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Карандаши восковые 10 цветов
В комплект входят: - 10 цветных восковых карандашей в пластиковых держателях с выдвижным механизмом ( с эффектом акварели), -кисточка. Для детей от 4 лет.
Карандаши восковые 10 цветов
В комплект входят: - 10 цветных восковых карандашей в пластиковых держателях с выдвижным механизмом ( с эффектом акварели), -кисточка. Для детей от 4 лет.
Набор "Плетение украшений для волос" (14709)
В комплект входят: более 500 бусин разного размера, хлопковые нити, 5 заколок, проволока, материал для моделирования. Для детей от 9 лет.
Набор цветных восковых карандашей (14717)
Smoothy Crayon. В набор входят: 4 восковых карандаша в пластиковом держателе с выдвижным механизмом (с эффектом акварели), 10 трафаретов для раскрашивания, кисточка. Для детей от четырех лет. Произведено: Канада
Набор цветных восковых карандашей (14717)
Smoothy Crayon. В набор входят: 4 восковых карандаша в пластиковом держателе с выдвижным механизмом (с эффектом акварели), 10 трафаретов для раскрашивания, кисточка. Для детей от четырех лет. Произведено: Канада
Музыкальная игра-пазл "CARS". 48 деталей (13951)
Музыкальная игра. В наборе музыкальный пазл с дорогой. Соберите пазл, заведите машинки и они отправятся в путешествие по дорожке под саундтрек из мультфильма. Не рекомендуется детям до трех лет. Состав: бумага, картон, пластмасса. Срок годности не ограничен. Размер: 45х60 см. Произведено: Китай. Изготовитель: "Эдука Борас, С.А." Испания.
Музыкальная игра-пазл "CARS". 48 деталей (13951)
Музыкальная игра. В наборе музыкальный пазл с дорогой. Соберите пазл, заведите машинки и они отправятся в путешествие по дорожке под саундтрек из мультфильма. Не рекомендуется детям до трех лет. Состав: бумага, картон, пластмасса. Срок годности не ограничен. Размер: 45х60 см. Произведено: Китай. Изготовитель: "Эдука Борас, С.А." Испания.
Масса для лепки ароматизированная (цвет в ассортименте) (672)
Масса для лепки в ассортименте. Ароматизированная. Очень мягкая, не оставляет пятен. Состав: мука, вода, соль. Для детей от 3-х лет. Производство: Канада. Упакована в пластмассовую баночку с крышкой.
Шредингер Э. Что такое жизнь с точки зрения физики?
Эрвин Рудольф Йозеф Александр Шредингер - австрийский физик-теоретик, лауреат Нобелевской премии по физике. Один из разработчиков квантовой механики и волновой теории материи. В 1945 г. Шредингер пишет книгу " Что такое жизнь с точки зрения физики?", оказавшую существенное влияние на развитие биофизики и молекулярной биологии. В этой книге внимательно рассмотрено несколько важнейших проблем. Основополагающим является вопрос: " Как могут физика и химия объяснить те явления в пространстве и времени, которые имеют место внутри живого организма?" Прочтение этой книги даст не только обширный теоретический материал, но и заставит задуматься над тем, что же в сущности есть жизнь?
Чичкун В. А. В ожидании аиста. Видеопособие для молодых родителей №1 (DVD)
1. НЕОБХОДИМЫЕ ЗНАНИЯ КАЖДОЙ БЕРЕМЕННОЙ ЖЕНЩИНЫ: - РЕЖИМ; - ПИТАНИЕ; - ОБСЛЕДОВАНИЯ. 2. ПОДГОТОВКА К РОДАМ: - ДОРОДОВАЯ ГИМНАСТИКА; - УПРАЖНЕНИЯ В БАССЕЙНЕ; - АУТОТРЕНИНГ ДЛЯ БЕРЕМЕННЫХ; - ДЫХАНИЕ; - РЕЛАКСАЦИЯ; - ПОДГОТОВКА К КОРМЛЕНИЮ. 3. РОДЫ: - ВЫБОР РОДДОМА; - СЕМЕЙНЫЕ РОДЫ; - КАК ПРОХОДЯТ РОДЫ; - КАК ИЗБЕЖАТЬ БОЛИ ПРИ РОДАХ; - КЕСАРЕВО СЕЧЕНИЕ; - СОВМЕСТНОЕ ПРЕБЫВАНИЕ МАТЕРИ И РЕБЕНКА В РОДДОМЕ. Производство: студия "Семья от А до Я" Режиссер, сценарист, закадровый текст Чикчун В. А. Оператор Клепица С. Ф. Монтажер Пухов О. И. Звукорежиссер Юхно О. О. Язык: русский Звук: моно Субтитры: нет 4 х 3, Fulscreen, color. DVD-5. Продолжительность: 105 минут.
Чичкун В. А. Расти здоровым, малыш! Видеопособие для молодых родителей №6 (DVD)
Рекомендовано для просмотра как начинающим, так опытным родителям, которые интересуются проблемами воспитания детей. Надеемся, практический опыт, приобретенный благодаря просмотру данного диска, будет Вам полезен. Здоровья Вам и Вашим детям и приятного просмотра! Производство: студия "Семья от А до Я" Режиссер, сценарист, закадровый текст Чикчун В. А. Оператор Клепица С. Ф. Монтажер Пухов О. И. Звукорежиссер Юхно О. О. Язык: русский Звук: моно Субтитры: нет 4 х 3, Fulscreen, color. DVD-5. Продолжительность: 70 минут.
Чичкун В. А. От рождения до года. Видеопособие для молодых родителей №4 (DVD)
Календарь возрастных изменений ребенка в первый год его жизни. Производство: студия "Семья от А до Я" Режиссер, сценарист, закадровый текст Чикчун В. А. Оператор Клепица С. Ф. Монтажер Пухов О. И. Звукорежиссер Юхно О. О. Язык: русский Звук: моно Субтитры: нет 4 х 3, Fulscreen, color. DVD-5. Продолжительность: 60 минут.
Чичкун В. А. Три периода родов. Видеопособие для молодых родителей №3 (DVD)
Программа "Семья от А до Я" предлагает видеопособие для будущих родителей, которое поможет им подготовиться к предстоящим родам. Производство: студия "Семья от А до Я" Режиссер, сценарист, закадровый текст Чикчун В. А. Оператор Клепица С. Ф. Монтажер Пухов О. И. Звукорежиссер Юхно О. О. Язык: русский Звук: моно Субтитры: нет 4 х 3, Fulscreen, color. DVD-5. Продолжительность: 70 минут.
Чичкун В. А. Гимнастика для беременных. Видеопособие для молодых родителей №2 (DVD)
В этом курсе Вы найдете специальную гимнастику для беременных. Занимаясь такой гимнастикой на протяжении всей беременности. Вы подойдёте к родам подготовленной, а после родов легко приобретёте прежнюю форму. Производство: студия "Семья от А до Я" Режиссер, сценарист, закадровый текст Чикчун В. А. Оператор Клепица С. Ф. Монтажер Пухов О. И. Звукорежиссер Юхно О. О. Язык: русский Звук: моно Субтитры: нет 4 х 3, Fulscreen, color. DVD-5. Продолжительность: 45 минут.
Чичкун В. А. Игры и игрушки. Видеопособие для молодых родителей №7 (DVD)
Полезные советы для родителей, имеющих детей до 7 лет. Надеемся, информация, собранная на этом диске, поможет Вам в развитии ребенка, подскажет, как сделать его жизнь насыщенной, а учебу - увлекательной. Производство: студия "Семья от А до Я" Режиссер, сценарист, закадровый текст Чикчун В. А. Оператор Клепица С. Ф. Монтажер Пухов О. И. Звукорежиссер Юхно О. О. Язык: русский Звук: моно Субтитры: нет 4 х 3, Fulscreen, color. DVD-5. Продолжительность: 85 минут.
Чичкун В. А. Как сделать жизнь малыша активной. Видеопособие для молодых родителей №5 (DVD)
Рекомендовано для просмотра как начинающим, так опытным родителям, которые интересуются проблемами воспитания детей. Надеемся, практический опыт, приобретенный благодаря просмотру данного диска, будет Вам полезен. Здоровья Вам и Вашим детям и приятного просмотра! Сборник гимнастик для детей до 7 лет, представленный на этом диске, прекрасно подойдет и родителям, которые мечтают вырастить из своего ребенка спортсмена, и родителям, стремящимся развивать своего малыша интеллектуально. Производство: студия "Семья от А до Я" Режиссер, сценарист, закадровый текст Чикчун В. А. Оператор Клепица С. Ф. Монтажер Пухов О. И. Звукорежиссер Юхно О. О. Язык: русский Звук: моно Субтитры: нет 4 х 3, Fulscreen, color. DVD-5. Продолжительность: 75 минут.
