Виртуальная экскурсия по булгаковской Москве

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Барто Агния Львовна Мы с Тамарой
Школа! Новые друзья, новая жизнь! А сколько интересного и удивительного узнаешь на уроках. Скорей бы в школу! В школу, ребята, вы все в свое время успеете...А пока почитайте хорошую книгу - добрые, озорные, веселые стихи о школе, о дружбе, о том, что волнует всех девчонок и мальчишек, а значит, и вас...
Маршак Самуил Яковлевич Усатый-полосатый
Есть такая народная мудрость: Хвостатый друг - Надежный друг. Без такого усатого, полосатого друга жизнь у людей, а особенно у детей - скучная, унылая. Зато с хвостатым другом - жизнь радостная, веселая, а главное очень подвижная... В нашей книге сказки, стихи, песенки про всех-всех всех наших таких любимых усатых-полосатых. Сочинил их для детей замечательный поэт, классик детской литературы.
Алексеев Сергей Трофимович Чудские копи
Молодой, удачливый олигарх Глеб Балщук не верил, что жизни всегда есть место чуду. Однако ему пришлось изменить свое мнение, когда в окрестностях его родного шахтерского городка появились новгородские ушкуйники в кольчужных доспехах XV века. А вскоре начали оживать и древние поверья о таинственном народе рудознатцев, которые испокон века скрывались под землей. И по сей день они владеют всеми ее богатствами. И оказалось что все, к чему стремился Глеб, все его нажитые относительно честным и нечестным путем капиталы ничто в сравнении с древними правдами, которые открылись ему благодаря встрече прекрасной чудской девой Айдорой. Вопрос в том, нужны ли ему эти правды?
Портер Элинор Поллианна вырастает: повесть
Поллианна, любимая героиня множества девчонок, подросла. И, как всякая молодая девушка, влюбилась. Сколько всего придется пережить юному сердцу! Но даже в самые трудные моменты Поллианна не забудет свою знаменитую "игру в радость"!
Портер Элинор Поллианна вырастает: повесть
Поллианна, любимая героиня множества девчонок, подросла. И, как всякая молодая девушка, влюбилась. Сколько всего придется пережить юному сердцу! Но даже в самые трудные моменты Поллианна не забудет свою знаменитую "игру в радость"!
Иличевский Александр Викторович Соляра/Solara
Московский студент, проведя лето у бабушки в Баку, узнаёт историю своей семьи. Его прадед-ювелир, бакинский еврей, в начале Первой мировой войны уехал в Америку, но оставил большое наследство… Герой пытается разгадать семейную тайну, и фантазии-прозрения наводят его на след старинного неграненого алмаза, разломы которого являются картой нефтяных каспийских месторождений. Но знание становится несчастьем - собственная семья начинает охоту на него, пытается заставить вспомнить то, о чем он никогда не знал… Соляра, нефть, - и есть философский камень, способный превратиться во что угодно - в золото, в деньги, власть.
Коэльо Пауло Дневник мага
Автобиографический роман Пауло Коэльо "Дневник мага (Паломничество)" посвящен поиску древней мудрости, которую постепенно обретает герой, отправившись по древнему паломническому пути в испанский город Сантьяго-де-Компостела. Эта мудрость, помимо духовного наставничества, включает в себя эзотерические упражнения, помогающие человеку в самых тяжелых обстоятельствах сохранять спокойствие и накапливать духовную силу.
Бароссо Анастасия Поцелуй зверя
Юля - ангел... Но имеет ли она право им быть? Ведь двое, любивших ее, - вампир и юный потомок великого Гауди, погибли из-за этой любви. В любом случае, чтобы вновь взлететь, нужно сначала отправиться на поиски древнего идола и оказаться в сердце зимнего русского леса, в логове "лютичей" - оборотней. 29 февраля, раз в четыре года, наступает Кощеев день, и каждый обретает истинную сущность. Любовь оборотня вернет тебя из другого мира, а жрец, встреченный на обряде, объявит тебя единственным существом, способным уничтожить зло. Надо только сделать выбор. И Юля его сделала...
Чойжинимаева Светлана Галсановна Сотворенное тело. Тибетская медицина для семьи
В книге Сотворенное тело основное внимание обращено на здоровье детей. Здесь содержатся практические рекомендации и рецепты, основанные на знаниях тибетской медицины, как с помощью простых и эффективных средств сохранить здоровье ребенка. Отдельно рассматриваются проблемы женских и мужских заболеваний, в том числе женского бесплодия. Также вы узнаете о том, как дольше сберечь энергию и красоту молодости.
Портер Элинор Поллианна вырастает
Поллианна, любимая героиня множества девчонок, подросла. И, как всякая молодая девушка, влюбилась. Сколько всего придется пережить юному сердцу! Но даже в самые трудные моменты Поллианна не забудет свою знаменитую "игру в радость"!
Зорич Александр Сомнамбула. Книга 1: Звезда по имени Солнце
Объединенное Человечество 2468 года... Прекрасный новый мир, созданный стараниями тысяч пассионариев, среди которых - потомки Маруси Гумилевой. Лейтенант Матвей Гумилев только что закончил престижную лунную академию Космофлота. Перед ним открыты все дороги, но он выбирает самую трудную: службу в особой бригаде "Беллона", которая каждый день и каждый час противостоит межпланетной преступности. На космических трассах будущего неспокойно. Пираты, угнездившиеся в глухих уголках Солнечной системы, грабят караваны и похищают людей. Их агенты внедряются в крупнейшие корпорации с целью выведать современные технологии терраформирования. Полыхая огнем плазменных пушек, сражаются космические корабли на орбитах Юпитера и Сатурна... Редко доводится лейтенанту Гумилеву покидать кабину своего корвета. Но однажды он все-таки встречает девушку мечты: Анну Петровскую. Матвей и Анна, кажется, созданы друг для друга... Но они не знают, что судьба готовит им неожиданные испытания.
Лобановская Ирина Игоревна Бабье лето
Когда Людмила впервые влюбилась, то сразу поверила, что это навсегда. Вскоре она осталась одна, но так и не забыла человека, открывшего ей все соблазны мира. Шли годы, Люся жила как во сне. Мужчины, сын, карьера - и мысли о том, что все отпущенное на ее долю женское счастье осталось в прошлом. Но на то она и жизнь, чтобы удивлять...
Харт Джессика Благоразумная секретарша
В жизни Саммы Кертис, опытного секретаря солидной фирмы, все в таком же строгом порядке, как и на ее рабочем столе. Вялый роман с сослуживцем - единственная для нее отдушина, - и тот давно зашел в тупик. Она свыклась с одиночеством, не помышляя больше ни о чем, кроме успешной карьеры. И вдруг в тихие будни слишком уж благоразумной Саммы буквально ворвался новый шеф, посеяв беспорядок в делах и смятение в ее сердце.
Робин Доналд Любовники поневоле
Кейн Джерард не на шутку встревожен - у его кузена Брента очередной роман! Но на этот раз он увлекся не обычной красоткой, а хищницей, охотящейся на богатых мужчин. К тому же у нее довольно темное прошлое. Чтобы спасти любвеобильного Брента от разорения, Кейн решает сам вмешаться в ситуацию.
Болдырева Ольга Михайловна Как развеять скуку
Перед вами пособие, как избавиться от надоевшей скуки, если вы Темный князь, страдающий бессмертием. Рекомендация: найдите светлых недотеп, собирающихся вас убить. Присоединитесь к их команде и всячески старайтесь помочь им в этом благом деле. А уж приключения, неприятности и желающий испортить вам жизнь таинственный предатель приложатся. Только не обижайтесь, если вас завлечет в такую круговерть опасностей и загадок, что уже и не рады будете! Тут хотя бы свое бессмертие уберечь. А что? Сами напросились!
Корнев Павел Николаевич Проклятый металл
Бесы из века в век рвутся в души людей из серой бездны, в которой никогда ничего не происходило и никогда ничего происходить не будет… Экзорцисты и экзекуторы молитвами и огнем спасают души бесноватых и изгоняют нечистых обратно в породившую их пустоту… Так было с самого сотворения мира и так должно было быть до конца его дней. Но появился человек, способный повелевать бесами, будто собственными вассалами. И разнеслась подобно чуме по городам новая ересь. И встали одержимые под знамена монарха-вероотступника. И оказались забыты старые договоры и обеты, а в воздухе запахло большой войной. Войной, в которой яд и кинжалы будут значить ничуть не меньше, чем армии и крепостные стены. Войной всех против всех. Какое, спросите вы, к этому имеет отношение Себастьян Март? Не стоило ему браться за изгнание бесов, только и всего.
Бульба Наталья Владимировна Открыта вакансия телохранителя
Если для того, чтобы найти того единственного, нужно оказать помощь папочке, что по совместительству является повелителем демонов, вляпаться в кучу проделок со своим будущим возлюбленным и разгадать парочку секретов даймонов… Так в чем дело? Какие проблемы? И коня на скаку… И в горящую избу… Да ради его карих глаз…
Булгаков Михаил Афанасьевич Полное собрание пьес, фельетонов и очерков в одном томе
В один том собраны все пьесы, фельетоны и очерки одного из самых загадочных и талантливых русских прозаиков - Михаила Афанасьевича Булгакова (1891 - 1940), чьи произведения вошли в золотой фонд мировой классики. Вместе с ранее изданным полным собранием романов, повестей и рассказов в одном томе эта книга составляет полное собрание произведений М. А. Булгакова.
Булгаков Михаил Афанасьевич Полное собрание пьес, фельетонов и очерков в одном томе
В один том собраны все пьесы, фельетоны и очерки одного из самых загадочных и талантливых русских прозаиков - Михаила Афанасьевича Булгакова (1891 - 1940), чьи произведения вошли в золотой фонд мировой классики. Вместе с ранее изданным полным собранием романов, повестей и рассказов в одном томе эта книга составляет полное собрание произведений М. А. Булгакова.
Баженов Виктор Олегович, Шелонин Олег Александрович Паладин: Изгнанник; Странствующий рыцарь; Благословение (трилогия)
Что может ждать тебя впереди, если ты выпускник рыцарского ордена? Да ничего такого, о чем тысячи раз уже не пели в своих балладах менестрели: турниры, битвы, балы, подвиги во имя Прекрасной Дамы или в честь обета, данного Всевышнему. Вроде бы вот оно счастье рыцарское! Однако человек предполагает, а кто-то там, на небесах, располагает, и в один прекрасный момент ты с треском вылетаешь из ордена, в спутники к тебе набивается бес, сбежавший из ада с целью за твой счет сделать карьеру, а в оруженосцах оказывается недалекий тролль. И уж будьте уверены: такая развеселая компания приключения рыцарю Кевину обеспечит! И с уголовниками сведет, и с сильными мира сего поссорит, и с целым легионом тьмы на бой выйти заставит.
Сапожников Борис Наука побеждать. Авантюра
Этот мир очень похож на наш, несмотря на то что небеса его бороздят громадные дирижабли, перевозящие целые армии. Здесь британские войска по ошибке высаживаются на севере Российской империи, провоцируя войну. Наполеон Бонапарт спешит заключить против Британии наступательный союз с Россией. Главному герою романа, поручику Полоцкого пехотного полка, придется пройти через множество приключений. Судьба забросит его и в небеса над мысом Трафальгар, и на раскаленные равнины Испании, и даже в Париж. Однако он с честью выходит из всех "огней и вод", возвращаясь на родную землю.
Мартьянов Андрей Посредник
Мы ищем не сокровища, а знания. Не золото, а ценнейшие документы прошлых эпох. Не драгоценности и сундуки с деньгами, а уникальную информацию. Вот цель медиаторов, профессионально работающих в исторической реальности минувших веков. Тщательно разработанный план дает сбой и события начинают развиваться непредсказуемо. Кто кого переиграет - жители средневековья или современный человек? Вторая книга цикла А. Мартьянова "Наследник" позволит читателю проникнуть в самые оберегаемые тайны двора короля Франции и узнать, куда ведут "червоточины" - Двери, позволяющие наблюдать за событиями отдаленного прошлого. Это огромный риск. Эта профессия сопряжена с жертвами. Однако чего не сделаешь ради великой цели? История неизменяема, но сценарий событий можно изменить. И это в твоих руках. Действуй!
Рыженко В. И. Все о строительстве каменных домов
Построить каменный дом будет легче, если вы воспользуетесь практическими рекомендациями, изложенными в нашей книге. В данном издании приведено более чем 150 проектов современных каменных домов, а также даны необходимые сведения по всему производственному циклу, начиная со строительства фундамента и заканчивая возведением крыши. Книга иллюстрирована более чем 150 дизайн-проектами.
Рыженко В. И. Все о строительстве каменных домов
Построить каменный дом будет легче, если вы воспользуетесь практическими рекомендациями, изложенными в нашей книге. В данном издании приведено более чем 150 проектов современных каменных домов, а также даны необходимые сведения по всему производственному циклу, начиная со строительства фундамента и заканчивая возведением крыши. Книга иллюстрирована более чем 150 дизайн-проектами.
Стил Даниэла Колесо судьбы
Жизнь умной, талантливой, красивой женщины Таны Робертс не была усыпана розами, она всего добилась сама. Друзья, интересная работа, внимание мужчин... Она полагала, что ей этого вполне достаточно. Но вот в ее судьбе появляется человек, наполнивший ее жизнь новым смыслом. Он станет другом, мужем, возлюбленным, и с ним она наконец обретет то женское счастье которое считала для себя недоступным.
Панов Вадим Юрьевич Ручной Привод
Он существует с незапамятных времен, а может, и дольше. О нем знает вся Вселенная, но видели его единицы. Он редко включается, но с его работой всякий раз связана судьба человеческой души - "искры". Никто не знает, почему он называется Ручным Приводом. Но именно здесь, посреди ничего не подозревающей Москвы, определяется ход вечной борьбы двух Царств за "искры". Только отсюда можно выйти на связь с тем, кто порождает человеческие души. И именно сюда Царства присылают своих комендантов, попеременно управляющих Ручным Приводом. Но, даже получив Силу и Вечность, человек не способен отречься от своего прошлого, а потому и на Земле, и во Вселенной кипят страсти, совершаются благородные и подлые деяния - и за всем этим следит Ручной Привод. А за ним присматривают коменданты, в обязанности которых входит еще и наказание тех, кто возомнил себя равным Богу…
Вийон Франсуа Король поэтов голоштанных
"Глухой меня услышит и поймет". Гений, создавший матрицы для перевода своих баллад на века вперед, и антиобщественный элемент, живший почти по известному принципу: украл - выпил - в тюрьму; блатарь, чихавший на законы, и поэт, тщательно рихтующий каждую строчку; циник и романтик в одном флаконе. И это всё о нем, о Франсуа Вийоне. Впервые под одной обложкой встретились тоже два - лучших на сей день - переложения "Малого" и "Большого Завещания" Вийона, выполненных в конце прошлого века Ю. Корнеевым и Ю. Кожевниковым. У вдумчивого читателя есть возможность получить стереоскопический эффект от текстов самого необыкновенного поэта на свете.
Друнина Юлия Владимировна Стихи о войне
Сквозь грохот орудий дорогами Великой Отечественной войны шла муза Юлии Друниной - женственной и мужественной, верной солдатскому братству. Поэт-фронтовик, поэт-лирик, она любима все новыми и новыми читателями. Страницы этой книги возвращают в далекие "сороковые-роковые", в героические, полные лишений и страданий, но, вопреки всему, романтичные годы вчерашней школьницы, санинструктора Юлии Друниной.
Твардовский Александр Трифонович Стихи о войне
"Какая свобода, какая чудесная удаль, какая меткость, точность во всем и какой необыкновенный народный солдатский язык -- ни сучка, ни задоринки, ни единого фальшивого, готового, то есть литературно-пошлого слова!" - так писал И.А. Бунин о поэме Александра Твардовского "Василий Теркин". Эта поэма, одна из вершин творчества Твардовского, давно уже вошла в классический ряд русской литературы. Удивительно, что о самой жестокой войне можно было написать с такой жизнеутверждающей силой. В этот сборник вошли наиболее известные стихотворения и поэмы А.Т. Твардовского.
Симонов Константин Михайлович Стихи о войне
"От Москвы до Бреста Нет такого места, Где бы ни скитались мы в пыли..." Эти слова о военных корреспондентах в полной мере относятся и к их автору. "Военная тема", ставшая жизнью и судьбой Константина Симонова, вошла в его лирику не грохотом артиллерии, а пронзительной мелодией, мужественной и нежной. Его стихи о любви и верности, о доблести и трусости, о дружбе и предательстве - солдаты передавали друг другу, переписывали. Они помогали выжить. "...Как я выжил, будем знать Только мы с тобой..."
Варгас Льоса Марио Война конца света
Роман Марио Варгаса Льосы "Война конца света" - захватывающая хроника гражданской войны в Бразилии. В конце XIX века на северовостоке страны вспыхнул крестьянский бунт, который возглавил бродячий проповедник по прозвищу Консельейро (Наставник). Последователи считали его новым Христом, себя именовали апостолами. Поначалу члены общины и не думали воевать. Они поселились в заброшенной деревне Канудос, чтобы спасать душу в преддверии конца света, и составляли новое Евангелие. Власти, однако, рассматривали Канудос как орудие в руках враждебных Республике сил, очаг антиправительственного заговора, и трижды направляли карательные экспедиции против безоружных крестьян. Тем не менее война конца света длилась не один год. Переводчик: Богдановский А.
Идиатуллин Шамиль СССР™
"СССР™" - необычная для сегодняшних дней книга. Это история о том, как в самом глухом углу России возникла свободная экономическая зона, где выращиваются технологии будущего для всей страны, - очень дорогая смесь Академгородка с Магниткой, ДнепроГЭСом и Силиконовой долиной - совершенно реальный "национальный проект", получивший название "СССР". Вы скажете - это фантастика? Нет! Это роман о тех, кто поверил в мечту и построил счастливое будущее уже сегодня. О молодых и умных людях, которым было интересно жить. Но власть боится тех, кто свободен и уверен в себе. Проект решили закрыть. И тогда выяснилось, что счастье, построенное собственными руками, не так-то просто отобрать. Что даже могущественная корпорация, выполняющая приказы Кремля, может выйти из повиновения. И что строители "СССР" готовы за него воевать.
