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Большой русско-арабский словарь. 250 000 слов и словосочетаний
Словарь содержит около 250 000 слов и выражений русского языка. В издание вошли общеупотребительная лексика и широко распространенная специальная терминология русского и арабского языков. Составители включили в словарь ряд языковых единиц, характерных для крупных регионов и отдельных областей арабоговорящего мира. Словарь имеет простую и удобную структуру, благодаря чему работа с ним не вызывает сложностей. Издание предназначено всем изучающим арабский язык, а также носителям арабского языка, изучающим русский.
Добрые сказки
Книги серии "В гостях у сказки" откроют читателю волшебный и загадочный мир сказок. Лучшие сказки из сокровищницы мировой литературы, снабженные прекрасными иллюстрациями, несомненно, окажут неоценимую помощь в приобщении вашего ребенка к истокам всемирной культуры. Выполненные на высоком художественном уровне, книги этой серии украсят вашу домашнюю библиотеку и займут в ней достойное место.
Мудрые сказки
Книги серии "В гостях у сказки" откроют читателю волшебный и загадочный мир сказок. Лучшие сказки из сокровищницы мировой литературы, снабженные прекрасными иллюстрациями, несомненно, окажут неоценимую помощь в приобщении вашего ребенка к истокам всемирной культуры. Выполненные на высоком художественном уровне, книги этой серии украсят вашу домашнюю библиотеку и займут в ней достойное место.
Лучшие сказки
Книги серии "В гостях у сказки" откроют читателю волшебный и загадочный мир сказок. Лучшие сказки из сокровищницы мировой литературы, снабженные прекрасными иллюстрациями, несомненно, окажут неоценимую помощь в приобщении вашего ребенка к истокам всемирной культуры. Выполненные на высоком художественном уровне, книги этой серии украсят вашу домашнюю библиотеку и займут в ней достойное место.
Храмова Елена Юрьевна, Плисов Владимир Александрович Новейший справочник педиатра
Новейший справочник педиатра является научно-популярным изданием. В нем подробно рассказывается об особенностях детского организма и наиболее распространенных заболеваниях детского возраста. Для лечения в домашних условиях можно воспользоваться описанными простейшими физиотерапевтическими процедурами. Из книги вы узнаете, как правильно выполнить необходимые в уходе за малышом медицинские манипуляции. Подробно освещаются период новорожденности здорового ребенка, а также уход за детьми раннего возраста. Описывается физическое и психическое развитие детей. Большое внимание авторы уделяют вопросам детского питания. Вы узнаете, в чем преимущества естественного вскармливания, как правильно вводить прикорм и переводить ребенка на искусственное питание. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, будет полезна родителям в осуществлении ухода за детьми и их воспитания. Может использоваться учащимися медицинских колледжей, средним медицинским персоналом детских лечебно-профилактических учреждений.
Храмова Елена Юрьевна, Плисов Владимир Александрович Новейший справочник педиатра
Новейший справочник педиатра является научно-популярным изданием. В нем подробно рассказывается об особенностях детского организма и наиболее распространенных заболеваниях детского возраста. Для лечения в домашних условиях можно воспользоваться описанными простейшими физиотерапевтическими процедурами. Из книги вы узнаете, как правильно выполнить необходимые в уходе за малышом медицинские манипуляции. Подробно освещаются период новорожденности здорового ребенка, а также уход за детьми раннего возраста. Описывается физическое и психическое развитие детей. Большое внимание авторы уделяют вопросам детского питания. Вы узнаете, в чем преимущества естественного вскармливания, как правильно вводить прикорм и переводить ребенка на искусственное питание. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, будет полезна родителям в осуществлении ухода за детьми и их воспитания. Может использоваться учащимися медицинских колледжей, средним медицинским персоналом детских лечебно-профилактических учреждений.
Куприянова Анна Александровна Новейшая энциклопедия женского здоровья
Новейшая энциклопедия женского здоровья расскажет вам об анатомии и физиологии женских половых органов, о наиболее распространенных врожденных и приобретенных заболеваниях половой сферы и молочных желез, а также методах их диагностики. Подробно освещен такой период в жизни женщины, как беременность - начиная от ее планирования и до родов. Вы узнаете о том, что происходит в организме женщины во время беременности и как развивается плод. Мы даем советы будущей маме по питанию, занятиям гимнастикой, подготовке к родам. Не оставлены без внимания и юридические аспекты беременности. Подробно рассказывается о том, как происходят роды, в том числе патологические. Кроме того, в справочнике имеются разделы, посвященные вопросам полового воспитания, а также сексуальным расстройствам у женщин.
Куприянова Анна Александровна Новейшая энциклопедия женского здоровья
Новейшая энциклопедия женского здоровья расскажет вам об анатомии и физиологии женских половых органов, о наиболее распространенных врожденных и приобретенных заболеваниях половой сферы и молочных желез, а также методах их диагностики. Подробно освещен такой период в жизни женщины, как беременность - начиная от ее планирования и до родов. Вы узнаете о том, что происходит в организме женщины во время беременности и как развивается плод. Мы даем советы будущей маме по питанию, занятиям гимнастикой, подготовке к родам. Не оставлены без внимания и юридические аспекты беременности. Подробно рассказывается о том, как происходят роды, в том числе патологические. Кроме того, в справочнике имеются разделы, посвященные вопросам полового воспитания, а также сексуальным расстройствам у женщин.
Мое первое оригами. Ступень 1 (АБ 11-121)
Значение работы с бумагой в развитии ребёнка сложно переоценить, т.к. бумага - самый доступный материал для творчества. Ребёнок с удовольствием рисует на бумаге и складывает из неё фигурки. Занятия оригами и рисованием способствуют всестороннему интеллектуальному и эстетическому развитию ребёнка, подготовке и повышению эффективности его обучения в школе. Наборы учебной развивающей серии "Моё первое оригами" объединяют две техники - "оригами" и "рисование". Наборы разработаны с учётом физиологического и психологического развития детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста ("ступень 1" - для детей старше 3 лет, "ступень 2" - для детей старше 5 лет, "ступень 3" - для детей старше 8 лет). В наборах постепенно повышается уровень сложности техник "оригами" и "рисование". Наборы составлены так, что ребёнок может начать занятия с того набора, который соответствует его возрасту. Специально подготовленный тест-лист, входящий в набор, поможет ребёнку освоить правила и азбуку оригами. В набор входят: - 6 тренировочных листов - 6 ярких цветных листов - 6 листы для раскраски - тест-лист для обучения - инструкция со схемами. Вам понадобятся цветные карандаши. Не рекомендовано детям младше 3-х лет.
Набор для творчества "Золотистая бабочка" (АБ 41-201)
С давних времён художественное изображение бабочек существует во многих мировых культурах. Древние римляне говорили, что бабочки - это живые цветы, которые срывает ветер. Древние греки считали бабочку символом бессмертия души. Психея (греч. "душа") изображалась в образе девушки с крыльями бабочки. В Китае бабочка - воплощение бессмертия, изобилия, влюблённости, лета. Для многих народов мира бабочка символизировала долгожительство и красоту человека. У христиан стадии жизненного цикла бабочки олицетворяли рождение, жизнь, смерть и воскресение, поэтому бабочку иногда изображали в руке младенца Христа как символ возрождения и воскресения души. В стихах и песнях бабочки часто выступают в качестве символа красоты, свободы, любви и надежды. Золотисто-жёлтый цвет бабочки обладает позитивной энергетикой: веселье, разрядка напряжённости, игра, красота. Золотистая бабочка подарит Вам хорошее настроение! В набор входят: цветная бумага и картон, проволока, бусины, тонкий и объёмный двусторонний скотч (ножницы в набор не входят).
Набор для творчества "Золотистая бабочка" (АБ 41-201)
С давних времён художественное изображение бабочек существует во многих мировых культурах. Древние римляне говорили, что бабочки - это живые цветы, которые срывает ветер. Древние греки считали бабочку символом бессмертия души. Психея (греч. "душа") изображалась в образе девушки с крыльями бабочки. В Китае бабочка - воплощение бессмертия, изобилия, влюблённости, лета. Для многих народов мира бабочка символизировала долгожительство и красоту человека. У христиан стадии жизненного цикла бабочки олицетворяли рождение, жизнь, смерть и воскресение, поэтому бабочку иногда изображали в руке младенца Христа как символ возрождения и воскресения души. В стихах и песнях бабочки часто выступают в качестве символа красоты, свободы, любви и надежды. Золотисто-жёлтый цвет бабочки обладает позитивной энергетикой: веселье, разрядка напряжённости, игра, красота. Золотистая бабочка подарит Вам хорошее настроение! В набор входят: цветная бумага и картон, проволока, бусины, тонкий и объёмный двусторонний скотч (ножницы в набор не входят).
Набор для творчества "Лазурная бабочка" (АБ 41-202)
С давних времён художественное изображение бабочек существует во многих мировых культурах. Древние римляне говорили, что бабочки - это живые цветы, которые срывает ветер. Древние греки считали бабочку символом бессмертия души. Психея (греч. "душа") изображалась в образе девушки с крыльями бабочки. В Китае бабочка - воплощение бессмертия, изобилия, влюблённости, лета. Для многих народов мира бабочка символизировала долгожительство и красоту человека. У христиан стадии жизненного цикла бабочки олицетворяли рождение, жизнь, смерть и воскресение, поэтому бабочку иногда изображали в руке младенца Христа как символ возрождения и воскресения души. В стихах и песнях бабочки часто выступают в качестве символа красоты, свободы, любви и надежды. Лазурный цвет бабочки ассоциируется с безоблачным небом, чистотой и божественностью. Пусть лазурная бабочка принесёт Вам радость, яркость и ощущение праздника! В набор входят: цветная бумага и картон, проволока, бусины, тонкий и объёмный двусторонний скотч (ножницы в набор не входят).
Набор для творчества "Лазурная бабочка" (АБ 41-202)
С давних времён художественное изображение бабочек существует во многих мировых культурах. Древние римляне говорили, что бабочки - это живые цветы, которые срывает ветер. Древние греки считали бабочку символом бессмертия души. Психея (греч. "душа") изображалась в образе девушки с крыльями бабочки. В Китае бабочка - воплощение бессмертия, изобилия, влюблённости, лета. Для многих народов мира бабочка символизировала долгожительство и красоту человека. У христиан стадии жизненного цикла бабочки олицетворяли рождение, жизнь, смерть и воскресение, поэтому бабочку иногда изображали в руке младенца Христа как символ возрождения и воскресения души. В стихах и песнях бабочки часто выступают в качестве символа красоты, свободы, любви и надежды. Лазурный цвет бабочки ассоциируется с безоблачным небом, чистотой и божественностью. Пусть лазурная бабочка принесёт Вам радость, яркость и ощущение праздника! В набор входят: цветная бумага и картон, проволока, бусины, тонкий и объёмный двусторонний скотч (ножницы в набор не входят).
Крылов Иван Андреевич Басни
"Иван Крылов. Басни" - красиво оформленная книга, с блёстками на обложке и прекрасными рисунками Игоря Шляхова внутри, обязательно понравится и детям, и взрослым. Произведения Крылова все любят читать с самого детства. В памяти многих хранятся крыловские образы, которые довольно часто всплывают в голове при различных жизненных ситуациях, и каждый раз мы не перестаем удивляться проницательности автора. То нам встречается человек, похожий на Моську, которая лаяла на Слона, чтобы показаться смелой и отчаянной. То Мартышка, по своей глупости разбившая очки... Басни Крылова небольшие по размеру, но не по значению, и многие из фраз произведений давно стали крылатыми выражениями. Для дошкольного возраста.
Крылов Иван Андреевич Басни
"Иван Крылов. Басни" - красиво оформленная книга, с блёстками на обложке и прекрасными рисунками Игоря Шляхова внутри, обязательно понравится и детям, и взрослым. Произведения Крылова все любят читать с самого детства. В памяти многих хранятся крыловские образы, которые довольно часто всплывают в голове при различных жизненных ситуациях, и каждый раз мы не перестаем удивляться проницательности автора. То нам встречается человек, похожий на Моську, которая лаяла на Слона, чтобы показаться смелой и отчаянной. То Мартышка, по своей глупости разбившая очки... Басни Крылова небольшие по размеру, но не по значению, и многие из фраз произведений давно стали крылатыми выражениями. Для дошкольного возраста.
Андерсен Ханс Кристиан Дюймовочка
Книжка-картонка. Вырубка в виде цветка.
Гримм Якоб и Вильгельм Златовласка
Книжка-картонка. Вырубка в виде цветка.
Виан Борис Красная трава
Борис Виан за свою недолгую жизнь успел побывать инженером, изобретателем, музыкантом, критиком, поэтом, романистом, драматургом, сценаристом, переводчиком, журналистом и чтецом. Он играл на тромбоне, пел и сочинял песни (всего их около четырех сотен). Время отводило на все считанные секунды. Сегодня его творчество органично входит в общий контекст XX века. Виан признан классиком интеллектуального китча, гением провокации, ярким представителем послевоенного французского авангарда. Вниманию читателя предлагается роман Виана "Красная трава". Действие разворачивается в обычной для Виана фантасмагорической обстановке. Во дворе дома, где живут инженер Вольф, его жена Лиль, его друг Ляпис Сапфир и его спутница Хмельмая, а также четвероногий и хвостатый, собакообразный сенатор Дюпон, среди красной травы стоит некий аппарат. Вольф сконструировал его для того, чтобы избавиться от воспоминаний. Но чтобы забыть - надо сначала вспомнить.
Соколова Лариса Как сохранить молодость лица, шеи, груди в любом возрасте
Лариса Соколова посвятила жизнь изучению даосских практик здоровья и молодости. Она ведет женские тренинги омоложения. Разработанная ею система упражнений не знает сегодня аналогов. Лариса Соколова помогает не только вернуть тонус мышцам и коже, но и откорректировать соположение лицевых костей, которые с возрастом расходятся, отчего "расплываются" черты лица. Лифтинг-гимнастика Ларисы Соколовой помогает за 2 месяца убрать с лица отпечаток 20 лет жизни!
Благодарю вас за цветы
Это превосходно иллюстрированное издание посвящено самым прекрасным цветам всего мира. Нежные и строгие, редкие и привычные для нашего взгляда - во все времена цветы были источником вдохновения для поэтов и писателей, создавших настоящую цветочную страну, со своими легендами, языком, календарем и даже гороскопом. Совершите увлекательное путешествие по этой стране и погрузитесь в волшебный мир цветов, с их красотой, такой хрупкой и такой притягательной... Издание рассчитано на самый широкий круг читателей и любителей прекрасного. Составитель: Л.Д.Бибанина, Н.П.Рудакова.
Православные посты, праздники, дни поминовения. Календарь 2012
Эта книга - незаменимое подспорье православным и членам их семей. На ее страницах день за днем читатели будут находить лучшие рецепты традиционных блюд постной и праздничной православной кухни. Рецепты, при помощи которых легко составить меню к любому празднику, посту, собрать достойный стол ко дню поминовения. Блюда повседневные, простые в приготовлении и недорогие, изысканные затейливые деликатесы для самых торжественных случаев, старинные рецепты наших прабабок и самые последние веяния современной кулинарии - все найдется на страницах этого издания. Для каждого поста подобраны рецепты в соответствии с сезоном, на который приходится пост, а предложения рождественского и новогоднего меню, равно как и меню на Масленицу способны вызвать приступ аппетита у любого гурмана! Кроме того, читатели смогут воспользоваться Пасхалией на 2012 год с указанием дат всех праздников, постов и дней поминовения.
Православные посты, праздники, дни поминовения. Календарь 2012
Эта книга - незаменимое подспорье православным и членам их семей. На ее страницах день за днем читатели будут находить лучшие рецепты традиционных блюд постной и праздничной православной кухни. Рецепты, при помощи которых легко составить меню к любому празднику, посту, собрать достойный стол ко дню поминовения. Блюда повседневные, простые в приготовлении и недорогие, изысканные затейливые деликатесы для самых торжественных случаев, старинные рецепты наших прабабок и самые последние веяния современной кулинарии - все найдется на страницах этого издания. Для каждого поста подобраны рецепты в соответствии с сезоном, на который приходится пост, а предложения рождественского и новогоднего меню, равно как и меню на Масленицу способны вызвать приступ аппетита у любого гурмана! Кроме того, читатели смогут воспользоваться Пасхалией на 2012 год с указанием дат всех праздников, постов и дней поминовения.
Православный календарь на 2012 год
За прошедшее десятилетие Православный календарь издательства "Вектор" заслужил репутацию уважаемого и популярного издания. Отдавая дань традиции, книга на 2012 поможет читателям жить в согласии с законом Божьим, не упуская ничего важного. На страницах издания: - описание всех православных праздников и событий священной истории с тропарями; - краткие жития святых; - поучения отцов Церкви; - основные молитвы. Также в календаре отмечены: - даты церковных праздников; - однодневные посты и многодневные посты; - дни поминовения усопших (родительские субботы); - ежедневные соборные молитвы; - именины и рассказы о православных святых, в честь которых происходит имянаречение. Для удобства верующих все даты в календаре даются как по новому, так и по старому стилю.
Кизима Галина Александровна 365 советов для садоводов и огородников. Календарь на 2012 с учетом лунных фаз
Уникальный авторский опыт земледелия, который с благодарностью перенимают не только сотни тысяч владельцев дачных и приусадебных участков, но даже профессионалы. Проверено временем, проверено людьми! Для тех, кто хочет получать удовольствие и пользу от работы на приусадебном участке, мы настоятельно рекомендуем книгу-календарь выдающегося садовода Галины Кизима. На страницах издания читатели найдут лучшие советы и подробные обстоятельные ответы практически на любые вопросы, связанные с подготовкой почвы, выращиванием рассады, уходом за растениями, применением удобрений и др. Кроме того, автором учтены лунные фазы, оказывающие большое влияние на всхожесть и рост растений. При помощи этого руководства к действию, расписанного по дням, читатели смогут: - выбрать самые благоприятные сроки для каждого вида аграрных работ; - повысить плодородие почвы на своем участке, не отравляя ее; - получить богатый урожай без хлопот и разочарований; - эффективно переработать полученный урожай.
Кизима Галина Александровна 365 советов для садоводов и огородников. Календарь на 2012 с учетом лунных фаз
Уникальный авторский опыт земледелия, который с благодарностью перенимают не только сотни тысяч владельцев дачных и приусадебных участков, но даже профессионалы. Проверено временем, проверено людьми! Для тех, кто хочет получать удовольствие и пользу от работы на приусадебном участке, мы настоятельно рекомендуем книгу-календарь выдающегося садовода Галины Кизима. На страницах издания читатели найдут лучшие советы и подробные обстоятельные ответы практически на любые вопросы, связанные с подготовкой почвы, выращиванием рассады, уходом за растениями, применением удобрений и др. Кроме того, автором учтены лунные фазы, оказывающие большое влияние на всхожесть и рост растений. При помощи этого руководства к действию, расписанного по дням, читатели смогут: - выбрать самые благоприятные сроки для каждого вида аграрных работ; - повысить плодородие почвы на своем участке, не отравляя ее; - получить богатый урожай без хлопот и разочарований; - эффективно переработать полученный урожай.
Ниши Кацудзо Система здоровья Ниши на каждый день. Календарь 2012
Уникальные советы знаменитого японского учителя здоровья Кацудзо Ниши - автора самой знаменитой практики альтернативной медицины ХХ-ХXI вв. читатели найдут в новом календаре здоровья. 365 рекомендаций на каждый день года позволят каждому, кто прочитал книгу существенно поправить здоровье, не прибегая к опасным медикаментам и дорогостоящим медицинским процедурам. Кроме того, на страницах издания: - прогнозы на каждый день; - характеристика лунных суток и фазы Луны; - рациональное питание и его особенности для этого дня; - распределение физических нагрузок. Стройная программа поможет людям поддерживать силы и здоровье день за днем, на протяжении всего года.
Ниши Кацудзо Система здоровья Ниши на каждый день. Календарь 2012
Уникальные советы знаменитого японского учителя здоровья Кацудзо Ниши - автора самой знаменитой практики альтернативной медицины ХХ-ХXI вв. читатели найдут в новом календаре здоровья. 365 рекомендаций на каждый день года позволят каждому, кто прочитал книгу существенно поправить здоровье, не прибегая к опасным медикаментам и дорогостоящим медицинским процедурам. Кроме того, на страницах издания: - прогнозы на каждый день; - характеристика лунных суток и фазы Луны; - рациональное питание и его особенности для этого дня; - распределение физических нагрузок. Стройная программа поможет людям поддерживать силы и здоровье день за днем, на протяжении всего года.
Ниши Кацудзо Система здоровья Ниши на каждый день. Календарь 2012
Уникальные советы знаменитого японского учителя здоровья Кацудзо Ниши - автора самой знаменитой практики альтернативной медицины ХХ-ХXI вв. читатели найдут в новом календаре здоровья. 365 рекомендаций на каждый день года позволят каждому, кто прочитал книгу существенно поправить здоровье, не прибегая к опасным медикаментам и дорогостоящим медицинским процедурам. Кроме того, на страницах издания: - прогнозы на каждый день; - характеристика лунных суток и фазы Луны; - рациональное питание и его особенности для этого дня; - распределение физических нагрузок. Стройная программа поможет людям поддерживать силы и здоровье день за днем, на протяжении всего года.
Шелтон Герберт Живи здоровым! Избранное (+DVD)
Секреты науки о здоровом образе жизни Герберта Шелтона - для российского читателя! Основополагающие работы Г. Шелтона, которые позволят читателю построить индивидуальную схему оздоровления организма, избавления от болезней и сохранения здоровья: - основные компоненты здорового образа жизни; - пять основных законов правильного питания; - основы раздельного питания; - таблицы сочетаемости продуктов; - анализ основных элементов питания, структуры ежедневного рациона, его грамотное построение для сохранения здоровья; - правила очищения организма; - способы восстановления организма при различных заболеваниях; - принципы лечебного голодания; - схемы формирования привычек здорового образа жизни.