Баттеруорт Кент Властелин бобов: Великий поход Аттилы (DVD)
Непобедимый вождь воинственных варваров, Аттила (которого тогда все называли Великим Свином, из-за нежелания мыться и пользоваться туалетной бумагой) и прекрасная принцесса Гвен (которая лучше всех владела мечом и надувала пузыри из жевательной резинки) были непримиримыми врагами. Но когда придворный звездочет объявил, что они являются хранителями тайны Великого Голубого боба, Аттила и Гвен немедленно заключили священный союз и отправились на поиски Затерянной страны. Путь отважных искателей приключений пролегал через леса и горы, зыбучие пески и пещеры. Им предстояло встретиться с ведьмами, драконами и монстрами, сразиться с множеством врагов и даже разгадать тайну Сфинкса. Но никакие трудности не могли остановить наших героев! Производство: Модерн Анимейшн Режиссер и автор сценария: Кент Баттеруорт Роли озвучивали: Майкл Смит, Кэролайн Нельсон, Джон Э. Л. Салливан, Уолт Кубак, Кент Баттеруорт Композитор: Джон Майкат. Язык: русский закадровый, английский Субтитры: нет 16 х 9, Widescreen, color. DVD-5. Продолжительность: 70 минут. Без возрастных ограничений.
Слапчински Ричард Красавица и чудовище (DVD)
Мы приглашаем Вас отправиться в сказочный мир, где чудеса встречаются на каждом шагу. Здесь в глухих, непроходимых лесах вы встретите говорящих зверей и птиц, в глубоких, поросших лишайником в мхом пещерах, злых колдунов, которые варят в огромных котлах свои зелья и добрых фей, всегда приходящих на помощь главным героям. Там, на опушке сказочного леса, одиноко стоит старый замок. В нём, вот уже много лет, прячется от людских глаз заколдованный принц. Однажды злая колдунья, навсегда изменила его облик, и теперь развеять чары сможет только доброе и любящее сердце... Производство: Бурбак Анимэйшнз студио Режиссер: Ричард Слапчински Автор сценария: Леонард Ли Роли озвучивали: Тони Беллетт, Джоэна Мур, Робин Мур Композитор: Тони Кинг. Язык: английский, русский синхронный Субтитры: нет. 4 х 3, Fulscreen, color. Продолжительность: 51 минута. Без возрастных ограничений.
Джентайл Энтони, Джентайл Джон Чудеса на рождество (DVD)
Действие сказки разворачивается в первой половине двадцатого века, сразу после первой мировой войны. Маленький мальчик и его сестра подбирают несколько елочных украшений, за ненадобностью оказавшихся на улице. Пожалев игрушки, сиротливо валявшиеся в городской грязи, добрые дети приносят их домой и украшают ими рождественскую елку. В священную ночь, когда вся земля затаилась в ожидании чудес, происходит невероятное - игрушки оживают, и яркая сказка, чудесный новогодний мультфильм, гармонично сочетающий в себе повествовательный и музыкальный жанры, будет интересен не только детям, но и их родителям. Мастерское исполнение этого трехмерного мультфильма поражает неповторимым колоритом, с которым передан дух той эпохи. Производство: Марвиста Энтертейнмент Режиссеры: Энтони Джентайл, Джон Джентайл Автор сценария: Линн Радер Льюис, Питер Льюис, Энтони Роберт Джентайл Композитор: Питер Льюис. Язык: русский закадровый. Субтитры: нет. 4 х 3, Fulscreen, color. Продолжительность: 46 минут. Без возрастных ограничений.
Хаттен Билл Обезьянки мутанты ниндзя (DVD)
В далекой Африке, среди зеленых лиановых джунглей живут необычные обезьяны, обладающие человеческим интеллектом, огромной физической силой и подлинным благородством настоящих героев. Воспитанники мудрого Отшельника ниндзя они стоят на страже добра и справедливости. И где бы ни случилась беда, отважные воины джунглей всегда спешат на помощь слабым и беззащитным. Производство: ГРЕЙС АНИМЭЙШН СТУДИОС МАРВИСТА Режиссер: Билл Хаттен Автор сценария: Марк Янг Роли озвучивали: Коврижных Александр, Голованова Ольга Композитор: Кэрол Андерсон. Язык: русский закадровый, английский. Субтитры: русский, украинские. 4 х 3, Fulscreen, color. Продолжительность: 53 минуты. Детям до 12 лет рекомендуется просмотр фильма в сопровождении родителей.
Гуссенс Рэй Пиноккио в открытом космосе (DVD)
Любимый всеми деревянный мальчик возвращается! Режиссер: Рэй Гуссенс Жанр: анимационный фильм Продолжительность: 71 мин. Полноэкранная версия Русский закадровый перевод Dolby Digital 2.0 Анимированное меню
МакФадьен Дэвид Русские понты: бесхитростные и бессовестные
Понты во всем - в повседневной жизни и в культуре, в политике и в любви - тема смешного, ироничного и в то же время глубокого исследования Дэвида Макфадьена. Шотландец, живущий в Америке и часто бывающий в России, предлагает свежий и неожиданный взгляд "из Лондона" на это хорошо знакомое нам явление. Истоки понтов он находит в глубокой истории, но их расцвет в тяжелые постсоветские времена объясняет страхом и неуверенностью наших соплеменников в себе и в будущем.
Автомобильная промышленность
Темой первого сборника новой серии стала ситуация, сложившаяся на отечественном автомобильном рынке с приходом на него иностранных инвесторов. В книге рассмотрены правовые аспекты создания на территории России совместных производств, а также их сотрудничества с дилерами и страховыми компаниями. Затронуты вопросы реорганизации юридических лиц, повышения экологического класса автомобилей. Анализ особенностей отношений автопроизводителей с потребителями при предъявлении последними претензий к качеству автомобиля подкреплен примерами из судебной практики. Книга будет полезна тем, кто связан с производством и сбытом автомобильной продукции, специалистам страховых и финансовых компаний, а также всем автомобилистам.
Автомобильная промышленность
Темой первого сборника новой серии стала ситуация, сложившаяся на отечественном автомобильном рынке с приходом на него иностранных инвесторов. В книге рассмотрены правовые аспекты создания на территории России совместных производств, а также их сотрудничества с дилерами и страховыми компаниями. Затронуты вопросы реорганизации юридических лиц, повышения экологического класса автомобилей. Анализ особенностей отношений автопроизводителей с потребителями при предъявлении последними претензий к качеству автомобиля подкреплен примерами из судебной практики. Книга будет полезна тем, кто связан с производством и сбытом автомобильной продукции, специалистам страховых и финансовых компаний, а также всем автомобилистам.
Пушкина Марина Коммерческая недвижимость как объект инвестирования
Рынок коммерческой недвижимости до недавнего времени был одним из наиболее динамично развивающихся и привлек немало участников и финансовых средств, однако с процессом купли-продажи и эксплуатации объектов недвижимости все еще связано множество законодательных недочетов и коммерческих недомолвок. Книга представляет собой всесторонний правовой анализ процессов, связанных с оборотом коммерческой недвижимости, проведенный юристами компании Tenzor Consulting Group. Авторы рассматривают ситуацию, сложившуюся на этом рынке, дают оценку наиболее распространенным рискам, возникающим при строительстве, купле-продаже и управлении объектами коммерческой недвижимости, особое внимание уделяя способам минимизации негативных последствий наиболее вероятных просчетов участников рынка. Книга адресована профессиональным участникам рынка коммерческой недвижимости, а также владельцам и арендаторам объектов недвижимости.
Пушкина Марина Коммерческая недвижимость как объект инвестирования
Рынок коммерческой недвижимости до недавнего времени был одним из наиболее динамично развивающихся и привлек немало участников и финансовых средств, однако с процессом купли-продажи и эксплуатации объектов недвижимости все еще связано множество законодательных недочетов и коммерческих недомолвок. Книга представляет собой всесторонний правовой анализ процессов, связанных с оборотом коммерческой недвижимости, проведенный юристами компании Tenzor Consulting Group. Авторы рассматривают ситуацию, сложившуюся на этом рынке, дают оценку наиболее распространенным рискам, возникающим при строительстве, купле-продаже и управлении объектами коммерческой недвижимости, особое внимание уделяя способам минимизации негативных последствий наиболее вероятных просчетов участников рынка. Книга адресована профессиональным участникам рынка коммерческой недвижимости, а также владельцам и арендаторам объектов недвижимости.