Алданов Марк Александрович Тайны, загадки и парадоксы истории (DVDpc)
Сборник посвящен творчеству выдающегося русского историка и писателя Марка Александровича Алданова (1886-1957). В нем представлены его блистательные исторические произведения, рассказывающие о таинственных и загадочных событиях мировой и европейской истории, и людях, сыгравших важную роль в судьбах Мира, России, Европы. Императоры и наследники престола, политические убийства и таинственные самоубийства, кровавые диктаторы и выдающиеся политики, гениальные писатели и знаменитые авантюристы, шпионы, террористы и провокаторы, гадалки и астрологи, судебные процессы, всколыхнувшие всю Европу, подлость и честь... Обо всем этом рассказывается в исторических произведениях Марка Алданова. Алданов, Марк Александрович (настоящая фамилия - Ландау) (1886-1957), выдающийся русский писатель. Родился 26 октября (7 ноября) 1886 в Киеве. Окончил физико-математический и юридический факультеты Киевского университета, известен рядом работ в области химии. Литературный дебют - критический этюд "Толстой и Роллан" в 1915. Как секретарь антибольшевистского Союза возрождения России в 1918 посетил ряд европейских столиц с целью добиться реальной помощи для борьбы против новой власти. В марте 1919 эмигрировал, жил в Париже (в 1922-1924, Берлине, редактировал воскресное приложение к газете "Дни"). Начиная с 1921 был постоянным автором журнала "Современные записки", где впервые увидели свет все основные художественные произведения, созданные им до Второй мировой войны. Согласно замыслу автора, они образуют два цикла: тетралогию о Французской революции и наполеоновской эпохи Мыслитель, которая включает повесть "Святая Елена, маленький остров" (1921), романы "Девятое термидора" (1923), "Чертов мост" (1925), "Заговор" (1926) и трилогию, действие которой происходит в канун и вскоре после русской революции 1917 года: "Ключ" (1929), "Бегство" (1930), "Пещера" (1934). Выдвигался И. А. Буниным на нобелевскую премию по литературе, как "самый культурный и эрудированный русский писатель". Перебравшись в США вскоре после начала Второй мировой войны (он вернулся во Францию в 1947), издавал "Новый журнал", который был главным литературным изданием русского зарубежья. В американский период творчества Марк Алданов часто обращался к жанру исторического портрета, описывая ярких деятелей рубежа 18-19 вв., а также современных политиков: Пилсудского, Гитлера, Сталина, Черчилля, Азеф, Маты Хари и многих других. Умер в Ницце 25 февраля 1957. Содержание: Черчилль, Гитлер, Сталин, Пилсудский, Мата Хари, Азеф, Большая Лубянка, Король Фейсал и полковник Лоуренс - Читает Илья Бобылев. Генерал Пишегрю против Наполеона, Полковник Пикар и дело Дрейфуса, Сент-Эмилионская трагедия, Сперанский и декабристы - Читает Владимир Королев. Жозефина Богарне и ее гадалка, Астролог, Юность Павла Строганова, Коринна в России - Читает Татьяна Левицкая. Мольтке Младший, Ллойд Джордж, Эрих Людендорф, Ганди - Читает Александр Зюзин. Клемансо, Бриан, Блюм, Прокурор Фукье-Тенвиль - Читает Александр Рулёв. Покушение Фиески на Луи Филиппа, Убийство президента Карно, Бург императора Франца Иосифа, Мейерлинг и кронпринц Рудольф, Сараево и эрцгерцог Франц Фердинанд - Читает Алексей Россошанский. Графиня Ламотт и ожерелье королевы, Ванна Марата, Барышня Зигетт в дни террора, Кверетаро и император Максимилиан - Читает Анна Ковалева. Французская карьера Дантеса, Печоринский роман Толстого, Загадка Толстого, Дюк Эммануил Осипович де Ришелье, Ольга Жеребцова, Адам Чарторийский в России - Читает Евгений Карпов. Общее время звучания: 57 ч. 10 мин. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98/XP/Vista Процессор: Pentium II Память: 128 Mb Звуковая карта
Чехов Антон Павлович Полное собрание повестей, рассказов и юморесок (DVDpc)
Диск содержит все повести, рассказы и юморески великого русского писателя Антона Павловича Чехова (1860-1904). Посвящается 150-летнему юбилею писателя. Антон Павлович Чехов - один из самых выдающихся современных европейских писателей. Семья Чеховых дала нескольких писателей и художников. Антон Павлович Чехов родился 17 января 1860 года в Таганроге, там же окончил курс гимназии, затем поступил на медицинский факультет московского университета и в 1884 году получил степень врача, но практикой почти не занимался. С 1879, еще студентом, под псевдонимом Антоша Чехонте, начал помещать мелкие рассказы в юмористических изданиях "Стрекоза", "Будильник", "Осколки" и др., затем перешел в "Петербургскую Газету" и "Новое Время". В 1886 году вышел первый сборник его рассказов; в 1887 году появился второй сборник - "В сумерках", который показал, что в лице Чехова русская литература приобрела новое, вдумчивое и тонко-художественное дарование. Постепенно успех Чехова возрастал: особенное внимание обратили на себя "Степь", "Скучная История", "Дуэль", "Палата № 6", "Рассказ неизвестного человека", "Мужики" (1897), "Человек в футляре", "В овраге"; из пьес - "Иванов", "Чайка", "Дядя Ваня", "Три сестры". В 1890 году Чехов совершил поездку на Сахалин. Вынесенные из этой поездки мрачные впечатления составили предмет целой книги: "Остров Сахалин" (1895). Позднее Чехов много путешествовал по Европе. В 1898 после смерти отца, а также в связи с ухудшением здоровья Чехов перебрался из Мелихова в Ялту, где построил дом. Здесь он встречался с Л. Н. Толстым, М. Горьким, И. А. Буниным, А. И. Куприным, И. И. Левитаном. В 1900 году Чехов был избран почетным академиком пушкинского отделения РАН. В 1901 писатель женился на актрисе МХАТа О. Л. Книппер. 15 июля 1904 года, в курортном городе Баденвейлере, Чехов умер от туберкулеза. Содержание: Рассказы: В вагоне. Встреча весны (рассуждение). Грешник из Толедо. Дополнительные вопросы к личным картам статистической переписи. Жены артистов. Жизнь в вопросах и восклицаниях. За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь. За яблочки. Забыл! Задачи сумасшедшего математика. Зеленая коса (к рисунку художника Чехова). И то и ce - письма и телеграммы. И то и ce - поэзия и проза. Исповедь, или Оля, Женя, Зоя (письмо). Календарь будильника на 1882 год. Март-апрель. Каникулярные работы институтки Наденьки N. Комические рекламы и объявления (Сообщил Антоша Чехонте). Контора объявлений Антоши Ч. Мой юбилей. На волчьей садке. Папаша. Перед свадьбой. Петров день. Письмо к учёному соседу. По-американски. Салон де варьете. Темпераменты. Суд. Тысяча одна страсть. Что чаще всего встречается в романах, повестях и т.п. Читает Леонид Скосырев. Рассказы, юморески 1880-1882 гг.: Барон. Барыня. Гадальщики и гадальщицы. Два романа. Два скандала. Двадцать девятое июня. Добрый знакомый. Живой товар. Идиллия - увы и ах! Корреспондент. Который из трех? Кривое зеркало. Летающие острова. Месть. Мошенники поневоле. Нарвался. Читает Илья Бобылев. Повести и рассказы. 1880-1882 гг.: Ненужная победа. Неудачный визит. Он и она. Пережитое. Пропащее дело. Рекламы и объявления. Речь и ремешок. "Свидание хотя и состоялось, но...". Сельские эскулапы. Скверная история. Тайны ста сорока четырех катастроф, или Русский рокамболь. Философские определения жизни. Цветы запоздалые. Ярмарка. Читает Илья Бобылев. Повести, рассказы, юморески: 3000 иностранных слов, вошедших в употребление русского языка. 75000. Perpetuum Mobile. Альбом. Баран и барышня. Бенефис соловья. Библиография. Благодарный. Братец. В гостиной. В ландо. В море. В Москве на Трубной площади. В почтовом отделении. В Рождественскую ночь. В цирульне. Ванька. Верба. Весь в дедушку. Вопросы и ответы. Вор. Герой-барыня. Говорить или молчать. Гордый человек. Два письма. Двадцать шесть. Двое в одном. Депутат. Добродетельный кабатчик. Дочь Альбиона. Дочь коммерции советника. Дура. Дурак. Единственное средство. Жалобная книга. Жених. Женщина без предрассудков. Жизнеописания достопримечательных современников. Завещание старого. Загадочная натура. Закуска. Злой мальчик. Знамение времени. Из дневника одной девицы. Исповедь. Клевета. Кое-что. (Мамаша и г-н Леонтовский). Кое-что. (Г-н Гклевич (автор) и утопленник). Козел или негодяй. Коллекция. Комик. Контракт 1884 г. с человечеством. Кот. Краткая анатомия человека. Крест. Либерал. Лист. Майонез. Марья Ивановна. Месть женщины. Мои остроты и изречения. Мои чины и титулы. Молодой человек. Моя Нана. Мысли читателя газет и журналов. На гвозде. На магнетическом сеансе. На охоте. Наивный леший. Начальник станции. Неопубликованное, неоконченное (роман). Несколько мыслей о душе. Нечистые трагики и прокаженные драматурги. Новая болезнь и старое средство. О, женщины. О том, как я в законный брак вступил (рассказец). Обер-верхи. Он понял. Опекун. Орден. Осенью. Отвергнутая любовь. Отставной раб. Патриот своего Отечества. Исполнитель. Певчие. Перепутанные объявления. Плоды долгих размышлений. Приданое. Признательный немец. Протекция. Прощение. Радость. Раз в год. Разговор. Рассказ. Ревнитель. Репетитор. Репка. Рыцари без страха и упрека. Ряженые. Сборник для детей. Слова. Случаи Mania Grandiosa. Случай из судебной практики. Случай с классиком. Совет. Современные молитвы. Сон репортера. Список экспонентов. Справка. Сущая правда. Съезд естествоиспытателей в Филадельфии. Темною ночью. Теща-адвокат. Торжество победителя. Трагик. Трифон. Умный дворник. Ушла. Филантроп. Хитрец. Чтение. Что лучше? Экзамен. Юристка. Ядовитый случай. Читает Арина Ланская. Размазня Смерть чиновника. Толстый и тонкий. Читает Денис Некрасов. Повести и рассказы. 1884-1885 гг.: Безнадежный. Брак по расчету. Брожение умов. Бумажник. В бане. В номерах. В приюте для неизлечимо больных и престарелых. Винт. Водевиль. Ворона. Вывеска. Господа обыватели. Гусиный разговор. Дачница. Дачное удовольствие. Дачные правила. Дело о 1884 годе. Дипломат. Донесение. Елка. Женский тост. Женщина с точки зрения пьяницы. Живая хронология. Жизнь прекрасна! Задача. Затмение луны. И прекрасное должно иметь пределы. Идеальный экзамен. Идиллия. Из огня да в полымя. К характеристике народов. Канитель. Капитанский мундир. Картинки из недавнего прошлого. Кое-что об А. С. Даргомыжском. Красная Горка. Кулачье гнездо. Либеральный душка. Маска. Хамелеон. Хирургия. Читает Денис Некрасов. Рассказы и юморески. 1884-1885 гг.: Масленичные правила дисциплины. Мелюзга. На гулянье в Сокольниках. На кладбище. Надлежащие меры. Не в духе. Не тлетворные мысли. Невидимые миру слезы. Несообразные мысли. Новейший письмовник. Ночь перед судом. О драме. О марте. О том, о сем. Оба лучше. Письмо к репортеру. Последняя могиканша. Правила для начинающих авторов. Праздничная повинность. Праздничные. Предписание. Разговор человека с собакой. Русский уголь. С женой поссорился. Самообольщение. Свадьба с генералом. Служебные пометки. Сон. Страшная ночь. Тост прозаиков. У постели больного. У предводительши. Угроза. Упразднили! Устрицы. Финтифлюшки. Экзамен на чин. Язык до Киева доведет. Ярмарочное итого. Читает Денис Некрасов. Рассказы и юморески. 1886 г.: Mari D'Elle. Актерская гибель. Антрепренер под диваном. Анюта. Без места. Беседа пьяного с трезвым чёртом. Блины. Брак через 10-15 лет. В аптеке. В вагоне. Вверх по лестнице. Ведьма. Визитные карточки. Восклицательный знак. Врачебные советы. Глупый француз. Горе. Гость. Дачники. Два газетчика. Делец. Детвора. Домашние средства. Дорогая собака. Читает Арина Ланская. Драма на охоте. Читает Петр Коршунков. Рассказы и юморески. 1884-1885 гг.: Жених и папенька. Женское счастье. Заблудшие. Записка. Зеркало. Иван Матвеич. Из воспоминаний идеалиста. Индейский петух. Интеллигентное бревно. К свадебному сезону. К сведению мужей. Конкурс. Контрабас и флейта. Конь и трепетная лань. Кухарка женится. Мертвое тело. Мнения по поводу шляпной катастрофы. Мои жены. Моя беседа с Эдисоном. Моя "Она". Мыслитель. На чужбине. Надул. Налим. Не судьба. Читает Арина Ланская. Рассказы. 1884-1885 гг.: Необходимое предисловие. Нервы. Неудача. Нечто серьезное. Ниночка. Новогодние великомученики. Ночь на кладбище. Ну, публика! О бренности. Общее образование. Отец семейства. Панихида. Первый дебют. Персона. Писатель. Письма. После бенефиса. Психопаты. Реклама. Руководство для желающих жениться. Рыбье дело. Ряженые. Самый большой город. Сапоги. Свистуны. Симулянты. Сонная одурь. Средство от запоя. Староста. Старость. Стена. Стража под стражей. Тапер. Тряпка. У телефона. Унтер Пришибеев. Утопленник. Художество. Циник. Шампанское. Шило в мешке. Злоумышленник. Лошадиная фамилия. Пересолил. Тоска. Читают Арина Ланская и Денис Некрасов. Рассказы и юморески. 1885-1886 гг.: Rara Avis. Tccc. Агафья. Аптекарша. Ах, зубы! Беда. Беспокойный гость. В пансионе. В Париж. В потемках. В суде. Ванька. Весной. Грач. Гриша. Дамы. День за городом. Длинный язык. Драма. Драматург. Жилец. Житейская мелочь. Заказ. Знакомый мужчина. Калхас. Кошмар. Кто виноват? Литературная табель о рангах. Лишние люди. Любовь. Месть. Мечты. Много бумаги. Мой домострой. Мой разговор с почтмейстером. Муж. На даче. На пути. На реке. Нахлебники. Недобрая ночь. Необыкновенный. Несчастье. Нытье. О женщинах. Оратор. От нечего делать. Отрава. Пассажир 1-го класса. Первый любовник. Читает Арина Ланская. Рассказы и юморески. 1885-1886 гг.: Предложение (рассказ для девиц). Произведение искусства. Пустой случай. Рассказ без конца. Розовый чулок. Роман с контрабасом. Светлая личность. Святой ночью. Серьезный шаг. Сильные ощущения. Сказка. Скука жизни. Словотолкователь для "барышень". Событие. Список лиц, имеющих право на бесплатный проезд по русским железным дорогам. Статистика. Страдальцы. Страхи. Счастливчик. Тайный советник. Талант. Тина 1. Тина 2. То была она. Ты и вы. Тяжелые люди. Учитель. Хористка. Хорошие люди. Человек. Чужая беда. Шуточка. Юбилей. Шведская спичка. Волк. На мельнице. Читают Арина Ланская и Денис Некрасов. Беглец. Беда. Без заглавия. Беззаконие. Беззащитное существо. Верочка. Весной. Володя. Враги. В сарае. Встреча. Выигрышный билет. Добрый немец. Доктор. Дома. Дорогие уроки. Драма. Житейские невзгоды. Задача. Зиночка. Злоумышленники. Из записок вспыльчивого человека. Интриги. Казак. Каштанка. Критик. Лев и солнце. Мороз. Мститель. На Страстной неделе. Читает Арина Ланская. Рассказы 1886 г.: Накануне поста. Недоброе дело. Ненастье. Неосторожность. Неприятная история. Нищий. Новогодняя пытка. Обыватели. Один из многих. Отец. Перед затмением. Перекати-поле (путевой набросок). Письмо. Полинька. Поцелуй. Почта. Происшествие (рассказ ямщика). Пьяные. Рано! Рассказ госпожи NN. Свадьба. Свирель. Сирена. Скорая помощь. Следователь. Старый дом. Счастье. Тайна. Темнота. Тиф. Удав и кролик. Холодная кровь. Хороший конец. Шампанское. Мальчики. Читают Арина Ланская и Денис Некрасов. Дуэль. Повесть Скучная история. Повесть Степь (История одной поездки). Повесть Читает Денис Некрасов. Рассказы и повести. 1887-1891 гг. Жена. Именины. Бабы. В Москве. Воры. Вынужденное заявление. Гусев. Княгиня. Красавицы. Неприятность. Огни. Пари. Припадок. Сапожник и нечистая сила. Спать хочется. Читает Денис Некрасов. Повести. 1892-1894 гг.: Бабье царство. Палата №6. Рассказ неизвестного человека. Учитель словесности. Рассказы и повести. 1892-1894 гг.: Черный монах. Володя большой и Володя маленький. В ссылке. В усадьбе. Из записной книжки старого педагога. История одного торгового предприятия. Отрывок. Попрыгунья. После театра. Рассказ старшего садовника. Рыбья любовь. Скрипка Ротшильда. Соседи. Страх. Студент. Читает Денис Некрасов. Рассказы и повести. 1894-1897 гг.: Анна на шее. Дом с мезонином. Читает Денис Некрасов. Ариадна. Белолобый. В родном углу. Дом с мезонином. Моя жизнь (Рассказ провинциала). Мужики. На подводе. Печенег. Супруга. Убийство. Читает Василий Мичков. Рассказы и повести. 1897-1903 гг.: Архиерей. В овраге. Крыжовник. На святках. Невеста. Новая дача. О любви. По делам службы. У знакомых. Человек в футляре. Читает Алексей Аптовцев. Три года Читает Василий Мичков. Дама с собачкой. Ионыч. Случай из практики. Душечка. Читает Денис Некрасов. Исполнители: Леонид Скосырев, Илья Бобылев, Арина Ланская, Алексей Аптовцев, Василий Мичков, Петр Коршунков, Денис Некрасов. Общее время звучания: 192 ч. 14 мин. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 98/XP/2000/Vista Процессор: Pentium II 400 MHz Память: 128 Mb DVD-ROM
Колыбельные (CDmp3)
Сборник самых известных колыбельных мелодий и произведений спокойной классической музыки в специальной обработке для детей. Мягкое воздействие спокойных классических произведений убаюкивают ребенка и создаст атмосферу уюта и нежной заботы для Вашего малыша. Уже ни для кого не секрет, что классическая музыка благотворно влияет на ребенка, успокаивает его и помогает развиваться, исследованиями доказано ее благотворное влияние на умственное и физическое развитие детей. Данный альбом, объединивший в себе произведения русских и зарубежных классиков, поможет Вам открыть для своего ребенка прекрасный мир классической музыки. Содержание диска: Иоганн-Себастьян Бах 01. Adagio, BWV 564 (Альберт Швейцер, орган) 02. Ария, из оркестровой сюиты №3, BWV 1068 03. "Бранденбургские концерты". Концерт №2 Фа мажор BWV 1047 - Andante 04. "Бранденбургские концерты". Концерт №5 Ре мажор BWV 1050 - Affettuoso 05. "Бранденбургские концерты". Концерт №6 Си-бемоль мажор BWV1051 - Adagio ma non tanto 06. Двойной концерт для двух скрипок d-Moll, BWV 1043 - Largo ma non tanto Петр Ильич Чайковский 07. Колыбельная, ор. 16 №1. (Сергей Рахманинов, ф-но и обработка) 08. "Щелкунчик", op. 71a (сюита). Танец Феи Драже - Andante non troppo 09. Симфония №3 Ре мажор, ор. 29 - Andante elegiaco Людвиг Ван Бетховен 10. Соната №14 "Лунная" - Adagio sostenuto Фриц Крейслер 11. Индийская песня. (Фриц Крейслер, скрипка, 1930-е) Иоганнес Брамс 12. Соната для скрипки и фо-но, Ор. 108 №3. Adagio 13. "Фортепианная соната №3 F minor Op.5" (Фортепиано: Walter Gieseking) Фредерик Шопен 14. Колыбельная, Op. 57 15. Колыбельная, Op. 57 16. Ноктюрн b-moll, ор.9 (Артур Рубинштейн) 17. Ноктюрн №8 Des-dur (Дину Липатти, фортепиано) 18. Прелюдия A-dur (Артур Рубинштейн, фортепиано) 19. Прелюдия e-moll (Артур Рубинштейн, фортепиано) Эдвард Григ 20. Колыбельная песня, Op. 68 №5 (Артур Рубинштейн, фортепиано) 21. Колыбельная Op. 38 №1 (Артур Рубинштейн, фортепиано) 22. "Пер Гюнт" - Сюита 1, ор. 46 - Утро Жорж Бизе 23. Интермеццо (Нью-Йоркский симфонический оркестр - Дирижёр Леопольд Стоковский) Николай Андреевич Римский-Корсаков 24. Колыбельная (Н. Зазнобина - вокал; Л. Сурков - флейта) Модест Петрович Мусоргский 25. Картинки с выставки. Старый замок Джакомо Пучини 26. Из оперы "Богема" По роману А. Мюрже "Сцены из жизни богемы" Камиль Сен-Санс 27. Сюита для виолончели и фортепиано, ор.16 - Романс 28. Скрипичный концерт №3 си минор (h- moll), op. 61 - Andantino quasi allegretto 29. Карнавал животных. Лебедь Джузеппе Тартини 30. Скрипичный концерт d-Moll - Grave (Скрипка - Joseph Szigeti, 1937) Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт 31. Квинтет для струнных A-dur, KV 581 (для кларнета, 2-х скрипок, альта и виолончели) - Larghetto 32. Квинтет для струнных g-moll, KV 516 - Adagio ma non troppo 33. Скрипичный концерт Nr. 4 D-Dur, KV 218 - Andante cantabile 34. Концерт №23 - Adagio (Ingrid Haebler) Эдвард Элгар 35. Скрипичный концерт h-Moll, op. 61 - Andante Морис Равель 36. Сонатина. Mouvement de menuet 37. Менуэт на имя Гайдна 38. Прелюдия (Вальтер Гизекинг, фортепиано) Франц Шуберт 39. Ave Maria (Марио Ланца) Александр Константинович Глазунов 40. Скрипичный концерт a-Moll, op. 82 - Andante Феликс Мендельсон-Бартольди 41. Скрипичный концерт e-Moll, op. 64 - Andante Анатолий Константинович Лядов 42. Колыбельная Общее время звучания: 3 ч. 24 мин. 54 сек. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98/XP/Vista Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 4x
Колыбельные (CDmp3)
Сборник самых известных колыбельных мелодий и произведений спокойной классической музыки в специальной обработке для детей. Мягкое воздействие спокойных классических произведений убаюкивают ребенка и создаст атмосферу уюта и нежной заботы для Вашего малыша. Уже ни для кого не секрет, что классическая музыка благотворно влияет на ребенка, успокаивает его и помогает развиваться, исследованиями доказано ее благотворное влияние на умственное и физическое развитие детей. Данный альбом, объединивший в себе произведения русских и зарубежных классиков, поможет Вам открыть для своего ребенка прекрасный мир классической музыки. Содержание диска: Иоганн-Себастьян Бах 01. Adagio, BWV 564 (Альберт Швейцер, орган) 02. Ария, из оркестровой сюиты №3, BWV 1068 03. "Бранденбургские концерты". Концерт №2 Фа мажор BWV 1047 - Andante 04. "Бранденбургские концерты". Концерт №5 Ре мажор BWV 1050 - Affettuoso 05. "Бранденбургские концерты". Концерт №6 Си-бемоль мажор BWV1051 - Adagio ma non tanto 06. Двойной концерт для двух скрипок d-Moll, BWV 1043 - Largo ma non tanto Петр Ильич Чайковский 07. Колыбельная, ор. 16 №1. (Сергей Рахманинов, ф-но и обработка) 08. "Щелкунчик", op. 71a (сюита). Танец Феи Драже - Andante non troppo 09. Симфония №3 Ре мажор, ор. 29 - Andante elegiaco Людвиг Ван Бетховен 10. Соната №14 "Лунная" - Adagio sostenuto Фриц Крейслер 11. Индийская песня. (Фриц Крейслер, скрипка, 1930-е) Иоганнес Брамс 12. Соната для скрипки и фо-но, Ор. 108 №3. Adagio 13. "Фортепианная соната №3 F minor Op.5" (Фортепиано: Walter Gieseking) Фредерик Шопен 14. Колыбельная, Op. 57 15. Колыбельная, Op. 57 16. Ноктюрн b-moll, ор.9 (Артур Рубинштейн) 17. Ноктюрн №8 Des-dur (Дину Липатти, фортепиано) 18. Прелюдия A-dur (Артур Рубинштейн, фортепиано) 19. Прелюдия e-moll (Артур Рубинштейн, фортепиано) Эдвард Григ 20. Колыбельная песня, Op. 68 №5 (Артур Рубинштейн, фортепиано) 21. Колыбельная Op. 38 №1 (Артур Рубинштейн, фортепиано) 22. "Пер Гюнт" - Сюита 1, ор. 46 - Утро Жорж Бизе 23. Интермеццо (Нью-Йоркский симфонический оркестр - Дирижёр Леопольд Стоковский) Николай Андреевич Римский-Корсаков 24. Колыбельная (Н. Зазнобина - вокал; Л. Сурков - флейта) Модест Петрович Мусоргский 25. Картинки с выставки. Старый замок Джакомо Пучини 26. Из оперы "Богема" По роману А. Мюрже "Сцены из жизни богемы" Камиль Сен-Санс 27. Сюита для виолончели и фортепиано, ор.16 - Романс 28. Скрипичный концерт №3 си минор (h- moll), op. 61 - Andantino quasi allegretto 29. Карнавал животных. Лебедь Джузеппе Тартини 30. Скрипичный концерт d-Moll - Grave (Скрипка - Joseph Szigeti, 1937) Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт 31. Квинтет для струнных A-dur, KV 581 (для кларнета, 2-х скрипок, альта и виолончели) - Larghetto 32. Квинтет для струнных g-moll, KV 516 - Adagio ma non troppo 33. Скрипичный концерт Nr. 4 D-Dur, KV 218 - Andante cantabile 34. Концерт №23 - Adagio (Ingrid Haebler) Эдвард Элгар 35. Скрипичный концерт h-Moll, op. 61 - Andante Морис Равель 36. Сонатина. Mouvement de menuet 37. Менуэт на имя Гайдна 38. Прелюдия (Вальтер Гизекинг, фортепиано) Франц Шуберт 39. Ave Maria (Марио Ланца) Александр Константинович Глазунов 40. Скрипичный концерт a-Moll, op. 82 - Andante Феликс Мендельсон-Бартольди 41. Скрипичный концерт e-Moll, op. 64 - Andante Анатолий Константинович Лядов 42. Колыбельная Общее время звучания: 3 ч. 24 мин. 54 сек. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98/XP/Vista Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 4x
Моцарт Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт Вольфганг Амадей и шелест волн (CD)