Любимова Анна Похудеть за три недели по системе "Минус 60" (+CD)
Проблема избыточного веса беспокоит миллионы людей. Еще бы, лишние килограммы отрицательно сказываются на здоровье, негативно влияя практически на все органы и системы нашего организма. Помимо того, толстые люди не считаются сексуальными в современном обществе, а потому обречены на одиночество и проблемы в личной жизни. Существует множество диет, часть из них даже приносит некоторые результаты, но в данной книге описывается диета, проверенная на практике. Анна Любимова попробовала использовать новомодную систему похудения "Минус 60" и у нее получилось значительно сбросить лишние килограммы. Всего 21 день она следовала указаниям знаменитой Екатерины Миримановой, вела дневник, описывала свои ощущения, комментировала, делала замечания и исправления. Кроме практических рекомендаций по знаменитой диете в этой книге предлагаются кулинарные рецепты, которые помогли автору похудеть за полгода более чем на 20 килограммов.
Ершов Петр Павлович Конек-Горбунок
Знаменитая сказка Петра Павловича Ершова, написанная более 170 лет назад, по праву вошла в золотой фонд русской детской литературы. И в наше время дети с удовольствием читают озорную и веселую сказку про Ивана и его верного друга Конька-Горбунка. Сказка впервые была напечатана в 1834 году и с тех пор остается любимым чтением для детей. Для среднего школьного возраста.
Сказки дочкам и сыночкам
Сказки - веселые и грустные, озорные и волшебные - для любимых детишек, девчонок и мальчишек! Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Домик для кукушки. Сказки
Предлагаем вашему вниманию сборник сказок "Домик для кукушки". Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Агинская Елена Николаевна Лесной переполох. Сказки
Вашему вниманию предлагается литературно-художественное издание для чтения взрослыми детям.
Чуковский Корней Иванович Доктор Айболит (CDmp3)
Знаменитая сказка Корнея Чуковского (Николая Васильевича Корнейчукова 1882-1969) любима многими поколениями детей нашей страны. Эта сказка о добром и смелом Айболите и его друзьях-обезьяне Чичи, собаке Авве и попугае Каррудо. Они переживают невероятные приключения, чтобы вылечить зверей в Африке. У доброго доктора Айболита был реально существующий прототип - детский врач Цемах Шабад (1864-1935). Лечил бесплатно детей бедняков, организовывал детские больницы и приюты, спасал детей от смерти. Автор инсценировки В. Коростылёв. Музыка - М. Меерович. Исполнители: Доктор Айболит и Ведущий - Н. Литвинов. Обезьяна Чичи - Ю. Юльская. Ласточка, Обезьянка - Г. Иванова. Собака Авва - Е. Васильев. Попугай Каррудо - Ф. Тобиас. Робинзон, Бармалей - М. Названов. Тянитолкай - Ю. Андреев. Оркестр п/у Г. Рождественского. Запись 1956 г. Общее время звучания: 50 мин. 47 сек. Битрейт: 192 kBit/sec. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 98/МЕ/XP/2000 Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звуковая карта SVGA CD-ROM: 4x
Мир народного творчества (CDpc)
На диске представлена увлекательная интерактивная обучающая игра, предназначенная для детей от 4 до 8 лет. Малыш познакомится с творчеством народных мастеров и узнает о секретах самобытности русских промыслов. В творческих конкурсах Вашему малышу предложат украсить предмет узорами, характерными для разных народных промыслов или самому собрать игрушку из деталей согласно схеме. Можно сохранить работу ребенка в альбом или распечатать ее на принтере (если распечатать не раскрашенный вариант, то потом его можно раскрасить фломастерами или карандашами). Также ребенок сможет послушать веселые частушки. В игре представлено 7 тем: - Хохломские узоры - Богородская игрушка - Городецкая роспись - Русские пряники - Дымковская игрушка - Народные костюмы - Гжельская керамика Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista Процессор: Pentium III 700 MHz Память: 256 Mb Видео: 32 Mb SVGA, DirectX 8.0 совместимый, 800x600 Звук: DirectX 8.0 совместимый CD-ROM: 12x HDD: 400 Mb DirectX 9.0c
Песни военных лет (CDmp3)
01. Американская солдатская песня 02. Песня артиллеристов 03. Бескозырка 04. Бомбардировщики 05. В землянке 06. В лесу прифронтовом 07. Вася-василек 08. Вернулся я на Родину 09. Вечер на рейде 10. Воро-воро 11. Вот солдаты идут 12. Все хорошо 13. Гадам нет пощады 14. Грустные ивы 15. Давай, закурим! 16. Давно мы дома не были 17. Два друга 18. Два Максима 19. Джеймс Кеннеди 20. Днем и ночью 21. Дорога на Берлин 22. Где же вы теперь, друзья однополчане? 23. Дунайские волны 24. Ее письмо на фронт 25. Если завтра война 26. Ехал я из Берлина 27. Жди меня 28. Здесь вы в казарме 29. Земляки 30. Иная песня 31. Казаки в Берлине 32. Казачья песня 33. Как за Камой за рекой 34. Как у дуба старого 35. Заветный камень 36. Катюша 37. Ласточка-касаточка 38. Ленинград мой 39. Летим домой 40. Любимый город 41. Марш танкистов 42. Махорочка 43. Минуты жизни 44. Миссия в Москву (Mission to Moscow) 45. Мишка-одессит 46. Молодые моряки 47. Море шумит 48. Моя любимая 49. Моя Москва 50. Моя тень 51. Перелетные птицы 52. Мы из Одессы моряки 53. На полянке 54. На солнечной поляночке 55. Настанет день 56. Нет, не забудет солдат 57. О чем ты тоскуешь, товарищ моряк? 58. Огонек 59. Ой, туманы мои, растуманы 60. Офицерский (Случайный) вальс 61. Паренек с Байкала 62. Парень-паренек 63. Партизанская борода 64. Партизаны 65. Песенка военных корреспондентов 66. Песенка о нацистах 67. Песенка фронтового шофера 68. Победа - наш клич боевой! 69. Под звездами балканскими 70. Под кленами 71. Пора в путь-дорогу 72. Почта полевая 73. Ростов-город 74. Самовары-самопалы 75. Священная война 76. Синий платочек 77. Солдатский вальс 78. Соловьи 79. Сторонка 80. Темная ночь 81. Типерери 82. Три танкиста 83. Уралочка 84. Песня о фонарике 85. Часы пока идут 86. Шел старик из-за Дуная 87. Эх, дороги 88. Юность мира 89. Я потерял свое сердце Общее время звучания: 4 ч. 30 мин. 256 kBit/sec, 44,1 kHz, Stereo, MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 8x
Песни военных лет (CDmp3)
01. Американская солдатская песня 02. Песня артиллеристов 03. Бескозырка 04. Бомбардировщики 05. В землянке 06. В лесу прифронтовом 07. Вася-василек 08. Вернулся я на Родину 09. Вечер на рейде 10. Воро-воро 11. Вот солдаты идут 12. Все хорошо 13. Гадам нет пощады 14. Грустные ивы 15. Давай, закурим! 16. Давно мы дома не были 17. Два друга 18. Два Максима 19. Джеймс Кеннеди 20. Днем и ночью 21. Дорога на Берлин 22. Где же вы теперь, друзья однополчане? 23. Дунайские волны 24. Ее письмо на фронт 25. Если завтра война 26. Ехал я из Берлина 27. Жди меня 28. Здесь вы в казарме 29. Земляки 30. Иная песня 31. Казаки в Берлине 32. Казачья песня 33. Как за Камой за рекой 34. Как у дуба старого 35. Заветный камень 36. Катюша 37. Ласточка-касаточка 38. Ленинград мой 39. Летим домой 40. Любимый город 41. Марш танкистов 42. Махорочка 43. Минуты жизни 44. Миссия в Москву (Mission to Moscow) 45. Мишка-одессит 46. Молодые моряки 47. Море шумит 48. Моя любимая 49. Моя Москва 50. Моя тень 51. Перелетные птицы 52. Мы из Одессы моряки 53. На полянке 54. На солнечной поляночке 55. Настанет день 56. Нет, не забудет солдат 57. О чем ты тоскуешь, товарищ моряк? 58. Огонек 59. Ой, туманы мои, растуманы 60. Офицерский (Случайный) вальс 61. Паренек с Байкала 62. Парень-паренек 63. Партизанская борода 64. Партизаны 65. Песенка военных корреспондентов 66. Песенка о нацистах 67. Песенка фронтового шофера 68. Победа - наш клич боевой! 69. Под звездами балканскими 70. Под кленами 71. Пора в путь-дорогу 72. Почта полевая 73. Ростов-город 74. Самовары-самопалы 75. Священная война 76. Синий платочек 77. Солдатский вальс 78. Соловьи 79. Сторонка 80. Темная ночь 81. Типерери 82. Три танкиста 83. Уралочка 84. Песня о фонарике 85. Часы пока идут 86. Шел старик из-за Дуная 87. Эх, дороги 88. Юность мира 89. Я потерял свое сердце Общее время звучания: 4 ч. 30 мин. 256 kBit/sec, 44,1 kHz, Stereo, MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 8x
Дневник школьный "Мишка" (18726)
Дневник школьный. Количество листов: 48 Тип бумаги: офсет. Одноцветная печать внутреннего блока, запечатка форзаца. Твердая обложка с аппликацией, тиснение фольгой. Универсальная шпаргалка.
Золотая коллекция (5CDmp3)
Серия "Старая пластинка" - это сборник лучших произведений известных композиторов, записанных со старых коллекционных грампластинок с сохранением оригинальных шумов и характерного тембра звучания для настоящих ценителей. Сейчас уже трудно найти не только старые пластинки, но и проигрыватель, на котором их можно проиграть. Серия "Старая пластинка" подарит Вам возможность вновь ощутить атмосферу того времени, освежить в памяти забытое звучание старого патефона или грамофонного проигрывателя, насладиться виртуозной игрой музыкального оркестра и по-новому ощутить всю красоту классической музыки. Поставьте диск, закройте глаза и на несколько минут Вы сможете снова вернуться во времена "винила". Данная серия станет отличным подарком для Вас и Ваших родных и близких. Подарите машину времени! В сборник вошли: Моцарт, Вольфганг Амадей (1756 - 1791) принадлежит к величайшим гениям мирового музыкального искусства. Он - представитель Венской классической школы композиции: виртуозный скрипач, клавесинист, органист, дирижёр, обладал феноменальным музыкальным слухом, памятью и способностью к импровизации. Время звучания: 5 часов Сергей Рахманинов (1873-1943) - блестящий русский композитор, пианист и дирижер. Его классические произведения, а также романсы и гениальное мастерство пианиста знают и любят во всем мире. Прожив 26 лет в эмиграции, Рахманинов остался истинно русским музыкантом, сохранившим и развившим традиции русской духовной культуры. Время звучания: 5 часов Чайковский Петр Ильич (1840 - 1893) - русский композитор, один из лучших мелодистов, дирижёр, педагог, музыкально-общественный деятель, музыкальный журналист. Чайковский считается одним из крупнейших русских композиторов. Автор 76 опусов, 10 опер, 3 балетов. Его концерты и другие опусы для фортепиано, семь симфоний, четыре сюиты, программная симфоническая музыка, балеты "Лебединое озеро", "Спящая красавица", "Щелкунчик" представляют чрезвычайно ценный вклад в мировую музыкальную культуру. Время звучания: 5 часов Фредерик Шопен (1810-1849) - польский композитор и пианист, долгое время живший и работавший во Франции. Он одним из первых привнес в западную музыку неизвестные ей дотоле славянские ладовые и интонационные элементы. Время звучания: 5 часов Гленн Миллер (1904-1944) - это настоящая легенда джаза. Он был великолепным тромбонистом, аранжировщиком, руководителем одного из лучших свинговых оркестров конца 1930-х - начала 1940-х годов. Через сорок лет после загадочной гибели Гленна Миллера над Ла-Маншем записи его оркестра обрели статус "золотых". Миллер добился того, что музыка, еще вчера считавшаяся чисто развлекательной, стала классикой. У его оркестра был неповторимый, сразу узнаваемый голос. Это было эталоном стиля. Время звучания: 2 ч. 31 мин. 128-256 kBit/sec, 44,1 kHz, Stereo, MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98/2000/XP Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 8x
Самоучитель вождения по городу. ПДД 2011. Подготовка и сдача экзамена (CDpc)
Самоучитель подготовит Вас к теоретическому и практическому экзаменам на получение водительского удостоверения категорий: A, B, C, D, а, главное - поможет овладеть навыками управления автомобилем в условиях города, изучить реальные маршруты московских экзаменационных подразделений ГИБДД. Благодаря 3D-тренажеру Вы сможете смело тренироваться ездить по дорогам Москвы под присмотром "виртуального инструктора", который подскажет маршрут и зафиксирует ошибки. У Вас есть уникальная возможность без угрозы для жизни или кошелька побывать в ДТП, а учебную машину "бить" и эксплуатировать Вы сможете столько, сколько необходимо для приобретения навыков уверенной езды. И при этом без затрат на бензин! Испытав все, что ощущает водитель на дороге в реальной жизни, в будущем Вы сможете избежать многих ошибок и успешно сдать экзамен в ГИБДД! Особенности: - Самый свежий официальный текст ПДД РФ в формате электронного справочника (с цветными иллюстрациями). Все изменения и дополнения на ноябрь 2010 года выделены цветом; - Новая таблица штрафов; - Десять районов города Москвы, воспроизведенных с точностью до каждого дорожного знака, реальные маршруты экзаменационных подразделений ГИБДД Москвы; - Система контроля нарушений во время вождения; - Виртуальный инструктор, помогающий во время тренировки и контролирующий экзаменационный заезд; - Реалистичный трафик: пробки, спецтранспорт, нарушители; - Поддержка игровых манипуляторов (руль, педали) Практическая часть с новыми билетами по категориям: A, B, C, D. Тестирование знаний ПДД: экзамен и тренировка с комментариями ошибок. Общая база - 1600 вопросов. ГИБДД Москвы рекомендует данный самоучитель в качестве дополнительного пособия для самостоятельной подготовки к сдаче экзаменов на водительское удостоверение категорий A, B, C, D. Системные требования: - Операционная система: Windows XP/2003 CPU Процессор: Pentium 1.5 GHz Память: 512 Mb Видео: GeForce 4400 / Radeon 9200 Звук HDD: 500 Mb
Английский язык. Курс уровня Advanced (DVD)
Курс для самостоятельного изучения английского языка рассчитан на людей, уже овладевших грамматикой на достаточно высоком уровне и желающих двигаться дальше. Материалы пособия представлены в виде уроков, каждый из которых объединяет в себе изложение теоретического материала, информацию по практическому применению языка, словарь урока, тексты, начитанные профессиональными филологами, а также диктанты и тексты на их основе. Главная ценность пособия - никаких громоздких формулировок и скучного прорешивания упражнений! Уникальная программа курса, основанная на опыте лучших зарубежных методик, дает возможность пользователю с минимальными затратами повысить свой уровень знаний, усовершенствовать навыки понимания и общения на иностранном языке. Содержание уроков: - Исключение повторов из речи - Предложения с причинной связью (causative sentenses) - Просторечные слова и выражения и усилительные наречия - Усилительные конструкции предложения - Эвфемизм в английском языке и сексизмы - Написание официального письма и сочинения на английском языке - Повторения условных предложений, вводных слов, выражения пожеланий Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 98SE/2000/XP Процессор: Pentium III 600 MHz (AMD Athlon 1 GHz) Память: 64 Mb (128 Mb) Видео: 16 Mb (64 Mb) Звук: DirectX совместимый; DVD-ROM.
Кинг Джек Уолт Дисней. Дональд Дак (DVD)
"Дональд и кузен Гас" Как не просто быть деревенским кузнецом! Дональду пришлось потратить много сил, чтобы одеть обод на огромное колесо и подковать упрямого ослика. Режиссер-постановщик: Дик Ланди "Дон Дональд" Веселые приключения Дональда в Мексике. Дон Дональд ухаживает за прекрасной Дейзи: он поет серенады, восседая на ослике, под ее балконом. Дейзи уговаривает Дональда купить автомобиль, и вместе они отправляются на прогулку, но по дороге машина ломается, приводя в бешенство незадачливого кавалера. Режиссер-постановщик: Бен Шарпстин "Дональд Дак и страусенок" Дональд работает грузчиком на вокзале. Вместе с последним грузом на вокзал прибывает коробка в которой оказался страусенок. Он сразу подружился с Дональдом, но проблема в том, что страусенок ест все подряд. Режиссер: Джек Кинг. Автор сценария: Карл Баркс. "Дональд и Плуто" Водопроводчик Дональд пользуется большим магнитом на работе. Когда магнит выпадает из рук Дональда, это вызывает проблемы для Плуто, особенно после того как он проглатывает магнит. Тут-то и началось веселье. Режиссер: Бен Шарпстин. "Дональд с лучшей стороны" Дональду пора просыпаться и идти в школу, но погода такая чудесная и столько соблазнов. Борьба между лучшей стороной и худшей разгорается не на шутку Режиссер-постановщик: Джек Кинг Автор сценария: Карл Баркс "Охотник за автографами" Очень сложно получить автограф знаменитости. Что только не придумыал Дональд и все не получалось. Но оказалось, что знаменитости не прочь взять автограф у него. Режиссер-постановщик: Джек Кинг Автор сценария: Харри Ривз "Племянники Дональда" В гости к Дональду приехали племянники. Шалунишки перевернули в доме все "вверх дном" и Дональд решает заняться их воспитанием. Режиссер-постановщик: Джек Кинг Авторы сценария: Карл Баркс, Джек Ханна "Полярные охотники" Дональд и Гуфи являются ловцами диких животных на северном полюсе. Герои попадают в разные неприятности пытаясь поймать пингвина и тюленя. Режиссер: Бен Шарпстин. Композитор: Лей Харлайн Сценарист: Гарри Ривз "Самоконтроль" По радио диктор советует считать до десяти, если вас что-то начинает раздражать. Дональд решает воспользоваться советом, но какое терпение выдержит, если тебе мешают отдыхать назойливые птицы и гусеницы! Режиссер-постановщик: Джек Кинг Авторы сценария: Карл Баркс "Современные изобретения" Дональд Дак посещает музей современных изобретений, где встречает необычные экспонаты: робота-няньку, робота-дворецкого, робота-парикмахера. И, как обычно, Дональд находит повод, чтобы позлиться. Режиссер-постановщик: Джек Кинг Изображение: 625/50 (PAL, 25 fps) Colour, 4 : 3 (1.33) Звук: английский, Stereo 2.0, английский, Mono, русский, Stereo 2.0, русский, Mono.
Кинг Джек Новые приключения Дональда Дака и его друзей (DVD)
"Дональд и кузен Гас" Оказывается у Дональда Дака, есть кузен. Завалившись к Дональду такой незваный гость, попадает на обед, съев всю еду Дональда, он отказывается уходить. Но Дональд найдет способ его выдворить. Режиссер: Джек Кинг. Авторы сценария: Карл Баркс, Джек Ханна. "Дональд играет в гольф" Дональд играет в гольф, а его племянники ему "помогают". Они шумят и разыгрывают Дональда, от чего ему никак не закатить мяч в лунку. Режиссер: Джек Кинг. Сценарий: Карл Баркс, Джек Ханна "Морские скауты" Адмирал Дональд вместе с племянниками собирается выйти в море. Но они и представить не могли, что их ожидает. Пытаясь поднять якорь чуть не утопили корабль и еле избежали акульей пасти. Режиссер: Дик Ланди. "Офицер Дак" Режиссер: Клайд Джероними. Композитор: Лей Харлайн Сценарист: Карл Баркс "Охота на лис" Дональд и Гуффи отправились на охоту на лис. Свора собак и верховая лошадь Гуффи не только не облегчают им задачу, а делают ее практически невыполнимой. Режиссер: Бен Шарпстин. "Пикник на пляже" Дональд устроил пикник на пляже, но пока он плавал муравьи попытались растащить все угощение. Режиссер: Клайд Джероними. "Полярные охотники" Дональд и Гуфи являются ловцами диких животных на северном полюсе. Герои попадают в разные неприятности пытаясь поймать пингвина и тюленя. Режиссер: Бен Шарпстин. Композитор: Лей Харлайн Сценарист: Гарри Ривз "Скауты" Дональд с племянниками отправились в поход по национальному парку и, как всегда, не обошлось без приключений. Племянники спасли Дональда из пасти медведя и от извержения гейзера. Режиссер: Джек Кинг. "Счастливый день Дональда" Дональд Дак - рассыльный. Нанят, чтобы доставить таинственный пакет в пятницу тринадцатое. Ему препятствует надоедливая черная кошка… Режиссер: Джек Кинг. Авторы сценария: Карл Баркс, Джек Ханна, Гарри Ривз "Чемпион по хоккею" Дональд играет в хоккей с племянниками. Один против троих. И кто же победит в этой неравной схватке? Режиссер: Джек Кинг. Изображение: 625/50 (PAL, 25 fps) Colour, 4 : 3 (1.33) Звук: Английский, Stereo 2.0 Английский, Mono Русский, Stereo 2.0 Русский, Mono Продолжительность: 76 мин.