Смит Адам Суперденьги: Поучительная история об инвестировании и рыночных пузырях
Адам Смит (Джордж Гудмен) - преподаватель Принстонского университета, автор бестселлера "Игра на деньги". У него богатый опыт управления несколькими инвестиционными фондами, авиакомпаниями и даже международной сетью отелей. Написанная в характерном для Адама Смита полном юмора стиле книга "Суперденьги" открывает читателю, что скрывается за кулисами фондовых рынков, и на примере финансового кризиса в США конца 1960-х - начала 1970-х годов описывает природу рыночных пузырей. Учитесь на этой поразительной истории, наслаждайтесь остросюжетным повествованием о дикой и безумной эпохе, которая похожим образом повторяется снова, и снова! Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, интересующихся вопросами инвестирования и механизмами возникновения рыночных пузырей.
Технический анализ: Курс для начинающих
Книга, написанная специалистами компании Reuters, является практическим пособием для начинающих инвесторов и трейдеров по техническому анализу. Написанная простым и доступным языком, книга показывает как использовать современные аналитические методы для работы на финансовых рынках. 3-е издание.
Трейси Брайан, Фрейзер Кэмпбелл Технология достижений: Турбокоучинг по Брайану Трейси
За последние несколько лет личный и профессиональный коучинг завоевал огромную популярность. В своей книге признанный во всем мире бизнес-гуру Брайан Трейси учит предпринимателей справляться с любыми трудностями, возникающими в современной быстро меняющейся бизнес-среде. Предлагаемые автором эффективные методики и практические упражнения позволят читателям понять ключевые принципы личного стратегического планирования, внимательно изучить своих конкурентов, установить стандарты, на которые нужно ориентироваться в своей деятельности, делегировать полномочия, определять первоочередные задачи, а также критерии, по которым можно оценить собственный потенциал, и т.д. Легкий стиль, которым написана книга, создает впечатление, будто с вами беседует сам Брайан Трейси. Каждая его идея проиллюстрирована примерами из жизни. Эта книга станет вашим личным консультантом, позволит сделать далеко идущие выводы и многое переосмыслить в своей жизни и бизнесе.
Элдер Александр Биржевая игра. Уроки мастерства от Александра Элдера + рабочая тетрадь (DVD)
Играть на бирже просто! Эта мысль приходила в голову многим. Просто? Тогда почему столько людей разорилось в биржевой игре? И кто выплывает в бурлящем море акций, ускользая от "акул" и "пираний" фондового рынка? Те, кто учатся у звезды мирового трейдинга - доктора Александра Элдера, успешного профессионального биржевика и опытного преподавателя. Его видеокурс - это система знаний и методик, для наглядной иллюстрации которых он анализирует ситуации, предложенные участниками семинара. Продолжительность: 2 часа 35 минут. К видеокурсу прилагается рабочая тетрадь. Оглавление: 1. Введение 2. Выбор рынка - Акции - Опционы - Фьючерсы - Рынок Forex 3. Психология биржевой игры - Кому не надо играть на бирже - Индивидуальная психология игрока - Массовая психология рынка - Пример: "Вимм-Билль-Данн" 4. Принятие решений: - Инсайд - Фундаментальный анализ - Технический анализ - Интуиция 5. Индикаторы рынка - Сургутнефтегаз - Норильский никель - MACD-линии и гистограмма 6. Система тройного экрана - Норильский никель - Сбербанк 7. Контроль над рисками - "Акулы" и "пираньи" - Правило двух процентов - Правило шести процентов 8. Ведение записей - Дневник 9. Ответы на вопросы слушателей 10. Заключение 11. Бонус: советы доктора Элдера
Roob Alexander Alchemy & Mysticism
Издание на английском языке A fantastic journey through the history of esoteric lore The Hermetic Museum takes its readers on a magical mystery tour spanning an arc from the mediaeval cosmogram and images of Christian mysticism, through the fascinating world of alchemy to the art of the Romantic era. The enigmatic hieroglyphs of cabbalists, Rosicrucians and freemasons are shown to be closely linked with the early scientific illustrations in the fields of medicine, chemistry, optics, and color theory.
Roob Alexander Alchemy & Mysticism
Издание на английском языке A fantastic journey through the history of esoteric lore The Hermetic Museum takes its readers on a magical mystery tour spanning an arc from the mediaeval cosmogram and images of Christian mysticism, through the fascinating world of alchemy to the art of the Romantic era. The enigmatic hieroglyphs of cabbalists, Rosicrucians and freemasons are shown to be closely linked with the early scientific illustrations in the fields of medicine, chemistry, optics, and color theory.
Roob Alexander Alchemy & Mysticism
Издание на английском языке A fantastic journey through the history of esoteric lore The Hermetic Museum takes its readers on a magical mystery tour spanning an arc from the mediaeval cosmogram and images of Christian mysticism, through the fascinating world of alchemy to the art of the Romantic era. The enigmatic hieroglyphs of cabbalists, Rosicrucians and freemasons are shown to be closely linked with the early scientific illustrations in the fields of medicine, chemistry, optics, and color theory.
Fashion of the 70s
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках From hippie to disco to punk, this look book relives 1970s fashion via clothing advertisements from the decade. In between its covers you`ll find bell-bottoms and feathered hair mingling with platform shoes, Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dresses and endless amounts of polyester (what were they thinking?).
Fashion of the 70s
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках From hippie to disco to punk, this look book relives 1970s fashion via clothing advertisements from the decade. In between its covers you`ll find bell-bottoms and feathered hair mingling with platform shoes, Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dresses and endless amounts of polyester (what were they thinking?).
Fashion of the 70s
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках From hippie to disco to punk, this look book relives 1970s fashion via clothing advertisements from the decade. In between its covers you`ll find bell-bottoms and feathered hair mingling with platform shoes, Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dresses and endless amounts of polyester (what were they thinking?).
Fashion of the 70s
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках From hippie to disco to punk, this look book relives 1970s fashion via clothing advertisements from the decade. In between its covers you`ll find bell-bottoms and feathered hair mingling with platform shoes, Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dresses and endless amounts of polyester (what were they thinking?).
Fashion of the 70s
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках From hippie to disco to punk, this look book relives 1970s fashion via clothing advertisements from the decade. In between its covers you`ll find bell-bottoms and feathered hair mingling with platform shoes, Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dresses and endless amounts of polyester (what were they thinking?).
Fashion of the 70s
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках From hippie to disco to punk, this look book relives 1970s fashion via clothing advertisements from the decade. In between its covers you`ll find bell-bottoms and feathered hair mingling with platform shoes, Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dresses and endless amounts of polyester (what were they thinking?).
Fashion of the 70s
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках From hippie to disco to punk, this look book relives 1970s fashion via clothing advertisements from the decade. In between its covers you`ll find bell-bottoms and feathered hair mingling with platform shoes, Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dresses and endless amounts of polyester (what were they thinking?).
Vintage surfing
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках. Memorabilia from surfing's golden age Covering the 1920s to the 1960s, this book brings together vintage ads, postcards, brochures, and photographs as well as period "Top 10" lists covering surf superstars, songs, and surfing spots. If you've ever found yourself waxing nostalgic for bygone beach culture, this is the book for you.
Vintage surfing
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках. Memorabilia from surfing's golden age Covering the 1920s to the 1960s, this book brings together vintage ads, postcards, brochures, and photographs as well as period "Top 10" lists covering surf superstars, songs, and surfing spots. If you've ever found yourself waxing nostalgic for bygone beach culture, this is the book for you.
Vintage surfing
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках. Memorabilia from surfing's golden age Covering the 1920s to the 1960s, this book brings together vintage ads, postcards, brochures, and photographs as well as period "Top 10" lists covering surf superstars, songs, and surfing spots. If you've ever found yourself waxing nostalgic for bygone beach culture, this is the book for you.
Vintage surfing
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках. Memorabilia from surfing's golden age Covering the 1920s to the 1960s, this book brings together vintage ads, postcards, brochures, and photographs as well as period "Top 10" lists covering surf superstars, songs, and surfing spots. If you've ever found yourself waxing nostalgic for bygone beach culture, this is the book for you.