Специальная музыкальная программа для отдыха и релакса, продолжительностью 6 часов, составлена из лучших произведений гениального Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта на фоне естественных звуков природы. Непрерывное звучание божественной музыки, плавно перетекающее из одной композиции в другую, позволяет слушателю мысленно перенестись в мирный и спокойный уголок к тихому морю и раствориться в звуках мягкого шелеста волн. Продолжительный и непрерывный шелест волн создает атмосферу покоя и уюта. От накопившейся усталости не останется и следа! Оригинальная программа способствует восстановлению душевного равновесия, улучшению самочувствия, поднимает настроение и жизненный тонус. Она прекрасно подойдет как для легкого салонного оформления, так и для прослушивания в домашней обстановке. Праздник музыки и звуков сопровождается слайдами, которые усиливают восприятие звучания. Серия "Классика на природе" - это музыка для отдыха и релакса! Общее время звучания: 6 ч. 256 kBit/sec, 44,1 kHz, Stereo, MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98 Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 8x
Моцарт Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт Вольфганг Амадей и шелест волн (CD)
Специальная музыкальная программа для отдыха и релакса, продолжительностью 6 часов, составлена из лучших произведений гениального Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта на фоне естественных звуков природы. Непрерывное звучание божественной музыки, плавно перетекающее из одной композиции в другую, позволяет слушателю мысленно перенестись в мирный и спокойный уголок к тихому морю и раствориться в звуках мягкого шелеста волн. Продолжительный и непрерывный шелест волн создает атмосферу покоя и уюта. От накопившейся усталости не останется и следа! Оригинальная программа способствует восстановлению душевного равновесия, улучшению самочувствия, поднимает настроение и жизненный тонус. Она прекрасно подойдет как для легкого салонного оформления, так и для прослушивания в домашней обстановке. Праздник музыки и звуков сопровождается слайдами, которые усиливают восприятие звучания. Серия "Классика на природе" - это музыка для отдыха и релакса! Общее время звучания: 6 ч. 256 kBit/sec, 44,1 kHz, Stereo, MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98 Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 8x
Шуберт Франц Шуберт Франц и морской бриз (CD)
Специальная музыкальная программа для отдыха и релакса, продолжительностью 6 часов, составлена из лучших произведений гениального Франца Шуберта на фоне естественных звуков природы. Непрерывное звучание божественной музыки, плавно перетекающее из одной композиции в другую, позволяет слушателю мысленно перенестись в мирный и спокойный уголок, раствориться в звуках тихой колыбельной, которую споёт Вам нежный морской бриз, позволяя почувствовать дыхание безмятежно спокойного моря. От накопившейся усталости не останется и следа! Оригинальная программа способствует восстановлению душевного равновесия, улучшению самочувствия, поднимает настроение и жизненный тонус. Она прекрасно подойдет как для легкого салонного оформления, так и для прослушивания в домашней обстановке. Праздник музыки и звуков сопровождается слайдами, которые усиливают восприятие звучания. Серия "Классика на природе" - это музыка для отдыха и релакса! Общее время звучания: 6 ч. 256 kBit/sec, 44,1 kHz, Stereo, MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98 Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 8x
Шуберт Франц Шуберт Франц и морской бриз (CD)
Специальная музыкальная программа для отдыха и релакса, продолжительностью 6 часов, составлена из лучших произведений гениального Франца Шуберта на фоне естественных звуков природы. Непрерывное звучание божественной музыки, плавно перетекающее из одной композиции в другую, позволяет слушателю мысленно перенестись в мирный и спокойный уголок, раствориться в звуках тихой колыбельной, которую споёт Вам нежный морской бриз, позволяя почувствовать дыхание безмятежно спокойного моря. От накопившейся усталости не останется и следа! Оригинальная программа способствует восстановлению душевного равновесия, улучшению самочувствия, поднимает настроение и жизненный тонус. Она прекрасно подойдет как для легкого салонного оформления, так и для прослушивания в домашней обстановке. Праздник музыки и звуков сопровождается слайдами, которые усиливают восприятие звучания. Серия "Классика на природе" - это музыка для отдыха и релакса! Общее время звучания: 6 ч. 256 kBit/sec, 44,1 kHz, Stereo, MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98 Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 8x
Камни и минералы (CDpc)
Иллюстрированная энциклопедия является незаменимым справочным изданием об удивительном мире камней и минералов. Недра планеты Земля и ее поверхность чрезвычайно богаты самыми разнообразными минералами и камнями. Какие-то из них получаются под гигантским давлением, другие создаются живыми существами. Геологи читают камни и породы, словно книгу, и по ним восстанавливают историю Земли. Вместе с энциклопедией Вы совершите незабываемое путешествие по таинственному миру камней и узнайте о их происхождении, магических и целебных свойствах, необычных особенностях, а также много увлекательнейших историй, связанных с некоторыми из них. Большая детская энциклопедия. Камни и минералы - отличная современная энциклопедия для детей, которая послужит незаменимым справочным пособием и расскажет любознательному читателю обо всех тайнах камней и минералов. Для более увлекательного знакомства с материалами энциклопедии, в издании предусмотрены разнообразные мини-игры с регулировкой уровня сложности, а также тесты на проверку знаний. Благодаря удобной навигации и системе поиска, диск можно использовать как справочник, позволяющий быстро найти интересующую информацию, а при необходимости сделать закладки или распечатать. Энциклопедия адресована любознательным детям среднего и старшего школьного возраста, а так же их родителям и преподавателям. Основные разделы: - Немного истории - Камни и минералы - Планеты и камни - Лечебные свойства камней - Магические свойства камней - Это нужно знать - Мини-игры Системные требования: Процессор: Pentium III 500 MHz Память: 256 Mb Видео: 1024x768 HDD: 110 Mb CD-ROM
Лошади (CDpc)
Иллюстрированная энциклопедия является незаменимым справочным изданием для всех любителей лошадей и верховой езды. Из энциклопедии Вы узнаете что значит само слово "лошадь", о ее происхождении, особенностях поведения, познакомитесь со всеми существующими породами лошадей и узнаете о том, за какие заслуги некоторые из них стали знаменитыми, а также кто такие мифические лошади и почему они не уступают в популярности обычным лошадям. А если Вы мечтаете о верховой езде, но не знаете с чего начать и что нужно делать, чтобы стать отличным наездником, энциклопедия даст возможность "посетить" уроки верховой езды и освоить некоторые теоретические правила. "Большая детская энциклопедия. Лошади" - лучший подарок для всех любителей этих великолепных животных. Содержание: - Немного истории - Конституция и поведение - Способы передвижения лошади - Значение лошади в жизни человека - Породы лошадей - Мифические лошади А также интересные статьи на темы: - Если Вам снится лошадь - Как подружиться с лошадью - Лошадиные рекорды и интересные факты - Лошадиные приметы Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows XP SP2 Процессор: Pentium III Память: 256 Mb Звук HDD: 110 Mb
Планета Земля (CDpc)
Иллюстрированная энциклопедия является незаменимым справочным изданием об удивительном мире, в котором мы живем. Вместе с энциклопедией Вы совершите незабываемое путешествие по нашей необъятной планете: на суше и на море, в атмосфере и в космосе, узнаете о том, как появилась наша планета, познакомитесь с миром природных сфер Земли - атмосферой, гидросферой, литосферой, а также с внутренним строением земного шара. Энциклопедия в доступной форме расскажет о рельефе земной поверхности, составе и свойствах горных пород, полезных ископаемых, о внутренних силах Земли (движении литосферных плит, вулканах, гейзерах, землетрясениях), а также о растительном и животном мире. Большая детская энциклопедия. Планета Земля - отличная современная энциклопедия для детей, которая послужит незаменимым справочным пособием и расскажет любознательному читателю обо всех тайнах нашей планеты. Для более увлекательного знакомства с материалами энциклопедии, в издании предусмотрены разнообразные мини-игры с регулировкой уровня сложности, а также тесты на проверку знаний. Благодаря удобной навигации и системе поиска, диск можно использовать как справочник, позволяющий быстро найти интересующую информацию, а при необходимости сделать закладки или распечатать. Энциклопедия адресована любознательным детям среднего и старшего школьного возраста, а так же их родителям и преподавателям. - Наша планета - Внутреннее строение Земли - Движение земной коры - Рельеф суши - Водная оболочка - Воздушная оболочка - Оболочка жизни - Человечество на Земле - Материки и океаны - Мини-игры Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 2000/XP Процессор: Pentium III 500 MHz Память: 256 Mb Видео: 1024x768 HDD: 110 Mb CD-ROM
История России от возникновения до XIX века (CDpc)
Большая хрестоматия включает в себя: - учебники по истории России: "История России" С. М. Соловьева и "Полный курс лекций по Русской истории" С. Ф. Платонова; - труды по русской истории: Н. И. Костомаров. "Русская история в жизнеописаниях ее главнейших деятелей"; В. Н. Татищев. "История Российская"; К. Валишевский. "Иван Грозный", "Смутное время", "Петр Великий" - хронологические таблицы; - коллекцию лучших рефератов по истории России. - 150 иллюстраций. Большая хрестоматия предназначена для углубленного изучения истории России, подготовки докладов и рефератов в 5-11 классах средней школы. Рекомендуется абитуриентам, студентам колледжей, лицеев и вузов, а также всем любителям русской истории. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP Процессор: Pentium 166 MHz Память Видео: 32 Mb Звук: SVGA CD-ROM: 4x Для установки программы необходимо 110 Мb свободного места на жестком диске
История России от возникновения до XIX века (CDpc)
Большая хрестоматия включает в себя: - учебники по истории России: "История России" С. М. Соловьева и "Полный курс лекций по Русской истории" С. Ф. Платонова; - труды по русской истории: Н. И. Костомаров. "Русская история в жизнеописаниях ее главнейших деятелей"; В. Н. Татищев. "История Российская"; К. Валишевский. "Иван Грозный", "Смутное время", "Петр Великий" - хронологические таблицы; - коллекцию лучших рефератов по истории России. - 150 иллюстраций. Большая хрестоматия предназначена для углубленного изучения истории России, подготовки докладов и рефератов в 5-11 классах средней школы. Рекомендуется абитуриентам, студентам колледжей, лицеев и вузов, а также всем любителям русской истории. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP Процессор: Pentium 166 MHz Память Видео: 32 Mb Звук: SVGA CD-ROM: 4x Для установки программы необходимо 110 Мb свободного места на жестком диске
Большая Энциклопедия России (6CDpc)
В ваших руках уникальный продукт "Большая энциклопедия России" Энциклопедия содержит большой объем информации культурологического и естественно-научного порядка и представляет Россию с разных сторон. Это собрание 6 энциклопедий: - "Культура и традиции России" - "Искусство России" - "Города и населенные пункты России" - "Животный и растительный мир России" - "Природа и география России" - "История России" В каждой энциклопедии пользователь найдет огромное количество хорошо структурированных, иллюстрированных и объемных статей. Всего энциклопедия содержит более 1100 статей большого объема и более 2000 иллюстраций. В видеогалерее содержится 11 видеороликов. 3D карты: "Русская (Восточно-Европейская равнина)" - "Западная Сибирь" - "Восточная Сибирь" - "Дальний Восток" - "Урал" 3D модели: - "Церковь Покрова-на-Нерли" - "Династия Рюриковичей" - "Династия Романовых" - "Царь-пушка" - "Царь-колокол" Видео: - "Матрешка" - "Слово о полку Игореве" Большая Энциклопедия создана для всех, кто интересуется российской культурой, традициями, географией, биологией и историей. Энциклопедия станет незаменимым помощником для школьников. Она является полезны справочным пособием и украшением домашней библиотеки. СИСТЕМНЫЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ: Ms Windows ХР Sp2; Pentium III; 03V: 256 МБ; Звуковая карта; свободно 100 Мб.
Пушкинская энциклопедия (DVDpc)
Энциклопедия посвящена творчеству великого русского поэта Александра Сергеевича Пушкина (1799-1837). Состав издания: Полное собрание сочинений А. С. Пушкина: Стихотворения. Поэмы. Драматические произведения. Романы, повести, очерки. Сказки. Исторические произведения. Критика и публицистика. Переписка и деловые бумаги. Наброски, отрывки, планы. Приписываемое Пушкину. Дневники и воспоминания. Жизнь и творчество А. С. Пушкина: Критика. Хронологическая канва биографии А.С. Пушкина. Воспоминания о Пушкине. Адресованное Пушкину. Энциклопедические статьи. 1497 иллюстраций: Рисунки А.С. Пушкина. А.С. Пушкин в портретах. Иллюстрации к произведениям А. С. Пушкина. Пушкинское время. Семья А. С. Пушкина. Окружение А. С. Пушкина. Документы. Пушкинские места. Герои и события в произведениях А.С. Пушкина. Аудиозаписи: Раздел 1. Марина Цветаева "Мой Пушкин". Исполняет Татьяна Смаржевская. Марк Алданов "Французская карьера Дантеса" Исполняет Евгений Карпов. Время звучания: 2 часа 14 минут. Раздел 2. А. С. Пушкин. "Сказки": Сказка о царе Салтане. Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке. Сказка о мертвой царевне и о семи богатырях. Сказка о золотом петушке. Сказка о Попе и о работнике. Исполняет Клара Новикова. Время звучания 1 час 56 минут. Раздел 3. "Цыганы". Поэма. Действующие лица и исполнители: От автора - Р. Н. Симонов Земфира - Е. Д. Измайлова Старик - М. С. Державин Алеко - М. Ф. Астангов Молодой цыган - Ю. П. Любимов Песня Земфиры в исполнении В. Н. Борисенко Время звучания: 33 мин. Раздел 4. "Арап Петра Великого". Роман. Исполняет Арина Ланская Время звучания: 1 час 41 минут. Раздел 5. Проза": Борис Годунов (Отрывок). Моцарт и Сальери (Отрывок). Исполняет Владимир Яхонтов. Гости съезжались на дачу. Египетские ночи. История села Горюхина. Повесть из римской жизни. Путешествие в Арзрум. Исполняет Арина Ланская Время звучания 4 часа 44 минуты. Раздел 6. Поэзия: Дорожные жалобы. Её глаза. Город пышный, город бедный... Когда б не смутное волненье... Когда, бывало, в старину... Подъезжая под Ижоры... Портрет. Ты и Вы. Красавица. Зима, что делать нам в деревне... Цветы последние милей.... Цветок. Исполняет Владимир Чернявский. Памятник. Евгений Онегин (отрывки из 3, 4, 8 глав). Исполняет Владимир Яхонтов. Вакхическая песня. Вновь я посетил. Ворон к ворону летит. Зимний вечер. Няне. Пророк. Исполняет Василий Качалов. Время звучания 41 минута. Общее время звучания: 11 часов 49 минут Видео: Раздел 1. Художественный фильм "Жизнь и смерть А. С. Пушкина". Год выпуска: 1910. Страна: Россия Продолжительность: 00:05:03 Режиссер: Василий Гончаров В ролях: Александра Гончарова, Владимир Кривцов. "Жизнь и смерть А. С. Пушкина" - немой художественный короткометражный фильм Василия Гончарова. Эпизоды из жизни А. С. Пушкина. - Маленький Пушкин с няней. - Пушкин в Лицее на перемене читает товарищам свои стихи. - Пушкин на экзамене читает свои стихи Державину. - Пушкин читает свои стихи Жуковскому, Карамзину, Гоголю, Грибоедову, Кольцову, Крылову и Вяземскому. - Пушкин на аудиенции у императора Николая I. - Званый вечер, на котором Пушкин вызывает на дуэль Дантеса. - Дуэль на Чёрной речке. - Пушкин получает письменное прощение от Николая I и умирает. Раздел 2. Художественный фильм "Юность поэта". Год выпуска: 1937 Продолжительность: 1:22:13 Производство: Ленфильм Режиссер: Абрам Народицкий В ролях: Валентин Литовский, Чеслав Сушкевич, Владимир Гардин, Валентина Ивашева, Нина Шатерникова, Александр Мгебров, Владимир Таскин, Александр Громов, Константин Гибшман, Сергей Карнович-Валуа, Валентин Янцат, Эмиль Галь, Георгий Кранерт. Фильм, посвящен столетию со дня трагической гибели А. С. Пушкина (1799 - 1837). В нем рассказывается о ранних годах поэта, проведённых в лицее. Отмечен Золотой медалью на конкурсе кинофильмов на Международной выставке в Париже в 1937 году. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 98/XP/2000/Vista Процессор: Pentium II 400 MHz Память: 128 Mb DVD-ROM HDD: 2100 Mb
ПДД-2010 + автоправо (CDpc)
Это издание станет "руководством к действию" для широкого круга автомобилистов, а в первую очередь для тех, кто мечтает получить заветные "права". Издание содержит обновленные Правила дорожного движения с выделением всех поправок и корректировок, а так же ПДД с комментариями, которые помогут более детально разобраться с каждым пунктом ныне действующих Правил. Изучив материалы диска, Вы усвоите главные Законы дороги, научитесь отстаивать свои права в разговоре с инспектором ГИБДД, станете "подкованным" по всем правовым вопросам и тогда - экзамен можно будет сдать с первого раза, а на дорогах избежать аварий. Практический экзамен по категориям: "А" и "В", "С" и "D". Тестирование знаний ПДД: тренировка по выбранной теме. Общая база - 1600 вопросов. Правила дорожного движения РФ (с цветными иллюстрациями) Самый свежий официальный текст ПДД. Все изменения и дополнения на 2010 год выделены цветом. Правила дорожного движения РФ с комментариями для всех понятным языком. Автор: Зеленин С.Ф. Штрафы для автомобилистов Штрафные санкции для водителей и пешеходов с изменениями и дополнениями Кодекс РФ об административных правонарушениях с изменениями на 2010 г. Инспектор, водитель, закон. Кто перевесит? Автор: Грачев А. С. Что следует говорить инспектору ГИБДД, а чего не стоит... Как правильно отстаивать свои права и не оказаться обманутым и обиженным. Инспектор! ГОСТ на моей стороне! Автор: Грачев А. С. Как пользуясь знанием государственных стандартов, нормативных документов, приказов МВД и Кодекса об административной ответственности отстаивать свои права при разговоре с инспектором ГИБДД. Пособие для инспектора ГИБДД. Как грамотно "обуть" водителя на дороге. Автор: Грачев А.С. Как объяснить инспектору, что он не прав? Конкретные примеры "грамотного спора" Пособие для инспектора ГИБДД-2. Как грамотно "обуть" водителя на дороге. Автор: Грачев А. С. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 98/XP/2000/Vista Процессор: Pentium 266 MHz MMX Память: 64 Mb Видео: 800x600 True color CD-ROM HDD: 50 Mb
ПДД-2010 + вождение и устройство автомобиля (CDpc)
Этот диск станет настоящим другом и помощником для учащихся автошкол, а так же для тех, кто стремится к вершинам водительского мастерства. С его помощью Вы обретете навыки безопасного управления автомобилем, будете знать его устройство и правила эксплуатации, научитесь видеть и предвидеть развитие дорожной ситуации, а главное - чувствовать машину и дорогу. Издание позволит Вам детально разобраться с каждым пунктом обновленных Правил дорожного движения, в которых все корректировки и дополнения на 2010 год выделены цветом. Практический экзамен по категориям: "А" и "В", "С" и "D" Тестирование знаний ПДД: тренировка по выбранной теме. Общая база - 1600 вопросов. Правила дорожного движения РФ (с цветными иллюстрациями) Самый свежий официальный текст ПДД. Все изменения и дополнения на 2010 год выделены цветом. Правила дорожного движения РФ с комментариями для всех понятным языком. Автор: Зеленин С. Ф. Учебник по устройству автомобиля. Авторы: Зеленин С. Ф., Молоков В. А. Поможет уверенно ответить на вопросы экзамена в ГИБДД по неисправностям а/м, научит определять, а затем устранять поломки автомобиля на месте. Учебник по вождению автомобиля. Автор: Зеленин С. Ф. Подскажет верный путь в освоении техники и тактики управления автомобилем, правильного маневрирования задним ходом и т.д. Безопасность дорожного движения в экзаменационных билетах и в жизни. Автор: Зеленин С. Ф. Даст подробные ответы на все вопросы экзаменационных билетов ГИБДД по теме "Безопасность дорожного движения", подскажет принципы безопасного вождения "на каждый день" и в сложных условиях. Практическая часть с базой экзаменационных вопросов по категориям: "А" и "В", "С" и "D" Для интенсивного изучения Правил дорожного движения и контроля знаний - в пособие включены экзаменационные билеты по категориям транспорта: "А" и "В", "С" и "D". Общая база - 1600 вопросов. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 98/XP/2000/Vista Процессор: Pentium 266 MHz MMX Память: 64 Mb Видео: 800x600 True color CD-ROM HDD: 50 Mb
ПДД-2010 + экзаменационные билеты (CDpc)
Это издание станет полезным для всех, кто "за рулем", а так же для кандидатов в водители транспортных средств категорий: "А", "В", "С", "D"! Он содержит официальный текст Правил дорожного движения с изменениями и дополнениями на 2010 год, а так же ПДД с подробными комментариями, позволяющими детально разобраться с каждым пунктом ныне действующих Правил. С помощью диска Вы узнаете основные Законы дороги, а значит с успехом пройдете необходимые испытания на пути к получению "водительского удостоверения". Практический экзамен по категориям: "А" и "В", "С" и "D" Тестирование знаний ПДД: тренировка по выбранной теме. Общая база - 1600 вопросов. Правила дорожного движения РФ (с цветными иллюстрациями) Самый свежий официальный текст ПДД. Все изменения и дополнения на 2010 год выделены цветом. Правила дорожного движения РФ с комментариями для всех понятным языком. Автор: Зеленин С. Ф. Штрафы для автомобилистов Наглядная таблица штрафов и других санкций для водителей и пешеходов с последними изменениями и дополнениями. Кодекс РФ об административных правонарушениях с изменениями на 2010 г. Экзамен в ГИБДД. Автор: Зеленин С. Ф. Пособие по сдаче теоретического и практического экзаменов в соответствии с утвержденной методикой. Практическая часть с базой экзаменационных вопросов по категориям: "А" и "В", "С" и "D" Для интенсивного изучения Правил дорожного движения и контроля знаний - в пособие включены экзаменационные билеты по категориям транспорта: "А" и "В", "С" и "D".Общая база - 1600 вопросов. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 98/XP/2000/Vista Процессор: Pentium 266 MHz MMX Память: 64 Mb Видео: 800x600 True color CD-ROM HDD: 50 Mb
Словарь русской ненормативной лексики с иллюстрациями (CDpc)
Издание включает около 2500 статей с описанием выражений и слов, относящихся к ненормативной лексике русского языка. В словарь включены словосочетания из блатного и уличного сленга; не только фразы, употребляемые в нецензурной речи в наши дни, но и давно вышедшие из обихода реплики, угрозы, "пожелания". Все словарные статьи имеют описание значений каждого выражения, а также иллюстрации, взятые из коллекции французской эротической живописи 17 века. Удобная навигация и эффективный поиск позволят быстро отыскать нужное слово или словосочетание и понять его смысл. Внимание: Данное издание рекомендуется для изучающих русский язык, быт и фольклор. Употребление подобных выражений в речи, крайне нежелательно, поскольку большинство из этих фраз носит оскорбительный характер и может вызвать обиду или негодование собеседника, а так же поставить под сомнение культурный и интеллектуальный уровень говорящего. Около 2500 статей. 781 иллюстрация в тексте. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 98/XP/2000/Vista/ Windows 7 Процессор: Pentium II 400 MHz Память: 128 Mb DVD-ROM HDD: 100 Mb