Фленов Михаил Компьютер глазами хакера (+CD)
Рассмотрены компьютер, операционные системы Windows XP/Vista и Интернет с точки зрения организации безопасной и эффективной работы на ПК. Описаны основные методы атак хакеров и рекомендации, которые позволят сделать компьютер быстрее, надежнее и безопаснее. Представлены примеры накручивания счетчиков на интернет-сайтах и методы взлома простых вариантов защиты программ Shareware. Приведены советы хакеров, которые позволят при путешествии по Интернету не заразиться вирусами и не стать добычей сетевых мошенников, владеющих методами социальной инженерии. Показано, как сделать интерфейс Windows более удобным и привлекательным, компьютер - надежнее и быстрее, а работу в сети - более эффективной. Во втором издании уделено больше внимания вопросам безопасности и добавлены новые примеры для операционных систем Windows XP и Vista. 2-е издание, переработанное и дополненное
Воронов Игорь Козырная карта
Сыщик Влас Левко, расследуя обстоятельства гибели во время авиакатастрофы одного из пассажиров, неожиданно обнаруживает связь с кровавым убийством на яхте семилетней давности.
Воронов Игорь Смерть приходит ниоткуда
Этот роман является вторым из двух самостоятельных произведений о частном сыщике Семене ("Убийство в старом доме"). Учёный-генетик вплотную приблизился к разгадке непонятного явления, но таинственная смерть настигает его. Жители дачного посёлка видят какое-то свечение, странным образом совпадают по времени с загадочными убийствами.
Жарко Владимир Тимофеевич Тайна альпийского замка
Исследования ученых-энтузиастов приводят к созданию уникального прибора, способного помочь в раскрытии не только недавнего убийства, но и снять тайны с преступления, совершенного еще в рыцарские времена.
Воронов Игорь Убийство в старом доме
Этот роман является первым из двух самостоятельных произведений о частном сыщике Семёне ("Смерть приходит ниоткуда"). Каждый старый дом имеет свою легенду. Если утверждают, что история дома как-то связана с тамплиерами и масонами, то произошедшее в день рождения его хозяйки убийство становится вдвойне загадочным.
Лесная принцесса: Сказки
"В книге собрано двадцать четыре наиболее известные сказки Шарля Перро, Ханса Кристиана Андерсена, братьев Гримм, Вильгельма Гауфа, Льва Толстого, а также русские народные сказки, в обработке для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста
Дроздова Татьяна Юрьевна, Тоткало Наталья Владимировна Everyday VOCABULARY + Grammar: for intermediate students: THE KEYS
Издание является составной частью учебного пособия "Everyday Vocabulary + Grammar". Оно содержит ответы-ключи ко всем учебным заданиям пособия, а также полные тексты раздела "Listening", которые в основном учебнике можно прослушать только на диске. Поскольку языковые задания иногда допускают более одного правильного ответа, в "ключах" к упражнениям даётся несколько вариантов, каждый из которых верный.
Stout Rex The Red Box
Действие детектива "Красная коробка" (1937) разворачивается вокруг гибели девушки из модельного агентства. За расследование этого дела берется Ниро Вульф и его помощник Арчи Гудвин.
Stout Rex The Red Box
Действие детектива "Красная коробка" (1937) разворачивается вокруг гибели девушки из модельного агентства. За расследование этого дела берется Ниро Вульф и его помощник Арчи Гудвин.
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Right Ho, Jeeves
Главные герои романа - всемирно известные персонажи - простодушный и немного наивный потомок аристократического семейства Берти Вустер и его камердинер Дживс, чей незаурядный ум помогает героям выходить из самых непредвиденных ситуаций.
Wodehouse Pelham Grenville Right Ho, Jeeves
Главные герои романа - всемирно известные персонажи - простодушный и немного наивный потомок аристократического семейства Берти Вустер и его камердинер Дживс, чей незаурядный ум помогает героям выходить из самых непредвиденных ситуаций.
Хемингуэй Эрнест Мужчины без женщин (CDmp3)
Эрнест Миллер Хемингуэй (1899-1961), американский писатель, лауреат Пулитцеровской (1953) и Нобелевской (1954) премий. Широкое признание писателю принесли романы и многочисленные рассказы, в которых нашли отражения события его собственной жизни. "Мужчины без женщин" (1927) -один из первых сборников Эрнеста Хемингуэя, в котором четко определились нравственные темы, которым писатель отдавал все свое внимание, - величие духа, не сломленного в поражении человека, его мужество и достоинство в суровых испытаниях. Ранние рассказы закрепили за писателем репутацию выдающегося рассказчика, а краткий и насыщенный стиль повлияли на американскую и британскую литературу XX века. Ernest Hemingway. Men without Women Аудиокнига на английском языке. Время звучания 3 часа 44 минуты. Носитель 1 CD, формат mpЗ, 256 Kbps. Текст читает С. Попов. Текст на английском языке, неадаптированный, прочитан по изданию: Ernest Hemingway. Men without Women.-СПб.: Антология, 2010. - (My Favourite Fiction) Содержание диска: The Undefeated 57.59 In Another Country 11.06 Hills Like White Elephants 07.39 The Killers 16.18 Che Ti Dice La Patria? 04.54 A Meal in Spezia 06.55 After the Rain 06.15 FiftyGrand 44.58 A Simple Enquiry 05.27 Ten Indians 08.44 A Canary for One 09.18 An Alpine Idyll 10.38 A Pursuit Race 08.53 Today ls Friday 05.20 Banal Story 03.55 Now l Lay Me 15.49
Вудхаус Пелам Гренвилл Дживс в отпуске (CDmp3)
Пелэм Грэнвилл Вудхауз (1881 -1975), всемирно известный английский писатель, автор многочисленных романов, пьес, обладатель Оксфордской степени за заслуги перед английской словесностью и звания Рыцарь Британской Империи. В книге представлен роман "Дживс в отпуске" (1960). Главные герои романа -всемирно известные персонажи - простодушный и немного наивный потомок аристократического семейства Берти Вустер и его камердинер Дживс, чей незаурядный ум помогает героям выходить из самых непредвиденных ситуаций. Pelham Grenville Wodehouse. Jeeves in the Offing Аудиокнига на английском языке. Время звучания 5 часов 49 минут. Носитель 1 CD, формат mpЗ, 256 Kbps. Текст читает Ник Мэйхью. Текст на английском языке, неадаптированный, прочитан по изданию: Pelham Grenville Wodehouse. Jeeves in the Offing. -СПб.: Антология, 2009. -(My Favourite Fiction)
Брэдбери Рэй 451 по Фаренгейту (CDmp3)
Рэй Брэдбери (р. 1920), американский писатель, классик, чьи книги уже более полувека находят постоянных читателей во всем мире. Яркие, искренние произведения принесли Брэдбери славу не только мастера-рассказчика историй, но и философа, мыслителя, психолога. В 1953 году в свет выходит роман "451° по Фаренгейту". Роман рисует антиутопическое общество будущего, а по сути - нашу реальность, доведенную до абсурда. Это одно из редких научно-фантастических произведений Брэдбери. Очень волнующее, трогательное и, вместе с тем, очень живое и динамичное. Пожалуй, это лучшее из крупных произведений Брэдбери. Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451° Аудиокнига на английском языке. Время звучания 5 часов 19 минут. Носитель 1 CD, формат mpЗ, 256 Kbps. Текст читает Д. Бахтин. Текст на английском языке, неадаптированный, прочитан по изданию: Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451°. -СПб.: Антология, 2011. - (My Favourite Fiction) Содержание диска: Part I It Was a Pleasure to Burn Part II The Sieve and the Sand Part III Burning Bright
Норд Николай Иванович Гипноз: Похудение без диет (CDmp3)
Если вы держите в руках этот аудиодиск - значит, вы перепробовали много диет, но так и не решили проблему лишнего веса. Автор выступает против изнурительных диет, ибо, по его убеждению, они не помогают, а лишь приносят множество страданий. Методика Николая Норда удивительно проста, но, в то же время, она требует определенного времени для полного, но зато безвозвратного восстановления вашего оптимального веса. Такого веса, который является для вас естественным, когда ваша фигура будет доставлять удовольствие вам и восхищение окружающим. Настоящая методика в корне отличается от всего того, что до сих пор предлагалось и является прорывом в области похудения. И при этом вам не придется голодать, не придется страдать от недоедания. Автор научит вас придерживаться сбалансированного естественного веса и обходиться без изнурительных диет. Вы обретете фигуру своей мечты, станете стройной, будете нравиться себе и окружающим!
Мавроди Сергей Пантелеевич Сын Люцифера. Книга 6. Развлечения
Этой книгой продолжается издание моего романа "Сын Люцифера". Люцифер беседует со Своим Сыном и на конкретных примерах показывает Ему все человеческие пороки. Ставя обычных людей в необычные ситуации, искушая их! И этих искушений они, как правило, не выдерживают… Роман состоит из отдельных новелл-дней. Каждый день это новый герой, новая история, новая человеческая судьба. Всего мной написано сейчас уже порядка 150 дней. Большая часть их никогда до этого не издавалась. Четырнадцать новелл были опубликованы в книге "Искушение", но с нарушением хронологии, без диалогов Люцифера с Сыном и с некоторыми редакторскими правками к тому же (хоть в книге и указано "в авторской редакции", но это не совсем так). В данном же издании никаких правок и сокращений не будет. Всё будет издано полностью и именно так, как мной и было написано. Более того, специально для данного издания тексты некоторых дней-новелл я даже расширил и доработал. В общем, читайте и наслаждайтесь! Уверен, вам понравится!
Английский - Быстро и познавательно (DVD)
Хотите пополнить словарный запас без усилий? И при этом с удовольствием провести время? Это возможно! С помощью видеокурса английского языка - "Быстро и познавательно"! Видеокурс "Быстро и познавательно" поможет Вам: Легко и просто запомнить новые слова благодаря визуальному восприятию; Пополнить словарный запас; Узнать много интересных, необычных и познавательных фактов о том, что нас окружает. Курс содержит яркие и запоминающиеся иллюстрации, которые вы видите на экране одновременно с английскими словами. Теперь их легко запомнить! Это калейдоскоп интересных и познавательных фактов, который позволит вам весело изучить английские слова и расширить свой кругозор. В настройках вы можете переключать русский язык на английский и учиться воспринимать английскую речь на слух, запоминая правильное произношение фраз. Продолжительность: 48 мин. Язык: русский и английский с субтитрами.
Гладков Григорий Не обижайте муравья (CD)
Слушайте и пойте сами, пойте вместе со своими детьми, пойте всей семьей, и вы окунетесь в теплые воспоминания из своего детства! Не обижайте Муравья! Планета Земля населена чудными существа. Все они имеют душу, нежную и ранимую. Ребята, берегите природу и все живое, что в ней есть! Не обижайте муравья! Все песни в этом альбоме посвящены тем, кто живёт на планете Земля вместе с людьми. 1. Не обижайте муравья, ст. В.Степанов 2. Перепутанные утята, ст. В.Левин 3. Динозаврики, ст. М.Яснов, 4. Пингвин, ст. З.Сашенковой 5. Мышонок Клас, ст. Ю.Вронский 6. Лягушата, ст. Ю.Рогоза 7. Коза Мадлен, ст. А.Тимофеевский 8. Птички-невелички и рыбёшки-крошки, ст. М. Яснов 9. Мистер Жук, ст. Р. Сеф 10. Несси, ст. Е.Абашевой 11. Пеликаны, ст. В.Степанов 12. Бычок и бачок, ст. М. Яснов 13. Сон Мышонка, ст. Гр. Остер 14. Нил Нилыч Крокодилыч, ст. М. Яснов 15. Сегодня, ст. М. Яснов 16. Клятва животным, ст. Гр. Гладков Бонус-караоке: 17. Не обижайте муравья 18. Несси 19. Сон мышонка 20. Клятва животным Музыка: Григорий Гладков
Гладков Григорий Не обижайте муравья (CD)
Слушайте и пойте сами, пойте вместе со своими детьми, пойте всей семьей, и вы окунетесь в теплые воспоминания из своего детства! Не обижайте Муравья! Планета Земля населена чудными существа. Все они имеют душу, нежную и ранимую. Ребята, берегите природу и все живое, что в ней есть! Не обижайте муравья! Все песни в этом альбоме посвящены тем, кто живёт на планете Земля вместе с людьми. 1. Не обижайте муравья, ст. В.Степанов 2. Перепутанные утята, ст. В.Левин 3. Динозаврики, ст. М.Яснов, 4. Пингвин, ст. З.Сашенковой 5. Мышонок Клас, ст. Ю.Вронский 6. Лягушата, ст. Ю.Рогоза 7. Коза Мадлен, ст. А.Тимофеевский 8. Птички-невелички и рыбёшки-крошки, ст. М. Яснов 9. Мистер Жук, ст. Р. Сеф 10. Несси, ст. Е.Абашевой 11. Пеликаны, ст. В.Степанов 12. Бычок и бачок, ст. М. Яснов 13. Сон Мышонка, ст. Гр. Остер 14. Нил Нилыч Крокодилыч, ст. М. Яснов 15. Сегодня, ст. М. Яснов 16. Клятва животным, ст. Гр. Гладков Бонус-караоке: 17. Не обижайте муравья 18. Несси 19. Сон мышонка 20. Клятва животным Музыка: Григорий Гладков
Гладков Григорий Новогодняя сказка. Падал прошлогодний снег (CD)
Слушайте и пойте сами, пойте вместе со своими детьми, пойте всей семьей, и вы окунетесь в теплые воспоминания из своего детства! Падал прошлогодний снег - интересный и остроумный мультфильм, настоящая новогодняя сказка. А сказочную музыку к мультфильму вы сейчас держите в своих руках. А. Татарский, С. Иванов, Гр. Гладков - Сказка "Падал прошлогодний снег" - Саунд-трек "Падал прошлогодний снег" - Ремикс "Падал прошлогодний снег" Музыка: Григорий Гладков
Гладков Григорий Новогодняя сказка. Падал прошлогодний снег (CD)
Слушайте и пойте сами, пойте вместе со своими детьми, пойте всей семьей, и вы окунетесь в теплые воспоминания из своего детства! Падал прошлогодний снег - интересный и остроумный мультфильм, настоящая новогодняя сказка. А сказочную музыку к мультфильму вы сейчас держите в своих руках. А. Татарский, С. Иванов, Гр. Гладков - Сказка "Падал прошлогодний снег" - Саунд-трек "Падал прошлогодний снег" - Ремикс "Падал прошлогодний снег" Музыка: Григорий Гладков
Гладков Григорий Пластилиновая ворона "КАРР-РАОКЕ" (CD)
Слушайте и пойте сами, пойте вместе со своими детьми, пойте всей семьей, и вы окунетесь в теплые воспоминания из своего детства! На этом диске Вы услышите караоке моих песен. Давайте споём их вместе. И скажем "Пластилиновой Вороне" спасибо за урок пения в жанре "КАРР-РАОКЕ!". Сейчас очень популярен жанр КАРАОКЕ. Ведь в караоке можно не только слушать песни, но и петь их вместе с исполнителем. Петь любят все. Единственный персонаж, кому петь нельзя - это Ворона из басни Крылова "Ворона и Лисица". Ведь она держит во рту сыр. Но и она попалась. "КАРР-РАОЕ! КАРР-РАОКЕ!" - закричала доверчивая птица. Тут сыр и выпал. А с ним плутовка-лисица, такова. Так, что если кто-то подумал, слово КАРАОКЕ написано с ошибками - ошибается. 1. Пластилиновая ворона (караоке) 2. Пластилиновая ворона (песня) 3. Вот я вижу (караоке) 4. Вот я вижу (песня) 5. Спящая принцесса (караоке) 6. Спящая принцесса (песня) 7. Про козу Мадлен (караоке) 8. Про козу Мадлен (песня) 9. Сон мышонка (караоке) 10. Сон мышонка (песня) 11. Мистер Жук (караоке) 12. Мистер Жук (песня) 13. Пой, Вася (караоке) 14. Пой, Вася (песня) 15. Свадьба (караоке) 16. Свадьба (песня) 17. Новогодний календарь (караоке) 18. Новогодний календарь (песня) 19. Летучие мыши (караоке) 20. Летучие мыши (песня) 21. Песня о картинах (караоке) 22. Песня о картинах (песня) БОНУС 23. Пластилиновая ворона - вступление (караоке) 24. Пластилиновая ворона - 1 часть (караоке) 25. Пластилиновая ворона - 2 часть (караоке) 26. Пластилиновая ворона - 3 часть (караоке) 27. Пластилиновая ворона - 4 часть (караоке) 28. Пластилиновая ворона - финал (караоке)
Гладков Григорий Пластилиновая ворона "КАРР-РАОКЕ" (CD)
Слушайте и пойте сами, пойте вместе со своими детьми, пойте всей семьей, и вы окунетесь в теплые воспоминания из своего детства! На этом диске Вы услышите караоке моих песен. Давайте споём их вместе. И скажем "Пластилиновой Вороне" спасибо за урок пения в жанре "КАРР-РАОКЕ!". Сейчас очень популярен жанр КАРАОКЕ. Ведь в караоке можно не только слушать песни, но и петь их вместе с исполнителем. Петь любят все. Единственный персонаж, кому петь нельзя - это Ворона из басни Крылова "Ворона и Лисица". Ведь она держит во рту сыр. Но и она попалась. "КАРР-РАОЕ! КАРР-РАОКЕ!" - закричала доверчивая птица. Тут сыр и выпал. А с ним плутовка-лисица, такова. Так, что если кто-то подумал, слово КАРАОКЕ написано с ошибками - ошибается. 1. Пластилиновая ворона (караоке) 2. Пластилиновая ворона (песня) 3. Вот я вижу (караоке) 4. Вот я вижу (песня) 5. Спящая принцесса (караоке) 6. Спящая принцесса (песня) 7. Про козу Мадлен (караоке) 8. Про козу Мадлен (песня) 9. Сон мышонка (караоке) 10. Сон мышонка (песня) 11. Мистер Жук (караоке) 12. Мистер Жук (песня) 13. Пой, Вася (караоке) 14. Пой, Вася (песня) 15. Свадьба (караоке) 16. Свадьба (песня) 17. Новогодний календарь (караоке) 18. Новогодний календарь (песня) 19. Летучие мыши (караоке) 20. Летучие мыши (песня) 21. Песня о картинах (караоке) 22. Песня о картинах (песня) БОНУС 23. Пластилиновая ворона - вступление (караоке) 24. Пластилиновая ворона - 1 часть (караоке) 25. Пластилиновая ворона - 2 часть (караоке) 26. Пластилиновая ворона - 3 часть (караоке) 27. Пластилиновая ворона - 4 часть (караоке) 28. Пластилиновая ворона - финал (караоке)
Гладков Григорий Путешествовать прекрасно (CD)
Слушайте и пойте сами, пойте вместе со своими детьми, пойте всей семьей, и вы окунетесь в теплые воспоминания из своего детства! "Путешествия - один из смыслов жизни, говорили древние мудрецы. И, действительно, наша планета Земля - чудо из чудес. И очень хотелось бы посмотреть её всю, побывать в разных частях света. Как наш соотечественник Юрий Сенкевич. Или, как путешественники Тур Хейердал, Жак-Ив Кусто, братья Лаптевы, Миклухо-Маклай, Семёнов Тянь Шанский, Беринг, Пржевальский, Крузенштерн, Магеллан. Ну, а если не удастся побывать везде, то можно послушать песни о путешествиях. Но знайте, ребята, что самое интересное в путешествии, возвращаться домой. И ещё, никогда не надо нельзя мусорить на своей планете. Надо с детства считать, что за каждый её кусочек ты отвечаешь лично. А не только за ту часть, которая является твоей страной или областью. Как писал французский писатель Антуан де Сент-Экзепюри: "Проснулся - убери свою Планету!" А этот альбом я посвящаю Юрию Александровичу Сенкевичу, с которым я был знаком лично и даже снимался в его телепередачах "Клуб путешественников" и, благодаря которому в детстве я узнал какая наша планета Земля огромная, красивая и разнообразная! И какая она хрупкая и беззащитная". 1. Путешествовать прекрасно, ст. Гр. Гладков 2. В деревянном башмаке, ст. Ю. Вронский 3. Научись управлять парусами ст. Г.Кружков 4. Полярная звезда, ст. Г. Кружков 5. Полный вперёд, ст. А.Аронов 6. Эскимосская сказка, ст. Г. Горбовский 7. Человек, ст. А.Вознесенский 8. Разноцветные моря, ст. Н. Юркова 9. Морская песенка, ст. В.Левин 10. Странники Вселенной 11. На планете незнакомой, ст. В.Степанов 12. Ноги и колёса, ст. Ф.Кривин 13. Вокруг Земли, ст. И. Лебедев 14. Земля, ст. В.Москвин Бонус-караоке 1. Путешествовать прекрасно 2 .Морская 3. Вокруг Земли 4 .Полный вперёд
Гладков Григорий Путешествовать прекрасно (CD)
Слушайте и пойте сами, пойте вместе со своими детьми, пойте всей семьей, и вы окунетесь в теплые воспоминания из своего детства! "Путешествия - один из смыслов жизни, говорили древние мудрецы. И, действительно, наша планета Земля - чудо из чудес. И очень хотелось бы посмотреть её всю, побывать в разных частях света. Как наш соотечественник Юрий Сенкевич. Или, как путешественники Тур Хейердал, Жак-Ив Кусто, братья Лаптевы, Миклухо-Маклай, Семёнов Тянь Шанский, Беринг, Пржевальский, Крузенштерн, Магеллан. Ну, а если не удастся побывать везде, то можно послушать песни о путешествиях. Но знайте, ребята, что самое интересное в путешествии, возвращаться домой. И ещё, никогда не надо нельзя мусорить на своей планете. Надо с детства считать, что за каждый её кусочек ты отвечаешь лично. А не только за ту часть, которая является твоей страной или областью. Как писал французский писатель Антуан де Сент-Экзепюри: "Проснулся - убери свою Планету!" А этот альбом я посвящаю Юрию Александровичу Сенкевичу, с которым я был знаком лично и даже снимался в его телепередачах "Клуб путешественников" и, благодаря которому в детстве я узнал какая наша планета Земля огромная, красивая и разнообразная! И какая она хрупкая и беззащитная". 1. Путешествовать прекрасно, ст. Гр. Гладков 2. В деревянном башмаке, ст. Ю. Вронский 3. Научись управлять парусами ст. Г.Кружков 4. Полярная звезда, ст. Г. Кружков 5. Полный вперёд, ст. А.Аронов 6. Эскимосская сказка, ст. Г. Горбовский 7. Человек, ст. А.Вознесенский 8. Разноцветные моря, ст. Н. Юркова 9. Морская песенка, ст. В.Левин 10. Странники Вселенной 11. На планете незнакомой, ст. В.Степанов 12. Ноги и колёса, ст. Ф.Кривин 13. Вокруг Земли, ст. И. Лебедев 14. Земля, ст. В.Москвин Бонус-караоке 1. Путешествовать прекрасно 2 .Морская 3. Вокруг Земли 4 .Полный вперёд
Репетитор по Информатике 2011 (CDpc)
- Более 2200 тестовых заданий, распределенных по 24 темам; - 5 вариантов ЕГЭ для подготовки к экзамену 2011 года; - более 1200 медиа-иллюстраций; - более 70 терминов и понятий в справочнике. "Репетиторы Кирилла и Мефодия" - эффективная система для подготовки к сдаче Единого Государственного Экзамена. Программа разработана в соответствии с требованиями Государственного стандарта образования РФ. Учащиеся старших классов и выпускники школ смогут легко проверить свои знания, выявить и устранить слабые места в понимании предметов школьной программы, повторить и обобщить изученный материал, отработать навыки прохождения тестирования, психологически подготовиться к сдаче экзамена. Предложенные варианты тестов максимально соответствуют типологии вопросов ЕГЭ 2011. С "Репетиторами Кирилла и Мефодия" абитуриенты могут: - проверить свои знания в режиме "Мониторинг"; - заниматься в режимах "Тренинг", "Экзамен", "ЕГЭ"; - проводить работу над ошибками; - контролировать результаты тестирования в "Журнале результатов"; - получить необходимую справочную информацию. Репетиторы Кирилла и Мефодия - это реальный способ достичь желаемого. Получай максимум знаний при минимуме усилий! Рекомендуемые системные требования: - MS Windows XP/Vista/ 7; - процессор Pentium IV, 1,5 ГГц, 512 Мб ОЗУ, поддержка разрешения 1024x768 пикселей, звуковая карта 16 бит, CD-ROM, 300 Мб свободного дискового пространства на жестком диске, стереофонические колонки или наушники.