Vintage surfing
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках. Memorabilia from surfing's golden age Covering the 1920s to the 1960s, this book brings together vintage ads, postcards, brochures, and photographs as well as period "Top 10" lists covering surf superstars, songs, and surfing spots. If you've ever found yourself waxing nostalgic for bygone beach culture, this is the book for you.
Vintage surfing
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках. Memorabilia from surfing's golden age Covering the 1920s to the 1960s, this book brings together vintage ads, postcards, brochures, and photographs as well as period "Top 10" lists covering surf superstars, songs, and surfing spots. If you've ever found yourself waxing nostalgic for bygone beach culture, this is the book for you.
Vintage surfing
Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках. Memorabilia from surfing's golden age Covering the 1920s to the 1960s, this book brings together vintage ads, postcards, brochures, and photographs as well as period "Top 10" lists covering surf superstars, songs, and surfing spots. If you've ever found yourself waxing nostalgic for bygone beach culture, this is the book for you.
Seidel Florian New Small Houses
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. This is a collection of 19 interesting examples demonstrating countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space. Owing to their proportions - often related to the budget - minimal houses tend to be based on a light structural system, generally based on wooden frames or thin metal sections, which also make the building easy to construct on isolated or inaccessible plots of land. These homes can hide ingenious elements inside, such as folding tables, hanging beds, translucent panels, and highly efficient storage areas. This collection of 19 new projects presents practical, contemporary examples that demonstrate the countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space.
Seidel Florian New Small Houses
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. This is a collection of 19 interesting examples demonstrating countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space. Owing to their proportions - often related to the budget - minimal houses tend to be based on a light structural system, generally based on wooden frames or thin metal sections, which also make the building easy to construct on isolated or inaccessible plots of land. These homes can hide ingenious elements inside, such as folding tables, hanging beds, translucent panels, and highly efficient storage areas. This collection of 19 new projects presents practical, contemporary examples that demonstrate the countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space.
Seidel Florian New Small Houses
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. This is a collection of 19 interesting examples demonstrating countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space. Owing to their proportions - often related to the budget - minimal houses tend to be based on a light structural system, generally based on wooden frames or thin metal sections, which also make the building easy to construct on isolated or inaccessible plots of land. These homes can hide ingenious elements inside, such as folding tables, hanging beds, translucent panels, and highly efficient storage areas. This collection of 19 new projects presents practical, contemporary examples that demonstrate the countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space.
Seidel Florian New Small Houses
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. This is a collection of 19 interesting examples demonstrating countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space. Owing to their proportions - often related to the budget - minimal houses tend to be based on a light structural system, generally based on wooden frames or thin metal sections, which also make the building easy to construct on isolated or inaccessible plots of land. These homes can hide ingenious elements inside, such as folding tables, hanging beds, translucent panels, and highly efficient storage areas. This collection of 19 new projects presents practical, contemporary examples that demonstrate the countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space.
Seidel Florian New Small Houses
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. This is a collection of 19 interesting examples demonstrating countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space. Owing to their proportions - often related to the budget - minimal houses tend to be based on a light structural system, generally based on wooden frames or thin metal sections, which also make the building easy to construct on isolated or inaccessible plots of land. These homes can hide ingenious elements inside, such as folding tables, hanging beds, translucent panels, and highly efficient storage areas. This collection of 19 new projects presents practical, contemporary examples that demonstrate the countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space.
Seidel Florian New Small Houses
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. This is a collection of 19 interesting examples demonstrating countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space. Owing to their proportions - often related to the budget - minimal houses tend to be based on a light structural system, generally based on wooden frames or thin metal sections, which also make the building easy to construct on isolated or inaccessible plots of land. These homes can hide ingenious elements inside, such as folding tables, hanging beds, translucent panels, and highly efficient storage areas. This collection of 19 new projects presents practical, contemporary examples that demonstrate the countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space.
Seidel Florian New Small Houses
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. This is a collection of 19 interesting examples demonstrating countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space. Owing to their proportions - often related to the budget - minimal houses tend to be based on a light structural system, generally based on wooden frames or thin metal sections, which also make the building easy to construct on isolated or inaccessible plots of land. These homes can hide ingenious elements inside, such as folding tables, hanging beds, translucent panels, and highly efficient storage areas. This collection of 19 new projects presents practical, contemporary examples that demonstrate the countless architectural solutions available for houses with minimal space.
Carpita Veronica, Willmann Rainer, Willmann Sophia Shell - Muscheln - Coquillages
Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (1680-1765) was a French courtier, intellectual and amateur natural historian. Fascinated by seashells, he authored one of his era's most lavish books, dedicate to the rarest and most beautiful examples. La Conchyliologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles de Mer, d'Eau Douce, Terrestres et Fossiles, published in 1780, was a summation of 18th century conchology, with drawings so vivid they sparked a Parisian fad for natural history. The natural beauty of seashells has enchanted cultures around the world since time immemorial. The "recreation of the eye and mind" inspired by them has been celebrated in literature and throughout humanist circles across Europe since antiquity: in his De oratore, the classical scholar Cicero extolled the value of the leisure and friendship cultivated by two friends who spent their leisurely hours collecting shells. These wonderful marine forms-"the artifice of nature"-were considered capable of elevating the spirit and stimulating the senses, as well as refining the taste and creativity of artists. Throughout history, their innumerable shapes, crenulations, and vast variety of colors and patterns have inspired painters and jewelers, architects and textile designers, sculptors and furniture makers, gunsmiths and glass-blowers. TASCHEN's complete reprint of these 80 splendid hand-colored copper engraved plates, rendered in exquisite detail and the subtlest colors, is taken from one of the finest original copies. About the authors: Veronica Carpita studied art history at the University of Pisa. Her numerous publications focus on antiquarian and scientific collections, such as Agostino Scilla's seminal work of conchology, La vana speculazione disingannata dal senso, published in 1670. Sophia Willmann studied biology, and specializes in the behaviour of marine organisms. In 2007 she took part in whale research at the Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa. She is also the author of children's books that focus on biology. Rainer Willmann holds a chair in zoology at Gottingen University, is director of its Zoological Museum, and is co-founder of its Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research. A specialist in phlogenetics and evolution, he conducts research into biodiversity and its history. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Carpita Veronica, Willmann Rainer, Willmann Sophia Shell - Muscheln - Coquillages
Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (1680-1765) was a French courtier, intellectual and amateur natural historian. Fascinated by seashells, he authored one of his era's most lavish books, dedicate to the rarest and most beautiful examples. La Conchyliologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles de Mer, d'Eau Douce, Terrestres et Fossiles, published in 1780, was a summation of 18th century conchology, with drawings so vivid they sparked a Parisian fad for natural history. The natural beauty of seashells has enchanted cultures around the world since time immemorial. The "recreation of the eye and mind" inspired by them has been celebrated in literature and throughout humanist circles across Europe since antiquity: in his De oratore, the classical scholar Cicero extolled the value of the leisure and friendship cultivated by two friends who spent their leisurely hours collecting shells. These wonderful marine forms-"the artifice of nature"-were considered capable of elevating the spirit and stimulating the senses, as well as refining the taste and creativity of artists. Throughout history, their innumerable shapes, crenulations, and vast variety of colors and patterns have inspired painters and jewelers, architects and textile designers, sculptors and furniture makers, gunsmiths and glass-blowers. TASCHEN's complete reprint of these 80 splendid hand-colored copper engraved plates, rendered in exquisite detail and the subtlest colors, is taken from one of the finest original copies. About the authors: Veronica Carpita studied art history at the University of Pisa. Her numerous publications focus on antiquarian and scientific collections, such as Agostino Scilla's seminal work of conchology, La vana speculazione disingannata dal senso, published in 1670. Sophia Willmann studied biology, and specializes in the behaviour of marine organisms. In 2007 she took part in whale research at the Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa. She is also the author of children's books that focus on biology. Rainer Willmann holds a chair in zoology at Gottingen University, is director of its Zoological Museum, and is co-founder of its Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research. A specialist in phlogenetics and evolution, he conducts research into biodiversity and its history. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Carpita Veronica, Willmann Rainer, Willmann Sophia Shell - Muscheln - Coquillages
Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (1680-1765) was a French courtier, intellectual and amateur natural historian. Fascinated by seashells, he authored one of his era's most lavish books, dedicate to the rarest and most beautiful examples. La Conchyliologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles de Mer, d'Eau Douce, Terrestres et Fossiles, published in 1780, was a summation of 18th century conchology, with drawings so vivid they sparked a Parisian fad for natural history. The natural beauty of seashells has enchanted cultures around the world since time immemorial. The "recreation of the eye and mind" inspired by them has been celebrated in literature and throughout humanist circles across Europe since antiquity: in his De oratore, the classical scholar Cicero extolled the value of the leisure and friendship cultivated by two friends who spent their leisurely hours collecting shells. These wonderful marine forms-"the artifice of nature"-were considered capable of elevating the spirit and stimulating the senses, as well as refining the taste and creativity of artists. Throughout history, their innumerable shapes, crenulations, and vast variety of colors and patterns have inspired painters and jewelers, architects and textile designers, sculptors and furniture makers, gunsmiths and glass-blowers. TASCHEN's complete reprint of these 80 splendid hand-colored copper engraved plates, rendered in exquisite detail and the subtlest colors, is taken from one of the finest original copies. About the authors: Veronica Carpita studied art history at the University of Pisa. Her numerous publications focus on antiquarian and scientific collections, such as Agostino Scilla's seminal work of conchology, La vana speculazione disingannata dal senso, published in 1670. Sophia Willmann studied biology, and specializes in the behaviour of marine organisms. In 2007 she took part in whale research at the Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa. She is also the author of children's books that focus on biology. Rainer Willmann holds a chair in zoology at Gottingen University, is director of its Zoological Museum, and is co-founder of its Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research. A specialist in phlogenetics and evolution, he conducts research into biodiversity and its history. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Carpita Veronica, Willmann Rainer, Willmann Sophia Shell - Muscheln - Coquillages
Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (1680-1765) was a French courtier, intellectual and amateur natural historian. Fascinated by seashells, he authored one of his era's most lavish books, dedicate to the rarest and most beautiful examples. La Conchyliologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles de Mer, d'Eau Douce, Terrestres et Fossiles, published in 1780, was a summation of 18th century conchology, with drawings so vivid they sparked a Parisian fad for natural history. The natural beauty of seashells has enchanted cultures around the world since time immemorial. The "recreation of the eye and mind" inspired by them has been celebrated in literature and throughout humanist circles across Europe since antiquity: in his De oratore, the classical scholar Cicero extolled the value of the leisure and friendship cultivated by two friends who spent their leisurely hours collecting shells. These wonderful marine forms-"the artifice of nature"-were considered capable of elevating the spirit and stimulating the senses, as well as refining the taste and creativity of artists. Throughout history, their innumerable shapes, crenulations, and vast variety of colors and patterns have inspired painters and jewelers, architects and textile designers, sculptors and furniture makers, gunsmiths and glass-blowers. TASCHEN's complete reprint of these 80 splendid hand-colored copper engraved plates, rendered in exquisite detail and the subtlest colors, is taken from one of the finest original copies. About the authors: Veronica Carpita studied art history at the University of Pisa. Her numerous publications focus on antiquarian and scientific collections, such as Agostino Scilla's seminal work of conchology, La vana speculazione disingannata dal senso, published in 1670. Sophia Willmann studied biology, and specializes in the behaviour of marine organisms. In 2007 she took part in whale research at the Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa. She is also the author of children's books that focus on biology. Rainer Willmann holds a chair in zoology at Gottingen University, is director of its Zoological Museum, and is co-founder of its Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research. A specialist in phlogenetics and evolution, he conducts research into biodiversity and its history. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Carpita Veronica, Willmann Rainer, Willmann Sophia Shell - Muscheln - Coquillages
Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (1680-1765) was a French courtier, intellectual and amateur natural historian. Fascinated by seashells, he authored one of his era's most lavish books, dedicate to the rarest and most beautiful examples. La Conchyliologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles de Mer, d'Eau Douce, Terrestres et Fossiles, published in 1780, was a summation of 18th century conchology, with drawings so vivid they sparked a Parisian fad for natural history. The natural beauty of seashells has enchanted cultures around the world since time immemorial. The "recreation of the eye and mind" inspired by them has been celebrated in literature and throughout humanist circles across Europe since antiquity: in his De oratore, the classical scholar Cicero extolled the value of the leisure and friendship cultivated by two friends who spent their leisurely hours collecting shells. These wonderful marine forms-"the artifice of nature"-were considered capable of elevating the spirit and stimulating the senses, as well as refining the taste and creativity of artists. Throughout history, their innumerable shapes, crenulations, and vast variety of colors and patterns have inspired painters and jewelers, architects and textile designers, sculptors and furniture makers, gunsmiths and glass-blowers. TASCHEN's complete reprint of these 80 splendid hand-colored copper engraved plates, rendered in exquisite detail and the subtlest colors, is taken from one of the finest original copies. About the authors: Veronica Carpita studied art history at the University of Pisa. Her numerous publications focus on antiquarian and scientific collections, such as Agostino Scilla's seminal work of conchology, La vana speculazione disingannata dal senso, published in 1670. Sophia Willmann studied biology, and specializes in the behaviour of marine organisms. In 2007 she took part in whale research at the Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa. She is also the author of children's books that focus on biology. Rainer Willmann holds a chair in zoology at Gottingen University, is director of its Zoological Museum, and is co-founder of its Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research. A specialist in phlogenetics and evolution, he conducts research into biodiversity and its history. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Carpita Veronica, Willmann Rainer, Willmann Sophia Shell - Muscheln - Coquillages
Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (1680-1765) was a French courtier, intellectual and amateur natural historian. Fascinated by seashells, he authored one of his era's most lavish books, dedicate to the rarest and most beautiful examples. La Conchyliologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles de Mer, d'Eau Douce, Terrestres et Fossiles, published in 1780, was a summation of 18th century conchology, with drawings so vivid they sparked a Parisian fad for natural history. The natural beauty of seashells has enchanted cultures around the world since time immemorial. The "recreation of the eye and mind" inspired by them has been celebrated in literature and throughout humanist circles across Europe since antiquity: in his De oratore, the classical scholar Cicero extolled the value of the leisure and friendship cultivated by two friends who spent their leisurely hours collecting shells. These wonderful marine forms-"the artifice of nature"-were considered capable of elevating the spirit and stimulating the senses, as well as refining the taste and creativity of artists. Throughout history, their innumerable shapes, crenulations, and vast variety of colors and patterns have inspired painters and jewelers, architects and textile designers, sculptors and furniture makers, gunsmiths and glass-blowers. TASCHEN's complete reprint of these 80 splendid hand-colored copper engraved plates, rendered in exquisite detail and the subtlest colors, is taken from one of the finest original copies. About the authors: Veronica Carpita studied art history at the University of Pisa. Her numerous publications focus on antiquarian and scientific collections, such as Agostino Scilla's seminal work of conchology, La vana speculazione disingannata dal senso, published in 1670. Sophia Willmann studied biology, and specializes in the behaviour of marine organisms. In 2007 she took part in whale research at the Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa. She is also the author of children's books that focus on biology. Rainer Willmann holds a chair in zoology at Gottingen University, is director of its Zoological Museum, and is co-founder of its Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research. A specialist in phlogenetics and evolution, he conducts research into biodiversity and its history. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Carpita Veronica, Willmann Rainer, Willmann Sophia Shell - Muscheln - Coquillages
Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville (1680-1765) was a French courtier, intellectual and amateur natural historian. Fascinated by seashells, he authored one of his era's most lavish books, dedicate to the rarest and most beautiful examples. La Conchyliologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles de Mer, d'Eau Douce, Terrestres et Fossiles, published in 1780, was a summation of 18th century conchology, with drawings so vivid they sparked a Parisian fad for natural history. The natural beauty of seashells has enchanted cultures around the world since time immemorial. The "recreation of the eye and mind" inspired by them has been celebrated in literature and throughout humanist circles across Europe since antiquity: in his De oratore, the classical scholar Cicero extolled the value of the leisure and friendship cultivated by two friends who spent their leisurely hours collecting shells. These wonderful marine forms-"the artifice of nature"-were considered capable of elevating the spirit and stimulating the senses, as well as refining the taste and creativity of artists. Throughout history, their innumerable shapes, crenulations, and vast variety of colors and patterns have inspired painters and jewelers, architects and textile designers, sculptors and furniture makers, gunsmiths and glass-blowers. TASCHEN's complete reprint of these 80 splendid hand-colored copper engraved plates, rendered in exquisite detail and the subtlest colors, is taken from one of the finest original copies. About the authors: Veronica Carpita studied art history at the University of Pisa. Her numerous publications focus on antiquarian and scientific collections, such as Agostino Scilla's seminal work of conchology, La vana speculazione disingannata dal senso, published in 1670. Sophia Willmann studied biology, and specializes in the behaviour of marine organisms. In 2007 she took part in whale research at the Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa. She is also the author of children's books that focus on biology. Rainer Willmann holds a chair in zoology at Gottingen University, is director of its Zoological Museum, and is co-founder of its Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology Research. A specialist in phlogenetics and evolution, he conducts research into biodiversity and its history. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Walton Ford, Bill Buford Walton Ford: Pancha Tantra
At first glance, Walton Ford's large-scale, highly-detailed watercolors of animals may recall the prints of 19th century illustrators John James Audubon and Edward Lear, and others of the colonial era. But a closer look reveals a complex and disturbingly anthropomorphic universe, full of symbols, sly jokes, and allusions to the 'operatic' nature of traditional natural history themes. The beasts and birds populating this contemporary artist's life-size paintings are never mere objects, but dynamic actors in allegorical struggles: a wild turkey crushes a small parrot in its claw; a troupe of monkeys wreak havoc on a formal dinner table, an American buffalo is surrounded by bloodied white wolves. The book's title derives from The Pancha Tantra, an ancient Indian book of animal tales considered the precursor to Aesop's Fables. This large-format edition includes an in-depth exploration of Walton Ford's oeuvre, a complete biography, and excerpts from his textual inspirations: Vietnamese folktales and the letters of Benjamin Franklin, the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini and Audubon's Ornithological Biography. About the artist: Walton Ford, born 1960 in Larchmont, NY, graduated in filmmaking from RISD, but switched to large-scale watercolor painting. His work has been widely exhibited, including shows at the Whitney and Brooklyn museums. He lives and works in Massachusetts. About the author: Bill Buford is an author and New Yorker staff writer, as well as the founding editor of Granta, which he edited for 16 years. His books include Among the Thugs and Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as a Kitchen Slave. He lives in New York City with his wife and two sons. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Walton Ford, Bill Buford Walton Ford: Pancha Tantra
At first glance, Walton Ford's large-scale, highly-detailed watercolors of animals may recall the prints of 19th century illustrators John James Audubon and Edward Lear, and others of the colonial era. But a closer look reveals a complex and disturbingly anthropomorphic universe, full of symbols, sly jokes, and allusions to the 'operatic' nature of traditional natural history themes. The beasts and birds populating this contemporary artist's life-size paintings are never mere objects, but dynamic actors in allegorical struggles: a wild turkey crushes a small parrot in its claw; a troupe of monkeys wreak havoc on a formal dinner table, an American buffalo is surrounded by bloodied white wolves. The book's title derives from The Pancha Tantra, an ancient Indian book of animal tales considered the precursor to Aesop's Fables. This large-format edition includes an in-depth exploration of Walton Ford's oeuvre, a complete biography, and excerpts from his textual inspirations: Vietnamese folktales and the letters of Benjamin Franklin, the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini and Audubon's Ornithological Biography. About the artist: Walton Ford, born 1960 in Larchmont, NY, graduated in filmmaking from RISD, but switched to large-scale watercolor painting. His work has been widely exhibited, including shows at the Whitney and Brooklyn museums. He lives and works in Massachusetts. About the author: Bill Buford is an author and New Yorker staff writer, as well as the founding editor of Granta, which he edited for 16 years. His books include Among the Thugs and Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as a Kitchen Slave. He lives in New York City with his wife and two sons. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Walton Ford, Bill Buford Walton Ford: Pancha Tantra
At first glance, Walton Ford's large-scale, highly-detailed watercolors of animals may recall the prints of 19th century illustrators John James Audubon and Edward Lear, and others of the colonial era. But a closer look reveals a complex and disturbingly anthropomorphic universe, full of symbols, sly jokes, and allusions to the 'operatic' nature of traditional natural history themes. The beasts and birds populating this contemporary artist's life-size paintings are never mere objects, but dynamic actors in allegorical struggles: a wild turkey crushes a small parrot in its claw; a troupe of monkeys wreak havoc on a formal dinner table, an American buffalo is surrounded by bloodied white wolves. The book's title derives from The Pancha Tantra, an ancient Indian book of animal tales considered the precursor to Aesop's Fables. This large-format edition includes an in-depth exploration of Walton Ford's oeuvre, a complete biography, and excerpts from his textual inspirations: Vietnamese folktales and the letters of Benjamin Franklin, the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini and Audubon's Ornithological Biography. About the artist: Walton Ford, born 1960 in Larchmont, NY, graduated in filmmaking from RISD, but switched to large-scale watercolor painting. His work has been widely exhibited, including shows at the Whitney and Brooklyn museums. He lives and works in Massachusetts. About the author: Bill Buford is an author and New Yorker staff writer, as well as the founding editor of Granta, which he edited for 16 years. His books include Among the Thugs and Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as a Kitchen Slave. He lives in New York City with his wife and two sons. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Walton Ford, Bill Buford Walton Ford: Pancha Tantra
At first glance, Walton Ford's large-scale, highly-detailed watercolors of animals may recall the prints of 19th century illustrators John James Audubon and Edward Lear, and others of the colonial era. But a closer look reveals a complex and disturbingly anthropomorphic universe, full of symbols, sly jokes, and allusions to the 'operatic' nature of traditional natural history themes. The beasts and birds populating this contemporary artist's life-size paintings are never mere objects, but dynamic actors in allegorical struggles: a wild turkey crushes a small parrot in its claw; a troupe of monkeys wreak havoc on a formal dinner table, an American buffalo is surrounded by bloodied white wolves. The book's title derives from The Pancha Tantra, an ancient Indian book of animal tales considered the precursor to Aesop's Fables. This large-format edition includes an in-depth exploration of Walton Ford's oeuvre, a complete biography, and excerpts from his textual inspirations: Vietnamese folktales and the letters of Benjamin Franklin, the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini and Audubon's Ornithological Biography. About the artist: Walton Ford, born 1960 in Larchmont, NY, graduated in filmmaking from RISD, but switched to large-scale watercolor painting. His work has been widely exhibited, including shows at the Whitney and Brooklyn museums. He lives and works in Massachusetts. About the author: Bill Buford is an author and New Yorker staff writer, as well as the founding editor of Granta, which he edited for 16 years. His books include Among the Thugs and Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as a Kitchen Slave. He lives in New York City with his wife and two sons. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Walton Ford, Bill Buford Walton Ford: Pancha Tantra
At first glance, Walton Ford's large-scale, highly-detailed watercolors of animals may recall the prints of 19th century illustrators John James Audubon and Edward Lear, and others of the colonial era. But a closer look reveals a complex and disturbingly anthropomorphic universe, full of symbols, sly jokes, and allusions to the 'operatic' nature of traditional natural history themes. The beasts and birds populating this contemporary artist's life-size paintings are never mere objects, but dynamic actors in allegorical struggles: a wild turkey crushes a small parrot in its claw; a troupe of monkeys wreak havoc on a formal dinner table, an American buffalo is surrounded by bloodied white wolves. The book's title derives from The Pancha Tantra, an ancient Indian book of animal tales considered the precursor to Aesop's Fables. This large-format edition includes an in-depth exploration of Walton Ford's oeuvre, a complete biography, and excerpts from his textual inspirations: Vietnamese folktales and the letters of Benjamin Franklin, the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini and Audubon's Ornithological Biography. About the artist: Walton Ford, born 1960 in Larchmont, NY, graduated in filmmaking from RISD, but switched to large-scale watercolor painting. His work has been widely exhibited, including shows at the Whitney and Brooklyn museums. He lives and works in Massachusetts. About the author: Bill Buford is an author and New Yorker staff writer, as well as the founding editor of Granta, which he edited for 16 years. His books include Among the Thugs and Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as a Kitchen Slave. He lives in New York City with his wife and two sons. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Walton Ford, Bill Buford Walton Ford: Pancha Tantra