Английский язык (CDpc)
Справочник школьника - это современное и самое полное учебное пособие, составленное с учетом положений действующих школьных учебников, включенных в Федеральный перечень, и требований нового образовательного стандарта. Он четко и сжато освещает все основные разделы школьного курса по английскому языку. В нем даны базовые сведения по фонетике, грамматике, словообразованию, лексике, фразеологии и идиоматике. Для лучшего усвоения курса в приложении выделены таблицы с такими данными как цвета, части тела, члены семьи, название стран, пословицы и поговорки, клавиатурные символы, сокращения, а также таблица неправильных глаголов и алфавит. Издание совмещает достоинства учебной, справочной и дидактической литературы. Справочник окажется весьма полезным при подготовке к контрольным работам и выполнению домашних заданий, а также тестированию, выпускным и вступительным экзаменам, в том числе в формате ЕГЭ. Справочник школьника - это универсальное издание для учащихся средних школ, родителей, учителей и абитуриентов. Справочник школьника - ваш незаменимый помощник! Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 2000/XP Процессор: Pentium III 500 MHz Память: 256 Mb Видео: 1024x768 HDD: 105 Mb CD-ROM
Советы для маленькой леди (CDpc)
Как превратиться из милой маленькой принцессы в настоящую взрослую леди? Как поддерживать себя в отличной форме? А как подготовиться к первому свиданию? Как вообще не ошибиться в человеке, с которым встретился, недооценив его или, наоборот, приписав ему несуществующие качества? Надо ли говорить о том, что у юной леди просто голова идет кругом! "Советы для маленькой леди" - настоящая палочка-выручалочка для каждой девочки. Эта книга подскажет, как вести себя в разных ситуациях, как ухаживать за волосами и телом, как поддерживать себя в хорошей физической форме. А самое главное - научит правильно понимать противоположный пол. - уход за собой; - здоровый образ жизни; - хорошие манеры; - отношения в семье; - отношения с противоположным полом. Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 2000/XP Процессор: Pentium III 500 MHz Память: 256 Mb Видео: 1024x768 HDD: 110 Mb CD-ROM Internet Explorer 6.0 (есть на диске)
Азимов Айзек Фантастическое путешествие
В сборник произведений "Фантастическое путешествие" Айзека Азимова, лауреата наиболее престижных премий, включены романы, которые рассказывают о самых удивительных и самых смелых в истории человечества экспедициях. В первом романе специально подготовленную группу помещают в подводную лодку, уменьшают и направляют в организм профессора Бинеса, чтобы уничтожить тромб в его мозгу. Во втором романе перед похожей группой поставлена еще более сложная задача - расшифровать с помощью специального прибора мысли русского ученого, находящегося в коме. Кроме того, в сборник включен сборник рассказов о двухсантиметровом демоне Азазеле. Это вздорное, но забавное существо помогает людям добиться цели - влюбиться, бросить пить, переместиться во времени, писать стихи. Некоторые рассказы, включенные в данную книгу, публикуются на русском языке впервые.
Mailer Norman GOLD Moonfire. The Epic Journey of Apollo 11
"And the Moon came nearer..." A unique tribute to the defining scientific mission of our time "MoonFire is the greatest book I have ever seen. The photography is unparalleled... It is more than just a book, it is an experience." - David Schonauer, American Photo It has been called the single most historic event of the 20th century: On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins met John F. Kennedy's call for a manned Moon landing by the end of the 1960s. A decade of tests and training, a staff of 400,000 engineers and scientists, a budget of $24 billion, and the most powerful rocket ever launched all combined in an unprecedented event watched by millions the world over. And no one captured the men, the mood, and the machinery like Norman Mailer. One of the greatest writers of the 20th Century, Norman Mailer was hired by LIFE in 1969 to cover the Moon shot. His three-part feature was the longest nonfiction piece LIFE had published. He enhanced and extended his reportage with deeper reflection in the brilliantly crafted book, Of a Fire on the Moon, excerpted here for the first time. Equally adept at examining the science of space travel and the psychology of the men involved-from Saturn V rocket engineer Wernher von Braun, to the crucial NASA support staff, to the three astronauts-Mailer provides provocative and trenchant insights into this epoch-making event. Illustrating this volume are hundreds of the best photographs and maps from the NASA vaults, magazine archives, and private collections. Many of them previously unpublished, these images document the development of the agency and the mission, life inside the command module and on the Moon's surface, and the world's jubilant reaction to the landing. This edition includes an original introduction by Colum McCann and captions by leading Apollo 11 experts, explaining the history and science behind the images, citing the mission log and publications of the day, and post-flight astronaut interviews. The book you couldn't get your hands on is finally available as the first publication in TASCHEN's new series of GOLDEN BOOKS, created to celebrate the company's 30th anniversary! Originally published as a TASCHEN Limited Edition, Norman Mailer's MoonFire sold out instantly and earned accolades from publications the world over. About the author: Norman Mailer was one of the 20th century's greatest and most influential writers, as well as one of America's most renowned and controversial literary figures. The best-selling author of a dozen novels and 20 works of nonfiction, he also wrote stage plays, screenplays, television miniseries, hundreds of essays, two books of poetry, and a collection of short stories. A two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, he lived in Brooklyn, New York and Provincetown, Massachusetts. About the contributing author: Colum McCann is the author of seven books, including Let the Great World Spin. He has written for The New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, GQ, The Times (London), The Irish Times, and La Republica.
Mailer Norman GOLD Moonfire. The Epic Journey of Apollo 11
"And the Moon came nearer..." A unique tribute to the defining scientific mission of our time "MoonFire is the greatest book I have ever seen. The photography is unparalleled... It is more than just a book, it is an experience." - David Schonauer, American Photo It has been called the single most historic event of the 20th century: On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins met John F. Kennedy's call for a manned Moon landing by the end of the 1960s. A decade of tests and training, a staff of 400,000 engineers and scientists, a budget of $24 billion, and the most powerful rocket ever launched all combined in an unprecedented event watched by millions the world over. And no one captured the men, the mood, and the machinery like Norman Mailer. One of the greatest writers of the 20th Century, Norman Mailer was hired by LIFE in 1969 to cover the Moon shot. His three-part feature was the longest nonfiction piece LIFE had published. He enhanced and extended his reportage with deeper reflection in the brilliantly crafted book, Of a Fire on the Moon, excerpted here for the first time. Equally adept at examining the science of space travel and the psychology of the men involved-from Saturn V rocket engineer Wernher von Braun, to the crucial NASA support staff, to the three astronauts-Mailer provides provocative and trenchant insights into this epoch-making event. Illustrating this volume are hundreds of the best photographs and maps from the NASA vaults, magazine archives, and private collections. Many of them previously unpublished, these images document the development of the agency and the mission, life inside the command module and on the Moon's surface, and the world's jubilant reaction to the landing. This edition includes an original introduction by Colum McCann and captions by leading Apollo 11 experts, explaining the history and science behind the images, citing the mission log and publications of the day, and post-flight astronaut interviews. The book you couldn't get your hands on is finally available as the first publication in TASCHEN's new series of GOLDEN BOOKS, created to celebrate the company's 30th anniversary! Originally published as a TASCHEN Limited Edition, Norman Mailer's MoonFire sold out instantly and earned accolades from publications the world over. About the author: Norman Mailer was one of the 20th century's greatest and most influential writers, as well as one of America's most renowned and controversial literary figures. The best-selling author of a dozen novels and 20 works of nonfiction, he also wrote stage plays, screenplays, television miniseries, hundreds of essays, two books of poetry, and a collection of short stories. A two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, he lived in Brooklyn, New York and Provincetown, Massachusetts. About the contributing author: Colum McCann is the author of seven books, including Let the Great World Spin. He has written for The New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, GQ, The Times (London), The Irish Times, and La Republica.
Mailer Norman GOLD Moonfire. The Epic Journey of Apollo 11
"And the Moon came nearer..." A unique tribute to the defining scientific mission of our time "MoonFire is the greatest book I have ever seen. The photography is unparalleled... It is more than just a book, it is an experience." - David Schonauer, American Photo It has been called the single most historic event of the 20th century: On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins met John F. Kennedy's call for a manned Moon landing by the end of the 1960s. A decade of tests and training, a staff of 400,000 engineers and scientists, a budget of $24 billion, and the most powerful rocket ever launched all combined in an unprecedented event watched by millions the world over. And no one captured the men, the mood, and the machinery like Norman Mailer. One of the greatest writers of the 20th Century, Norman Mailer was hired by LIFE in 1969 to cover the Moon shot. His three-part feature was the longest nonfiction piece LIFE had published. He enhanced and extended his reportage with deeper reflection in the brilliantly crafted book, Of a Fire on the Moon, excerpted here for the first time. Equally adept at examining the science of space travel and the psychology of the men involved-from Saturn V rocket engineer Wernher von Braun, to the crucial NASA support staff, to the three astronauts-Mailer provides provocative and trenchant insights into this epoch-making event. Illustrating this volume are hundreds of the best photographs and maps from the NASA vaults, magazine archives, and private collections. Many of them previously unpublished, these images document the development of the agency and the mission, life inside the command module and on the Moon's surface, and the world's jubilant reaction to the landing. This edition includes an original introduction by Colum McCann and captions by leading Apollo 11 experts, explaining the history and science behind the images, citing the mission log and publications of the day, and post-flight astronaut interviews. The book you couldn't get your hands on is finally available as the first publication in TASCHEN's new series of GOLDEN BOOKS, created to celebrate the company's 30th anniversary! Originally published as a TASCHEN Limited Edition, Norman Mailer's MoonFire sold out instantly and earned accolades from publications the world over. About the author: Norman Mailer was one of the 20th century's greatest and most influential writers, as well as one of America's most renowned and controversial literary figures. The best-selling author of a dozen novels and 20 works of nonfiction, he also wrote stage plays, screenplays, television miniseries, hundreds of essays, two books of poetry, and a collection of short stories. A two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, he lived in Brooklyn, New York and Provincetown, Massachusetts. About the contributing author: Colum McCann is the author of seven books, including Let the Great World Spin. He has written for The New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, GQ, The Times (London), The Irish Times, and La Republica.
Bosing Walter Hieronymus Bosch c. 1450-1516. Between Heaven and Hell
The pictorial world of Hieronymus Bosch If Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) remains an enigma today, it is little wonder. Even his contemporaries found the Dutch painter's work difficult to decipher—and it still presents riddles to contemporary art historians. Part of the problem in decoding his shocking and richly allegorical paintings is that virtually nothing is known of the artist himself, apart from his birthplace. There is no record of his life or training, no personal letters, diaries or notebooks, and no contemporary insights into his personality or thoughts on the meaning of his art. Even his date of birth can only be guessed at, and that based on a drawing assumed to be a self-portrait, made shortly before his death in 1516, which supposedly shows the artist in his late sixties. Bosch remains as mysterious as the worlds he painted. Although rooted in the Old Dutch tradition, Bosch developed a highly subjective, richly suggestive formal language. With a mixture of religious humility and satanic wit, he illustrated both the joys of heaven and the cruelly imaginative tortures of hell. In his pictorial world teeming with surrealistic nightmares, the medieval imagination catches fire in a moment of final brilliance before succumbing to humanism and modern rationalism. Though the man himself remains a mystery, this book pulls together the elusive threads of Bosch's entire oeuvre into a cohesive and comprehensive analysis of his visionary work and methods.
Bosing Walter Hieronymus Bosch c. 1450-1516. Between Heaven and Hell
The pictorial world of Hieronymus Bosch If Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) remains an enigma today, it is little wonder. Even his contemporaries found the Dutch painter's work difficult to decipher—and it still presents riddles to contemporary art historians. Part of the problem in decoding his shocking and richly allegorical paintings is that virtually nothing is known of the artist himself, apart from his birthplace. There is no record of his life or training, no personal letters, diaries or notebooks, and no contemporary insights into his personality or thoughts on the meaning of his art. Even his date of birth can only be guessed at, and that based on a drawing assumed to be a self-portrait, made shortly before his death in 1516, which supposedly shows the artist in his late sixties. Bosch remains as mysterious as the worlds he painted. Although rooted in the Old Dutch tradition, Bosch developed a highly subjective, richly suggestive formal language. With a mixture of religious humility and satanic wit, he illustrated both the joys of heaven and the cruelly imaginative tortures of hell. In his pictorial world teeming with surrealistic nightmares, the medieval imagination catches fire in a moment of final brilliance before succumbing to humanism and modern rationalism. Though the man himself remains a mystery, this book pulls together the elusive threads of Bosch's entire oeuvre into a cohesive and comprehensive analysis of his visionary work and methods.
Bosing Walter Hieronymus Bosch c. 1450-1516. Between Heaven and Hell
The pictorial world of Hieronymus Bosch If Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) remains an enigma today, it is little wonder. Even his contemporaries found the Dutch painter's work difficult to decipher—and it still presents riddles to contemporary art historians. Part of the problem in decoding his shocking and richly allegorical paintings is that virtually nothing is known of the artist himself, apart from his birthplace. There is no record of his life or training, no personal letters, diaries or notebooks, and no contemporary insights into his personality or thoughts on the meaning of his art. Even his date of birth can only be guessed at, and that based on a drawing assumed to be a self-portrait, made shortly before his death in 1516, which supposedly shows the artist in his late sixties. Bosch remains as mysterious as the worlds he painted. Although rooted in the Old Dutch tradition, Bosch developed a highly subjective, richly suggestive formal language. With a mixture of religious humility and satanic wit, he illustrated both the joys of heaven and the cruelly imaginative tortures of hell. In his pictorial world teeming with surrealistic nightmares, the medieval imagination catches fire in a moment of final brilliance before succumbing to humanism and modern rationalism. Though the man himself remains a mystery, this book pulls together the elusive threads of Bosch's entire oeuvre into a cohesive and comprehensive analysis of his visionary work and methods.
Wolf Norbert Durer 1471-1525. The genius of the German Renaissance
Germany's greatest Renaissance artist. Though most famous for his engravings, Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) was also a master painter and draftsman whose work exemplifies the spirit of German art. Durer's importance in the German High Renaissance was such that he can be considered to embody the movement entirely. His visits to Italy (where he studied most notably with Giovanni Bellini) had a profound effect on his artistic development and enabled him to combine both German and Italian influences in his work. In his later life, Durer's passion for knowledge and progress led him to research and write on the subjects of art theory and mathematics, making him not only the greatest Northern European artist of his time, but also one of its leading thinkers. This overview of Durer's entire oeuvre—covering his oil, tempera, and watercolor paintings, copper and wood engravings, and his drawings and sketches—is the perfect introduction to his work.
Wolf Norbert Durer 1471-1525. The genius of the German Renaissance
Germany's greatest Renaissance artist. Though most famous for his engravings, Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) was also a master painter and draftsman whose work exemplifies the spirit of German art. Durer's importance in the German High Renaissance was such that he can be considered to embody the movement entirely. His visits to Italy (where he studied most notably with Giovanni Bellini) had a profound effect on his artistic development and enabled him to combine both German and Italian influences in his work. In his later life, Durer's passion for knowledge and progress led him to research and write on the subjects of art theory and mathematics, making him not only the greatest Northern European artist of his time, but also one of its leading thinkers. This overview of Durer's entire oeuvre—covering his oil, tempera, and watercolor paintings, copper and wood engravings, and his drawings and sketches—is the perfect introduction to his work.
Wolf Norbert Durer 1471-1525. The genius of the German Renaissance
Germany's greatest Renaissance artist. Though most famous for his engravings, Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) was also a master painter and draftsman whose work exemplifies the spirit of German art. Durer's importance in the German High Renaissance was such that he can be considered to embody the movement entirely. His visits to Italy (where he studied most notably with Giovanni Bellini) had a profound effect on his artistic development and enabled him to combine both German and Italian influences in his work. In his later life, Durer's passion for knowledge and progress led him to research and write on the subjects of art theory and mathematics, making him not only the greatest Northern European artist of his time, but also one of its leading thinkers. This overview of Durer's entire oeuvre—covering his oil, tempera, and watercolor paintings, copper and wood engravings, and his drawings and sketches—is the perfect introduction to his work.
Zollner Frank Leonardo
Leonardo: from art and anatomy to helicopters and submarines One of the most accomplished human beings who ever lived, Leonardo remains the quintessential Renaissance genius. Creator of the world's most famous painting, this scientist, artist, philosopher, inventor, builder, and mechanic epitomized the great flowering of human consciousness that marks his era. And yet, so wide-ranging and prolific were his interests that he brought hardly any major undertaking to a final end. If Leonardo seems so modern, it is perhaps because of his non-speciality, his magpie mind and curiosity, and his thousands of notes and sketches. In these pages he would anticipate some of the great discoveries and inventions that would follow him, from key points in anatomy-such as the principles behind blood circulation-through to plans for armoured military vehicles, planes, helicopters and submarines. Leonardo also advanced numerous artistic techniques, and implicated a complex psychology into his paintings of The Last Supper and the enigmatic La Gioconda, or Mona Lisa. Famous horseman, rival to Michelangelo, military engineer to the Borgias, he died in 1519 in a chateau given to him by Francis I, King of France. Not bad for the illegitimate son of a Florentine notary.
Zollner Frank Leonardo
Leonardo: from art and anatomy to helicopters and submarines One of the most accomplished human beings who ever lived, Leonardo remains the quintessential Renaissance genius. Creator of the world's most famous painting, this scientist, artist, philosopher, inventor, builder, and mechanic epitomized the great flowering of human consciousness that marks his era. And yet, so wide-ranging and prolific were his interests that he brought hardly any major undertaking to a final end. If Leonardo seems so modern, it is perhaps because of his non-speciality, his magpie mind and curiosity, and his thousands of notes and sketches. In these pages he would anticipate some of the great discoveries and inventions that would follow him, from key points in anatomy-such as the principles behind blood circulation-through to plans for armoured military vehicles, planes, helicopters and submarines. Leonardo also advanced numerous artistic techniques, and implicated a complex psychology into his paintings of The Last Supper and the enigmatic La Gioconda, or Mona Lisa. Famous horseman, rival to Michelangelo, military engineer to the Borgias, he died in 1519 in a chateau given to him by Francis I, King of France. Not bad for the illegitimate son of a Florentine notary.