Медеева И. Г. Пропись-Букварик "Ананас"
Рабочие тетради серии "Прописи-букварики" подготовлены для изучения букв русского алфавита. Серия охватывает весь алфавит. Каждая брошюра является самостоятельным пособием - маленьким буквариком, в котором составляются возможные слоги и слова из предложенного подбора букв. Работа в тетрадях является эффективным средством запомнить буквы, научиться составлять слова и читать. Наряду с написанием букв, в каждую брошюру включены интересные и разнообразные задания для развития мелкой моторики руки и координации движения. Ребёнок сможет освоить первые навыки письма и рисования по штриховому контуру и по клеточкам.
Медеева И. Г. Прописи-Букварики "Бегемотик"
Рабочие тетради серии "Прописи-букварики" подготовлены для изучения букв русского алфавита. Серия охватывает весь алфавит. Каждая брошюра является самостоятельным пособием - маленьким буквариком, в котором составляются возможные слоги и слова из предложенного подбора букв. Работа в тетрадях является эффективным средством запомнить буквы, научиться составлять слова и читать. Наряду с написанием букв, в каждую брошюру включены интересные и разнообразные задания для развития мелкой моторики руки и координации движения. Ребёнок сможет освоить первые навыки письма и рисования по штриховому контуру и по клеточкам.
Медеева И. Г. Прописи-Букварики "Домик"
Рабочие тетради серии "Прописи-букварики" подготовлены для изучения букв русского алфавита. Серия охватывает весь алфавит. Каждая брошюра является самостоятельным пособием - маленьким буквариком, в котором составляются возможные слоги и слова из предложенного подбора букв. Работа в тетрадях является эффективным средством запомнить буквы, научиться составлять слова и читать. Наряду с написанием букв, в каждую брошюру включены интересные и разнообразные задания для развития мелкой моторики руки и координации движения. Ребёнок сможет освоить первые навыки письма и рисования по штриховому контуру и по клеточкам.
Медеева И. Г. Прописи-Букварики "Зайка"
Рабочие тетради серии "Прописи-букварики" подготовлены для изучения букв русского алфавита. Серия охватывает весь алфавит. Каждая брошюра является самостоятельным пособием - маленьким буквариком, в котором составляются возможные слоги и слова из предложенного подбора букв. Работа в тетрадях является эффективным средством запомнить буквы, научиться составлять слова и читать. Наряду с написанием букв, в каждую брошюру включены интересные и разнообразные задания для развития мелкой моторики руки и координации движения. Ребёнок сможет освоить первые навыки письма и рисования по штриховому контуру и по клеточкам.
Медеева И. Г. Прописи-Букварики "Мишка"
Рабочие тетради серии "Прописи-букварики" подготовлены для изучения букв русского алфавита. Серия охватывает весь алфавит. Каждая брошюра является самостоятельным пособием - маленьким буквариком, в котором составляются возможные слоги и слова из предложенного подбора букв. Работа в тетрадях является эффективным средством запомнить буквы, научиться составлять слова и читать. Наряду с написанием букв, в каждую брошюру включены интересные и разнообразные задания для развития мелкой моторики руки и координации движения. Ребёнок сможет освоить первые навыки письма и рисования по штриховому контуру и по клеточкам.
Медеева И. Г. Прописи-Букварики "Пирамида"
Рабочие тетради серии "Прописи-букварики" подготовлены для изучения букв русского алфавита. Серия охватывает весь алфавит. Каждая брошюра является самостоятельным пособием - маленьким буквариком, в котором составляются возможные слоги и слова из предложенного подбора букв. Работа в тетрадях является эффективным средством запомнить буквы, научиться составлять слова и читать. Наряду с написанием букв, в каждую брошюру включены интересные и разнообразные задания для развития мелкой моторики руки и координации движения. Ребёнок сможет освоить первые навыки письма и рисования по штриховому контуру и по клеточкам.
Медеева И. Г. Прописи-Букварики "Слонёнок"
Рабочие тетради серии "Прописи-букварики" подготовлены для изучения букв русского алфавита. Серия охватывает весь алфавит. Каждая брошюра является самостоятельным пособием - маленьким буквариком, в котором составляются возможные слоги и слова из предложенного подбора букв. Работа в тетрадях является эффективным средством запомнить буквы, научиться составлять слова и читать. Наряду с написанием букв, в каждую брошюру включены интересные и разнообразные задания для развития мелкой моторики руки и координации движения. Ребёнок сможет освоить первые навыки письма и рисования по штриховому контуру и по клеточкам.
Медеева И. Г. Прописи-Букварики "Цирк"
Рабочие тетради серии "Прописи-букварики" подготовлены для изучения букв русского алфавита. Серия охватывает весь алфавит. Каждая брошюра является самостоятельным пособием - маленьким буквариком, в котором составляются возможные слоги и слова из предложенного подбора букв. Работа в тетрадях является эффективным средством запомнить буквы, научиться составлять слова и читать. Наряду с написанием букв, в каждую брошюру включены интересные и разнообразные задания для развития мелкой моторики руки и координации движения. Ребёнок сможет освоить первые навыки письма и рисования по штриховому контуру и по клеточкам.
Blaeu Joan, Krogt Peter van der Atlas Maior
Three and a half centuries before Google Maps there was... Joan Blaeu's atlas, the finest ever published "There can be few books out there more jaw-droppingly gorgeous than this extraordinary Atlas. The reprint more than does justice to Blaeu's masterpiece." TNT Magazine, London The finest and most comprehensive baroque atlas was Joan Blaeu's exceptional Atlas Maior, completed in 1665. The original 11-volume Latin edition, containing 536 maps, put Blaeu ahead of his staunch competitor, mapmaker Johannes Janssonius, whose rivalry inspired Blaeu to produce a grandiose edition of the largest and most complete atlas to date. Covering Arctica, Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, Blaeu's Atlas Maior was a remarkable achievement and remains to this day one of history's finest examples of mapmaking. This reprint is made from the National Library of Vienna's complete, colored, gold-heightened copy, thus assuring the best possible detail and quality. The book's introduction, by the University of Utrecht's Peter van der Krogt, discusses the historical and cultural context and significance of the atlas; Krogt also provides detailed descriptions of the maps, allowing modern readers to fully appreciate Blaeu's masterwork. The authors: Joan Blaeu (1596 Alkmaar-1673 Amsterdam) was the son of Willem Blaeu and a leading Dutch cartographer. In 1620 he became a doctor of law and subsequently joined his father's workshop. In 1635 they published the two-volume Novus Atlas (Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive, Atlas novus). Joan and his brother Cornelius took over the workshop after their father had died in 1638. Joan became the official cartographer of the Dutch East India Company. Around 1649 he published a collection of Dutch city maps entitled Tooneel der Steeden (Theater of Cities). In 1651 he was voted into the Amsterdam council. In 1654 he published the first atlas of Scotland. In 1662 he reissued the atlas in 11 volumes, known as the Atlas Maior. A cosmology was planned as his next project, but a fire destroyed the workshop in 1672. Joan Blaeu died in the following year. Since 1990, Peter van der Krogt, the leading expert in the field of Dutch atlases, has been working on Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici, the cartobibliography of atlases published in the Netherlands. His second project is the compilation, in cooperation with the Nijmegen University, of an illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem, the most important multivolume atlas preserved in the Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.
Blaeu Joan, Krogt Peter van der Atlas Maior
Three and a half centuries before Google Maps there was... Joan Blaeu's atlas, the finest ever published "There can be few books out there more jaw-droppingly gorgeous than this extraordinary Atlas. The reprint more than does justice to Blaeu's masterpiece." TNT Magazine, London The finest and most comprehensive baroque atlas was Joan Blaeu's exceptional Atlas Maior, completed in 1665. The original 11-volume Latin edition, containing 536 maps, put Blaeu ahead of his staunch competitor, mapmaker Johannes Janssonius, whose rivalry inspired Blaeu to produce a grandiose edition of the largest and most complete atlas to date. Covering Arctica, Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, Blaeu's Atlas Maior was a remarkable achievement and remains to this day one of history's finest examples of mapmaking. This reprint is made from the National Library of Vienna's complete, colored, gold-heightened copy, thus assuring the best possible detail and quality. The book's introduction, by the University of Utrecht's Peter van der Krogt, discusses the historical and cultural context and significance of the atlas; Krogt also provides detailed descriptions of the maps, allowing modern readers to fully appreciate Blaeu's masterwork. The authors: Joan Blaeu (1596 Alkmaar-1673 Amsterdam) was the son of Willem Blaeu and a leading Dutch cartographer. In 1620 he became a doctor of law and subsequently joined his father's workshop. In 1635 they published the two-volume Novus Atlas (Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive, Atlas novus). Joan and his brother Cornelius took over the workshop after their father had died in 1638. Joan became the official cartographer of the Dutch East India Company. Around 1649 he published a collection of Dutch city maps entitled Tooneel der Steeden (Theater of Cities). In 1651 he was voted into the Amsterdam council. In 1654 he published the first atlas of Scotland. In 1662 he reissued the atlas in 11 volumes, known as the Atlas Maior. A cosmology was planned as his next project, but a fire destroyed the workshop in 1672. Joan Blaeu died in the following year. Since 1990, Peter van der Krogt, the leading expert in the field of Dutch atlases, has been working on Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici, the cartobibliography of atlases published in the Netherlands. His second project is the compilation, in cooperation with the Nijmegen University, of an illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem, the most important multivolume atlas preserved in the Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.
Blaeu Joan, Krogt Peter van der Atlas Maior
Three and a half centuries before Google Maps there was... Joan Blaeu's atlas, the finest ever published "There can be few books out there more jaw-droppingly gorgeous than this extraordinary Atlas. The reprint more than does justice to Blaeu's masterpiece." TNT Magazine, London The finest and most comprehensive baroque atlas was Joan Blaeu's exceptional Atlas Maior, completed in 1665. The original 11-volume Latin edition, containing 536 maps, put Blaeu ahead of his staunch competitor, mapmaker Johannes Janssonius, whose rivalry inspired Blaeu to produce a grandiose edition of the largest and most complete atlas to date. Covering Arctica, Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, Blaeu's Atlas Maior was a remarkable achievement and remains to this day one of history's finest examples of mapmaking. This reprint is made from the National Library of Vienna's complete, colored, gold-heightened copy, thus assuring the best possible detail and quality. The book's introduction, by the University of Utrecht's Peter van der Krogt, discusses the historical and cultural context and significance of the atlas; Krogt also provides detailed descriptions of the maps, allowing modern readers to fully appreciate Blaeu's masterwork. The authors: Joan Blaeu (1596 Alkmaar-1673 Amsterdam) was the son of Willem Blaeu and a leading Dutch cartographer. In 1620 he became a doctor of law and subsequently joined his father's workshop. In 1635 they published the two-volume Novus Atlas (Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive, Atlas novus). Joan and his brother Cornelius took over the workshop after their father had died in 1638. Joan became the official cartographer of the Dutch East India Company. Around 1649 he published a collection of Dutch city maps entitled Tooneel der Steeden (Theater of Cities). In 1651 he was voted into the Amsterdam council. In 1654 he published the first atlas of Scotland. In 1662 he reissued the atlas in 11 volumes, known as the Atlas Maior. A cosmology was planned as his next project, but a fire destroyed the workshop in 1672. Joan Blaeu died in the following year. Since 1990, Peter van der Krogt, the leading expert in the field of Dutch atlases, has been working on Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici, the cartobibliography of atlases published in the Netherlands. His second project is the compilation, in cooperation with the Nijmegen University, of an illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem, the most important multivolume atlas preserved in the Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.
Blaeu Joan, Krogt Peter van der Atlas Maior
Three and a half centuries before Google Maps there was... Joan Blaeu's atlas, the finest ever published "There can be few books out there more jaw-droppingly gorgeous than this extraordinary Atlas. The reprint more than does justice to Blaeu's masterpiece." TNT Magazine, London The finest and most comprehensive baroque atlas was Joan Blaeu's exceptional Atlas Maior, completed in 1665. The original 11-volume Latin edition, containing 536 maps, put Blaeu ahead of his staunch competitor, mapmaker Johannes Janssonius, whose rivalry inspired Blaeu to produce a grandiose edition of the largest and most complete atlas to date. Covering Arctica, Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, Blaeu's Atlas Maior was a remarkable achievement and remains to this day one of history's finest examples of mapmaking. This reprint is made from the National Library of Vienna's complete, colored, gold-heightened copy, thus assuring the best possible detail and quality. The book's introduction, by the University of Utrecht's Peter van der Krogt, discusses the historical and cultural context and significance of the atlas; Krogt also provides detailed descriptions of the maps, allowing modern readers to fully appreciate Blaeu's masterwork. The authors: Joan Blaeu (1596 Alkmaar-1673 Amsterdam) was the son of Willem Blaeu and a leading Dutch cartographer. In 1620 he became a doctor of law and subsequently joined his father's workshop. In 1635 they published the two-volume Novus Atlas (Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive, Atlas novus). Joan and his brother Cornelius took over the workshop after their father had died in 1638. Joan became the official cartographer of the Dutch East India Company. Around 1649 he published a collection of Dutch city maps entitled Tooneel der Steeden (Theater of Cities). In 1651 he was voted into the Amsterdam council. In 1654 he published the first atlas of Scotland. In 1662 he reissued the atlas in 11 volumes, known as the Atlas Maior. A cosmology was planned as his next project, but a fire destroyed the workshop in 1672. Joan Blaeu died in the following year. Since 1990, Peter van der Krogt, the leading expert in the field of Dutch atlases, has been working on Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici, the cartobibliography of atlases published in the Netherlands. His second project is the compilation, in cooperation with the Nijmegen University, of an illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem, the most important multivolume atlas preserved in the Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.
Blaeu Joan, Krogt Peter van der Atlas Maior
Three and a half centuries before Google Maps there was... Joan Blaeu's atlas, the finest ever published "There can be few books out there more jaw-droppingly gorgeous than this extraordinary Atlas. The reprint more than does justice to Blaeu's masterpiece." TNT Magazine, London The finest and most comprehensive baroque atlas was Joan Blaeu's exceptional Atlas Maior, completed in 1665. The original 11-volume Latin edition, containing 536 maps, put Blaeu ahead of his staunch competitor, mapmaker Johannes Janssonius, whose rivalry inspired Blaeu to produce a grandiose edition of the largest and most complete atlas to date. Covering Arctica, Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, Blaeu's Atlas Maior was a remarkable achievement and remains to this day one of history's finest examples of mapmaking. This reprint is made from the National Library of Vienna's complete, colored, gold-heightened copy, thus assuring the best possible detail and quality. The book's introduction, by the University of Utrecht's Peter van der Krogt, discusses the historical and cultural context and significance of the atlas; Krogt also provides detailed descriptions of the maps, allowing modern readers to fully appreciate Blaeu's masterwork. The authors: Joan Blaeu (1596 Alkmaar-1673 Amsterdam) was the son of Willem Blaeu and a leading Dutch cartographer. In 1620 he became a doctor of law and subsequently joined his father's workshop. In 1635 they published the two-volume Novus Atlas (Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive, Atlas novus). Joan and his brother Cornelius took over the workshop after their father had died in 1638. Joan became the official cartographer of the Dutch East India Company. Around 1649 he published a collection of Dutch city maps entitled Tooneel der Steeden (Theater of Cities). In 1651 he was voted into the Amsterdam council. In 1654 he published the first atlas of Scotland. In 1662 he reissued the atlas in 11 volumes, known as the Atlas Maior. A cosmology was planned as his next project, but a fire destroyed the workshop in 1672. Joan Blaeu died in the following year. Since 1990, Peter van der Krogt, the leading expert in the field of Dutch atlases, has been working on Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici, the cartobibliography of atlases published in the Netherlands. His second project is the compilation, in cooperation with the Nijmegen University, of an illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem, the most important multivolume atlas preserved in the Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.
Blaeu Joan, Krogt Peter van der Atlas Maior
Three and a half centuries before Google Maps there was... Joan Blaeu's atlas, the finest ever published "There can be few books out there more jaw-droppingly gorgeous than this extraordinary Atlas. The reprint more than does justice to Blaeu's masterpiece." TNT Magazine, London The finest and most comprehensive baroque atlas was Joan Blaeu's exceptional Atlas Maior, completed in 1665. The original 11-volume Latin edition, containing 536 maps, put Blaeu ahead of his staunch competitor, mapmaker Johannes Janssonius, whose rivalry inspired Blaeu to produce a grandiose edition of the largest and most complete atlas to date. Covering Arctica, Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, Blaeu's Atlas Maior was a remarkable achievement and remains to this day one of history's finest examples of mapmaking. This reprint is made from the National Library of Vienna's complete, colored, gold-heightened copy, thus assuring the best possible detail and quality. The book's introduction, by the University of Utrecht's Peter van der Krogt, discusses the historical and cultural context and significance of the atlas; Krogt also provides detailed descriptions of the maps, allowing modern readers to fully appreciate Blaeu's masterwork. The authors: Joan Blaeu (1596 Alkmaar-1673 Amsterdam) was the son of Willem Blaeu and a leading Dutch cartographer. In 1620 he became a doctor of law and subsequently joined his father's workshop. In 1635 they published the two-volume Novus Atlas (Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive, Atlas novus). Joan and his brother Cornelius took over the workshop after their father had died in 1638. Joan became the official cartographer of the Dutch East India Company. Around 1649 he published a collection of Dutch city maps entitled Tooneel der Steeden (Theater of Cities). In 1651 he was voted into the Amsterdam council. In 1654 he published the first atlas of Scotland. In 1662 he reissued the atlas in 11 volumes, known as the Atlas Maior. A cosmology was planned as his next project, but a fire destroyed the workshop in 1672. Joan Blaeu died in the following year. Since 1990, Peter van der Krogt, the leading expert in the field of Dutch atlases, has been working on Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici, the cartobibliography of atlases published in the Netherlands. His second project is the compilation, in cooperation with the Nijmegen University, of an illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem, the most important multivolume atlas preserved in the Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.
Blaeu Joan, Krogt Peter van der Atlas Maior
Three and a half centuries before Google Maps there was... Joan Blaeu's atlas, the finest ever published "There can be few books out there more jaw-droppingly gorgeous than this extraordinary Atlas. The reprint more than does justice to Blaeu's masterpiece." TNT Magazine, London The finest and most comprehensive baroque atlas was Joan Blaeu's exceptional Atlas Maior, completed in 1665. The original 11-volume Latin edition, containing 536 maps, put Blaeu ahead of his staunch competitor, mapmaker Johannes Janssonius, whose rivalry inspired Blaeu to produce a grandiose edition of the largest and most complete atlas to date. Covering Arctica, Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, Blaeu's Atlas Maior was a remarkable achievement and remains to this day one of history's finest examples of mapmaking. This reprint is made from the National Library of Vienna's complete, colored, gold-heightened copy, thus assuring the best possible detail and quality. The book's introduction, by the University of Utrecht's Peter van der Krogt, discusses the historical and cultural context and significance of the atlas; Krogt also provides detailed descriptions of the maps, allowing modern readers to fully appreciate Blaeu's masterwork. The authors: Joan Blaeu (1596 Alkmaar-1673 Amsterdam) was the son of Willem Blaeu and a leading Dutch cartographer. In 1620 he became a doctor of law and subsequently joined his father's workshop. In 1635 they published the two-volume Novus Atlas (Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive, Atlas novus). Joan and his brother Cornelius took over the workshop after their father had died in 1638. Joan became the official cartographer of the Dutch East India Company. Around 1649 he published a collection of Dutch city maps entitled Tooneel der Steeden (Theater of Cities). In 1651 he was voted into the Amsterdam council. In 1654 he published the first atlas of Scotland. In 1662 he reissued the atlas in 11 volumes, known as the Atlas Maior. A cosmology was planned as his next project, but a fire destroyed the workshop in 1672. Joan Blaeu died in the following year. Since 1990, Peter van der Krogt, the leading expert in the field of Dutch atlases, has been working on Koeman's Atlantes Neerlandici, the cartobibliography of atlases published in the Netherlands. His second project is the compilation, in cooperation with the Nijmegen University, of an illustrated and annotated catalogue of the Atlas Blaeu-Van der Hem, the most important multivolume atlas preserved in the Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.