At first glance, Walton Ford's large-scale, highly-detailed watercolors of animals may recall the prints of 19th century illustrators John James Audubon and Edward Lear, and others of the colonial era. But a closer look reveals a complex and disturbingly anthropomorphic universe, full of symbols, sly jokes, and allusions to the 'operatic' nature of traditional natural history themes. The beasts and birds populating this contemporary artist's life-size paintings are never mere objects, but dynamic actors in allegorical struggles: a wild turkey crushes a small parrot in its claw; a troupe of monkeys wreak havoc on a formal dinner table, an American buffalo is surrounded by bloodied white wolves. The book's title derives from The Pancha Tantra, an ancient Indian book of animal tales considered the precursor to Aesop's Fables. This large-format edition includes an in-depth exploration of Walton Ford's oeuvre, a complete biography, and excerpts from his textual inspirations: Vietnamese folktales and the letters of Benjamin Franklin, the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini and Audubon's Ornithological Biography. About the artist: Walton Ford, born 1960 in Larchmont, NY, graduated in filmmaking from RISD, but switched to large-scale watercolor painting. His work has been widely exhibited, including shows at the Whitney and Brooklyn museums. He lives and works in Massachusetts. About the author: Bill Buford is an author and New Yorker staff writer, as well as the founding editor of Granta, which he edited for 16 years. His books include Among the Thugs and Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as a Kitchen Slave. He lives in New York City with his wife and two sons. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Walton Ford, Bill Buford Walton Ford: Pancha Tantra
At first glance, Walton Ford's large-scale, highly-detailed watercolors of animals may recall the prints of 19th century illustrators John James Audubon and Edward Lear, and others of the colonial era. But a closer look reveals a complex and disturbingly anthropomorphic universe, full of symbols, sly jokes, and allusions to the 'operatic' nature of traditional natural history themes. The beasts and birds populating this contemporary artist's life-size paintings are never mere objects, but dynamic actors in allegorical struggles: a wild turkey crushes a small parrot in its claw; a troupe of monkeys wreak havoc on a formal dinner table, an American buffalo is surrounded by bloodied white wolves. The book's title derives from The Pancha Tantra, an ancient Indian book of animal tales considered the precursor to Aesop's Fables. This large-format edition includes an in-depth exploration of Walton Ford's oeuvre, a complete biography, and excerpts from his textual inspirations: Vietnamese folktales and the letters of Benjamin Franklin, the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini and Audubon's Ornithological Biography. About the artist: Walton Ford, born 1960 in Larchmont, NY, graduated in filmmaking from RISD, but switched to large-scale watercolor painting. His work has been widely exhibited, including shows at the Whitney and Brooklyn museums. He lives and works in Massachusetts. About the author: Bill Buford is an author and New Yorker staff writer, as well as the founding editor of Granta, which he edited for 16 years. His books include Among the Thugs and Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as a Kitchen Slave. He lives in New York City with his wife and two sons. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Moroder Giorgio, Benedetti Alessandro Extraordinary Records
This original collection features the most remarkable vinyl artifacts ever produced: a connoisseur's selection of records in a plethora of colors, shapes, and forms, imprinted with extraordinary effects and images. Produced in collaboration with Colors magazine, this book showcases over 500 of the most exceptional records owned by leading collectors Alessandro Benedetti and Peter Bastine. Featuring the recordings of Pink Floyd, Queen, the Beatles, Prince, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Bon Jovi and many others, these are rare and valuable records in countless designs and colors - gold, transparent, photo-printed - in a dazzling variety of shapes: butterfly, heart, star, and even a tree-shaped disc. About the author: Italian producer and songwriter Giorgio Moroder helped create electronic dance music, and has worked with Donna Summer, David Bowie, Janet Jackson, Barbra Streisand, and many others. He also founded Musicland Studios in Munich, once used by legendary acts like Led Zeppelin, Queen, and Elton John. About the contributing author: Alessandro Benedetti began collecting colored and unusual records in 1981, and now has 8,000 discs, including 1,200 colored vinyl discs. In 1998 his collection won recognition in The Guinness Book of Records. His dream is to open a record museum so he can share his collection with the public. About the contributor: Peter Bastine, born in 1952, has been a DJ, record seller, and concert organizer. From 1977 until 1998 he collected every kind of picture disc; since then, mostly historical 78rpm records. Today his collection comprises around 8,000 picture discs, and has been the subject of several European exhibitions. Издания на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Moroder Giorgio, Benedetti Alessandro Extraordinary Records
This original collection features the most remarkable vinyl artifacts ever produced: a connoisseur's selection of records in a plethora of colors, shapes, and forms, imprinted with extraordinary effects and images. Produced in collaboration with Colors magazine, this book showcases over 500 of the most exceptional records owned by leading collectors Alessandro Benedetti and Peter Bastine. Featuring the recordings of Pink Floyd, Queen, the Beatles, Prince, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Bon Jovi and many others, these are rare and valuable records in countless designs and colors - gold, transparent, photo-printed - in a dazzling variety of shapes: butterfly, heart, star, and even a tree-shaped disc. About the author: Italian producer and songwriter Giorgio Moroder helped create electronic dance music, and has worked with Donna Summer, David Bowie, Janet Jackson, Barbra Streisand, and many others. He also founded Musicland Studios in Munich, once used by legendary acts like Led Zeppelin, Queen, and Elton John. About the contributing author: Alessandro Benedetti began collecting colored and unusual records in 1981, and now has 8,000 discs, including 1,200 colored vinyl discs. In 1998 his collection won recognition in The Guinness Book of Records. His dream is to open a record museum so he can share his collection with the public. About the contributor: Peter Bastine, born in 1952, has been a DJ, record seller, and concert organizer. From 1977 until 1998 he collected every kind of picture disc; since then, mostly historical 78rpm records. Today his collection comprises around 8,000 picture discs, and has been the subject of several European exhibitions. Издания на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Moroder Giorgio, Benedetti Alessandro Extraordinary Records
This original collection features the most remarkable vinyl artifacts ever produced: a connoisseur's selection of records in a plethora of colors, shapes, and forms, imprinted with extraordinary effects and images. Produced in collaboration with Colors magazine, this book showcases over 500 of the most exceptional records owned by leading collectors Alessandro Benedetti and Peter Bastine. Featuring the recordings of Pink Floyd, Queen, the Beatles, Prince, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Bon Jovi and many others, these are rare and valuable records in countless designs and colors - gold, transparent, photo-printed - in a dazzling variety of shapes: butterfly, heart, star, and even a tree-shaped disc. About the author: Italian producer and songwriter Giorgio Moroder helped create electronic dance music, and has worked with Donna Summer, David Bowie, Janet Jackson, Barbra Streisand, and many others. He also founded Musicland Studios in Munich, once used by legendary acts like Led Zeppelin, Queen, and Elton John. About the contributing author: Alessandro Benedetti began collecting colored and unusual records in 1981, and now has 8,000 discs, including 1,200 colored vinyl discs. In 1998 his collection won recognition in The Guinness Book of Records. His dream is to open a record museum so he can share his collection with the public. About the contributor: Peter Bastine, born in 1952, has been a DJ, record seller, and concert organizer. From 1977 until 1998 he collected every kind of picture disc; since then, mostly historical 78rpm records. Today his collection comprises around 8,000 picture discs, and has been the subject of several European exhibitions. Издания на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Moroder Giorgio, Benedetti Alessandro Extraordinary Records
This original collection features the most remarkable vinyl artifacts ever produced: a connoisseur's selection of records in a plethora of colors, shapes, and forms, imprinted with extraordinary effects and images. Produced in collaboration with Colors magazine, this book showcases over 500 of the most exceptional records owned by leading collectors Alessandro Benedetti and Peter Bastine. Featuring the recordings of Pink Floyd, Queen, the Beatles, Prince, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Bon Jovi and many others, these are rare and valuable records in countless designs and colors - gold, transparent, photo-printed - in a dazzling variety of shapes: butterfly, heart, star, and even a tree-shaped disc. About the author: Italian producer and songwriter Giorgio Moroder helped create electronic dance music, and has worked with Donna Summer, David Bowie, Janet Jackson, Barbra Streisand, and many others. He also founded Musicland Studios in Munich, once used by legendary acts like Led Zeppelin, Queen, and Elton John. About the contributing author: Alessandro Benedetti began collecting colored and unusual records in 1981, and now has 8,000 discs, including 1,200 colored vinyl discs. In 1998 his collection won recognition in The Guinness Book of Records. His dream is to open a record museum so he can share his collection with the public. About the contributor: Peter Bastine, born in 1952, has been a DJ, record seller, and concert organizer. From 1977 until 1998 he collected every kind of picture disc; since then, mostly historical 78rpm records. Today his collection comprises around 8,000 picture discs, and has been the subject of several European exhibitions. Издания на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Moroder Giorgio, Benedetti Alessandro Extraordinary Records