Zollner Frank Leonardo
Leonardo: from art and anatomy to helicopters and submarines One of the most accomplished human beings who ever lived, Leonardo remains the quintessential Renaissance genius. Creator of the world's most famous painting, this scientist, artist, philosopher, inventor, builder, and mechanic epitomized the great flowering of human consciousness that marks his era. And yet, so wide-ranging and prolific were his interests that he brought hardly any major undertaking to a final end. If Leonardo seems so modern, it is perhaps because of his non-speciality, his magpie mind and curiosity, and his thousands of notes and sketches. In these pages he would anticipate some of the great discoveries and inventions that would follow him, from key points in anatomy-such as the principles behind blood circulation-through to plans for armoured military vehicles, planes, helicopters and submarines. Leonardo also advanced numerous artistic techniques, and implicated a complex psychology into his paintings of The Last Supper and the enigmatic La Gioconda, or Mona Lisa. Famous horseman, rival to Michelangelo, military engineer to the Borgias, he died in 1519 in a chateau given to him by Francis I, King of France. Not bad for the illegitimate son of a Florentine notary.
Neret Gilles Michelangelo 1475-1564. Universal Genius of the Renaissance
Michelangelo between earthly passions and fear of God During the Renaissance, several great homosexual artists-from Leonardo da Vinci and Botticelli to Michelangelo and Raphael-transformed the history of art, striving for ever closer imitation of nature while shaping it to their tastes. In their art ambiguous beings were born, half man, half woman; female breasts were planted on male busts and a young man's gaze peeped out beneath the eyelids of a Madonna. From his earliest youth Michelangelo transformed personal torment into exquisite creativity-attempting to reconcile the apparently conflicting forces that inhabited him: his earthly passions and his fear of God. Hence the peerless monuments to beauty, celestial and infernal alike, that Michelangelo raised to the glory of God. His predecessors aspired to Heaven through faith alone; Michelangelo sought absolution through the contemplative exaltation of beauty-even on the ceiling of a papal chapel: the Sistine. This exposed him to a chorus of derision from prudish critics, who accused him of exhibiting paganism in a place of religion, and who clothed his immodest Titans in painted "breeches". It was Michelangelo's curse to remain a colossus outside and apart from his time. It is the birthright of the comet to inspire fear and awe in the spectator; but the spectacle of such glory can sear the tender eye.
Neret Gilles Michelangelo 1475-1564. Universal Genius of the Renaissance
Michelangelo between earthly passions and fear of God During the Renaissance, several great homosexual artists-from Leonardo da Vinci and Botticelli to Michelangelo and Raphael-transformed the history of art, striving for ever closer imitation of nature while shaping it to their tastes. In their art ambiguous beings were born, half man, half woman; female breasts were planted on male busts and a young man's gaze peeped out beneath the eyelids of a Madonna. From his earliest youth Michelangelo transformed personal torment into exquisite creativity-attempting to reconcile the apparently conflicting forces that inhabited him: his earthly passions and his fear of God. Hence the peerless monuments to beauty, celestial and infernal alike, that Michelangelo raised to the glory of God. His predecessors aspired to Heaven through faith alone; Michelangelo sought absolution through the contemplative exaltation of beauty-even on the ceiling of a papal chapel: the Sistine. This exposed him to a chorus of derision from prudish critics, who accused him of exhibiting paganism in a place of religion, and who clothed his immodest Titans in painted "breeches". It was Michelangelo's curse to remain a colossus outside and apart from his time. It is the birthright of the comet to inspire fear and awe in the spectator; but the spectacle of such glory can sear the tender eye.
Neret Gilles Michelangelo 1475-1564. Universal Genius of the Renaissance
Michelangelo between earthly passions and fear of God During the Renaissance, several great homosexual artists-from Leonardo da Vinci and Botticelli to Michelangelo and Raphael-transformed the history of art, striving for ever closer imitation of nature while shaping it to their tastes. In their art ambiguous beings were born, half man, half woman; female breasts were planted on male busts and a young man's gaze peeped out beneath the eyelids of a Madonna. From his earliest youth Michelangelo transformed personal torment into exquisite creativity-attempting to reconcile the apparently conflicting forces that inhabited him: his earthly passions and his fear of God. Hence the peerless monuments to beauty, celestial and infernal alike, that Michelangelo raised to the glory of God. His predecessors aspired to Heaven through faith alone; Michelangelo sought absolution through the contemplative exaltation of beauty-even on the ceiling of a papal chapel: the Sistine. This exposed him to a chorus of derision from prudish critics, who accused him of exhibiting paganism in a place of religion, and who clothed his immodest Titans in painted "breeches". It was Michelangelo's curse to remain a colossus outside and apart from his time. It is the birthright of the comet to inspire fear and awe in the spectator; but the spectacle of such glory can sear the tender eye.
Zimmerman Claire Mies van der Rohe 1886-1969. The Structure of Space
Less is more: finding perfection in purity Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969) was one of the founding fathers of modern architecture, and creator of the Barcelona Pavilion (1929), the Farnsworth House in Plano, Illinois (1945–1951) and the Seagram Building in New York (1954–1958). Famed for his motto "less is more," Mies sought a refined purity in architectural expression that was missing from the vocabulary of his Bauhaus peers. He aimed to build for those of modest income while also building economically and sustainably, both in technical and esthetic terms; the use of industrial materials such as steel and glass were the foundation of this approach. Though his stark forms and modern materials provoked some criticism, over the years many have tried—most unsuccessfully—to copy his original and elegant style. This book explores more than 20 of his projects between 1906 and 1967, from his early work around Berlin to his most important American buildings.
Zimmerman Claire Mies van der Rohe 1886-1969. The Structure of Space
Less is more: finding perfection in purity Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969) was one of the founding fathers of modern architecture, and creator of the Barcelona Pavilion (1929), the Farnsworth House in Plano, Illinois (1945–1951) and the Seagram Building in New York (1954–1958). Famed for his motto "less is more," Mies sought a refined purity in architectural expression that was missing from the vocabulary of his Bauhaus peers. He aimed to build for those of modest income while also building economically and sustainably, both in technical and esthetic terms; the use of industrial materials such as steel and glass were the foundation of this approach. Though his stark forms and modern materials provoked some criticism, over the years many have tried—most unsuccessfully—to copy his original and elegant style. This book explores more than 20 of his projects between 1906 and 1967, from his early work around Berlin to his most important American buildings.
Zimmerman Claire Mies van der Rohe 1886-1969. The Structure of Space
Less is more: finding perfection in purity Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969) was one of the founding fathers of modern architecture, and creator of the Barcelona Pavilion (1929), the Farnsworth House in Plano, Illinois (1945–1951) and the Seagram Building in New York (1954–1958). Famed for his motto "less is more," Mies sought a refined purity in architectural expression that was missing from the vocabulary of his Bauhaus peers. He aimed to build for those of modest income while also building economically and sustainably, both in technical and esthetic terms; the use of industrial materials such as steel and glass were the foundation of this approach. Though his stark forms and modern materials provoked some criticism, over the years many have tried—most unsuccessfully—to copy his original and elegant style. This book explores more than 20 of his projects between 1906 and 1967, from his early work around Berlin to his most important American buildings.
Bockemuhl Michael Turner
The innocence of the eye As a blind person might see the world if the gift of sight were suddenly returned-this is how we might describe the effect of William Turner's paintings on the observer. John Ruskin, Turner's uncompromising 19th-century defender, alluded to this idea when he spoke of an "innocence of the eye" which perceived the world's colours and forms before it could recognize their significance. But to develop such a style, William Turner (1775-1851) first had to overcome the legacy of late rococo academic teachings. He was simultaneously a romantic and a realist-and yet he transcended both styles. His landscapes, far in advance of their time, have been called forerunners of Impressionism, yet they also possess traits that influenced Expressionism, and many of his late compositions are undeniably surrealistic. Turner's art cannot be bound by such classifications, and remains an oddity to art history even today. His work arises from a unique relation to the nature that it depicts: through his brilliant sketches, he found a rigorously open kind of painting in which nature sets free the use of colour. And through the workings of the natural elements-especially atmospheric light-Turner confronted nature at the point where nature itself is an image. This book opens up Turner's paintings for the eye, demonstrating that he was not simply illustrating nature, but that his pictures speak directly to the eye as nature does itself-through a world of light and colour.
Bockemuhl Michael Turner
The innocence of the eye As a blind person might see the world if the gift of sight were suddenly returned-this is how we might describe the effect of William Turner's paintings on the observer. John Ruskin, Turner's uncompromising 19th-century defender, alluded to this idea when he spoke of an "innocence of the eye" which perceived the world's colours and forms before it could recognize their significance. But to develop such a style, William Turner (1775-1851) first had to overcome the legacy of late rococo academic teachings. He was simultaneously a romantic and a realist-and yet he transcended both styles. His landscapes, far in advance of their time, have been called forerunners of Impressionism, yet they also possess traits that influenced Expressionism, and many of his late compositions are undeniably surrealistic. Turner's art cannot be bound by such classifications, and remains an oddity to art history even today. His work arises from a unique relation to the nature that it depicts: through his brilliant sketches, he found a rigorously open kind of painting in which nature sets free the use of colour. And through the workings of the natural elements-especially atmospheric light-Turner confronted nature at the point where nature itself is an image. This book opens up Turner's paintings for the eye, demonstrating that he was not simply illustrating nature, but that his pictures speak directly to the eye as nature does itself-through a world of light and colour.
Bockemuhl Michael Turner
The innocence of the eye As a blind person might see the world if the gift of sight were suddenly returned-this is how we might describe the effect of William Turner's paintings on the observer. John Ruskin, Turner's uncompromising 19th-century defender, alluded to this idea when he spoke of an "innocence of the eye" which perceived the world's colours and forms before it could recognize their significance. But to develop such a style, William Turner (1775-1851) first had to overcome the legacy of late rococo academic teachings. He was simultaneously a romantic and a realist-and yet he transcended both styles. His landscapes, far in advance of their time, have been called forerunners of Impressionism, yet they also possess traits that influenced Expressionism, and many of his late compositions are undeniably surrealistic. Turner's art cannot be bound by such classifications, and remains an oddity to art history even today. His work arises from a unique relation to the nature that it depicts: through his brilliant sketches, he found a rigorously open kind of painting in which nature sets free the use of colour. And through the workings of the natural elements-especially atmospheric light-Turner confronted nature at the point where nature itself is an image. This book opens up Turner's paintings for the eye, demonstrating that he was not simply illustrating nature, but that his pictures speak directly to the eye as nature does itself-through a world of light and colour.
Schneider Norbert Vermeer
Vermeer's women, their duties and unspoken dreams The 35 paintings that have come down to us from the hand of Jan Vermeer (1632-1675) place him beside Rembrandt and Frans Hals as one of the great masters of the golden age of Dutch art. Little is known of Vermeer's early life and training, though we can be certain that he never knew great success or acclaim during his lifetime, and after his death-reputedly in part because of the stress of his debts-his work was almost completely forgotten for the best part of two centuries. And yet today he is acknowledged as an exquisitely talented and highly original artist. Most of his pictures (all of which are reproduced in this book) show middle-class women about their daily business. Vermeer records the tasks and duties of these women, the imperatives of virtue under which their lives were lived, while also evoking their dreams and their contrasting inner worlds.
Schneider Norbert Vermeer
Vermeer's women, their duties and unspoken dreams The 35 paintings that have come down to us from the hand of Jan Vermeer (1632-1675) place him beside Rembrandt and Frans Hals as one of the great masters of the golden age of Dutch art. Little is known of Vermeer's early life and training, though we can be certain that he never knew great success or acclaim during his lifetime, and after his death-reputedly in part because of the stress of his debts-his work was almost completely forgotten for the best part of two centuries. And yet today he is acknowledged as an exquisitely talented and highly original artist. Most of his pictures (all of which are reproduced in this book) show middle-class women about their daily business. Vermeer records the tasks and duties of these women, the imperatives of virtue under which their lives were lived, while also evoking their dreams and their contrasting inner worlds.
Schneider Norbert Vermeer
Vermeer's women, their duties and unspoken dreams The 35 paintings that have come down to us from the hand of Jan Vermeer (1632-1675) place him beside Rembrandt and Frans Hals as one of the great masters of the golden age of Dutch art. Little is known of Vermeer's early life and training, though we can be certain that he never knew great success or acclaim during his lifetime, and after his death-reputedly in part because of the stress of his debts-his work was almost completely forgotten for the best part of two centuries. And yet today he is acknowledged as an exquisitely talented and highly original artist. Most of his pictures (all of which are reproduced in this book) show middle-class women about their daily business. Vermeer records the tasks and duties of these women, the imperatives of virtue under which their lives were lived, while also evoking their dreams and their contrasting inner worlds.
Big Book of Boxes
This is a comprehensive encyclopedia of package designs, from the simplest, most minimalist envelopes to elaborate asymmetrical display structures for encasing anything from perfume to fancy chocolates. But this book is far from being just a technical reference; it is aimed at any reader interested in exploring packaging possibilities, and it addresses novice and expert alike through detailed, descriptive captions, analyzing more than 300 examples. A template CD is also included, further simplifying the task of printing and getting the measurements right.
Taschen Angelika TASCHEN's Berlin. Hotels, Restaurants & Shops
Angelika Taschen has produced an insider's guide to the best of Berlin, with recommended hotels, shops, restaurants, cafes, and bars. Now everyone can experience the German capital like a true Berliner. The tastiest cuisine, the hippest, most intriguing stores, and the sleekest accommodations-they're all listed here. A pocket-sized street map of Berlin helps you find all the hotels, restaurants, and shops described in the book. Highlights include hip nightspot Green Door, where one rings the doorbell to gain entrance; the silent movie star lifestyle at the Pension Funk; the Hotel de Rome in a converted 19th century bank; how to reserve your cabin at the Eastern Comfort Hostelboat on the River Spree; oriental delight at Edd's, the best Thai restaurant in Berlin (perhaps Germany); Barcomi's, a New York-style deli with delicious cakes and coffees; The Corner Berlin, a designer concept store to rival Paris's Colette; experimental store Bless, "publicizing artistic values through products"; and the must-see luxury department store, Quartier 206. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Berlin-based photographer Thorsten Klapsch has published his works in various magazines, among them Wallpaper*, DIE ZEIT, and Qvest. He has collaborated on different book projects and works for architects, designers and advertising campaigns. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen Angelika TASCHEN's Berlin. Hotels, Restaurants & Shops
Angelika Taschen has produced an insider's guide to the best of Berlin, with recommended hotels, shops, restaurants, cafes, and bars. Now everyone can experience the German capital like a true Berliner. The tastiest cuisine, the hippest, most intriguing stores, and the sleekest accommodations-they're all listed here. A pocket-sized street map of Berlin helps you find all the hotels, restaurants, and shops described in the book. Highlights include hip nightspot Green Door, where one rings the doorbell to gain entrance; the silent movie star lifestyle at the Pension Funk; the Hotel de Rome in a converted 19th century bank; how to reserve your cabin at the Eastern Comfort Hostelboat on the River Spree; oriental delight at Edd's, the best Thai restaurant in Berlin (perhaps Germany); Barcomi's, a New York-style deli with delicious cakes and coffees; The Corner Berlin, a designer concept store to rival Paris's Colette; experimental store Bless, "publicizing artistic values through products"; and the must-see luxury department store, Quartier 206. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Berlin-based photographer Thorsten Klapsch has published his works in various magazines, among them Wallpaper*, DIE ZEIT, and Qvest. He has collaborated on different book projects and works for architects, designers and advertising campaigns. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen Angelika TASCHEN's Berlin. Hotels, Restaurants & Shops
Angelika Taschen has produced an insider's guide to the best of Berlin, with recommended hotels, shops, restaurants, cafes, and bars. Now everyone can experience the German capital like a true Berliner. The tastiest cuisine, the hippest, most intriguing stores, and the sleekest accommodations-they're all listed here. A pocket-sized street map of Berlin helps you find all the hotels, restaurants, and shops described in the book. Highlights include hip nightspot Green Door, where one rings the doorbell to gain entrance; the silent movie star lifestyle at the Pension Funk; the Hotel de Rome in a converted 19th century bank; how to reserve your cabin at the Eastern Comfort Hostelboat on the River Spree; oriental delight at Edd's, the best Thai restaurant in Berlin (perhaps Germany); Barcomi's, a New York-style deli with delicious cakes and coffees; The Corner Berlin, a designer concept store to rival Paris's Colette; experimental store Bless, "publicizing artistic values through products"; and the must-see luxury department store, Quartier 206. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Berlin-based photographer Thorsten Klapsch has published his works in various magazines, among them Wallpaper*, DIE ZEIT, and Qvest. He has collaborated on different book projects and works for architects, designers and advertising campaigns. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen Angelika TASCHEN's Berlin. Hotels, Restaurants & Shops
Angelika Taschen has produced an insider's guide to the best of Berlin, with recommended hotels, shops, restaurants, cafes, and bars. Now everyone can experience the German capital like a true Berliner. The tastiest cuisine, the hippest, most intriguing stores, and the sleekest accommodations-they're all listed here. A pocket-sized street map of Berlin helps you find all the hotels, restaurants, and shops described in the book. Highlights include hip nightspot Green Door, where one rings the doorbell to gain entrance; the silent movie star lifestyle at the Pension Funk; the Hotel de Rome in a converted 19th century bank; how to reserve your cabin at the Eastern Comfort Hostelboat on the River Spree; oriental delight at Edd's, the best Thai restaurant in Berlin (perhaps Germany); Barcomi's, a New York-style deli with delicious cakes and coffees; The Corner Berlin, a designer concept store to rival Paris's Colette; experimental store Bless, "publicizing artistic values through products"; and the must-see luxury department store, Quartier 206. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Berlin-based photographer Thorsten Klapsch has published his works in various magazines, among them Wallpaper*, DIE ZEIT, and Qvest. He has collaborated on different book projects and works for architects, designers and advertising campaigns. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen Angelika TASCHEN's Berlin. Hotels, Restaurants & Shops
Angelika Taschen has produced an insider's guide to the best of Berlin, with recommended hotels, shops, restaurants, cafes, and bars. Now everyone can experience the German capital like a true Berliner. The tastiest cuisine, the hippest, most intriguing stores, and the sleekest accommodations-they're all listed here. A pocket-sized street map of Berlin helps you find all the hotels, restaurants, and shops described in the book. Highlights include hip nightspot Green Door, where one rings the doorbell to gain entrance; the silent movie star lifestyle at the Pension Funk; the Hotel de Rome in a converted 19th century bank; how to reserve your cabin at the Eastern Comfort Hostelboat on the River Spree; oriental delight at Edd's, the best Thai restaurant in Berlin (perhaps Germany); Barcomi's, a New York-style deli with delicious cakes and coffees; The Corner Berlin, a designer concept store to rival Paris's Colette; experimental store Bless, "publicizing artistic values through products"; and the must-see luxury department store, Quartier 206. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Berlin-based photographer Thorsten Klapsch has published his works in various magazines, among them Wallpaper*, DIE ZEIT, and Qvest. He has collaborated on different book projects and works for architects, designers and advertising campaigns. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen Angelika TASCHEN's Berlin. Hotels, Restaurants & Shops
Angelika Taschen has produced an insider's guide to the best of Berlin, with recommended hotels, shops, restaurants, cafes, and bars. Now everyone can experience the German capital like a true Berliner. The tastiest cuisine, the hippest, most intriguing stores, and the sleekest accommodations-they're all listed here. A pocket-sized street map of Berlin helps you find all the hotels, restaurants, and shops described in the book. Highlights include hip nightspot Green Door, where one rings the doorbell to gain entrance; the silent movie star lifestyle at the Pension Funk; the Hotel de Rome in a converted 19th century bank; how to reserve your cabin at the Eastern Comfort Hostelboat on the River Spree; oriental delight at Edd's, the best Thai restaurant in Berlin (perhaps Germany); Barcomi's, a New York-style deli with delicious cakes and coffees; The Corner Berlin, a designer concept store to rival Paris's Colette; experimental store Bless, "publicizing artistic values through products"; and the must-see luxury department store, Quartier 206. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Berlin-based photographer Thorsten Klapsch has published his works in various magazines, among them Wallpaper*, DIE ZEIT, and Qvest. He has collaborated on different book projects and works for architects, designers and advertising campaigns. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen Angelika TASCHEN's Berlin. Hotels, Restaurants & Shops
Angelika Taschen has produced an insider's guide to the best of Berlin, with recommended hotels, shops, restaurants, cafes, and bars. Now everyone can experience the German capital like a true Berliner. The tastiest cuisine, the hippest, most intriguing stores, and the sleekest accommodations-they're all listed here. A pocket-sized street map of Berlin helps you find all the hotels, restaurants, and shops described in the book. Highlights include hip nightspot Green Door, where one rings the doorbell to gain entrance; the silent movie star lifestyle at the Pension Funk; the Hotel de Rome in a converted 19th century bank; how to reserve your cabin at the Eastern Comfort Hostelboat on the River Spree; oriental delight at Edd's, the best Thai restaurant in Berlin (perhaps Germany); Barcomi's, a New York-style deli with delicious cakes and coffees; The Corner Berlin, a designer concept store to rival Paris's Colette; experimental store Bless, "publicizing artistic values through products"; and the must-see luxury department store, Quartier 206. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Berlin-based photographer Thorsten Klapsch has published his works in various magazines, among them Wallpaper*, DIE ZEIT, and Qvest. He has collaborated on different book projects and works for architects, designers and advertising campaigns. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen Angelika TASCHEN's Berlin. Hotels, Restaurants & Shops