Daniel Noel The Circus, 1870s-1950s
The greatest show on earth The Circus - now accessible for everyone, at a freakishly good price "This is a gee-whiz spectacle of a book, a three-ring extravaganza as bright as a pinball machine." -The New York Times Book Review During its heyday, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils and strapping super-heroes gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, comedy, and minstrel shows of the day, and ultimately paving the way for film and television. The circus offered young Americans the dream of adventure and reinvention. This book brings to life the grit and glamour of the circus phenomenon. Images include photographic gems by early circus photographers Frederick Whitman Glasier and Edward Kelty, many of the earliest color photographs ever taken of the circus from the 1940s and 1950s, iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady or Cornell Capa, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames. For the first time, contemporary readers can experience the legend of the American circus in all its glory. The authors: Linda Granfield is a widely published author whose book Circus: An Album won six awards, including a place on the "Best of the Best" list by Chicago Public Library. Known for her clear and accessible writing, Granfield has penned many young adult publications as well as adult nonfiction books. She lives in Toronto, Canada. San Francisco-based circus historian Dominique Jando has written five books on the circus, was associate artistic director of New York's Big Apple Circus 1983-2002, and director of the San Francisco School of Circus Arts 2003-04. He is also cofounder of Paris's world-famous circus arts competition, the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain. The contributing author: Fred Dahlinger, Jr. from Baraboo, Wisconsin, is a circus historian and author of several books on the American circus. The editor: TASCHEN editor Noel Daniel graduated from Princeton University, and studied in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship. She received a master's in London and was the director of a photography art gallery before becoming a book editor. Her TASCHEN books include Magic 1400s-1950s (2009) and The Circus 1870-1950 (2008).
Daniel Noel The Circus, 1870s-1950s
The greatest show on earth The Circus - now accessible for everyone, at a freakishly good price "This is a gee-whiz spectacle of a book, a three-ring extravaganza as bright as a pinball machine." -The New York Times Book Review During its heyday, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils and strapping super-heroes gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, comedy, and minstrel shows of the day, and ultimately paving the way for film and television. The circus offered young Americans the dream of adventure and reinvention. This book brings to life the grit and glamour of the circus phenomenon. Images include photographic gems by early circus photographers Frederick Whitman Glasier and Edward Kelty, many of the earliest color photographs ever taken of the circus from the 1940s and 1950s, iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady or Cornell Capa, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames. For the first time, contemporary readers can experience the legend of the American circus in all its glory. The authors: Linda Granfield is a widely published author whose book Circus: An Album won six awards, including a place on the "Best of the Best" list by Chicago Public Library. Known for her clear and accessible writing, Granfield has penned many young adult publications as well as adult nonfiction books. She lives in Toronto, Canada. San Francisco-based circus historian Dominique Jando has written five books on the circus, was associate artistic director of New York's Big Apple Circus 1983-2002, and director of the San Francisco School of Circus Arts 2003-04. He is also cofounder of Paris's world-famous circus arts competition, the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain. The contributing author: Fred Dahlinger, Jr. from Baraboo, Wisconsin, is a circus historian and author of several books on the American circus. The editor: TASCHEN editor Noel Daniel graduated from Princeton University, and studied in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship. She received a master's in London and was the director of a photography art gallery before becoming a book editor. Her TASCHEN books include Magic 1400s-1950s (2009) and The Circus 1870-1950 (2008).
Daniel Noel The Circus, 1870s-1950s
The greatest show on earth The Circus - now accessible for everyone, at a freakishly good price "This is a gee-whiz spectacle of a book, a three-ring extravaganza as bright as a pinball machine." -The New York Times Book Review During its heyday, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils and strapping super-heroes gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, comedy, and minstrel shows of the day, and ultimately paving the way for film and television. The circus offered young Americans the dream of adventure and reinvention. This book brings to life the grit and glamour of the circus phenomenon. Images include photographic gems by early circus photographers Frederick Whitman Glasier and Edward Kelty, many of the earliest color photographs ever taken of the circus from the 1940s and 1950s, iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady or Cornell Capa, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames. For the first time, contemporary readers can experience the legend of the American circus in all its glory. The authors: Linda Granfield is a widely published author whose book Circus: An Album won six awards, including a place on the "Best of the Best" list by Chicago Public Library. Known for her clear and accessible writing, Granfield has penned many young adult publications as well as adult nonfiction books. She lives in Toronto, Canada. San Francisco-based circus historian Dominique Jando has written five books on the circus, was associate artistic director of New York's Big Apple Circus 1983-2002, and director of the San Francisco School of Circus Arts 2003-04. He is also cofounder of Paris's world-famous circus arts competition, the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain. The contributing author: Fred Dahlinger, Jr. from Baraboo, Wisconsin, is a circus historian and author of several books on the American circus. The editor: TASCHEN editor Noel Daniel graduated from Princeton University, and studied in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship. She received a master's in London and was the director of a photography art gallery before becoming a book editor. Her TASCHEN books include Magic 1400s-1950s (2009) and The Circus 1870-1950 (2008).
Daniel Noel The Circus, 1870s-1950s
The greatest show on earth The Circus - now accessible for everyone, at a freakishly good price "This is a gee-whiz spectacle of a book, a three-ring extravaganza as bright as a pinball machine." -The New York Times Book Review During its heyday, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils and strapping super-heroes gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, comedy, and minstrel shows of the day, and ultimately paving the way for film and television. The circus offered young Americans the dream of adventure and reinvention. This book brings to life the grit and glamour of the circus phenomenon. Images include photographic gems by early circus photographers Frederick Whitman Glasier and Edward Kelty, many of the earliest color photographs ever taken of the circus from the 1940s and 1950s, iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady or Cornell Capa, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames. For the first time, contemporary readers can experience the legend of the American circus in all its glory. The authors: Linda Granfield is a widely published author whose book Circus: An Album won six awards, including a place on the "Best of the Best" list by Chicago Public Library. Known for her clear and accessible writing, Granfield has penned many young adult publications as well as adult nonfiction books. She lives in Toronto, Canada. San Francisco-based circus historian Dominique Jando has written five books on the circus, was associate artistic director of New York's Big Apple Circus 1983-2002, and director of the San Francisco School of Circus Arts 2003-04. He is also cofounder of Paris's world-famous circus arts competition, the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain. The contributing author: Fred Dahlinger, Jr. from Baraboo, Wisconsin, is a circus historian and author of several books on the American circus. The editor: TASCHEN editor Noel Daniel graduated from Princeton University, and studied in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship. She received a master's in London and was the director of a photography art gallery before becoming a book editor. Her TASCHEN books include Magic 1400s-1950s (2009) and The Circus 1870-1950 (2008).
Daniel Noel The Circus, 1870s-1950s
The greatest show on earth The Circus - now accessible for everyone, at a freakishly good price "This is a gee-whiz spectacle of a book, a three-ring extravaganza as bright as a pinball machine." -The New York Times Book Review During its heyday, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils and strapping super-heroes gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, comedy, and minstrel shows of the day, and ultimately paving the way for film and television. The circus offered young Americans the dream of adventure and reinvention. This book brings to life the grit and glamour of the circus phenomenon. Images include photographic gems by early circus photographers Frederick Whitman Glasier and Edward Kelty, many of the earliest color photographs ever taken of the circus from the 1940s and 1950s, iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady or Cornell Capa, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames. For the first time, contemporary readers can experience the legend of the American circus in all its glory. The authors: Linda Granfield is a widely published author whose book Circus: An Album won six awards, including a place on the "Best of the Best" list by Chicago Public Library. Known for her clear and accessible writing, Granfield has penned many young adult publications as well as adult nonfiction books. She lives in Toronto, Canada. San Francisco-based circus historian Dominique Jando has written five books on the circus, was associate artistic director of New York's Big Apple Circus 1983-2002, and director of the San Francisco School of Circus Arts 2003-04. He is also cofounder of Paris's world-famous circus arts competition, the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain. The contributing author: Fred Dahlinger, Jr. from Baraboo, Wisconsin, is a circus historian and author of several books on the American circus. The editor: TASCHEN editor Noel Daniel graduated from Princeton University, and studied in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship. She received a master's in London and was the director of a photography art gallery before becoming a book editor. Her TASCHEN books include Magic 1400s-1950s (2009) and The Circus 1870-1950 (2008).
Daniel Noel The Circus, 1870s-1950s
The greatest show on earth The Circus - now accessible for everyone, at a freakishly good price "This is a gee-whiz spectacle of a book, a three-ring extravaganza as bright as a pinball machine." -The New York Times Book Review During its heyday, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils and strapping super-heroes gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, comedy, and minstrel shows of the day, and ultimately paving the way for film and television. The circus offered young Americans the dream of adventure and reinvention. This book brings to life the grit and glamour of the circus phenomenon. Images include photographic gems by early circus photographers Frederick Whitman Glasier and Edward Kelty, many of the earliest color photographs ever taken of the circus from the 1940s and 1950s, iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady or Cornell Capa, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames. For the first time, contemporary readers can experience the legend of the American circus in all its glory. The authors: Linda Granfield is a widely published author whose book Circus: An Album won six awards, including a place on the "Best of the Best" list by Chicago Public Library. Known for her clear and accessible writing, Granfield has penned many young adult publications as well as adult nonfiction books. She lives in Toronto, Canada. San Francisco-based circus historian Dominique Jando has written five books on the circus, was associate artistic director of New York's Big Apple Circus 1983-2002, and director of the San Francisco School of Circus Arts 2003-04. He is also cofounder of Paris's world-famous circus arts competition, the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain. The contributing author: Fred Dahlinger, Jr. from Baraboo, Wisconsin, is a circus historian and author of several books on the American circus. The editor: TASCHEN editor Noel Daniel graduated from Princeton University, and studied in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship. She received a master's in London and was the director of a photography art gallery before becoming a book editor. Her TASCHEN books include Magic 1400s-1950s (2009) and The Circus 1870-1950 (2008).
Daniel Noel The Circus, 1870s-1950s
The greatest show on earth The Circus - now accessible for everyone, at a freakishly good price "This is a gee-whiz spectacle of a book, a three-ring extravaganza as bright as a pinball machine." -The New York Times Book Review During its heyday, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils and strapping super-heroes gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, comedy, and minstrel shows of the day, and ultimately paving the way for film and television. The circus offered young Americans the dream of adventure and reinvention. This book brings to life the grit and glamour of the circus phenomenon. Images include photographic gems by early circus photographers Frederick Whitman Glasier and Edward Kelty, many of the earliest color photographs ever taken of the circus from the 1940s and 1950s, iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady or Cornell Capa, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames. For the first time, contemporary readers can experience the legend of the American circus in all its glory. The authors: Linda Granfield is a widely published author whose book Circus: An Album won six awards, including a place on the "Best of the Best" list by Chicago Public Library. Known for her clear and accessible writing, Granfield has penned many young adult publications as well as adult nonfiction books. She lives in Toronto, Canada. San Francisco-based circus historian Dominique Jando has written five books on the circus, was associate artistic director of New York's Big Apple Circus 1983-2002, and director of the San Francisco School of Circus Arts 2003-04. He is also cofounder of Paris's world-famous circus arts competition, the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain. The contributing author: Fred Dahlinger, Jr. from Baraboo, Wisconsin, is a circus historian and author of several books on the American circus. The editor: TASCHEN editor Noel Daniel graduated from Princeton University, and studied in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship. She received a master's in London and was the director of a photography art gallery before becoming a book editor. Her TASCHEN books include Magic 1400s-1950s (2009) and The Circus 1870-1950 (2008).
Daniel Noel The Circus, 1870s-1950s
The greatest show on earth The Circus - now accessible for everyone, at a freakishly good price "This is a gee-whiz spectacle of a book, a three-ring extravaganza as bright as a pinball machine." -The New York Times Book Review During its heyday, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils and strapping super-heroes gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, comedy, and minstrel shows of the day, and ultimately paving the way for film and television. The circus offered young Americans the dream of adventure and reinvention. This book brings to life the grit and glamour of the circus phenomenon. Images include photographic gems by early circus photographers Frederick Whitman Glasier and Edward Kelty, many of the earliest color photographs ever taken of the circus from the 1940s and 1950s, iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady or Cornell Capa, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames. For the first time, contemporary readers can experience the legend of the American circus in all its glory. The authors: Linda Granfield is a widely published author whose book Circus: An Album won six awards, including a place on the "Best of the Best" list by Chicago Public Library. Known for her clear and accessible writing, Granfield has penned many young adult publications as well as adult nonfiction books. She lives in Toronto, Canada. San Francisco-based circus historian Dominique Jando has written five books on the circus, was associate artistic director of New York's Big Apple Circus 1983-2002, and director of the San Francisco School of Circus Arts 2003-04. He is also cofounder of Paris's world-famous circus arts competition, the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain. The contributing author: Fred Dahlinger, Jr. from Baraboo, Wisconsin, is a circus historian and author of several books on the American circus. The editor: TASCHEN editor Noel Daniel graduated from Princeton University, and studied in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship. She received a master's in London and was the director of a photography art gallery before becoming a book editor. Her TASCHEN books include Magic 1400s-1950s (2009) and The Circus 1870-1950 (2008).
Daniel Noel The Circus, 1870s-1950s
The greatest show on earth The Circus - now accessible for everyone, at a freakishly good price "This is a gee-whiz spectacle of a book, a three-ring extravaganza as bright as a pinball machine." -The New York Times Book Review During its heyday, the American circus was the largest show-biz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling American circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils and strapping super-heroes gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, comedy, and minstrel shows of the day, and ultimately paving the way for film and television. The circus offered young Americans the dream of adventure and reinvention. This book brings to life the grit and glamour of the circus phenomenon. Images include photographic gems by early circus photographers Frederick Whitman Glasier and Edward Kelty, many of the earliest color photographs ever taken of the circus from the 1940s and 1950s, iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady or Cornell Capa, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames. For the first time, contemporary readers can experience the legend of the American circus in all its glory. The authors: Linda Granfield is a widely published author whose book Circus: An Album won six awards, including a place on the "Best of the Best" list by Chicago Public Library. Known for her clear and accessible writing, Granfield has penned many young adult publications as well as adult nonfiction books. She lives in Toronto, Canada. San Francisco-based circus historian Dominique Jando has written five books on the circus, was associate artistic director of New York's Big Apple Circus 1983-2002, and director of the San Francisco School of Circus Arts 2003-04. He is also cofounder of Paris's world-famous circus arts competition, the Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain. The contributing author: Fred Dahlinger, Jr. from Baraboo, Wisconsin, is a circus historian and author of several books on the American circus. The editor: TASCHEN editor Noel Daniel graduated from Princeton University, and studied in Berlin on a Fulbright Scholarship. She received a master's in London and was the director of a photography art gallery before becoming a book editor. Her TASCHEN books include Magic 1400s-1950s (2009) and The Circus 1870-1950 (2008).
Braun Georg, Hogenberg Franz Cities of the World
Google Earth's ancestor: a snapshot of urban life, circa 1600 History's most opulent collection of town maps and illustrations The complete reprint of all 363 color plates from Braun and Hogenberg's survey of town maps, city views, and plans of Europe, Africa, Asia and Central America, with dozens of unusual details, as well as selected extracts from the original text and an in-depth commentary. First published in Cologne 1572-1617. More than four centuries after the first volume was originally published in Cologne, Braun and Hogenberg's magnificent collection of town map engravings, Civitates orbis terrarum, has been brought back to life with this reprint taken from a rare and superbly preserved original set of six volumes, belonging to the Historische Museum in Frankfurt. Produced between 1572 and 1617 - just before the extensive devastation wreaked by the Thirty Years' War - the work contains 564 plans, bird's-eye views, and map views of all major cities in Europe, plus important cities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Edited and annotated by theologian and publisher Georg Braun, and largely engraved by Franz Hogenberg, the Civitates was intended as a companion volume for Abraham Ortelius's 1570 world atlas, Theatrum orbis terrarum. Over a hundred different artists and cartographers contributed to the sumptuous artwork, which not only shows the towns but also features additional elements, such as figures in local dress, ships, ox-drawn carts, courtroom scenes, and topographical details, that help convey the situation, commercial power, and political importance of the towns they accompany. The Civitates gives us a comprehensive view of urban life at the turn of the 17th century. TASCHEN's reprint includes all of the city plates, accompanied by selected extracts from Braun's texts on the history and contemporary significance of each urban center as well as translations of the Latin cartouches. A detailed commentary places each city map in its cartographical and cultural context, and examines earlier sources and later editions. Rounding off this comprehensive publication is a separate introductory essay examining the Civitates in its cultural and historical context. From Paris and London to Cairo and Jerusalem, readers will find many a familiar city to zoom back in time to and explore - in fact, many of the maps can still be used for orientation in historical town centers today. The author: Stephan Fussel is director of the Institute for Book Sciences at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, and holder of the Gutenberg Chair at the same university. He has published prolifically on the early days of printing, the sale and publication of books between the 18th and 20th centuries, and the future of communications.
Braun Georg, Hogenberg Franz Cities of the World
Google Earth's ancestor: a snapshot of urban life, circa 1600 History's most opulent collection of town maps and illustrations The complete reprint of all 363 color plates from Braun and Hogenberg's survey of town maps, city views, and plans of Europe, Africa, Asia and Central America, with dozens of unusual details, as well as selected extracts from the original text and an in-depth commentary. First published in Cologne 1572-1617. More than four centuries after the first volume was originally published in Cologne, Braun and Hogenberg's magnificent collection of town map engravings, Civitates orbis terrarum, has been brought back to life with this reprint taken from a rare and superbly preserved original set of six volumes, belonging to the Historische Museum in Frankfurt. Produced between 1572 and 1617 - just before the extensive devastation wreaked by the Thirty Years' War - the work contains 564 plans, bird's-eye views, and map views of all major cities in Europe, plus important cities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Edited and annotated by theologian and publisher Georg Braun, and largely engraved by Franz Hogenberg, the Civitates was intended as a companion volume for Abraham Ortelius's 1570 world atlas, Theatrum orbis terrarum. Over a hundred different artists and cartographers contributed to the sumptuous artwork, which not only shows the towns but also features additional elements, such as figures in local dress, ships, ox-drawn carts, courtroom scenes, and topographical details, that help convey the situation, commercial power, and political importance of the towns they accompany. The Civitates gives us a comprehensive view of urban life at the turn of the 17th century. TASCHEN's reprint includes all of the city plates, accompanied by selected extracts from Braun's texts on the history and contemporary significance of each urban center as well as translations of the Latin cartouches. A detailed commentary places each city map in its cartographical and cultural context, and examines earlier sources and later editions. Rounding off this comprehensive publication is a separate introductory essay examining the Civitates in its cultural and historical context. From Paris and London to Cairo and Jerusalem, readers will find many a familiar city to zoom back in time to and explore - in fact, many of the maps can still be used for orientation in historical town centers today. The author: Stephan Fussel is director of the Institute for Book Sciences at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, and holder of the Gutenberg Chair at the same university. He has published prolifically on the early days of printing, the sale and publication of books between the 18th and 20th centuries, and the future of communications.
Braun Georg, Hogenberg Franz Cities of the World
Google Earth's ancestor: a snapshot of urban life, circa 1600 History's most opulent collection of town maps and illustrations The complete reprint of all 363 color plates from Braun and Hogenberg's survey of town maps, city views, and plans of Europe, Africa, Asia and Central America, with dozens of unusual details, as well as selected extracts from the original text and an in-depth commentary. First published in Cologne 1572-1617. More than four centuries after the first volume was originally published in Cologne, Braun and Hogenberg's magnificent collection of town map engravings, Civitates orbis terrarum, has been brought back to life with this reprint taken from a rare and superbly preserved original set of six volumes, belonging to the Historische Museum in Frankfurt. Produced between 1572 and 1617 - just before the extensive devastation wreaked by the Thirty Years' War - the work contains 564 plans, bird's-eye views, and map views of all major cities in Europe, plus important cities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Edited and annotated by theologian and publisher Georg Braun, and largely engraved by Franz Hogenberg, the Civitates was intended as a companion volume for Abraham Ortelius's 1570 world atlas, Theatrum orbis terrarum. Over a hundred different artists and cartographers contributed to the sumptuous artwork, which not only shows the towns but also features additional elements, such as figures in local dress, ships, ox-drawn carts, courtroom scenes, and topographical details, that help convey the situation, commercial power, and political importance of the towns they accompany. The Civitates gives us a comprehensive view of urban life at the turn of the 17th century. TASCHEN's reprint includes all of the city plates, accompanied by selected extracts from Braun's texts on the history and contemporary significance of each urban center as well as translations of the Latin cartouches. A detailed commentary places each city map in its cartographical and cultural context, and examines earlier sources and later editions. Rounding off this comprehensive publication is a separate introductory essay examining the Civitates in its cultural and historical context. From Paris and London to Cairo and Jerusalem, readers will find many a familiar city to zoom back in time to and explore - in fact, many of the maps can still be used for orientation in historical town centers today. The author: Stephan Fussel is director of the Institute for Book Sciences at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, and holder of the Gutenberg Chair at the same university. He has published prolifically on the early days of printing, the sale and publication of books between the 18th and 20th centuries, and the future of communications.
