosphere of danger behind the highly polished veneer. Yet, not even Miss Marple can foresee the violent chain of events set in motion when an eccentric guest makes his way to the airport on the wrong day...
Christie Agatha Dead Man's Folly
Издание полностью на английском языке. A charity murder game at a Devon house turns into the real thing... Sir George and Lady Stubbs, the hosts of a village fete, hit upon the novel idea of staging a mock murder mystery. In good faith, Ariadne Oliver, the well known crime writer, agrees to organise their murder hunt. Despite weeks of meticulous planning, at the last minute Ariadne calls her friend Hercule Poirot for his expert assistance. Instinctively, she senses that something sinister is about to happen… Beware - nobody is quite what they seem!
Christie Agatha Dead Man's Folly
Издание полностью на английском языке. A charity murder game at a Devon house turns into the real thing... Sir George and Lady Stubbs, the hosts of a village fete, hit upon the novel idea of staging a mock murder mystery. In good faith, Ariadne Oliver, the well known crime writer, agrees to organise their murder hunt. Despite weeks of meticulous planning, at the last minute Ariadne calls her friend Hercule Poirot for his expert assistance. Instinctively, she senses that something sinister is about to happen… Beware - nobody is quite what they seem!
Christie Agatha Dead Man's Folly
Издание полностью на английском языке. A charity murder game at a Devon house turns into the real thing... Sir George and Lady Stubbs, the hosts of a village fete, hit upon the novel idea of staging a mock murder mystery. In good faith, Ariadne Oliver, the well known crime writer, agrees to organise their murder hunt. Despite weeks of meticulous planning, at the last minute Ariadne calls her friend Hercule Poirot for his expert assistance. Instinctively, she senses that something sinister is about to happen… Beware - nobody is quite what they seem!
Christie Agatha 4.50 from Paddington
Издание полностью на английском языке. For an instant the two trains ran together, side by side. In that frozen moment, Elspeth witnessed a murder. Helplessly, she stared out of her carriage window as a man remorselessly tightened his grip around a woman's throat. The body crumpled. Then the other train drew away. But who, apart from Jane Marple, would take her story seriously? After all, there were no suspects, no other witnesses... and no corpse.

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