Angelika Taschen has produced an insider's guide to the best of Berlin, with recommended hotels, shops, restaurants, cafes, and bars. Now everyone can experience the German capital like a true Berliner. The tastiest cuisine, the hippest, most intriguing stores, and the sleekest accommodations-they're all listed here. A pocket-sized street map of Berlin helps you find all the hotels, restaurants, and shops described in the book. Highlights include hip nightspot Green Door, where one rings the doorbell to gain entrance; the silent movie star lifestyle at the Pension Funk; the Hotel de Rome in a converted 19th century bank; how to reserve your cabin at the Eastern Comfort Hostelboat on the River Spree; oriental delight at Edd's, the best Thai restaurant in Berlin (perhaps Germany); Barcomi's, a New York-style deli with delicious cakes and coffees; The Corner Berlin, a designer concept store to rival Paris's Colette; experimental store Bless, "publicizing artistic values through products"; and the must-see luxury department store, Quartier 206. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Berlin-based photographer Thorsten Klapsch has published his works in various magazines, among them Wallpaper*, DIE ZEIT, and Qvest. He has collaborated on different book projects and works for architects, designers and advertising campaigns. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture Now! Museums
Star architects from Zaha Hadid to Herzog & de Meuron have shaken up the formerly staid world of museum architecture, bringing bravura to new buildings and extensions. But the trend for new museums to opt for bold contemporary architecture goes well beyond the stunning work of Renzo Piano or Tadao Ando. Many less well-known architects have also designed remarkable places to exhibit art and artifacts. Some have provoked controversy, like Mexican architect Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon's University Museum of Contemporary Art on the sprawling UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) campus. Others have been warmly welcomed, like the sweeping, light-filled Art Gallery of Ontario Extension by Toronto-born Frank O. Gehry, his first commission in his native city. Others point out new horizons for reclaiming brownfield sites and reviving derelict industrial structures: Nicholas Grimshaw's conversion of a disused 1960s blast furnace into Horno 3, a welcoming extra gallery space for the Mexican city of Monterrey's Museum of Steel is a case in point. In Cartagena, Spain, Rafael Moneo's decade-long work on the Museum of the Roman Theater culminated in a structure that engages visitors in an archaeological manner, taking them on a tour of history as well as the site itself. Here then are more than 50 projects by the major talents pushing the limits of contemporary museum design, from established masters to the latest generation of brilliant architects. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture Now! Museums
Star architects from Zaha Hadid to Herzog & de Meuron have shaken up the formerly staid world of museum architecture, bringing bravura to new buildings and extensions. But the trend for new museums to opt for bold contemporary architecture goes well beyond the stunning work of Renzo Piano or Tadao Ando. Many less well-known architects have also designed remarkable places to exhibit art and artifacts. Some have provoked controversy, like Mexican architect Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon's University Museum of Contemporary Art on the sprawling UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) campus. Others have been warmly welcomed, like the sweeping, light-filled Art Gallery of Ontario Extension by Toronto-born Frank O. Gehry, his first commission in his native city. Others point out new horizons for reclaiming brownfield sites and reviving derelict industrial structures: Nicholas Grimshaw's conversion of a disused 1960s blast furnace into Horno 3, a welcoming extra gallery space for the Mexican city of Monterrey's Museum of Steel is a case in point. In Cartagena, Spain, Rafael Moneo's decade-long work on the Museum of the Roman Theater culminated in a structure that engages visitors in an archaeological manner, taking them on a tour of history as well as the site itself. Here then are more than 50 projects by the major talents pushing the limits of contemporary museum design, from established masters to the latest generation of brilliant architects. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture Now! Museums
Star architects from Zaha Hadid to Herzog & de Meuron have shaken up the formerly staid world of museum architecture, bringing bravura to new buildings and extensions. But the trend for new museums to opt for bold contemporary architecture goes well beyond the stunning work of Renzo Piano or Tadao Ando. Many less well-known architects have also designed remarkable places to exhibit art and artifacts. Some have provoked controversy, like Mexican architect Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon's University Museum of Contemporary Art on the sprawling UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) campus. Others have been warmly welcomed, like the sweeping, light-filled Art Gallery of Ontario Extension by Toronto-born Frank O. Gehry, his first commission in his native city. Others point out new horizons for reclaiming brownfield sites and reviving derelict industrial structures: Nicholas Grimshaw's conversion of a disused 1960s blast furnace into Horno 3, a welcoming extra gallery space for the Mexican city of Monterrey's Museum of Steel is a case in point. In Cartagena, Spain, Rafael Moneo's decade-long work on the Museum of the Roman Theater culminated in a structure that engages visitors in an archaeological manner, taking them on a tour of history as well as the site itself. Here then are more than 50 projects by the major talents pushing the limits of contemporary museum design, from established masters to the latest generation of brilliant architects. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture Now! Museums
Star architects from Zaha Hadid to Herzog & de Meuron have shaken up the formerly staid world of museum architecture, bringing bravura to new buildings and extensions. But the trend for new museums to opt for bold contemporary architecture goes well beyond the stunning work of Renzo Piano or Tadao Ando. Many less well-known architects have also designed remarkable places to exhibit art and artifacts. Some have provoked controversy, like Mexican architect Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon's University Museum of Contemporary Art on the sprawling UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) campus. Others have been warmly welcomed, like the sweeping, light-filled Art Gallery of Ontario Extension by Toronto-born Frank O. Gehry, his first commission in his native city. Others point out new horizons for reclaiming brownfield sites and reviving derelict industrial structures: Nicholas Grimshaw's conversion of a disused 1960s blast furnace into Horno 3, a welcoming extra gallery space for the Mexican city of Monterrey's Museum of Steel is a case in point. In Cartagena, Spain, Rafael Moneo's decade-long work on the Museum of the Roman Theater culminated in a structure that engages visitors in an archaeological manner, taking them on a tour of history as well as the site itself. Here then are more than 50 projects by the major talents pushing the limits of contemporary museum design, from established masters to the latest generation of brilliant architects. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture Now! Museums
Star architects from Zaha Hadid to Herzog & de Meuron have shaken up the formerly staid world of museum architecture, bringing bravura to new buildings and extensions. But the trend for new museums to opt for bold contemporary architecture goes well beyond the stunning work of Renzo Piano or Tadao Ando. Many less well-known architects have also designed remarkable places to exhibit art and artifacts. Some have provoked controversy, like Mexican architect Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon's University Museum of Contemporary Art on the sprawling UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) campus. Others have been warmly welcomed, like the sweeping, light-filled Art Gallery of Ontario Extension by Toronto-born Frank O. Gehry, his first commission in his native city. Others point out new horizons for reclaiming brownfield sites and reviving derelict industrial structures: Nicholas Grimshaw's conversion of a disused 1960s blast furnace into Horno 3, a welcoming extra gallery space for the Mexican city of Monterrey's Museum of Steel is a case in point. In Cartagena, Spain, Rafael Moneo's decade-long work on the Museum of the Roman Theater culminated in a structure that engages visitors in an archaeological manner, taking them on a tour of history as well as the site itself. Here then are more than 50 projects by the major talents pushing the limits of contemporary museum design, from established masters to the latest generation of brilliant architects. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture Now! Museums
Star architects from Zaha Hadid to Herzog & de Meuron have shaken up the formerly staid world of museum architecture, bringing bravura to new buildings and extensions. But the trend for new museums to opt for bold contemporary architecture goes well beyond the stunning work of Renzo Piano or Tadao Ando. Many less well-known architects have also designed remarkable places to exhibit art and artifacts. Some have provoked controversy, like Mexican architect Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon's University Museum of Contemporary Art on the sprawling UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) campus. Others have been warmly welcomed, like the sweeping, light-filled Art Gallery of Ontario Extension by Toronto-born Frank O. Gehry, his first commission in his native city. Others point out new horizons for reclaiming brownfield sites and reviving derelict industrial structures: Nicholas Grimshaw's conversion of a disused 1960s blast furnace into Horno 3, a welcoming extra gallery space for the Mexican city of Monterrey's Museum of Steel is a case in point. In Cartagena, Spain, Rafael Moneo's decade-long work on the Museum of the Roman Theater culminated in a structure that engages visitors in an archaeological manner, taking them on a tour of history as well as the site itself. Here then are more than 50 projects by the major talents pushing the limits of contemporary museum design, from established masters to the latest generation of brilliant architects. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture Now! Museums
Star architects from Zaha Hadid to Herzog & de Meuron have shaken up the formerly staid world of museum architecture, bringing bravura to new buildings and extensions. But the trend for new museums to opt for bold contemporary architecture goes well beyond the stunning work of Renzo Piano or Tadao Ando. Many less well-known architects have also designed remarkable places to exhibit art and artifacts. Some have provoked controversy, like Mexican architect Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon's University Museum of Contemporary Art on the sprawling UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) campus. Others have been warmly welcomed, like the sweeping, light-filled Art Gallery of Ontario Extension by Toronto-born Frank O. Gehry, his first commission in his native city. Others point out new horizons for reclaiming brownfield sites and reviving derelict industrial structures: Nicholas Grimshaw's conversion of a disused 1960s blast furnace into Horno 3, a welcoming extra gallery space for the Mexican city of Monterrey's Museum of Steel is a case in point. In Cartagena, Spain, Rafael Moneo's decade-long work on the Museum of the Roman Theater culminated in a structure that engages visitors in an archaeological manner, taking them on a tour of history as well as the site itself. Here then are more than 50 projects by the major talents pushing the limits of contemporary museum design, from established masters to the latest generation of brilliant architects. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Interiors Now! 1
International Showdown Breathtaking interiors and decor from Amsterdam to Xi An The first volume of Angelika Taschen's new series on contemporary interiors features the world's most amazing, exquisite, and interesting apartments and houses - from Antwerp to Zurich, via Chiang Mai, Copenhagen, Mumbai, Moscow, Tokyo, and Shanghai. With an inspirational richness and diversity of styles, here are homes, residences, hideaways, and studios to astound and astonish, no matter what your taste. Whatever your preference - flea market romance or space age bachelor pad, minimalism or neo-baroque - you'll find hundreds of fresh and provocative ideas. Highlights include French Vogue creative director and tastemaker Fabien Baron's minimal Swedish countryhouse by John Pawson; a penthouse miniature of Mies van der Rohe's Nationalgalerie atop a war bunker in Berlin, owned by art collector Christian Boros; the Chiang Mai retreat of Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija; Roberto Cavalli's Milanese apartment, a perfect reflection of his flamboyant personality; and a fantasy home created by a Dutch stylist and photographer in Shanghai. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Interiors Now! 1
International Showdown Breathtaking interiors and decor from Amsterdam to Xi An The first volume of Angelika Taschen's new series on contemporary interiors features the world's most amazing, exquisite, and interesting apartments and houses - from Antwerp to Zurich, via Chiang Mai, Copenhagen, Mumbai, Moscow, Tokyo, and Shanghai. With an inspirational richness and diversity of styles, here are homes, residences, hideaways, and studios to astound and astonish, no matter what your taste. Whatever your preference - flea market romance or space age bachelor pad, minimalism or neo-baroque - you'll find hundreds of fresh and provocative ideas. Highlights include French Vogue creative director and tastemaker Fabien Baron's minimal Swedish countryhouse by John Pawson; a penthouse miniature of Mies van der Rohe's Nationalgalerie atop a war bunker in Berlin, owned by art collector Christian Boros; the Chiang Mai retreat of Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija; Roberto Cavalli's Milanese apartment, a perfect reflection of his flamboyant personality; and a fantasy home created by a Dutch stylist and photographer in Shanghai. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Interiors Now! 1
International Showdown Breathtaking interiors and decor from Amsterdam to Xi An The first volume of Angelika Taschen's new series on contemporary interiors features the world's most amazing, exquisite, and interesting apartments and houses - from Antwerp to Zurich, via Chiang Mai, Copenhagen, Mumbai, Moscow, Tokyo, and Shanghai. With an inspirational richness and diversity of styles, here are homes, residences, hideaways, and studios to astound and astonish, no matter what your taste. Whatever your preference - flea market romance or space age bachelor pad, minimalism or neo-baroque - you'll find hundreds of fresh and provocative ideas. Highlights include French Vogue creative director and tastemaker Fabien Baron's minimal Swedish countryhouse by John Pawson; a penthouse miniature of Mies van der Rohe's Nationalgalerie atop a war bunker in Berlin, owned by art collector Christian Boros; the Chiang Mai retreat of Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija; Roberto Cavalli's Milanese apartment, a perfect reflection of his flamboyant personality; and a fantasy home created by a Dutch stylist and photographer in Shanghai. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Interiors Now! 1
International Showdown Breathtaking interiors and decor from Amsterdam to Xi An The first volume of Angelika Taschen's new series on contemporary interiors features the world's most amazing, exquisite, and interesting apartments and houses - from Antwerp to Zurich, via Chiang Mai, Copenhagen, Mumbai, Moscow, Tokyo, and Shanghai. With an inspirational richness and diversity of styles, here are homes, residences, hideaways, and studios to astound and astonish, no matter what your taste. Whatever your preference - flea market romance or space age bachelor pad, minimalism or neo-baroque - you'll find hundreds of fresh and provocative ideas. Highlights include French Vogue creative director and tastemaker Fabien Baron's minimal Swedish countryhouse by John Pawson; a penthouse miniature of Mies van der Rohe's Nationalgalerie atop a war bunker in Berlin, owned by art collector Christian Boros; the Chiang Mai retreat of Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija; Roberto Cavalli's Milanese apartment, a perfect reflection of his flamboyant personality; and a fantasy home created by a Dutch stylist and photographer in Shanghai. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Interiors Now! 1
International Showdown Breathtaking interiors and decor from Amsterdam to Xi An The first volume of Angelika Taschen's new series on contemporary interiors features the world's most amazing, exquisite, and interesting apartments and houses - from Antwerp to Zurich, via Chiang Mai, Copenhagen, Mumbai, Moscow, Tokyo, and Shanghai. With an inspirational richness and diversity of styles, here are homes, residences, hideaways, and studios to astound and astonish, no matter what your taste. Whatever your preference - flea market romance or space age bachelor pad, minimalism or neo-baroque - you'll find hundreds of fresh and provocative ideas. Highlights include French Vogue creative director and tastemaker Fabien Baron's minimal Swedish countryhouse by John Pawson; a penthouse miniature of Mies van der Rohe's Nationalgalerie atop a war bunker in Berlin, owned by art collector Christian Boros; the Chiang Mai retreat of Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija; Roberto Cavalli's Milanese apartment, a perfect reflection of his flamboyant personality; and a fantasy home created by a Dutch stylist and photographer in Shanghai. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Interiors Now! 1
International Showdown Breathtaking interiors and decor from Amsterdam to Xi An The first volume of Angelika Taschen's new series on contemporary interiors features the world's most amazing, exquisite, and interesting apartments and houses - from Antwerp to Zurich, via Chiang Mai, Copenhagen, Mumbai, Moscow, Tokyo, and Shanghai. With an inspirational richness and diversity of styles, here are homes, residences, hideaways, and studios to astound and astonish, no matter what your taste. Whatever your preference - flea market romance or space age bachelor pad, minimalism or neo-baroque - you'll find hundreds of fresh and provocative ideas. Highlights include French Vogue creative director and tastemaker Fabien Baron's minimal Swedish countryhouse by John Pawson; a penthouse miniature of Mies van der Rohe's Nationalgalerie atop a war bunker in Berlin, owned by art collector Christian Boros; the Chiang Mai retreat of Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija; Roberto Cavalli's Milanese apartment, a perfect reflection of his flamboyant personality; and a fantasy home created by a Dutch stylist and photographer in Shanghai. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
Interiors Now! 1
International Showdown Breathtaking interiors and decor from Amsterdam to Xi An The first volume of Angelika Taschen's new series on contemporary interiors features the world's most amazing, exquisite, and interesting apartments and houses - from Antwerp to Zurich, via Chiang Mai, Copenhagen, Mumbai, Moscow, Tokyo, and Shanghai. With an inspirational richness and diversity of styles, here are homes, residences, hideaways, and studios to astound and astonish, no matter what your taste. Whatever your preference - flea market romance or space age bachelor pad, minimalism or neo-baroque - you'll find hundreds of fresh and provocative ideas. Highlights include French Vogue creative director and tastemaker Fabien Baron's minimal Swedish countryhouse by John Pawson; a penthouse miniature of Mies van der Rohe's Nationalgalerie atop a war bunker in Berlin, owned by art collector Christian Boros; the Chiang Mai retreat of Thai artist Rirkrit Tiravanija; Roberto Cavalli's Milanese apartment, a perfect reflection of his flamboyant personality; and a fantasy home created by a Dutch stylist and photographer in Shanghai. About the editor and author: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle.
D&AD09 The best advertising and design in the world
The professional's annual - finally available to the public TASCHEN has teamed with D&AD to make its previously exclusive and highly-coveted Annual - featuring the year's best creative work - available to the public. The awards panel judges over 20,000 works from design studios, advertising agencies, branding consultancies, film production and photographic agencies, digital media pioneers, and other creative firms from all over the globe. Winners receive the legendary D&AD Yellow Pencil Award - or in the case of exceptional and outstanding work, the rare Black Pencil Award. The TASCHEN D&AD Annual is an absolute must-have reference work for anyone interested in creativity, communication, design, or advertising. Featuring the latest D&AD award-winning work in the fields of: Ambient, Art Direction, Book Design, Branding, Broadcast Innovations, Digital Installations, Direct, Environmental Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Magazine & Newspaper Design, Mobile Marketing, Music Videos, Online Advertising, Packaging Design, Photography, Poster Advertising, Press Advertising, Product Design, Radio, TV & Cinema Advertising, TV & Cinema Crafts, Viral, Websites, Writing for Advertising, and Writing for Design.
D&AD09 The best advertising and design in the world
The professional's annual - finally available to the public TASCHEN has teamed with D&AD to make its previously exclusive and highly-coveted Annual - featuring the year's best creative work - available to the public. The awards panel judges over 20,000 works from design studios, advertising agencies, branding consultancies, film production and photographic agencies, digital media pioneers, and other creative firms from all over the globe. Winners receive the legendary D&AD Yellow Pencil Award - or in the case of exceptional and outstanding work, the rare Black Pencil Award. The TASCHEN D&AD Annual is an absolute must-have reference work for anyone interested in creativity, communication, design, or advertising. Featuring the latest D&AD award-winning work in the fields of: Ambient, Art Direction, Book Design, Branding, Broadcast Innovations, Digital Installations, Direct, Environmental Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Magazine & Newspaper Design, Mobile Marketing, Music Videos, Online Advertising, Packaging Design, Photography, Poster Advertising, Press Advertising, Product Design, Radio, TV & Cinema Advertising, TV & Cinema Crafts, Viral, Websites, Writing for Advertising, and Writing for Design.
D&AD09 The best advertising and design in the world
The professional's annual - finally available to the public TASCHEN has teamed with D&AD to make its previously exclusive and highly-coveted Annual - featuring the year's best creative work - available to the public. The awards panel judges over 20,000 works from design studios, advertising agencies, branding consultancies, film production and photographic agencies, digital media pioneers, and other creative firms from all over the globe. Winners receive the legendary D&AD Yellow Pencil Award - or in the case of exceptional and outstanding work, the rare Black Pencil Award. The TASCHEN D&AD Annual is an absolute must-have reference work for anyone interested in creativity, communication, design, or advertising. Featuring the latest D&AD award-winning work in the fields of: Ambient, Art Direction, Book Design, Branding, Broadcast Innovations, Digital Installations, Direct, Environmental Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Magazine & Newspaper Design, Mobile Marketing, Music Videos, Online Advertising, Packaging Design, Photography, Poster Advertising, Press Advertising, Product Design, Radio, TV & Cinema Advertising, TV & Cinema Crafts, Viral, Websites, Writing for Advertising, and Writing for Design.
D&AD09 The best advertising and design in the world
The professional's annual - finally available to the public TASCHEN has teamed with D&AD to make its previously exclusive and highly-coveted Annual - featuring the year's best creative work - available to the public. The awards panel judges over 20,000 works from design studios, advertising agencies, branding consultancies, film production and photographic agencies, digital media pioneers, and other creative firms from all over the globe. Winners receive the legendary D&AD Yellow Pencil Award - or in the case of exceptional and outstanding work, the rare Black Pencil Award. The TASCHEN D&AD Annual is an absolute must-have reference work for anyone interested in creativity, communication, design, or advertising. Featuring the latest D&AD award-winning work in the fields of: Ambient, Art Direction, Book Design, Branding, Broadcast Innovations, Digital Installations, Direct, Environmental Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Magazine & Newspaper Design, Mobile Marketing, Music Videos, Online Advertising, Packaging Design, Photography, Poster Advertising, Press Advertising, Product Design, Radio, TV & Cinema Advertising, TV & Cinema Crafts, Viral, Websites, Writing for Advertising, and Writing for Design.
D&AD09 The best advertising and design in the world
The professional's annual - finally available to the public TASCHEN has teamed with D&AD to make its previously exclusive and highly-coveted Annual - featuring the year's best creative work - available to the public. The awards panel judges over 20,000 works from design studios, advertising agencies, branding consultancies, film production and photographic agencies, digital media pioneers, and other creative firms from all over the globe. Winners receive the legendary D&AD Yellow Pencil Award - or in the case of exceptional and outstanding work, the rare Black Pencil Award. The TASCHEN D&AD Annual is an absolute must-have reference work for anyone interested in creativity, communication, design, or advertising. Featuring the latest D&AD award-winning work in the fields of: Ambient, Art Direction, Book Design, Branding, Broadcast Innovations, Digital Installations, Direct, Environmental Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Magazine & Newspaper Design, Mobile Marketing, Music Videos, Online Advertising, Packaging Design, Photography, Poster Advertising, Press Advertising, Product Design, Radio, TV & Cinema Advertising, TV & Cinema Crafts, Viral, Websites, Writing for Advertising, and Writing for Design.