Claxton William, Berendt Joachim Jazzlife (+CD)
The sights and sounds of American jazz Claxton's photographs of legendary jazz musicians "Surely the most thorough and imaginative visual record of American jazz at mid-century that we'll ever see." - Newsweek, New York In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians. The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector's item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material- along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it. The photographer: William Claxton (1927-2008) began his career shooting jazz record cover art. His iconic images of Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday and many others reflect his preeminence among photographers of jazz music. Claxton worked for many of the biggest publishers including Life, Paris Match, and Vogue magazines. His work has been shown in galleries around the world, and his photographic prints are now sought after by collectors of fine art photography. He passed away on October 11, 2008 in his hometown Los Angeles.
Claxton William, Berendt Joachim Jazzlife (+CD)
The sights and sounds of American jazz Claxton's photographs of legendary jazz musicians "Surely the most thorough and imaginative visual record of American jazz at mid-century that we'll ever see." - Newsweek, New York In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians. The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector's item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material- along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it. The photographer: William Claxton (1927-2008) began his career shooting jazz record cover art. His iconic images of Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday and many others reflect his preeminence among photographers of jazz music. Claxton worked for many of the biggest publishers including Life, Paris Match, and Vogue magazines. His work has been shown in galleries around the world, and his photographic prints are now sought after by collectors of fine art photography. He passed away on October 11, 2008 in his hometown Los Angeles.
Claxton William, Berendt Joachim Jazzlife (+CD)
The sights and sounds of American jazz Claxton's photographs of legendary jazz musicians "Surely the most thorough and imaginative visual record of American jazz at mid-century that we'll ever see." - Newsweek, New York In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians. The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector's item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material- along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it. The photographer: William Claxton (1927-2008) began his career shooting jazz record cover art. His iconic images of Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday and many others reflect his preeminence among photographers of jazz music. Claxton worked for many of the biggest publishers including Life, Paris Match, and Vogue magazines. His work has been shown in galleries around the world, and his photographic prints are now sought after by collectors of fine art photography. He passed away on October 11, 2008 in his hometown Los Angeles.
Claxton William, Berendt Joachim Jazzlife (+CD)
The sights and sounds of American jazz Claxton's photographs of legendary jazz musicians "Surely the most thorough and imaginative visual record of American jazz at mid-century that we'll ever see." - Newsweek, New York In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians. The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector's item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material- along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it. The photographer: William Claxton (1927-2008) began his career shooting jazz record cover art. His iconic images of Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday and many others reflect his preeminence among photographers of jazz music. Claxton worked for many of the biggest publishers including Life, Paris Match, and Vogue magazines. His work has been shown in galleries around the world, and his photographic prints are now sought after by collectors of fine art photography. He passed away on October 11, 2008 in his hometown Los Angeles.
Claxton William, Berendt Joachim Jazzlife (+CD)
The sights and sounds of American jazz Claxton's photographs of legendary jazz musicians "Surely the most thorough and imaginative visual record of American jazz at mid-century that we'll ever see." - Newsweek, New York In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians. The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector's item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material- along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it. The photographer: William Claxton (1927-2008) began his career shooting jazz record cover art. His iconic images of Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday and many others reflect his preeminence among photographers of jazz music. Claxton worked for many of the biggest publishers including Life, Paris Match, and Vogue magazines. His work has been shown in galleries around the world, and his photographic prints are now sought after by collectors of fine art photography. He passed away on October 11, 2008 in his hometown Los Angeles.
Claxton William, Berendt Joachim Jazzlife (+CD)
The sights and sounds of American jazz Claxton's photographs of legendary jazz musicians "Surely the most thorough and imaginative visual record of American jazz at mid-century that we'll ever see." - Newsweek, New York In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians. The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector's item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material- along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it. The photographer: William Claxton (1927-2008) began his career shooting jazz record cover art. His iconic images of Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday and many others reflect his preeminence among photographers of jazz music. Claxton worked for many of the biggest publishers including Life, Paris Match, and Vogue magazines. His work has been shown in galleries around the world, and his photographic prints are now sought after by collectors of fine art photography. He passed away on October 11, 2008 in his hometown Los Angeles.
Claxton William, Berendt Joachim Jazzlife (+CD)
The sights and sounds of American jazz Claxton's photographs of legendary jazz musicians "Surely the most thorough and imaginative visual record of American jazz at mid-century that we'll ever see." - Newsweek, New York In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians. The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector's item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material- along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it. The photographer: William Claxton (1927-2008) began his career shooting jazz record cover art. His iconic images of Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday and many others reflect his preeminence among photographers of jazz music. Claxton worked for many of the biggest publishers including Life, Paris Match, and Vogue magazines. His work has been shown in galleries around the world, and his photographic prints are now sought after by collectors of fine art photography. He passed away on October 11, 2008 in his hometown Los Angeles.
Claxton William, Berendt Joachim Jazzlife (+CD)
The sights and sounds of American jazz Claxton's photographs of legendary jazz musicians "Surely the most thorough and imaginative visual record of American jazz at mid-century that we'll ever see." - Newsweek, New York In 1960, photographer William Claxton and noted German musicologist Joachim Berendt traveled the United States hot on the trail of jazz music. The result of their collaboration was an amazing collection of photographs and recordings of legendary artists as well as unknown street musicians. The book Jazzlife, the original fruit of their labors, has become a collector's item that is highly treasured among jazz and photography fans. In 2003, TASCHEN began reassembling this important collection of material- along with many never-before-seen color images from those trips. They are brought together in this updated volume, which includes a foreword by William Claxton tracing his travels with Berendt and his love affair with jazz music in general. Jazz fans will be delighted to be able to take a jazz-trip through time, seeing the music as Claxton and Berendt originally experienced it. The photographer: William Claxton (1927-2008) began his career shooting jazz record cover art. His iconic images of Chet Baker, Charlie Parker, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday and many others reflect his preeminence among photographers of jazz music. Claxton worked for many of the biggest publishers including Life, Paris Match, and Vogue magazines. His work has been shown in galleries around the world, and his photographic prints are now sought after by collectors of fine art photography. He passed away on October 11, 2008 in his hometown Los Angeles.
Lamprecht Barbara Neutra, Complete Works
The quintessential California Modernist Richard Neutra and his search for modern architecture "[...] the definitive volume on the Viennese-born architect." - Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Originally from Vienna, Richard Neutra came to America early in his career, settling in California. His influence on post-war architecture is undisputed, the sunny climate and rich landscape being particularly suited to his cool, sleek modern style. Neutra had a keen appreciation for the relationship between people and nature; his trademark plate glass walls and ceilings which turn into deep overhangs have the effect of connecting the indoors with the outdoors. His ability to incorporate technology, aesthetic, science, and nature into his designs brought him to the forefront of Modernist architecture. In this volume, all of Neutra's works (nearly 300 private homes, schools, and public buildings) are gathered together, illustrated by over 1000 photographs, including those of Julius Shulman and other prominent photographers. The author: Barbara Lamprecht writes on and teaches architectural history, concentrating on Modernism, and practices architecture, specializing in sustainability and small spaces. She contributes to Dwell, The Architectural Review, Architecture, Architectural Record and Fine Homebuilding. The editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He has been the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series, and continues to work for TASCHEN as a freelance-editor.
Lamprecht Barbara Neutra, Complete Works
The quintessential California Modernist Richard Neutra and his search for modern architecture "[...] the definitive volume on the Viennese-born architect." - Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Originally from Vienna, Richard Neutra came to America early in his career, settling in California. His influence on post-war architecture is undisputed, the sunny climate and rich landscape being particularly suited to his cool, sleek modern style. Neutra had a keen appreciation for the relationship between people and nature; his trademark plate glass walls and ceilings which turn into deep overhangs have the effect of connecting the indoors with the outdoors. His ability to incorporate technology, aesthetic, science, and nature into his designs brought him to the forefront of Modernist architecture. In this volume, all of Neutra's works (nearly 300 private homes, schools, and public buildings) are gathered together, illustrated by over 1000 photographs, including those of Julius Shulman and other prominent photographers. The author: Barbara Lamprecht writes on and teaches architectural history, concentrating on Modernism, and practices architecture, specializing in sustainability and small spaces. She contributes to Dwell, The Architectural Review, Architecture, Architectural Record and Fine Homebuilding. The editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He has been the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series, and continues to work for TASCHEN as a freelance-editor.
Lamprecht Barbara Neutra, Complete Works
The quintessential California Modernist Richard Neutra and his search for modern architecture "[...] the definitive volume on the Viennese-born architect." - Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Originally from Vienna, Richard Neutra came to America early in his career, settling in California. His influence on post-war architecture is undisputed, the sunny climate and rich landscape being particularly suited to his cool, sleek modern style. Neutra had a keen appreciation for the relationship between people and nature; his trademark plate glass walls and ceilings which turn into deep overhangs have the effect of connecting the indoors with the outdoors. His ability to incorporate technology, aesthetic, science, and nature into his designs brought him to the forefront of Modernist architecture. In this volume, all of Neutra's works (nearly 300 private homes, schools, and public buildings) are gathered together, illustrated by over 1000 photographs, including those of Julius Shulman and other prominent photographers. The author: Barbara Lamprecht writes on and teaches architectural history, concentrating on Modernism, and practices architecture, specializing in sustainability and small spaces. She contributes to Dwell, The Architectural Review, Architecture, Architectural Record and Fine Homebuilding. The editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He has been the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series, and continues to work for TASCHEN as a freelance-editor.
Lamprecht Barbara Neutra, Complete Works
The quintessential California Modernist Richard Neutra and his search for modern architecture "[...] the definitive volume on the Viennese-born architect." - Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Originally from Vienna, Richard Neutra came to America early in his career, settling in California. His influence on post-war architecture is undisputed, the sunny climate and rich landscape being particularly suited to his cool, sleek modern style. Neutra had a keen appreciation for the relationship between people and nature; his trademark plate glass walls and ceilings which turn into deep overhangs have the effect of connecting the indoors with the outdoors. His ability to incorporate technology, aesthetic, science, and nature into his designs brought him to the forefront of Modernist architecture. In this volume, all of Neutra's works (nearly 300 private homes, schools, and public buildings) are gathered together, illustrated by over 1000 photographs, including those of Julius Shulman and other prominent photographers. The author: Barbara Lamprecht writes on and teaches architectural history, concentrating on Modernism, and practices architecture, specializing in sustainability and small spaces. She contributes to Dwell, The Architectural Review, Architecture, Architectural Record and Fine Homebuilding. The editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He has been the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series, and continues to work for TASCHEN as a freelance-editor.
Lamprecht Barbara Neutra, Complete Works
The quintessential California Modernist Richard Neutra and his search for modern architecture "[...] the definitive volume on the Viennese-born architect." - Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Originally from Vienna, Richard Neutra came to America early in his career, settling in California. His influence on post-war architecture is undisputed, the sunny climate and rich landscape being particularly suited to his cool, sleek modern style. Neutra had a keen appreciation for the relationship between people and nature; his trademark plate glass walls and ceilings which turn into deep overhangs have the effect of connecting the indoors with the outdoors. His ability to incorporate technology, aesthetic, science, and nature into his designs brought him to the forefront of Modernist architecture. In this volume, all of Neutra's works (nearly 300 private homes, schools, and public buildings) are gathered together, illustrated by over 1000 photographs, including those of Julius Shulman and other prominent photographers. The author: Barbara Lamprecht writes on and teaches architectural history, concentrating on Modernism, and practices architecture, specializing in sustainability and small spaces. She contributes to Dwell, The Architectural Review, Architecture, Architectural Record and Fine Homebuilding. The editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He has been the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series, and continues to work for TASCHEN as a freelance-editor.
Lamprecht Barbara Neutra, Complete Works
The quintessential California Modernist Richard Neutra and his search for modern architecture "[...] the definitive volume on the Viennese-born architect." - Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Originally from Vienna, Richard Neutra came to America early in his career, settling in California. His influence on post-war architecture is undisputed, the sunny climate and rich landscape being particularly suited to his cool, sleek modern style. Neutra had a keen appreciation for the relationship between people and nature; his trademark plate glass walls and ceilings which turn into deep overhangs have the effect of connecting the indoors with the outdoors. His ability to incorporate technology, aesthetic, science, and nature into his designs brought him to the forefront of Modernist architecture. In this volume, all of Neutra's works (nearly 300 private homes, schools, and public buildings) are gathered together, illustrated by over 1000 photographs, including those of Julius Shulman and other prominent photographers. The author: Barbara Lamprecht writes on and teaches architectural history, concentrating on Modernism, and practices architecture, specializing in sustainability and small spaces. She contributes to Dwell, The Architectural Review, Architecture, Architectural Record and Fine Homebuilding. The editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He has been the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series, and continues to work for TASCHEN as a freelance-editor.
Lamprecht Barbara Neutra, Complete Works
The quintessential California Modernist Richard Neutra and his search for modern architecture "[...] the definitive volume on the Viennese-born architect." - Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Originally from Vienna, Richard Neutra came to America early in his career, settling in California. His influence on post-war architecture is undisputed, the sunny climate and rich landscape being particularly suited to his cool, sleek modern style. Neutra had a keen appreciation for the relationship between people and nature; his trademark plate glass walls and ceilings which turn into deep overhangs have the effect of connecting the indoors with the outdoors. His ability to incorporate technology, aesthetic, science, and nature into his designs brought him to the forefront of Modernist architecture. In this volume, all of Neutra's works (nearly 300 private homes, schools, and public buildings) are gathered together, illustrated by over 1000 photographs, including those of Julius Shulman and other prominent photographers. The author: Barbara Lamprecht writes on and teaches architectural history, concentrating on Modernism, and practices architecture, specializing in sustainability and small spaces. She contributes to Dwell, The Architectural Review, Architecture, Architectural Record and Fine Homebuilding. The editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He has been the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series, and continues to work for TASCHEN as a freelance-editor.
Duncan Paul Alfred Hitchcock
The perfect panic attack A look back at the career of the master of suspense Hitchcock's name is synonymous with suspense-that is to say, masterful, spine-tingling, thrilling, shocking, excruciating, eye-boggling suspense. With masterpieces such as Rebecca, Vertigo, Rear Window, and Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) fashioned an extremely original approach to filmmaking that is oft imitated though never equaled; his ability to enthrall and frighten with careful pacing, subtlety, and suggestiveness earned him a prestigious reputation which grows more powerful as time goes by. He is and will always remain the master of cinematic suspense. This book, which traces his life and career, from his earliest silent films to his last picture in 1976, also includes a special bonus that Hitch fans will especially enjoy: an illustrated and annotated list of each of his cameos. The author: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series.
Duncan Paul Alfred Hitchcock
The perfect panic attack A look back at the career of the master of suspense Hitchcock's name is synonymous with suspense-that is to say, masterful, spine-tingling, thrilling, shocking, excruciating, eye-boggling suspense. With masterpieces such as Rebecca, Vertigo, Rear Window, and Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) fashioned an extremely original approach to filmmaking that is oft imitated though never equaled; his ability to enthrall and frighten with careful pacing, subtlety, and suggestiveness earned him a prestigious reputation which grows more powerful as time goes by. He is and will always remain the master of cinematic suspense. This book, which traces his life and career, from his earliest silent films to his last picture in 1976, also includes a special bonus that Hitch fans will especially enjoy: an illustrated and annotated list of each of his cameos. The author: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series.
Duncan Paul Alfred Hitchcock
The perfect panic attack A look back at the career of the master of suspense Hitchcock's name is synonymous with suspense-that is to say, masterful, spine-tingling, thrilling, shocking, excruciating, eye-boggling suspense. With masterpieces such as Rebecca, Vertigo, Rear Window, and Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) fashioned an extremely original approach to filmmaking that is oft imitated though never equaled; his ability to enthrall and frighten with careful pacing, subtlety, and suggestiveness earned him a prestigious reputation which grows more powerful as time goes by. He is and will always remain the master of cinematic suspense. This book, which traces his life and career, from his earliest silent films to his last picture in 1976, also includes a special bonus that Hitch fans will especially enjoy: an illustrated and annotated list of each of his cameos. The author: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series.
Duncan Paul Stanley Kubrick
Past, present, future: the world through Kubrick's eyes The incomparable career of a cinematic genius One of the most esteemed filmmakers of all time, Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) was also one of the most enigmatic. He broke into the film scene at the age of 26 with the ambitious, independently produced Killer's Kiss and within a few years was working with the likes of Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, and Peter Sellers on seminal movies such as Lolita and Spartacus. Having gained the support of actors, producers, and movie studios with his early efforts, Kubrick garnered the creative control he needed to produce uncompromising masterpieces such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Clockwork Orange, and Barry Lyndon. Polishing off 1999's Eyes Wide Shut just before his untimely death, Stanley Kubrick left behind a puzzling and positively brilliant body of work. The editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series.
Duncan Paul Stanley Kubrick
Past, present, future: the world through Kubrick's eyes The incomparable career of a cinematic genius One of the most esteemed filmmakers of all time, Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) was also one of the most enigmatic. He broke into the film scene at the age of 26 with the ambitious, independently produced Killer's Kiss and within a few years was working with the likes of Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, and Peter Sellers on seminal movies such as Lolita and Spartacus. Having gained the support of actors, producers, and movie studios with his early efforts, Kubrick garnered the creative control he needed to produce uncompromising masterpieces such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Clockwork Orange, and Barry Lyndon. Polishing off 1999's Eyes Wide Shut just before his untimely death, Stanley Kubrick left behind a puzzling and positively brilliant body of work. The editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series.
Duncan Paul Stanley Kubrick
Past, present, future: the world through Kubrick's eyes The incomparable career of a cinematic genius One of the most esteemed filmmakers of all time, Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) was also one of the most enigmatic. He broke into the film scene at the age of 26 with the ambitious, independently produced Killer's Kiss and within a few years was working with the likes of Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, and Peter Sellers on seminal movies such as Lolita and Spartacus. Having gained the support of actors, producers, and movie studios with his early efforts, Kubrick garnered the creative control he needed to produce uncompromising masterpieces such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Clockwork Orange, and Barry Lyndon. Polishing off 1999's Eyes Wide Shut just before his untimely death, Stanley Kubrick left behind a puzzling and positively brilliant body of work. The editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series.
Grannis Leroy, Barilotti Steve Surf Photography of the 1960s and 1970s
Capturing the perfect wave Tapping into the archives of America's most important surf photographer of the '60s and '70s "Grannis' [...] book has the effect of a time capsule, bringing back an era that continues to resonate for us in shades of Technicolor and black and white." - Los Angeles Times Book Review At a time when surfing is more popular than ever, it's fitting to look back at the years that brought the sport into the mainstream. Developed by Hawaiian islanders over five centuries ago, surfing began to peak on the mainland in the 1950s-becoming not just a sport, but a way of life, admired and exported across the globe. One of the key image-makers from that period is LeRoy Grannis, a surfer since 1931, who began photographing the scene in California and Hawaii in the longboard era of the early 1960s. First published in a limited edition, which sold out instantly on publication, this new edition showcases Grannis's most vibrant work-from the bliss of catching the perfect wave at San Onofre to dramatic wipeouts at Oahu's famed North Shore. An innovator in the field, Grannis suction-cupped a waterproof box to his board, enabling him to change film in the water and stay closer to the action than other photographers of the time. He also covered the emerging surf lifestyle, from "surfer stomps" and hoards of fans at surf contests to board-laden woody station wagons along the Pacific Coast Highway. It is in these iconic images that a sport still in its adolescence embodied the free-spirited nature of an era-a time before shortboards and celebrity endorsements, when surfing was at its bronzed best. The photographer: LeRoy Grannis's initial foray into surfing began at age 14, but it wasn't until the age of 42 that he picked up a camera and made a career out of it. Under doctor's orders to take up a hobby, Grannis built a darkroom in his garage and began shooting surfers at Hermosa Beach, and "Photo: Grannis" quickly became a hallmark of the California surf scene of the 1960s. Grannis is considered one of the most important documentarians of the sport, and was inducted into the Surfing Hall of Fame in 1966. He died on February 3, 2011. The author: Over the past decade working as Surfer magazine's globe-roaming editor at large, photojournalist Steve Barilotti has made it his business to document the sport, art, and lore of surfing. He has also written for The Perfect Day and books by renowned surf photographers Art Brewer and Ted Grambeau. The editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books.