D&AD09 The best advertising and design in the world
The professional's annual - finally available to the public TASCHEN has teamed with D&AD to make its previously exclusive and highly-coveted Annual - featuring the year's best creative work - available to the public. The awards panel judges over 20,000 works from design studios, advertising agencies, branding consultancies, film production and photographic agencies, digital media pioneers, and other creative firms from all over the globe. Winners receive the legendary D&AD Yellow Pencil Award - or in the case of exceptional and outstanding work, the rare Black Pencil Award. The TASCHEN D&AD Annual is an absolute must-have reference work for anyone interested in creativity, communication, design, or advertising. Featuring the latest D&AD award-winning work in the fields of: Ambient, Art Direction, Book Design, Branding, Broadcast Innovations, Digital Installations, Direct, Environmental Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Magazine & Newspaper Design, Mobile Marketing, Music Videos, Online Advertising, Packaging Design, Photography, Poster Advertising, Press Advertising, Product Design, Radio, TV & Cinema Advertising, TV & Cinema Crafts, Viral, Websites, Writing for Advertising, and Writing for Design.
D&AD09 The best advertising and design in the world
The professional's annual - finally available to the public TASCHEN has teamed with D&AD to make its previously exclusive and highly-coveted Annual - featuring the year's best creative work - available to the public. The awards panel judges over 20,000 works from design studios, advertising agencies, branding consultancies, film production and photographic agencies, digital media pioneers, and other creative firms from all over the globe. Winners receive the legendary D&AD Yellow Pencil Award - or in the case of exceptional and outstanding work, the rare Black Pencil Award. The TASCHEN D&AD Annual is an absolute must-have reference work for anyone interested in creativity, communication, design, or advertising. Featuring the latest D&AD award-winning work in the fields of: Ambient, Art Direction, Book Design, Branding, Broadcast Innovations, Digital Installations, Direct, Environmental Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Magazine & Newspaper Design, Mobile Marketing, Music Videos, Online Advertising, Packaging Design, Photography, Poster Advertising, Press Advertising, Product Design, Radio, TV & Cinema Advertising, TV & Cinema Crafts, Viral, Websites, Writing for Advertising, and Writing for Design.
Purvis Alston W., Tholenaar Jan Type. A visual history of Tapefaces and Grafic styles 1901-1938 Volume 2
В книгу включены работы William Caslon, Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke, Peter Behrens, Rudolf Koch, Eric Gill, Jan van Krimpen, Paul Renner, Jan Tschichold, A. M. Cassandre, Aldo Novarese и Adrian Frutiger.
Purvis Alston W., Tholenaar Jan Type. A visual history of Tapefaces and Grafic styles 1901-1938 Volume 2
В книгу включены работы William Caslon, Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke, Peter Behrens, Rudolf Koch, Eric Gill, Jan van Krimpen, Paul Renner, Jan Tschichold, A. M. Cassandre, Aldo Novarese и Adrian Frutiger.
Purvis Alston W., Tholenaar Jan Type. A visual history of Tapefaces and Grafic styles 1901-1938 Volume 2
В книгу включены работы William Caslon, Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke, Peter Behrens, Rudolf Koch, Eric Gill, Jan van Krimpen, Paul Renner, Jan Tschichold, A. M. Cassandre, Aldo Novarese и Adrian Frutiger.
Purvis Alston W., Tholenaar Jan Type. A visual history of Tapefaces and Grafic styles 1901-1938 Volume 2
В книгу включены работы William Caslon, Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke, Peter Behrens, Rudolf Koch, Eric Gill, Jan van Krimpen, Paul Renner, Jan Tschichold, A. M. Cassandre, Aldo Novarese и Adrian Frutiger.
Purvis Alston W., Tholenaar Jan Type. A visual history of Tapefaces and Grafic styles 1901-1938 Volume 2
В книгу включены работы William Caslon, Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke, Peter Behrens, Rudolf Koch, Eric Gill, Jan van Krimpen, Paul Renner, Jan Tschichold, A. M. Cassandre, Aldo Novarese и Adrian Frutiger.
Purvis Alston W., Tholenaar Jan Type. A visual history of Tapefaces and Grafic styles 1901-1938 Volume 2
В книгу включены работы William Caslon, Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke, Peter Behrens, Rudolf Koch, Eric Gill, Jan van Krimpen, Paul Renner, Jan Tschichold, A. M. Cassandre, Aldo Novarese и Adrian Frutiger.
Purvis Alston W., Tholenaar Jan Type. A visual history of Tapefaces and Grafic styles 1901-1938 Volume 2
В книгу включены работы William Caslon, Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke, Peter Behrens, Rudolf Koch, Eric Gill, Jan van Krimpen, Paul Renner, Jan Tschichold, A. M. Cassandre, Aldo Novarese и Adrian Frutiger.
Purvis Alston W., Tholenaar Jan Type. A visual history of Tapefaces and Grafic styles 1901-1938 Volume 2
В книгу включены работы William Caslon, Fritz Helmuth Ehmcke, Peter Behrens, Rudolf Koch, Eric Gill, Jan van Krimpen, Paul Renner, Jan Tschichold, A. M. Cassandre, Aldo Novarese и Adrian Frutiger.
Birshall Heather Pre-Raphaelites
"Genuine ideas to express" Sometimes considered the first avant-garde art movement, the Pre-Raphaelites rejected their era's dominant artistic theories for what they saw as a more spiritual, naturalistic and intensely personal approach. Fascinated by the romantic aspects of medieval culture and the vivid, jewel-like colors of Quattrocento art, the movement abhored the Classical poses and composition of Raphael and those influenced by him-hence the group's name-and the influence of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Founded in 1848 by William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the original Pre-Raphaelites were joined by William Michael Rossetti, James Collinson, Frederic George Stephens and Thomas Woolner to form a seven-member "brotherhood". Its influence on many later British artists was extensive, and Rossetti's work is now seen as a precursor of the wider European Symbolist movement. This book examines the group's emergence, development, influence, and subsequent demise.
Birshall Heather Pre-Raphaelites
"Genuine ideas to express" Sometimes considered the first avant-garde art movement, the Pre-Raphaelites rejected their era's dominant artistic theories for what they saw as a more spiritual, naturalistic and intensely personal approach. Fascinated by the romantic aspects of medieval culture and the vivid, jewel-like colors of Quattrocento art, the movement abhored the Classical poses and composition of Raphael and those influenced by him-hence the group's name-and the influence of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Founded in 1848 by William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the original Pre-Raphaelites were joined by William Michael Rossetti, James Collinson, Frederic George Stephens and Thomas Woolner to form a seven-member "brotherhood". Its influence on many later British artists was extensive, and Rossetti's work is now seen as a precursor of the wider European Symbolist movement. This book examines the group's emergence, development, influence, and subsequent demise.
Birshall Heather Pre-Raphaelites
"Genuine ideas to express" Sometimes considered the first avant-garde art movement, the Pre-Raphaelites rejected their era's dominant artistic theories for what they saw as a more spiritual, naturalistic and intensely personal approach. Fascinated by the romantic aspects of medieval culture and the vivid, jewel-like colors of Quattrocento art, the movement abhored the Classical poses and composition of Raphael and those influenced by him-hence the group's name-and the influence of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Founded in 1848 by William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the original Pre-Raphaelites were joined by William Michael Rossetti, James Collinson, Frederic George Stephens and Thomas Woolner to form a seven-member "brotherhood". Its influence on many later British artists was extensive, and Rossetti's work is now seen as a precursor of the wider European Symbolist movement. This book examines the group's emergence, development, influence, and subsequent demise.
Margolies John Roadside America
The native genius of America's mid-era automobile culture Before the advent of corporate communications and architectural uniformity, America's built environment was a free-form landscape of individual expression. Signs, artifacts, and even buildings ranged from playful to eccentric, from deliciously cartoonish to quasipsychedelic. Photographer John Margolies spent over three decades and drove more than 100,000 miles documenting these fascinating and endearingly artisanal examples of roadside advertising and fantasy structures, a fast-fading aspect of Americana. This book brings together approximately 400 color photographs of Main Street signs, movie theaters, gas stations, fast food restaurants, motels, roadside attractions, miniature golf courses, dinosaurs, giant figures and animals, and fantasy coastal resorts. In an age when online shopping and mega-malls have reconfigured American consumerism, stripping away idiosyncracy in favor of a bland homogeneity, Margolies's elegiac 30-year survey reminds us of a more innocent unpredictable and colorful past. About the photographer: John Margolies is an author, photographer, and lecturer on American architecture and design. For 30 years he has explored America's highways in search of unique architecture. Author of a dozen books, his photographs and articles have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Domus and Architectural Record. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. About the contributing author: C. Ford Peatross is director of the Center for Architecture, Design and Engineering in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. He is the author of Eero Saarinen: Buildings from the Balthazar Korab Archive (2008). Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Margolies John Roadside America
The native genius of America's mid-era automobile culture Before the advent of corporate communications and architectural uniformity, America's built environment was a free-form landscape of individual expression. Signs, artifacts, and even buildings ranged from playful to eccentric, from deliciously cartoonish to quasipsychedelic. Photographer John Margolies spent over three decades and drove more than 100,000 miles documenting these fascinating and endearingly artisanal examples of roadside advertising and fantasy structures, a fast-fading aspect of Americana. This book brings together approximately 400 color photographs of Main Street signs, movie theaters, gas stations, fast food restaurants, motels, roadside attractions, miniature golf courses, dinosaurs, giant figures and animals, and fantasy coastal resorts. In an age when online shopping and mega-malls have reconfigured American consumerism, stripping away idiosyncracy in favor of a bland homogeneity, Margolies's elegiac 30-year survey reminds us of a more innocent unpredictable and colorful past. About the photographer: John Margolies is an author, photographer, and lecturer on American architecture and design. For 30 years he has explored America's highways in search of unique architecture. Author of a dozen books, his photographs and articles have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Domus and Architectural Record. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. About the contributing author: C. Ford Peatross is director of the Center for Architecture, Design and Engineering in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. He is the author of Eero Saarinen: Buildings from the Balthazar Korab Archive (2008). Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Margolies John Roadside America
The native genius of America's mid-era automobile culture Before the advent of corporate communications and architectural uniformity, America's built environment was a free-form landscape of individual expression. Signs, artifacts, and even buildings ranged from playful to eccentric, from deliciously cartoonish to quasipsychedelic. Photographer John Margolies spent over three decades and drove more than 100,000 miles documenting these fascinating and endearingly artisanal examples of roadside advertising and fantasy structures, a fast-fading aspect of Americana. This book brings together approximately 400 color photographs of Main Street signs, movie theaters, gas stations, fast food restaurants, motels, roadside attractions, miniature golf courses, dinosaurs, giant figures and animals, and fantasy coastal resorts. In an age when online shopping and mega-malls have reconfigured American consumerism, stripping away idiosyncracy in favor of a bland homogeneity, Margolies's elegiac 30-year survey reminds us of a more innocent unpredictable and colorful past. About the photographer: John Margolies is an author, photographer, and lecturer on American architecture and design. For 30 years he has explored America's highways in search of unique architecture. Author of a dozen books, his photographs and articles have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Domus and Architectural Record. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. About the contributing author: C. Ford Peatross is director of the Center for Architecture, Design and Engineering in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. He is the author of Eero Saarinen: Buildings from the Balthazar Korab Archive (2008). Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Margolies John Roadside America
The native genius of America's mid-era automobile culture Before the advent of corporate communications and architectural uniformity, America's built environment was a free-form landscape of individual expression. Signs, artifacts, and even buildings ranged from playful to eccentric, from deliciously cartoonish to quasipsychedelic. Photographer John Margolies spent over three decades and drove more than 100,000 miles documenting these fascinating and endearingly artisanal examples of roadside advertising and fantasy structures, a fast-fading aspect of Americana. This book brings together approximately 400 color photographs of Main Street signs, movie theaters, gas stations, fast food restaurants, motels, roadside attractions, miniature golf courses, dinosaurs, giant figures and animals, and fantasy coastal resorts. In an age when online shopping and mega-malls have reconfigured American consumerism, stripping away idiosyncracy in favor of a bland homogeneity, Margolies's elegiac 30-year survey reminds us of a more innocent unpredictable and colorful past. About the photographer: John Margolies is an author, photographer, and lecturer on American architecture and design. For 30 years he has explored America's highways in search of unique architecture. Author of a dozen books, his photographs and articles have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Domus and Architectural Record. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. About the contributing author: C. Ford Peatross is director of the Center for Architecture, Design and Engineering in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. He is the author of Eero Saarinen: Buildings from the Balthazar Korab Archive (2008). Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Margolies John Roadside America
The native genius of America's mid-era automobile culture Before the advent of corporate communications and architectural uniformity, America's built environment was a free-form landscape of individual expression. Signs, artifacts, and even buildings ranged from playful to eccentric, from deliciously cartoonish to quasipsychedelic. Photographer John Margolies spent over three decades and drove more than 100,000 miles documenting these fascinating and endearingly artisanal examples of roadside advertising and fantasy structures, a fast-fading aspect of Americana. This book brings together approximately 400 color photographs of Main Street signs, movie theaters, gas stations, fast food restaurants, motels, roadside attractions, miniature golf courses, dinosaurs, giant figures and animals, and fantasy coastal resorts. In an age when online shopping and mega-malls have reconfigured American consumerism, stripping away idiosyncracy in favor of a bland homogeneity, Margolies's elegiac 30-year survey reminds us of a more innocent unpredictable and colorful past. About the photographer: John Margolies is an author, photographer, and lecturer on American architecture and design. For 30 years he has explored America's highways in search of unique architecture. Author of a dozen books, his photographs and articles have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Domus and Architectural Record. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. About the contributing author: C. Ford Peatross is director of the Center for Architecture, Design and Engineering in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. He is the author of Eero Saarinen: Buildings from the Balthazar Korab Archive (2008). Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Margolies John Roadside America
The native genius of America's mid-era automobile culture Before the advent of corporate communications and architectural uniformity, America's built environment was a free-form landscape of individual expression. Signs, artifacts, and even buildings ranged from playful to eccentric, from deliciously cartoonish to quasipsychedelic. Photographer John Margolies spent over three decades and drove more than 100,000 miles documenting these fascinating and endearingly artisanal examples of roadside advertising and fantasy structures, a fast-fading aspect of Americana. This book brings together approximately 400 color photographs of Main Street signs, movie theaters, gas stations, fast food restaurants, motels, roadside attractions, miniature golf courses, dinosaurs, giant figures and animals, and fantasy coastal resorts. In an age when online shopping and mega-malls have reconfigured American consumerism, stripping away idiosyncracy in favor of a bland homogeneity, Margolies's elegiac 30-year survey reminds us of a more innocent unpredictable and colorful past. About the photographer: John Margolies is an author, photographer, and lecturer on American architecture and design. For 30 years he has explored America's highways in search of unique architecture. Author of a dozen books, his photographs and articles have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Domus and Architectural Record. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. About the contributing author: C. Ford Peatross is director of the Center for Architecture, Design and Engineering in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. He is the author of Eero Saarinen: Buildings from the Balthazar Korab Archive (2008). Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Margolies John Roadside America
The native genius of America's mid-era automobile culture Before the advent of corporate communications and architectural uniformity, America's built environment was a free-form landscape of individual expression. Signs, artifacts, and even buildings ranged from playful to eccentric, from deliciously cartoonish to quasipsychedelic. Photographer John Margolies spent over three decades and drove more than 100,000 miles documenting these fascinating and endearingly artisanal examples of roadside advertising and fantasy structures, a fast-fading aspect of Americana. This book brings together approximately 400 color photographs of Main Street signs, movie theaters, gas stations, fast food restaurants, motels, roadside attractions, miniature golf courses, dinosaurs, giant figures and animals, and fantasy coastal resorts. In an age when online shopping and mega-malls have reconfigured American consumerism, stripping away idiosyncracy in favor of a bland homogeneity, Margolies's elegiac 30-year survey reminds us of a more innocent unpredictable and colorful past. About the photographer: John Margolies is an author, photographer, and lecturer on American architecture and design. For 30 years he has explored America's highways in search of unique architecture. Author of a dozen books, his photographs and articles have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Domus and Architectural Record. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. About the contributing author: C. Ford Peatross is director of the Center for Architecture, Design and Engineering in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. He is the author of Eero Saarinen: Buildings from the Balthazar Korab Archive (2008). Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Margolies John Roadside America
The native genius of America's mid-era automobile culture Before the advent of corporate communications and architectural uniformity, America's built environment was a free-form landscape of individual expression. Signs, artifacts, and even buildings ranged from playful to eccentric, from deliciously cartoonish to quasipsychedelic. Photographer John Margolies spent over three decades and drove more than 100,000 miles documenting these fascinating and endearingly artisanal examples of roadside advertising and fantasy structures, a fast-fading aspect of Americana. This book brings together approximately 400 color photographs of Main Street signs, movie theaters, gas stations, fast food restaurants, motels, roadside attractions, miniature golf courses, dinosaurs, giant figures and animals, and fantasy coastal resorts. In an age when online shopping and mega-malls have reconfigured American consumerism, stripping away idiosyncracy in favor of a bland homogeneity, Margolies's elegiac 30-year survey reminds us of a more innocent unpredictable and colorful past. About the photographer: John Margolies is an author, photographer, and lecturer on American architecture and design. For 30 years he has explored America's highways in search of unique architecture. Author of a dozen books, his photographs and articles have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Domus and Architectural Record. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles, and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has been featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. About the contributing author: C. Ford Peatross is director of the Center for Architecture, Design and Engineering in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. He is the author of Eero Saarinen: Buildings from the Balthazar Korab Archive (2008). Литература на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Rajesh Devraj, Duncan Paul Directors - Art of Bollywood
Mother India goes to the movies Hand-painted movie posters that made Bollywood a winner Since its inception in the second decade of the 20th century, the Bombay-based Indian film industry-Bollywood-has developed a unique visual language, articulated by the vivid hand-painted movie posters that have since become highly-desirable collectors' items. While Bollywood poster artists produced a staggering number of these hand-painted images, their ephemeral work has traditionally been presented unevenly, with shoddy reprints and re-release posters. The Art of Bollywood digs deeper into the tradition, presenting the original art in its true glory-from seldom-seen posters to rare images of street publicity and cinema displays. The text provides a detailed discussion of the works of key artists, in this comprehensive overview of a previously neglected and underrated artistic genre. About the editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series. About the authors: Edo Bouman is a researcher and collector of Indian film posters and Indian film music, and runs the Amsterdam-based record label Bombay Connection, which specializes in South Asian film scores and soundtracks. Rajesh Devraj is a writer and filmmaker based in Mumbai, India. He has worked in advertising and television, and is the author of several screenplays.
Rajesh Devraj, Duncan Paul Directors - Art of Bollywood
Mother India goes to the movies Hand-painted movie posters that made Bollywood a winner Since its inception in the second decade of the 20th century, the Bombay-based Indian film industry-Bollywood-has developed a unique visual language, articulated by the vivid hand-painted movie posters that have since become highly-desirable collectors' items. While Bollywood poster artists produced a staggering number of these hand-painted images, their ephemeral work has traditionally been presented unevenly, with shoddy reprints and re-release posters. The Art of Bollywood digs deeper into the tradition, presenting the original art in its true glory-from seldom-seen posters to rare images of street publicity and cinema displays. The text provides a detailed discussion of the works of key artists, in this comprehensive overview of a previously neglected and underrated artistic genre. About the editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series. About the authors: Edo Bouman is a researcher and collector of Indian film posters and Indian film music, and runs the Amsterdam-based record label Bombay Connection, which specializes in South Asian film scores and soundtracks. Rajesh Devraj is a writer and filmmaker based in Mumbai, India. He has worked in advertising and television, and is the author of several screenplays.