Grannis Leroy, Barilotti Steve Surf Photography of the 1960s and 1970s
Capturing the perfect wave Tapping into the archives of America's most important surf photographer of the '60s and '70s "Grannis' [...] book has the effect of a time capsule, bringing back an era that continues to resonate for us in shades of Technicolor and black and white." - Los Angeles Times Book Review At a time when surfing is more popular than ever, it's fitting to look back at the years that brought the sport into the mainstream. Developed by Hawaiian islanders over five centuries ago, surfing began to peak on the mainland in the 1950s-becoming not just a sport, but a way of life, admired and exported across the globe. One of the key image-makers from that period is LeRoy Grannis, a surfer since 1931, who began photographing the scene in California and Hawaii in the longboard era of the early 1960s. First published in a limited edition, which sold out instantly on publication, this new edition showcases Grannis's most vibrant work-from the bliss of catching the perfect wave at San Onofre to dramatic wipeouts at Oahu's famed North Shore. An innovator in the field, Grannis suction-cupped a waterproof box to his board, enabling him to change film in the water and stay closer to the action than other photographers of the time. He also covered the emerging surf lifestyle, from "surfer stomps" and hoards of fans at surf contests to board-laden woody station wagons along the Pacific Coast Highway. It is in these iconic images that a sport still in its adolescence embodied the free-spirited nature of an era-a time before shortboards and celebrity endorsements, when surfing was at its bronzed best. The photographer: LeRoy Grannis's initial foray into surfing began at age 14, but it wasn't until the age of 42 that he picked up a camera and made a career out of it. Under doctor's orders to take up a hobby, Grannis built a darkroom in his garage and began shooting surfers at Hermosa Beach, and "Photo: Grannis" quickly became a hallmark of the California surf scene of the 1960s. Grannis is considered one of the most important documentarians of the sport, and was inducted into the Surfing Hall of Fame in 1966. He died on February 3, 2011. The author: Over the past decade working as Surfer magazine's globe-roaming editor at large, photojournalist Steve Barilotti has made it his business to document the sport, art, and lore of surfing. He has also written for The Perfect Day and books by renowned surf photographers Art Brewer and Ted Grambeau. The editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books.
Grannis Leroy, Barilotti Steve Surf Photography of the 1960s and 1970s
Capturing the perfect wave Tapping into the archives of America's most important surf photographer of the '60s and '70s "Grannis' [...] book has the effect of a time capsule, bringing back an era that continues to resonate for us in shades of Technicolor and black and white." - Los Angeles Times Book Review At a time when surfing is more popular than ever, it's fitting to look back at the years that brought the sport into the mainstream. Developed by Hawaiian islanders over five centuries ago, surfing began to peak on the mainland in the 1950s-becoming not just a sport, but a way of life, admired and exported across the globe. One of the key image-makers from that period is LeRoy Grannis, a surfer since 1931, who began photographing the scene in California and Hawaii in the longboard era of the early 1960s. First published in a limited edition, which sold out instantly on publication, this new edition showcases Grannis's most vibrant work-from the bliss of catching the perfect wave at San Onofre to dramatic wipeouts at Oahu's famed North Shore. An innovator in the field, Grannis suction-cupped a waterproof box to his board, enabling him to change film in the water and stay closer to the action than other photographers of the time. He also covered the emerging surf lifestyle, from "surfer stomps" and hoards of fans at surf contests to board-laden woody station wagons along the Pacific Coast Highway. It is in these iconic images that a sport still in its adolescence embodied the free-spirited nature of an era-a time before shortboards and celebrity endorsements, when surfing was at its bronzed best. The photographer: LeRoy Grannis's initial foray into surfing began at age 14, but it wasn't until the age of 42 that he picked up a camera and made a career out of it. Under doctor's orders to take up a hobby, Grannis built a darkroom in his garage and began shooting surfers at Hermosa Beach, and "Photo: Grannis" quickly became a hallmark of the California surf scene of the 1960s. Grannis is considered one of the most important documentarians of the sport, and was inducted into the Surfing Hall of Fame in 1966. He died on February 3, 2011. The author: Over the past decade working as Surfer magazine's globe-roaming editor at large, photojournalist Steve Barilotti has made it his business to document the sport, art, and lore of surfing. He has also written for The Perfect Day and books by renowned surf photographers Art Brewer and Ted Grambeau. The editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books.
Grannis Leroy, Barilotti Steve Surf Photography of the 1960s and 1970s
Capturing the perfect wave Tapping into the archives of America's most important surf photographer of the '60s and '70s "Grannis' [...] book has the effect of a time capsule, bringing back an era that continues to resonate for us in shades of Technicolor and black and white." - Los Angeles Times Book Review At a time when surfing is more popular than ever, it's fitting to look back at the years that brought the sport into the mainstream. Developed by Hawaiian islanders over five centuries ago, surfing began to peak on the mainland in the 1950s-becoming not just a sport, but a way of life, admired and exported across the globe. One of the key image-makers from that period is LeRoy Grannis, a surfer since 1931, who began photographing the scene in California and Hawaii in the longboard era of the early 1960s. First published in a limited edition, which sold out instantly on publication, this new edition showcases Grannis's most vibrant work-from the bliss of catching the perfect wave at San Onofre to dramatic wipeouts at Oahu's famed North Shore. An innovator in the field, Grannis suction-cupped a waterproof box to his board, enabling him to change film in the water and stay closer to the action than other photographers of the time. He also covered the emerging surf lifestyle, from "surfer stomps" and hoards of fans at surf contests to board-laden woody station wagons along the Pacific Coast Highway. It is in these iconic images that a sport still in its adolescence embodied the free-spirited nature of an era-a time before shortboards and celebrity endorsements, when surfing was at its bronzed best. The photographer: LeRoy Grannis's initial foray into surfing began at age 14, but it wasn't until the age of 42 that he picked up a camera and made a career out of it. Under doctor's orders to take up a hobby, Grannis built a darkroom in his garage and began shooting surfers at Hermosa Beach, and "Photo: Grannis" quickly became a hallmark of the California surf scene of the 1960s. Grannis is considered one of the most important documentarians of the sport, and was inducted into the Surfing Hall of Fame in 1966. He died on February 3, 2011. The author: Over the past decade working as Surfer magazine's globe-roaming editor at large, photojournalist Steve Barilotti has made it his business to document the sport, art, and lore of surfing. He has also written for The Perfect Day and books by renowned surf photographers Art Brewer and Ted Grambeau. The editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books.
Grannis Leroy, Barilotti Steve Surf Photography of the 1960s and 1970s
Capturing the perfect wave Tapping into the archives of America's most important surf photographer of the '60s and '70s "Grannis' [...] book has the effect of a time capsule, bringing back an era that continues to resonate for us in shades of Technicolor and black and white." - Los Angeles Times Book Review At a time when surfing is more popular than ever, it's fitting to look back at the years that brought the sport into the mainstream. Developed by Hawaiian islanders over five centuries ago, surfing began to peak on the mainland in the 1950s-becoming not just a sport, but a way of life, admired and exported across the globe. One of the key image-makers from that period is LeRoy Grannis, a surfer since 1931, who began photographing the scene in California and Hawaii in the longboard era of the early 1960s. First published in a limited edition, which sold out instantly on publication, this new edition showcases Grannis's most vibrant work-from the bliss of catching the perfect wave at San Onofre to dramatic wipeouts at Oahu's famed North Shore. An innovator in the field, Grannis suction-cupped a waterproof box to his board, enabling him to change film in the water and stay closer to the action than other photographers of the time. He also covered the emerging surf lifestyle, from "surfer stomps" and hoards of fans at surf contests to board-laden woody station wagons along the Pacific Coast Highway. It is in these iconic images that a sport still in its adolescence embodied the free-spirited nature of an era-a time before shortboards and celebrity endorsements, when surfing was at its bronzed best. The photographer: LeRoy Grannis's initial foray into surfing began at age 14, but it wasn't until the age of 42 that he picked up a camera and made a career out of it. Under doctor's orders to take up a hobby, Grannis built a darkroom in his garage and began shooting surfers at Hermosa Beach, and "Photo: Grannis" quickly became a hallmark of the California surf scene of the 1960s. Grannis is considered one of the most important documentarians of the sport, and was inducted into the Surfing Hall of Fame in 1966. He died on February 3, 2011. The author: Over the past decade working as Surfer magazine's globe-roaming editor at large, photojournalist Steve Barilotti has made it his business to document the sport, art, and lore of surfing. He has also written for The Perfect Day and books by renowned surf photographers Art Brewer and Ted Grambeau. The editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books.
Grannis Leroy, Barilotti Steve Surf Photography of the 1960s and 1970s
Capturing the perfect wave Tapping into the archives of America's most important surf photographer of the '60s and '70s "Grannis' [...] book has the effect of a time capsule, bringing back an era that continues to resonate for us in shades of Technicolor and black and white." - Los Angeles Times Book Review At a time when surfing is more popular than ever, it's fitting to look back at the years that brought the sport into the mainstream. Developed by Hawaiian islanders over five centuries ago, surfing began to peak on the mainland in the 1950s-becoming not just a sport, but a way of life, admired and exported across the globe. One of the key image-makers from that period is LeRoy Grannis, a surfer since 1931, who began photographing the scene in California and Hawaii in the longboard era of the early 1960s. First published in a limited edition, which sold out instantly on publication, this new edition showcases Grannis's most vibrant work-from the bliss of catching the perfect wave at San Onofre to dramatic wipeouts at Oahu's famed North Shore. An innovator in the field, Grannis suction-cupped a waterproof box to his board, enabling him to change film in the water and stay closer to the action than other photographers of the time. He also covered the emerging surf lifestyle, from "surfer stomps" and hoards of fans at surf contests to board-laden woody station wagons along the Pacific Coast Highway. It is in these iconic images that a sport still in its adolescence embodied the free-spirited nature of an era-a time before shortboards and celebrity endorsements, when surfing was at its bronzed best. The photographer: LeRoy Grannis's initial foray into surfing began at age 14, but it wasn't until the age of 42 that he picked up a camera and made a career out of it. Under doctor's orders to take up a hobby, Grannis built a darkroom in his garage and began shooting surfers at Hermosa Beach, and "Photo: Grannis" quickly became a hallmark of the California surf scene of the 1960s. Grannis is considered one of the most important documentarians of the sport, and was inducted into the Surfing Hall of Fame in 1966. He died on February 3, 2011. The author: Over the past decade working as Surfer magazine's globe-roaming editor at large, photojournalist Steve Barilotti has made it his business to document the sport, art, and lore of surfing. He has also written for The Perfect Day and books by renowned surf photographers Art Brewer and Ted Grambeau. The editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books.
Grannis Leroy, Barilotti Steve Surf Photography of the 1960s and 1970s
Capturing the perfect wave Tapping into the archives of America's most important surf photographer of the '60s and '70s "Grannis' [...] book has the effect of a time capsule, bringing back an era that continues to resonate for us in shades of Technicolor and black and white." - Los Angeles Times Book Review At a time when surfing is more popular than ever, it's fitting to look back at the years that brought the sport into the mainstream. Developed by Hawaiian islanders over five centuries ago, surfing began to peak on the mainland in the 1950s-becoming not just a sport, but a way of life, admired and exported across the globe. One of the key image-makers from that period is LeRoy Grannis, a surfer since 1931, who began photographing the scene in California and Hawaii in the longboard era of the early 1960s. First published in a limited edition, which sold out instantly on publication, this new edition showcases Grannis's most vibrant work-from the bliss of catching the perfect wave at San Onofre to dramatic wipeouts at Oahu's famed North Shore. An innovator in the field, Grannis suction-cupped a waterproof box to his board, enabling him to change film in the water and stay closer to the action than other photographers of the time. He also covered the emerging surf lifestyle, from "surfer stomps" and hoards of fans at surf contests to board-laden woody station wagons along the Pacific Coast Highway. It is in these iconic images that a sport still in its adolescence embodied the free-spirited nature of an era-a time before shortboards and celebrity endorsements, when surfing was at its bronzed best. The photographer: LeRoy Grannis's initial foray into surfing began at age 14, but it wasn't until the age of 42 that he picked up a camera and made a career out of it. Under doctor's orders to take up a hobby, Grannis built a darkroom in his garage and began shooting surfers at Hermosa Beach, and "Photo: Grannis" quickly became a hallmark of the California surf scene of the 1960s. Grannis is considered one of the most important documentarians of the sport, and was inducted into the Surfing Hall of Fame in 1966. He died on February 3, 2011. The author: Over the past decade working as Surfer magazine's globe-roaming editor at large, photojournalist Steve Barilotti has made it his business to document the sport, art, and lore of surfing. He has also written for The Perfect Day and books by renowned surf photographers Art Brewer and Ted Grambeau. The editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books.
Wildenstein Daniel Monet or The Triumph of Impressionism
Master of the sublime The essential Impressionist "This is the work on Monet; anything published before or after it will seem minor in comparison [...]. It is the only readily available publication that gives a complete record of Monet's work - in other words, it is definitive." -The Good Book Guide, London Along with Turner, no artist has sought more than Claude Monet (1840-1926) to capture light itself on canvas. Of all the Impressionists, it was the man Cezanne called "only an eye, but my God what an eye!" who stayed completely true to the principle of absolute fidelity to the visual sensation, painting directly from the object. It could be said that Monet reinvented the possibilities of colour, and whether it was through his early interest in Japanese prints, his time in the dazzling light of Algeria as a conscript, or his personal acquaintance with the major painters of the late 1800s, what Monet produced throughout his long life would change forever the way we perceive both the natural world and its attendant phenomena. The high point of his explorations were the late series of waterlilies, painted in his own garden at Giverny, that, in their moves towards almost total formlessness, are really the origin of abstract art. This biography does full justice to this most remarkable and profoundly influential of artists, and offers numerous reproductions and archive photos alongside a detailed and insightful commentary. The author: Daniel Wildenstein (1917-2001) was an art historian and member of the Academie des Beaux-Arts (Paris). From 1939 onwards, he was Director of the Wildenstein Galleries of New York, London and Tokyo. He edited several international journals, e.g. the magazine Arts from 1956-1962 and the Gazette des Beaux-Arts after 1963. He co-founded the Fondation Wildenstein in 1970 (it was renamed the WildensteinInstitute in 1984), and was a prime mover in many exhibitions of international repute. Daniel Wildenstein also edited the catalogues raisonnes of various 18th, 19th and 20th century artists. He was a world authority on Impressionism, and published catalogues of the works of Gauguin, Manet and Monet.
Wildenstein Daniel Monet or The Triumph of Impressionism
Master of the sublime The essential Impressionist "This is the work on Monet; anything published before or after it will seem minor in comparison [...]. It is the only readily available publication that gives a complete record of Monet's work - in other words, it is definitive." -The Good Book Guide, London Along with Turner, no artist has sought more than Claude Monet (1840-1926) to capture light itself on canvas. Of all the Impressionists, it was the man Cezanne called "only an eye, but my God what an eye!" who stayed completely true to the principle of absolute fidelity to the visual sensation, painting directly from the object. It could be said that Monet reinvented the possibilities of colour, and whether it was through his early interest in Japanese prints, his time in the dazzling light of Algeria as a conscript, or his personal acquaintance with the major painters of the late 1800s, what Monet produced throughout his long life would change forever the way we perceive both the natural world and its attendant phenomena. The high point of his explorations were the late series of waterlilies, painted in his own garden at Giverny, that, in their moves towards almost total formlessness, are really the origin of abstract art. This biography does full justice to this most remarkable and profoundly influential of artists, and offers numerous reproductions and archive photos alongside a detailed and insightful commentary. The author: Daniel Wildenstein (1917-2001) was an art historian and member of the Academie des Beaux-Arts (Paris). From 1939 onwards, he was Director of the Wildenstein Galleries of New York, London and Tokyo. He edited several international journals, e.g. the magazine Arts from 1956-1962 and the Gazette des Beaux-Arts after 1963. He co-founded the Fondation Wildenstein in 1970 (it was renamed the WildensteinInstitute in 1984), and was a prime mover in many exhibitions of international repute. Daniel Wildenstein also edited the catalogues raisonnes of various 18th, 19th and 20th century artists. He was a world authority on Impressionism, and published catalogues of the works of Gauguin, Manet and Monet.
Wildenstein Daniel Monet or The Triumph of Impressionism
Master of the sublime The essential Impressionist "This is the work on Monet; anything published before or after it will seem minor in comparison [...]. It is the only readily available publication that gives a complete record of Monet's work - in other words, it is definitive." -The Good Book Guide, London Along with Turner, no artist has sought more than Claude Monet (1840-1926) to capture light itself on canvas. Of all the Impressionists, it was the man Cezanne called "only an eye, but my God what an eye!" who stayed completely true to the principle of absolute fidelity to the visual sensation, painting directly from the object. It could be said that Monet reinvented the possibilities of colour, and whether it was through his early interest in Japanese prints, his time in the dazzling light of Algeria as a conscript, or his personal acquaintance with the major painters of the late 1800s, what Monet produced throughout his long life would change forever the way we perceive both the natural world and its attendant phenomena. The high point of his explorations were the late series of waterlilies, painted in his own garden at Giverny, that, in their moves towards almost total formlessness, are really the origin of abstract art. This biography does full justice to this most remarkable and profoundly influential of artists, and offers numerous reproductions and archive photos alongside a detailed and insightful commentary. The author: Daniel Wildenstein (1917-2001) was an art historian and member of the Academie des Beaux-Arts (Paris). From 1939 onwards, he was Director of the Wildenstein Galleries of New York, London and Tokyo. He edited several international journals, e.g. the magazine Arts from 1956-1962 and the Gazette des Beaux-Arts after 1963. He co-founded the Fondation Wildenstein in 1970 (it was renamed the WildensteinInstitute in 1984), and was a prime mover in many exhibitions of international repute. Daniel Wildenstein also edited the catalogues raisonnes of various 18th, 19th and 20th century artists. He was a world authority on Impressionism, and published catalogues of the works of Gauguin, Manet and Monet.
Leni Riefenstahl - Africa
Life with the Nuba Leni Riefenstahl's remarkable Africa oeuvre "If Leni Riefenstahl had done nothing but visit Africa and bring back her photographs, her place in history would be secure." -Kevin Brownlow, from the introduction When she was in her early sixties, Leni Riefenstahl began traveling frequently to the African continent, where she has worked on various film and photography projects over the last half century. Her favorite destination was in Sudan, where she lived with and photographed the Nuba tribespeople, learning their language and becoming their friend. The Nuba were a loving and peaceful people who welcomed Riefenstahl as one of their own. Her images of the Nuba, as well as of the Dinka, Shilluk, Masai, and other tribes, are gathered in this monumental book. Riefenstahl remembers her experiences in Africa as the happiest moments in her life. Her beautiful, skilled photographs represent a landmark in the extraordinary career of the 20th century's most unforgettable artistic pioneer. - Interview by Kevin Brownlow - Extensive bibliography and biography section The editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Leni Riefenstahl - Africa
Life with the Nuba Leni Riefenstahl's remarkable Africa oeuvre "If Leni Riefenstahl had done nothing but visit Africa and bring back her photographs, her place in history would be secure." -Kevin Brownlow, from the introduction When she was in her early sixties, Leni Riefenstahl began traveling frequently to the African continent, where she has worked on various film and photography projects over the last half century. Her favorite destination was in Sudan, where she lived with and photographed the Nuba tribespeople, learning their language and becoming their friend. The Nuba were a loving and peaceful people who welcomed Riefenstahl as one of their own. Her images of the Nuba, as well as of the Dinka, Shilluk, Masai, and other tribes, are gathered in this monumental book. Riefenstahl remembers her experiences in Africa as the happiest moments in her life. Her beautiful, skilled photographs represent a landmark in the extraordinary career of the 20th century's most unforgettable artistic pioneer. - Interview by Kevin Brownlow - Extensive bibliography and biography section The editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Leni Riefenstahl - Africa
Life with the Nuba Leni Riefenstahl's remarkable Africa oeuvre "If Leni Riefenstahl had done nothing but visit Africa and bring back her photographs, her place in history would be secure." -Kevin Brownlow, from the introduction When she was in her early sixties, Leni Riefenstahl began traveling frequently to the African continent, where she has worked on various film and photography projects over the last half century. Her favorite destination was in Sudan, where she lived with and photographed the Nuba tribespeople, learning their language and becoming their friend. The Nuba were a loving and peaceful people who welcomed Riefenstahl as one of their own. Her images of the Nuba, as well as of the Dinka, Shilluk, Masai, and other tribes, are gathered in this monumental book. Riefenstahl remembers her experiences in Africa as the happiest moments in her life. Her beautiful, skilled photographs represent a landmark in the extraordinary career of the 20th century's most unforgettable artistic pioneer. - Interview by Kevin Brownlow - Extensive bibliography and biography section The editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Leni Riefenstahl - Africa
Life with the Nuba Leni Riefenstahl's remarkable Africa oeuvre "If Leni Riefenstahl had done nothing but visit Africa and bring back her photographs, her place in history would be secure." -Kevin Brownlow, from the introduction When she was in her early sixties, Leni Riefenstahl began traveling frequently to the African continent, where she has worked on various film and photography projects over the last half century. Her favorite destination was in Sudan, where she lived with and photographed the Nuba tribespeople, learning their language and becoming their friend. The Nuba were a loving and peaceful people who welcomed Riefenstahl as one of their own. Her images of the Nuba, as well as of the Dinka, Shilluk, Masai, and other tribes, are gathered in this monumental book. Riefenstahl remembers her experiences in Africa as the happiest moments in her life. Her beautiful, skilled photographs represent a landmark in the extraordinary career of the 20th century's most unforgettable artistic pioneer. - Interview by Kevin Brownlow - Extensive bibliography and biography section The editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Leni Riefenstahl - Africa
Life with the Nuba Leni Riefenstahl's remarkable Africa oeuvre "If Leni Riefenstahl had done nothing but visit Africa and bring back her photographs, her place in history would be secure." -Kevin Brownlow, from the introduction When she was in her early sixties, Leni Riefenstahl began traveling frequently to the African continent, where she has worked on various film and photography projects over the last half century. Her favorite destination was in Sudan, where she lived with and photographed the Nuba tribespeople, learning their language and becoming their friend. The Nuba were a loving and peaceful people who welcomed Riefenstahl as one of their own. Her images of the Nuba, as well as of the Dinka, Shilluk, Masai, and other tribes, are gathered in this monumental book. Riefenstahl remembers her experiences in Africa as the happiest moments in her life. Her beautiful, skilled photographs represent a landmark in the extraordinary career of the 20th century's most unforgettable artistic pioneer. - Interview by Kevin Brownlow - Extensive bibliography and biography section The editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Leni Riefenstahl - Africa
Life with the Nuba Leni Riefenstahl's remarkable Africa oeuvre "If Leni Riefenstahl had done nothing but visit Africa and bring back her photographs, her place in history would be secure." -Kevin Brownlow, from the introduction When she was in her early sixties, Leni Riefenstahl began traveling frequently to the African continent, where she has worked on various film and photography projects over the last half century. Her favorite destination was in Sudan, where she lived with and photographed the Nuba tribespeople, learning their language and becoming their friend. The Nuba were a loving and peaceful people who welcomed Riefenstahl as one of their own. Her images of the Nuba, as well as of the Dinka, Shilluk, Masai, and other tribes, are gathered in this monumental book. Riefenstahl remembers her experiences in Africa as the happiest moments in her life. Her beautiful, skilled photographs represent a landmark in the extraordinary career of the 20th century's most unforgettable artistic pioneer. - Interview by Kevin Brownlow - Extensive bibliography and biography section The editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Leni Riefenstahl - Africa
Life with the Nuba Leni Riefenstahl's remarkable Africa oeuvre "If Leni Riefenstahl had done nothing but visit Africa and bring back her photographs, her place in history would be secure." -Kevin Brownlow, from the introduction When she was in her early sixties, Leni Riefenstahl began traveling frequently to the African continent, where she has worked on various film and photography projects over the last half century. Her favorite destination was in Sudan, where she lived with and photographed the Nuba tribespeople, learning their language and becoming their friend. The Nuba were a loving and peaceful people who welcomed Riefenstahl as one of their own. Her images of the Nuba, as well as of the Dinka, Shilluk, Masai, and other tribes, are gathered in this monumental book. Riefenstahl remembers her experiences in Africa as the happiest moments in her life. Her beautiful, skilled photographs represent a landmark in the extraordinary career of the 20th century's most unforgettable artistic pioneer. - Interview by Kevin Brownlow - Extensive bibliography and biography section The editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Castle Alison, Auiler Dan Billy Wilder's Some Like It Hot (+DVD)
The funniest movie ever made The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece "This book is a joy and almost as good as seeing the film." - The Independent, London The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece-made in collaboration with the great man himself and published just before his death. Find out everything you could ever want to know (and more) about the movie voted best comedy of the century by the American Film Institute. A daring tale of cross-dressing from a time when the subject was all but taboo, Some Like it Hot (1959) tells the story of two jazz musicians who are forced to go undercover in an all-girls' band to escape from the mob. With an ingenious screenplay by I.A.L. Diamond and Billy Wilder, and flawless performances by Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and the famously difficult Marilyn Monroe, Some Like it Hot is the embodiment of comic perfection. This special edition includes - Interviews with Billy Wilder, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and others - Complete facsimile of the screenplay with film stills from every scene - Excerpts from the script's first draft - Behind-the-scenes on-set color photos - Original promotional materials and a wealth of supporting ephemera - Annotated/illustrated Billy Wilder filmography - And the DVD of the original version of this phenomenal movie The editor: Alison Castle received a BA in philosophy from Columbia University and an MA in photography and film from New York University (NYU/International Center of Photography masters program). She is the editor of titles on photography, film, and design, including Some Like it Hot and The Stanley Kubrick Archives. The contributor: Dan Auiler is the author of Hitchcock's Notebooks and Vertigo: The Making of a Hitchcock Classic. His books on Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver and Goodfellas were published in 2002. He lives in Long Beach, California.