Rajesh Devraj, Duncan Paul Directors - Art of Bollywood
Mother India goes to the movies Hand-painted movie posters that made Bollywood a winner Since its inception in the second decade of the 20th century, the Bombay-based Indian film industry-Bollywood-has developed a unique visual language, articulated by the vivid hand-painted movie posters that have since become highly-desirable collectors' items. While Bollywood poster artists produced a staggering number of these hand-painted images, their ephemeral work has traditionally been presented unevenly, with shoddy reprints and re-release posters. The Art of Bollywood digs deeper into the tradition, presenting the original art in its true glory-from seldom-seen posters to rare images of street publicity and cinema displays. The text provides a detailed discussion of the works of key artists, in this comprehensive overview of a previously neglected and underrated artistic genre. About the editor: Paul Duncan has edited 50 film books for TASCHEN, including the award-winning The Ingmar Bergman Archives, and authored Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in the Film Series. About the authors: Edo Bouman is a researcher and collector of Indian film posters and Indian film music, and runs the Amsterdam-based record label Bombay Connection, which specializes in South Asian film scores and soundtracks. Rajesh Devraj is a writer and filmmaker based in Mumbai, India. He has worked in advertising and television, and is the author of several screenplays.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Frank Lloyd Wright 1917-1942
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is widely considered the greatest American architect of all time; his work ushered in the modern era and remains highly influential today-half a century after his death. TASCHEN's three-volume monograph covers all his designs (numbering approximately 1100), realized and unrealized. Made in collaboration with the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives in Taliesin, Arizona, this collection leaves no stone unturned in examining and paying tribute to Wright's astonishing life and work. Whereas the first volume covers the early Chicago years, this second volume deals with the work after World War I, beginning with the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and covering Wright's quest to design affordable houses with systematic construction methods and the Usonian concept house, with the forest-sited villa Fallingwater being the dramatic climax. The years spent working in Japan were followed by personal turmoil. In late 1922, Wright divorced from first wife Catherine, and the following year married Miriam Noel. Yet barely six months later she left, initiating a bitter divorce. Shortly after, Wright met his third wife, Olgivanna. During this difficult period a second fire at Taliesin strained his already parlous finances; the bank foreclosed, leaving him without home or studio. With nowhere to practice, he started writing magazine articles, and his autobiography (published in 1932 to great acclaim). From 1917 through the Depression, up until 1942, though he designed continually, Wright saw many projects go unrealized, but nevertheless had the chance to build on new concepts and in new regions. His block building system led to idiosyncratic works like the famous Ennis house in Los Angeles, and in 1936 he completed the Herbert Jacobs house, using his new "Usonian" techniques, designed to be affordable for the middle-American family. The same year he moved to Arizona where, at the age of 71, Wright embraced his rugged new life in the desert, and with his students started building the Taliesin West complex. After receiving a gold medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects in London, he returned to see his Johnson Administration Building opened to great fanfare, nationwide publicity, and lines around the block waiting to tour inside. Despite adversity, Wright emerged from this era with reputation restored and vitality renewed-as manifested in Fallingwater and the Johnson building-while his Usonian homes began to alter the way Americans lived. About the author: Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer became Frank Lloyd Wright's apprentice at the Taliesin Fellowship in 1949. In 1957, he attended the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris, returning in 1958 to continue his apprenticeship with Wright until his death in 1959. He remains at Taliesin to this day, as director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, a vice-president of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, and author of numerous publications on Wright's life and work. About the editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He is the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Frank Lloyd Wright 1917-1942
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is widely considered the greatest American architect of all time; his work ushered in the modern era and remains highly influential today-half a century after his death. TASCHEN's three-volume monograph covers all his designs (numbering approximately 1100), realized and unrealized. Made in collaboration with the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives in Taliesin, Arizona, this collection leaves no stone unturned in examining and paying tribute to Wright's astonishing life and work. Whereas the first volume covers the early Chicago years, this second volume deals with the work after World War I, beginning with the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and covering Wright's quest to design affordable houses with systematic construction methods and the Usonian concept house, with the forest-sited villa Fallingwater being the dramatic climax. The years spent working in Japan were followed by personal turmoil. In late 1922, Wright divorced from first wife Catherine, and the following year married Miriam Noel. Yet barely six months later she left, initiating a bitter divorce. Shortly after, Wright met his third wife, Olgivanna. During this difficult period a second fire at Taliesin strained his already parlous finances; the bank foreclosed, leaving him without home or studio. With nowhere to practice, he started writing magazine articles, and his autobiography (published in 1932 to great acclaim). From 1917 through the Depression, up until 1942, though he designed continually, Wright saw many projects go unrealized, but nevertheless had the chance to build on new concepts and in new regions. His block building system led to idiosyncratic works like the famous Ennis house in Los Angeles, and in 1936 he completed the Herbert Jacobs house, using his new "Usonian" techniques, designed to be affordable for the middle-American family. The same year he moved to Arizona where, at the age of 71, Wright embraced his rugged new life in the desert, and with his students started building the Taliesin West complex. After receiving a gold medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects in London, he returned to see his Johnson Administration Building opened to great fanfare, nationwide publicity, and lines around the block waiting to tour inside. Despite adversity, Wright emerged from this era with reputation restored and vitality renewed-as manifested in Fallingwater and the Johnson building-while his Usonian homes began to alter the way Americans lived. About the author: Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer became Frank Lloyd Wright's apprentice at the Taliesin Fellowship in 1949. In 1957, he attended the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris, returning in 1958 to continue his apprenticeship with Wright until his death in 1959. He remains at Taliesin to this day, as director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, a vice-president of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, and author of numerous publications on Wright's life and work. About the editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He is the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Frank Lloyd Wright 1917-1942
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is widely considered the greatest American architect of all time; his work ushered in the modern era and remains highly influential today-half a century after his death. TASCHEN's three-volume monograph covers all his designs (numbering approximately 1100), realized and unrealized. Made in collaboration with the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives in Taliesin, Arizona, this collection leaves no stone unturned in examining and paying tribute to Wright's astonishing life and work. Whereas the first volume covers the early Chicago years, this second volume deals with the work after World War I, beginning with the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and covering Wright's quest to design affordable houses with systematic construction methods and the Usonian concept house, with the forest-sited villa Fallingwater being the dramatic climax. The years spent working in Japan were followed by personal turmoil. In late 1922, Wright divorced from first wife Catherine, and the following year married Miriam Noel. Yet barely six months later she left, initiating a bitter divorce. Shortly after, Wright met his third wife, Olgivanna. During this difficult period a second fire at Taliesin strained his already parlous finances; the bank foreclosed, leaving him without home or studio. With nowhere to practice, he started writing magazine articles, and his autobiography (published in 1932 to great acclaim). From 1917 through the Depression, up until 1942, though he designed continually, Wright saw many projects go unrealized, but nevertheless had the chance to build on new concepts and in new regions. His block building system led to idiosyncratic works like the famous Ennis house in Los Angeles, and in 1936 he completed the Herbert Jacobs house, using his new "Usonian" techniques, designed to be affordable for the middle-American family. The same year he moved to Arizona where, at the age of 71, Wright embraced his rugged new life in the desert, and with his students started building the Taliesin West complex. After receiving a gold medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects in London, he returned to see his Johnson Administration Building opened to great fanfare, nationwide publicity, and lines around the block waiting to tour inside. Despite adversity, Wright emerged from this era with reputation restored and vitality renewed-as manifested in Fallingwater and the Johnson building-while his Usonian homes began to alter the way Americans lived. About the author: Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer became Frank Lloyd Wright's apprentice at the Taliesin Fellowship in 1949. In 1957, he attended the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris, returning in 1958 to continue his apprenticeship with Wright until his death in 1959. He remains at Taliesin to this day, as director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, a vice-president of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, and author of numerous publications on Wright's life and work. About the editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He is the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Frank Lloyd Wright 1917-1942
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is widely considered the greatest American architect of all time; his work ushered in the modern era and remains highly influential today-half a century after his death. TASCHEN's three-volume monograph covers all his designs (numbering approximately 1100), realized and unrealized. Made in collaboration with the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives in Taliesin, Arizona, this collection leaves no stone unturned in examining and paying tribute to Wright's astonishing life and work. Whereas the first volume covers the early Chicago years, this second volume deals with the work after World War I, beginning with the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and covering Wright's quest to design affordable houses with systematic construction methods and the Usonian concept house, with the forest-sited villa Fallingwater being the dramatic climax. The years spent working in Japan were followed by personal turmoil. In late 1922, Wright divorced from first wife Catherine, and the following year married Miriam Noel. Yet barely six months later she left, initiating a bitter divorce. Shortly after, Wright met his third wife, Olgivanna. During this difficult period a second fire at Taliesin strained his already parlous finances; the bank foreclosed, leaving him without home or studio. With nowhere to practice, he started writing magazine articles, and his autobiography (published in 1932 to great acclaim). From 1917 through the Depression, up until 1942, though he designed continually, Wright saw many projects go unrealized, but nevertheless had the chance to build on new concepts and in new regions. His block building system led to idiosyncratic works like the famous Ennis house in Los Angeles, and in 1936 he completed the Herbert Jacobs house, using his new "Usonian" techniques, designed to be affordable for the middle-American family. The same year he moved to Arizona where, at the age of 71, Wright embraced his rugged new life in the desert, and with his students started building the Taliesin West complex. After receiving a gold medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects in London, he returned to see his Johnson Administration Building opened to great fanfare, nationwide publicity, and lines around the block waiting to tour inside. Despite adversity, Wright emerged from this era with reputation restored and vitality renewed-as manifested in Fallingwater and the Johnson building-while his Usonian homes began to alter the way Americans lived. About the author: Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer became Frank Lloyd Wright's apprentice at the Taliesin Fellowship in 1949. In 1957, he attended the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris, returning in 1958 to continue his apprenticeship with Wright until his death in 1959. He remains at Taliesin to this day, as director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, a vice-president of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, and author of numerous publications on Wright's life and work. About the editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He is the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Frank Lloyd Wright 1917-1942
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is widely considered the greatest American architect of all time; his work ushered in the modern era and remains highly influential today-half a century after his death. TASCHEN's three-volume monograph covers all his designs (numbering approximately 1100), realized and unrealized. Made in collaboration with the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives in Taliesin, Arizona, this collection leaves no stone unturned in examining and paying tribute to Wright's astonishing life and work. Whereas the first volume covers the early Chicago years, this second volume deals with the work after World War I, beginning with the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and covering Wright's quest to design affordable houses with systematic construction methods and the Usonian concept house, with the forest-sited villa Fallingwater being the dramatic climax. The years spent working in Japan were followed by personal turmoil. In late 1922, Wright divorced from first wife Catherine, and the following year married Miriam Noel. Yet barely six months later she left, initiating a bitter divorce. Shortly after, Wright met his third wife, Olgivanna. During this difficult period a second fire at Taliesin strained his already parlous finances; the bank foreclosed, leaving him without home or studio. With nowhere to practice, he started writing magazine articles, and his autobiography (published in 1932 to great acclaim). From 1917 through the Depression, up until 1942, though he designed continually, Wright saw many projects go unrealized, but nevertheless had the chance to build on new concepts and in new regions. His block building system led to idiosyncratic works like the famous Ennis house in Los Angeles, and in 1936 he completed the Herbert Jacobs house, using his new "Usonian" techniques, designed to be affordable for the middle-American family. The same year he moved to Arizona where, at the age of 71, Wright embraced his rugged new life in the desert, and with his students started building the Taliesin West complex. After receiving a gold medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects in London, he returned to see his Johnson Administration Building opened to great fanfare, nationwide publicity, and lines around the block waiting to tour inside. Despite adversity, Wright emerged from this era with reputation restored and vitality renewed-as manifested in Fallingwater and the Johnson building-while his Usonian homes began to alter the way Americans lived. About the author: Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer became Frank Lloyd Wright's apprentice at the Taliesin Fellowship in 1949. In 1957, he attended the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris, returning in 1958 to continue his apprenticeship with Wright until his death in 1959. He remains at Taliesin to this day, as director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, a vice-president of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, and author of numerous publications on Wright's life and work. About the editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He is the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Frank Lloyd Wright 1917-1942
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is widely considered the greatest American architect of all time; his work ushered in the modern era and remains highly influential today-half a century after his death. TASCHEN's three-volume monograph covers all his designs (numbering approximately 1100), realized and unrealized. Made in collaboration with the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives in Taliesin, Arizona, this collection leaves no stone unturned in examining and paying tribute to Wright's astonishing life and work. Whereas the first volume covers the early Chicago years, this second volume deals with the work after World War I, beginning with the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and covering Wright's quest to design affordable houses with systematic construction methods and the Usonian concept house, with the forest-sited villa Fallingwater being the dramatic climax. The years spent working in Japan were followed by personal turmoil. In late 1922, Wright divorced from first wife Catherine, and the following year married Miriam Noel. Yet barely six months later she left, initiating a bitter divorce. Shortly after, Wright met his third wife, Olgivanna. During this difficult period a second fire at Taliesin strained his already parlous finances; the bank foreclosed, leaving him without home or studio. With nowhere to practice, he started writing magazine articles, and his autobiography (published in 1932 to great acclaim). From 1917 through the Depression, up until 1942, though he designed continually, Wright saw many projects go unrealized, but nevertheless had the chance to build on new concepts and in new regions. His block building system led to idiosyncratic works like the famous Ennis house in Los Angeles, and in 1936 he completed the Herbert Jacobs house, using his new "Usonian" techniques, designed to be affordable for the middle-American family. The same year he moved to Arizona where, at the age of 71, Wright embraced his rugged new life in the desert, and with his students started building the Taliesin West complex. After receiving a gold medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects in London, he returned to see his Johnson Administration Building opened to great fanfare, nationwide publicity, and lines around the block waiting to tour inside. Despite adversity, Wright emerged from this era with reputation restored and vitality renewed-as manifested in Fallingwater and the Johnson building-while his Usonian homes began to alter the way Americans lived. About the author: Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer became Frank Lloyd Wright's apprentice at the Taliesin Fellowship in 1949. In 1957, he attended the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris, returning in 1958 to continue his apprenticeship with Wright until his death in 1959. He remains at Taliesin to this day, as director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, a vice-president of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, and author of numerous publications on Wright's life and work. About the editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He is the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Frank Lloyd Wright 1917-1942
Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is widely considered the greatest American architect of all time; his work ushered in the modern era and remains highly influential today-half a century after his death. TASCHEN's three-volume monograph covers all his designs (numbering approximately 1100), realized and unrealized. Made in collaboration with the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives in Taliesin, Arizona, this collection leaves no stone unturned in examining and paying tribute to Wright's astonishing life and work. Whereas the first volume covers the early Chicago years, this second volume deals with the work after World War I, beginning with the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and covering Wright's quest to design affordable houses with systematic construction methods and the Usonian concept house, with the forest-sited villa Fallingwater being the dramatic climax. The years spent working in Japan were followed by personal turmoil. In late 1922, Wright divorced from first wife Catherine, and the following year married Miriam Noel. Yet barely six months later she left, initiating a bitter divorce. Shortly after, Wright met his third wife, Olgivanna. During this difficult period a second fire at Taliesin strained his already parlous finances; the bank foreclosed, leaving him without home or studio. With nowhere to practice, he started writing magazine articles, and his autobiography (published in 1932 to great acclaim). From 1917 through the Depression, up until 1942, though he designed continually, Wright saw many projects go unrealized, but nevertheless had the chance to build on new concepts and in new regions. His block building system led to idiosyncratic works like the famous Ennis house in Los Angeles, and in 1936 he completed the Herbert Jacobs house, using his new "Usonian" techniques, designed to be affordable for the middle-American family. The same year he moved to Arizona where, at the age of 71, Wright embraced his rugged new life in the desert, and with his students started building the Taliesin West complex. After receiving a gold medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects in London, he returned to see his Johnson Administration Building opened to great fanfare, nationwide publicity, and lines around the block waiting to tour inside. Despite adversity, Wright emerged from this era with reputation restored and vitality renewed-as manifested in Fallingwater and the Johnson building-while his Usonian homes began to alter the way Americans lived. About the author: Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer became Frank Lloyd Wright's apprentice at the Taliesin Fellowship in 1949. In 1957, he attended the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts in Paris, returning in 1958 to continue his apprenticeship with Wright until his death in 1959. He remains at Taliesin to this day, as director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, a vice-president of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, and author of numerous publications on Wright's life and work. About the editor: Peter Gossel runs a practice for the design of museums and exhibitions. He is the editor of TASCHEN's monographs on Julius Shulman, R. M. Schindler, John Lautner and Richard Neutra, as well as the editor of the Basic Architecture Series. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Richard Meier & Partners. White is the Light
The work of celebrated American architect Richard Meier As one of the most important contemporary architects, Richard Meier (b. 1934) is a key figure in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series. His brilliant career ranges from elegant family homes to dazzling institutional buildings like the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art. This work gives an insight into the development of his ?uvre starting with the early designs and culminating with his latest buildings, exploring his combination of precisely calculated proportions and high quality materials, resulting in exquisite structures and light flooded spaces. About the Series: Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features: approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском языке.
Jodidio Philip Richard Meier & Partners. White is the Light
The work of celebrated American architect Richard Meier As one of the most important contemporary architects, Richard Meier (b. 1934) is a key figure in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series. His brilliant career ranges from elegant family homes to dazzling institutional buildings like the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art. This work gives an insight into the development of his ?uvre starting with the early designs and culminating with his latest buildings, exploring his combination of precisely calculated proportions and high quality materials, resulting in exquisite structures and light flooded spaces. About the Series: Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features: approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском языке.
Jodidio Philip Richard Meier & Partners. White is the Light
The work of celebrated American architect Richard Meier As one of the most important contemporary architects, Richard Meier (b. 1934) is a key figure in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series. His brilliant career ranges from elegant family homes to dazzling institutional buildings like the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art. This work gives an insight into the development of his ?uvre starting with the early designs and culminating with his latest buildings, exploring his combination of precisely calculated proportions and high quality materials, resulting in exquisite structures and light flooded spaces. About the Series: Every book in TASCHEN's Basic Architecture Series features: approximately 120 images, including photographs, sketches, drawings, and floor plans introductory essays exploring the architect's life and work, touching on family and background as well as collaborations with other architects the most important works presented in chronological order, with descriptions of client and/or architect wishes as well as construction problems and resolutions an appendix including a list of complete or selected works, biography, bibliography and a map indicating the locations of the architect's most famous buildings About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском языке.
Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна, Михеева Ирина Владимировна Английский язык. 11 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений (+CD)
Учебно-методический комплект по английскому языку для XI класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка авторов О. В. Афанасьевой и И. В. Михеевой является продолжением учебной серии для II-X классов, созданной авторскими коллективами под руководством И. Н. Верещагиной и О. В. Афанасьевой. В состав УМК входят: - учебник - рабочая тетрадь - книга для чтения - книга для учителя - аудиокассеты Учебно-методический комплект: - готовит учащихся к сдаче ЕГЭ по всем видам речевой деятельности; - содержит тексты и задания, соответствующие возрасту и интересам старшеклассников и затрагивающие современные проблемы; - основывается на коммуникативно-когнитивном подходе к обучению иностранным языкам; - формирует умения ведения дискуссии, участия в дебатах. 6-е издание. Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки РФ.
Бойкина Марина Викторовна Уроки чтения. 2 класс. Книга для учителя
Пособие познакомит учителя с особенностями проведения уроков чтения в начальной школе, раскроет содержание и структуру уроков, поможет организовать работу по учебнику "Литературное чтение" для 2 класса.
Санд Жорж Консуэло. Том 1
Французская писательница Аврора Дюпен (1804-1876), ставшая знаменитой под мужским именем Жорж: Санд, создала множество романов, в центре которых чаще всего - судьба женщины, ее борьба за свободу личности, за справедливость, за высокую любовь. Роман "Консуэло (1843) создан в зрелый период творчества писательницы и стал самым популярным, широко известным ее произведением.
Санд Жорж Консуэло. Том 2
Французская писательница Аврора Дюпен (1804-1876), ставшая знаменитой под мужским именем Жорж: Санд, создала множество романов, в центре которых чаще всего - судьба женщины, ее борьба за свободу личности, за справедливость, за высокую любовь. Роман "Консуэло (1843) создан в зрелый период творчества писательницы и стал самым популярным, широко известным ее произведением.
Алюшина Татьяна Александровна Я подарю тебе любовь
Лена Невельская не могла отказать Зое Львовне; конечно же она отвезет целебный цветок для ее знакомых. А вот засады такой молодая женщина не ждала, не думала, что ей устроят "смотрины", да и "предмет" - суровый неразговорчивый Денис Арбенин - явно был не в восторге от этого предприятия. Неприятный инцидент, о котором можно забыть. Но судьба распорядилась иначе, и Лене приходится добывать интервью у этого мрачного типа.
Соловьева Анастасия Принц для неудачницы
Ксения Костромина считала, что живут они с мужем Владимиром вполне прилично для пары за тридцать: квартира, дети, хорошая работа. Однако Владимир решил стать бизнесменом, но семья недолго наслаждалась достатком. Неудачливый бизнесмен прогорел и умудрился заложить квартиру жены, подделав ее подпись. Когда женщину охватило полное отчаяние, на горизонте, как в сказке, появился Иван, добрый, сильный, надежный...
Филдинг Лиз Принц пустыни
Лидии Янг, кассирше из супермаркета, улыбнулась редкая удача. Она отправляется в отпуск вместо знатной особы, на которую похожа как две капли воды. Все, что от нее требуется, — это наслаждаться жизнью в доме невестки эмира и постараться не влюбиться в неот-оазимого Калила аль-Заки, которому поручено сопровождать ее.
Берзина Наталья Зловещий маскарад
В престижном колледже за ночь пропал целый компьютерный класс. В краже обвинили молодую преподавательницу информатики Ольгу. Натерпевшись страхов от неверящей в ее невиновность милиции, девушка обратилась в частное сыскное агентство. В это время ее молодой человек Игорь, пытаясь помочь любимой, наткнулся в Интернете на информацию о деятельности зловещей секты. Чем объяснить нежелание учащихся колледжа рассказывать что-либо о своей альма-матер? И связаны ли столь разные события, как кража компьютеров, нападение на Ольгу и следователя, исчезновение ученицы колледжа и появление в жизни Игоря однокурсницы, пытающейся его соблазнить/ Детективы потянули за ниточки этого странного дела...
Ветров Сергей Магия в крови
Магия - древняя и таинственная сила, пронизывающая все без исключения миры. В одних мирах в нее не верят, в других - учатся ею повелевать. Но существуют миры, обитатели которых являются частью магии, они рождаются в ней и с ней в крови. Раз в десять тысяч лет боги магических миров, живые или мертвые, правящие или заключенные, имеют право наделить силой своего фаворита и попытаться взять реванш.
Рассел Кен Ружья, мушкеты и пистолеты Нового Света. Огнестрельное оружие XVII-XIX веков
На страницах этом книги подробно освещено, какое огнестрельное оружие использовалось в Америке в период заселения восточных территорий и продвижения границы на запад. Огромное внимание уделено производству оружия. Детально описываются мушкеты, мушкетоны, ружья, пистолеты и легкие орудия XVII-XIX веков. Автор приводит подробный анализ механизмов и моделей, который станет незаменимым справочным материалом, как для историков оружия, так и для широкого круга читателей.

Домен и сайт продаются

Булгаковская энциклопедия