Castle Alison, Auiler Dan Billy Wilder's Some Like It Hot (+DVD)
The funniest movie ever made The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece "This book is a joy and almost as good as seeing the film." - The Independent, London The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece-made in collaboration with the great man himself and published just before his death. Find out everything you could ever want to know (and more) about the movie voted best comedy of the century by the American Film Institute. A daring tale of cross-dressing from a time when the subject was all but taboo, Some Like it Hot (1959) tells the story of two jazz musicians who are forced to go undercover in an all-girls' band to escape from the mob. With an ingenious screenplay by I.A.L. Diamond and Billy Wilder, and flawless performances by Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and the famously difficult Marilyn Monroe, Some Like it Hot is the embodiment of comic perfection. This special edition includes - Interviews with Billy Wilder, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and others - Complete facsimile of the screenplay with film stills from every scene - Excerpts from the script's first draft - Behind-the-scenes on-set color photos - Original promotional materials and a wealth of supporting ephemera - Annotated/illustrated Billy Wilder filmography - And the DVD of the original version of this phenomenal movie The editor: Alison Castle received a BA in philosophy from Columbia University and an MA in photography and film from New York University (NYU/International Center of Photography masters program). She is the editor of titles on photography, film, and design, including Some Like it Hot and The Stanley Kubrick Archives. The contributor: Dan Auiler is the author of Hitchcock's Notebooks and Vertigo: The Making of a Hitchcock Classic. His books on Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver and Goodfellas were published in 2002. He lives in Long Beach, California.
Castle Alison, Auiler Dan Billy Wilder's Some Like It Hot (+DVD)
The funniest movie ever made The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece "This book is a joy and almost as good as seeing the film." - The Independent, London The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece-made in collaboration with the great man himself and published just before his death. Find out everything you could ever want to know (and more) about the movie voted best comedy of the century by the American Film Institute. A daring tale of cross-dressing from a time when the subject was all but taboo, Some Like it Hot (1959) tells the story of two jazz musicians who are forced to go undercover in an all-girls' band to escape from the mob. With an ingenious screenplay by I.A.L. Diamond and Billy Wilder, and flawless performances by Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and the famously difficult Marilyn Monroe, Some Like it Hot is the embodiment of comic perfection. This special edition includes - Interviews with Billy Wilder, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and others - Complete facsimile of the screenplay with film stills from every scene - Excerpts from the script's first draft - Behind-the-scenes on-set color photos - Original promotional materials and a wealth of supporting ephemera - Annotated/illustrated Billy Wilder filmography - And the DVD of the original version of this phenomenal movie The editor: Alison Castle received a BA in philosophy from Columbia University and an MA in photography and film from New York University (NYU/International Center of Photography masters program). She is the editor of titles on photography, film, and design, including Some Like it Hot and The Stanley Kubrick Archives. The contributor: Dan Auiler is the author of Hitchcock's Notebooks and Vertigo: The Making of a Hitchcock Classic. His books on Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver and Goodfellas were published in 2002. He lives in Long Beach, California.
Castle Alison, Auiler Dan Billy Wilder's Some Like It Hot (+DVD)
The funniest movie ever made The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece "This book is a joy and almost as good as seeing the film." - The Independent, London The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece-made in collaboration with the great man himself and published just before his death. Find out everything you could ever want to know (and more) about the movie voted best comedy of the century by the American Film Institute. A daring tale of cross-dressing from a time when the subject was all but taboo, Some Like it Hot (1959) tells the story of two jazz musicians who are forced to go undercover in an all-girls' band to escape from the mob. With an ingenious screenplay by I.A.L. Diamond and Billy Wilder, and flawless performances by Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and the famously difficult Marilyn Monroe, Some Like it Hot is the embodiment of comic perfection. This special edition includes - Interviews with Billy Wilder, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and others - Complete facsimile of the screenplay with film stills from every scene - Excerpts from the script's first draft - Behind-the-scenes on-set color photos - Original promotional materials and a wealth of supporting ephemera - Annotated/illustrated Billy Wilder filmography - And the DVD of the original version of this phenomenal movie The editor: Alison Castle received a BA in philosophy from Columbia University and an MA in photography and film from New York University (NYU/International Center of Photography masters program). She is the editor of titles on photography, film, and design, including Some Like it Hot and The Stanley Kubrick Archives. The contributor: Dan Auiler is the author of Hitchcock's Notebooks and Vertigo: The Making of a Hitchcock Classic. His books on Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver and Goodfellas were published in 2002. He lives in Long Beach, California.
Castle Alison, Auiler Dan Billy Wilder's Some Like It Hot (+DVD)
The funniest movie ever made The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece "This book is a joy and almost as good as seeing the film." - The Independent, London The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece-made in collaboration with the great man himself and published just before his death. Find out everything you could ever want to know (and more) about the movie voted best comedy of the century by the American Film Institute. A daring tale of cross-dressing from a time when the subject was all but taboo, Some Like it Hot (1959) tells the story of two jazz musicians who are forced to go undercover in an all-girls' band to escape from the mob. With an ingenious screenplay by I.A.L. Diamond and Billy Wilder, and flawless performances by Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and the famously difficult Marilyn Monroe, Some Like it Hot is the embodiment of comic perfection. This special edition includes - Interviews with Billy Wilder, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and others - Complete facsimile of the screenplay with film stills from every scene - Excerpts from the script's first draft - Behind-the-scenes on-set color photos - Original promotional materials and a wealth of supporting ephemera - Annotated/illustrated Billy Wilder filmography - And the DVD of the original version of this phenomenal movie The editor: Alison Castle received a BA in philosophy from Columbia University and an MA in photography and film from New York University (NYU/International Center of Photography masters program). She is the editor of titles on photography, film, and design, including Some Like it Hot and The Stanley Kubrick Archives. The contributor: Dan Auiler is the author of Hitchcock's Notebooks and Vertigo: The Making of a Hitchcock Classic. His books on Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver and Goodfellas were published in 2002. He lives in Long Beach, California.
Castle Alison, Auiler Dan Billy Wilder's Some Like It Hot (+DVD)
The funniest movie ever made The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece "This book is a joy and almost as good as seeing the film." - The Independent, London The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece-made in collaboration with the great man himself and published just before his death. Find out everything you could ever want to know (and more) about the movie voted best comedy of the century by the American Film Institute. A daring tale of cross-dressing from a time when the subject was all but taboo, Some Like it Hot (1959) tells the story of two jazz musicians who are forced to go undercover in an all-girls' band to escape from the mob. With an ingenious screenplay by I.A.L. Diamond and Billy Wilder, and flawless performances by Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and the famously difficult Marilyn Monroe, Some Like it Hot is the embodiment of comic perfection. This special edition includes - Interviews with Billy Wilder, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and others - Complete facsimile of the screenplay with film stills from every scene - Excerpts from the script's first draft - Behind-the-scenes on-set color photos - Original promotional materials and a wealth of supporting ephemera - Annotated/illustrated Billy Wilder filmography - And the DVD of the original version of this phenomenal movie The editor: Alison Castle received a BA in philosophy from Columbia University and an MA in photography and film from New York University (NYU/International Center of Photography masters program). She is the editor of titles on photography, film, and design, including Some Like it Hot and The Stanley Kubrick Archives. The contributor: Dan Auiler is the author of Hitchcock's Notebooks and Vertigo: The Making of a Hitchcock Classic. His books on Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver and Goodfellas were published in 2002. He lives in Long Beach, California.
Castle Alison, Auiler Dan Billy Wilder's Some Like It Hot (+DVD)
The funniest movie ever made The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece "This book is a joy and almost as good as seeing the film." - The Independent, London The complete guide to Billy Wilder's masterpiece-made in collaboration with the great man himself and published just before his death. Find out everything you could ever want to know (and more) about the movie voted best comedy of the century by the American Film Institute. A daring tale of cross-dressing from a time when the subject was all but taboo, Some Like it Hot (1959) tells the story of two jazz musicians who are forced to go undercover in an all-girls' band to escape from the mob. With an ingenious screenplay by I.A.L. Diamond and Billy Wilder, and flawless performances by Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and the famously difficult Marilyn Monroe, Some Like it Hot is the embodiment of comic perfection. This special edition includes - Interviews with Billy Wilder, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and others - Complete facsimile of the screenplay with film stills from every scene - Excerpts from the script's first draft - Behind-the-scenes on-set color photos - Original promotional materials and a wealth of supporting ephemera - Annotated/illustrated Billy Wilder filmography - And the DVD of the original version of this phenomenal movie The editor: Alison Castle received a BA in philosophy from Columbia University and an MA in photography and film from New York University (NYU/International Center of Photography masters program). She is the editor of titles on photography, film, and design, including Some Like it Hot and The Stanley Kubrick Archives. The contributor: Dan Auiler is the author of Hitchcock's Notebooks and Vertigo: The Making of a Hitchcock Classic. His books on Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver and Goodfellas were published in 2002. He lives in Long Beach, California.
Thoenes Christof, Zollner Frank Michelangelo - Life and Work
Il divino A glorious exploration of Michelangelo's works "The photography is sharp, the colour true and full of lustre...This will prove to be one of the art books of the year." - The Good Book Guide, London Before reaching the tender age of thirty, Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) had already sculpted David and Pieta, two of the most famous sculptures in the entire history of art. Like fellow Florentine Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo was a shining star of the Renaissance and a genius of consummate virtuosity. His achievements as a sculptor, painter, draughtsman, and architect are unique-no artist before or after him has ever produced such a vast, multi-faceted, and wide-ranging oeuvre. Only a handful of other painters and sculptors have attained a comparable social status and enjoyed a similar artistic freedom. This is demonstrated not only by the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel but also by Michelangelo's monumental sculptures and his unconventional architectural designs, whose forms went far beyond the accepted vocabulary of his day. Such was his talent that Michelangelo was considered a demigod by his contemporaries and was the subject of two biographies during his lifetime. The edition explores Michelangelo's life and work in depth and detail. The different parts of the book concentrate on the life of Michelangelo via an extensive and copiously illustrated biographical essay and include gorgeous, full page reproductions and enlarged details that bring readers up close to the works. This sumptuous tome also takes account, to a previously unseen extent, of Michelangelo's more personal traits and circumstances, such as his solitary nature, his thirst for money and commissions, his miserliness, his immense wealth, and his skill as a property investor. This survey of Michelangelo's life and oeuvre is a basic reference for every art lover. The authors: Christof Thoenes studied art history in Berlin and Pavia, before completing his doctorate in Berlin. Thoenes lives in Rome, where for many years he has worked for the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institute), and is honorary professor in Hamburg. He has contributed to numerous publications on Italian art, particularly on architecture and architectural theory of the 15th to 18th centuries. Frank Zollner wrote his doctoral theses on artistic and architectural theory (1987) and Leonardo Da Vinci (1996). He has written numerous publications on the art and artistic theory of the Renaissance and on Paul Klee. Since 1996 he has been Professor of Renaissance and Modern Art at Leipzig University. For TASCHEN he has authored the XL monographs on Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.
Thoenes Christof, Zollner Frank Michelangelo - Life and Work
Il divino A glorious exploration of Michelangelo's works "The photography is sharp, the colour true and full of lustre...This will prove to be one of the art books of the year." - The Good Book Guide, London Before reaching the tender age of thirty, Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) had already sculpted David and Pieta, two of the most famous sculptures in the entire history of art. Like fellow Florentine Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo was a shining star of the Renaissance and a genius of consummate virtuosity. His achievements as a sculptor, painter, draughtsman, and architect are unique-no artist before or after him has ever produced such a vast, multi-faceted, and wide-ranging oeuvre. Only a handful of other painters and sculptors have attained a comparable social status and enjoyed a similar artistic freedom. This is demonstrated not only by the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel but also by Michelangelo's monumental sculptures and his unconventional architectural designs, whose forms went far beyond the accepted vocabulary of his day. Such was his talent that Michelangelo was considered a demigod by his contemporaries and was the subject of two biographies during his lifetime. The edition explores Michelangelo's life and work in depth and detail. The different parts of the book concentrate on the life of Michelangelo via an extensive and copiously illustrated biographical essay and include gorgeous, full page reproductions and enlarged details that bring readers up close to the works. This sumptuous tome also takes account, to a previously unseen extent, of Michelangelo's more personal traits and circumstances, such as his solitary nature, his thirst for money and commissions, his miserliness, his immense wealth, and his skill as a property investor. This survey of Michelangelo's life and oeuvre is a basic reference for every art lover. The authors: Christof Thoenes studied art history in Berlin and Pavia, before completing his doctorate in Berlin. Thoenes lives in Rome, where for many years he has worked for the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institute), and is honorary professor in Hamburg. He has contributed to numerous publications on Italian art, particularly on architecture and architectural theory of the 15th to 18th centuries. Frank Zollner wrote his doctoral theses on artistic and architectural theory (1987) and Leonardo Da Vinci (1996). He has written numerous publications on the art and artistic theory of the Renaissance and on Paul Klee. Since 1996 he has been Professor of Renaissance and Modern Art at Leipzig University. For TASCHEN he has authored the XL monographs on Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.
Thoenes Christof, Zollner Frank Michelangelo - Life and Work
Il divino A glorious exploration of Michelangelo's works "The photography is sharp, the colour true and full of lustre...This will prove to be one of the art books of the year." - The Good Book Guide, London Before reaching the tender age of thirty, Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) had already sculpted David and Pieta, two of the most famous sculptures in the entire history of art. Like fellow Florentine Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo was a shining star of the Renaissance and a genius of consummate virtuosity. His achievements as a sculptor, painter, draughtsman, and architect are unique-no artist before or after him has ever produced such a vast, multi-faceted, and wide-ranging oeuvre. Only a handful of other painters and sculptors have attained a comparable social status and enjoyed a similar artistic freedom. This is demonstrated not only by the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel but also by Michelangelo's monumental sculptures and his unconventional architectural designs, whose forms went far beyond the accepted vocabulary of his day. Such was his talent that Michelangelo was considered a demigod by his contemporaries and was the subject of two biographies during his lifetime. The edition explores Michelangelo's life and work in depth and detail. The different parts of the book concentrate on the life of Michelangelo via an extensive and copiously illustrated biographical essay and include gorgeous, full page reproductions and enlarged details that bring readers up close to the works. This sumptuous tome also takes account, to a previously unseen extent, of Michelangelo's more personal traits and circumstances, such as his solitary nature, his thirst for money and commissions, his miserliness, his immense wealth, and his skill as a property investor. This survey of Michelangelo's life and oeuvre is a basic reference for every art lover. The authors: Christof Thoenes studied art history in Berlin and Pavia, before completing his doctorate in Berlin. Thoenes lives in Rome, where for many years he has worked for the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institute), and is honorary professor in Hamburg. He has contributed to numerous publications on Italian art, particularly on architecture and architectural theory of the 15th to 18th centuries. Frank Zollner wrote his doctoral theses on artistic and architectural theory (1987) and Leonardo Da Vinci (1996). He has written numerous publications on the art and artistic theory of the Renaissance and on Paul Klee. Since 1996 he has been Professor of Renaissance and Modern Art at Leipzig University. For TASCHEN he has authored the XL monographs on Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.
Emmerling Leonhard Basquiat
The outsider inside From the streets to the galleries: the artist who turned the institution upside down From the streets of New York to the walls of its most prominent galleries, young graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) was catapulted to international fame in his early 20s and died of a drug-overdose at 27. The subject of a feature film by fellow artist Julian Schnabel, Basquiat is one of the most admired artists to emerge from the 1980s art boom. This book explores his short but prolific career. The author: Leonhard Emmerling received his doctorate from the University of Heidelberg for a thesis entitled 'Kunsttheorie Jean Dubuffets'. Since 2002 he has been working as an author and contemporary art exhibition curator in Berlin, Kaiserslautern, Krefeld and Ludwigsburg, Germany. His publications include TASCHEN's Jean-Michel Basquiat and Jackson Pollock.
Emmerling Leonhard Basquiat
The outsider inside From the streets to the galleries: the artist who turned the institution upside down From the streets of New York to the walls of its most prominent galleries, young graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) was catapulted to international fame in his early 20s and died of a drug-overdose at 27. The subject of a feature film by fellow artist Julian Schnabel, Basquiat is one of the most admired artists to emerge from the 1980s art boom. This book explores his short but prolific career. The author: Leonhard Emmerling received his doctorate from the University of Heidelberg for a thesis entitled 'Kunsttheorie Jean Dubuffets'. Since 2002 he has been working as an author and contemporary art exhibition curator in Berlin, Kaiserslautern, Krefeld and Ludwigsburg, Germany. His publications include TASCHEN's Jean-Michel Basquiat and Jackson Pollock.
Emmerling Leonhard Basquiat
The outsider inside From the streets to the galleries: the artist who turned the institution upside down From the streets of New York to the walls of its most prominent galleries, young graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) was catapulted to international fame in his early 20s and died of a drug-overdose at 27. The subject of a feature film by fellow artist Julian Schnabel, Basquiat is one of the most admired artists to emerge from the 1980s art boom. This book explores his short but prolific career. The author: Leonhard Emmerling received his doctorate from the University of Heidelberg for a thesis entitled 'Kunsttheorie Jean Dubuffets'. Since 2002 he has been working as an author and contemporary art exhibition curator in Berlin, Kaiserslautern, Krefeld and Ludwigsburg, Germany. His publications include TASCHEN's Jean-Michel Basquiat and Jackson Pollock.
Partsch Susanna Klee
Geometrical figures and hieroglyphic elements The delightfully unclassifiable work of a master painter Designated as "degenerate" by the Nazis, Paul Klee (1879-1940) is today considered one of the most important artists of the 20th century. His works stand out for the variety in their forms of artistic expression. His Tunisian water-colours depicting landscape, architecture and, above all, the North African light of this Mediterranean land constitute the true beginning of Klee's painting career. Although these paintings still fall under the heading of 'objective,' they already exhibit indications of his tendency toward abstraction and a language of forms. Geometrical figures and hieroglyphic elements characterize the majority of these works, which for this reason seem reminiscent of 'naive' and playful children's painting. In reality, however, Klee's paintings have their roots in theoretical considerations, their recurrent symbols conveying personal and at times political content. The author: Susanna Partsch (born in 1952) studied art history first in Heidelberg and, between 1980 and 1985, at the Wilhelm Hack Museum in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Presently a freelance writer in Munich, she has written books on Rembrandt, Gustav Klimt, Franz Marc and Paul Klee.

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