This original collection features the most remarkable vinyl artifacts ever produced: a connoisseur's selection of records in a plethora of colors, shapes, and forms, imprinted with extraordinary effects and images. Produced in collaboration with Colors magazine, this book showcases over 500 of the most exceptional records owned by leading collectors Alessandro Benedetti and Peter Bastine. Featuring the recordings of Pink Floyd, Queen, the Beatles, Prince, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Bon Jovi and many others, these are rare and valuable records in countless designs and colors - gold, transparent, photo-printed - in a dazzling variety of shapes: butterfly, heart, star, and even a tree-shaped disc. About the author: Italian producer and songwriter Giorgio Moroder helped create electronic dance music, and has worked with Donna Summer, David Bowie, Janet Jackson, Barbra Streisand, and many others. He also founded Musicland Studios in Munich, once used by legendary acts like Led Zeppelin, Queen, and Elton John. About the contributing author: Alessandro Benedetti began collecting colored and unusual records in 1981, and now has 8,000 discs, including 1,200 colored vinyl discs. In 1998 his collection won recognition in The Guinness Book of Records. His dream is to open a record museum so he can share his collection with the public. About the contributor: Peter Bastine, born in 1952, has been a DJ, record seller, and concert organizer. From 1977 until 1998 he collected every kind of picture disc; since then, mostly historical 78rpm records. Today his collection comprises around 8,000 picture discs, and has been the subject of several European exhibitions. Издания на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Moroder Giorgio, Benedetti Alessandro Extraordinary Records
This original collection features the most remarkable vinyl artifacts ever produced: a connoisseur's selection of records in a plethora of colors, shapes, and forms, imprinted with extraordinary effects and images. Produced in collaboration with Colors magazine, this book showcases over 500 of the most exceptional records owned by leading collectors Alessandro Benedetti and Peter Bastine. Featuring the recordings of Pink Floyd, Queen, the Beatles, Prince, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Bon Jovi and many others, these are rare and valuable records in countless designs and colors - gold, transparent, photo-printed - in a dazzling variety of shapes: butterfly, heart, star, and even a tree-shaped disc. About the author: Italian producer and songwriter Giorgio Moroder helped create electronic dance music, and has worked with Donna Summer, David Bowie, Janet Jackson, Barbra Streisand, and many others. He also founded Musicland Studios in Munich, once used by legendary acts like Led Zeppelin, Queen, and Elton John. About the contributing author: Alessandro Benedetti began collecting colored and unusual records in 1981, and now has 8,000 discs, including 1,200 colored vinyl discs. In 1998 his collection won recognition in The Guinness Book of Records. His dream is to open a record museum so he can share his collection with the public. About the contributor: Peter Bastine, born in 1952, has been a DJ, record seller, and concert organizer. From 1977 until 1998 he collected every kind of picture disc; since then, mostly historical 78rpm records. Today his collection comprises around 8,000 picture discs, and has been the subject of several European exhibitions. Издания на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Moroder Giorgio, Benedetti Alessandro Extraordinary Records
This original collection features the most remarkable vinyl artifacts ever produced: a connoisseur's selection of records in a plethora of colors, shapes, and forms, imprinted with extraordinary effects and images. Produced in collaboration with Colors magazine, this book showcases over 500 of the most exceptional records owned by leading collectors Alessandro Benedetti and Peter Bastine. Featuring the recordings of Pink Floyd, Queen, the Beatles, Prince, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Bon Jovi and many others, these are rare and valuable records in countless designs and colors - gold, transparent, photo-printed - in a dazzling variety of shapes: butterfly, heart, star, and even a tree-shaped disc. About the author: Italian producer and songwriter Giorgio Moroder helped create electronic dance music, and has worked with Donna Summer, David Bowie, Janet Jackson, Barbra Streisand, and many others. He also founded Musicland Studios in Munich, once used by legendary acts like Led Zeppelin, Queen, and Elton John. About the contributing author: Alessandro Benedetti began collecting colored and unusual records in 1981, and now has 8,000 discs, including 1,200 colored vinyl discs. In 1998 his collection won recognition in The Guinness Book of Records. His dream is to open a record museum so he can share his collection with the public. About the contributor: Peter Bastine, born in 1952, has been a DJ, record seller, and concert organizer. From 1977 until 1998 he collected every kind of picture disc; since then, mostly historical 78rpm records. Today his collection comprises around 8,000 picture discs, and has been the subject of several European exhibitions. Издания на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Moroder Giorgio, Benedetti Alessandro Extraordinary Records
This original collection features the most remarkable vinyl artifacts ever produced: a connoisseur's selection of records in a plethora of colors, shapes, and forms, imprinted with extraordinary effects and images. Produced in collaboration with Colors magazine, this book showcases over 500 of the most exceptional records owned by leading collectors Alessandro Benedetti and Peter Bastine. Featuring the recordings of Pink Floyd, Queen, the Beatles, Prince, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Bon Jovi and many others, these are rare and valuable records in countless designs and colors - gold, transparent, photo-printed - in a dazzling variety of shapes: butterfly, heart, star, and even a tree-shaped disc. About the author: Italian producer and songwriter Giorgio Moroder helped create electronic dance music, and has worked with Donna Summer, David Bowie, Janet Jackson, Barbra Streisand, and many others. He also founded Musicland Studios in Munich, once used by legendary acts like Led Zeppelin, Queen, and Elton John. About the contributing author: Alessandro Benedetti began collecting colored and unusual records in 1981, and now has 8,000 discs, including 1,200 colored vinyl discs. In 1998 his collection won recognition in The Guinness Book of Records. His dream is to open a record museum so he can share his collection with the public. About the contributor: Peter Bastine, born in 1952, has been a DJ, record seller, and concert organizer. From 1977 until 1998 he collected every kind of picture disc; since then, mostly historical 78rpm records. Today his collection comprises around 8,000 picture discs, and has been the subject of several European exhibitions. Издания на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Book of Lofts
Lofts are apartments resulting from the conversion of former industrial or commercial buildings. They have their origins in the New York of the 1950s. At that time, artists and bohemians in search of cheap places to live and work began to move into abandoned late-nineteenth-century buildings that had once been warehouses, workshops or factories, thus creating a new American version of the Parisian artist's atelier. Nowadays, the tendency to convert warehouses and factories into homes has extended everywhere. Once low-cost living spaces for artists, often occupied illegally by students, they have grown into elegant, luxurious residences reserved for a wealthy elite. This book describes 55 lofts from all over the world, occupying buildings ranging from huge industrial spaces to small business premises. It is illustrated by more than 600 photographs, architectural plans and computer graphics. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Advertising Now! TV Commercials (+ CD)
As Seen On TV! From Apple to VW, the very best of today's television commercials For anyone interested in inventive commercials, this book covers the best contemporary examples from around the world The very best TV commercials are masterpieces of the art, 30- or 60-second films that make us think, and rethink our attitudes towards a certain brand, product or service. Whether it's selling the latest Nike sneaker or raising awareness about the danger of speeding, a commercial must communicate its message in under a minute, and only the sharpest creative minds achieve the perfect balance of novelty, entertainment, information and emotional impact. This book-and-DVD package gathers many of the world's best commercials of recent years, in chapters organized by subjects, such as food & beverage, health & beauty, social & political, technology, and transport. Also included are screenshots, descriptions of each spot, and a credit list. Over 80 commercials featured in the book are included on the accompanying DVD About the editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Animation Now!, Advertising Now! the Web Design series, and 1000 Favorite Websites. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Advertising Now! TV Commercials (+ CD)
As Seen On TV! From Apple to VW, the very best of today's television commercials For anyone interested in inventive commercials, this book covers the best contemporary examples from around the world The very best TV commercials are masterpieces of the art, 30- or 60-second films that make us think, and rethink our attitudes towards a certain brand, product or service. Whether it's selling the latest Nike sneaker or raising awareness about the danger of speeding, a commercial must communicate its message in under a minute, and only the sharpest creative minds achieve the perfect balance of novelty, entertainment, information and emotional impact. This book-and-DVD package gathers many of the world's best commercials of recent years, in chapters organized by subjects, such as food & beverage, health & beauty, social & political, technology, and transport. Also included are screenshots, descriptions of each spot, and a credit list. Over 80 commercials featured in the book are included on the accompanying DVD About the editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Animation Now!, Advertising Now! the Web Design series, and 1000 Favorite Websites. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Advertising Now! TV Commercials (+ CD)
As Seen On TV! From Apple to VW, the very best of today's television commercials For anyone interested in inventive commercials, this book covers the best contemporary examples from around the world The very best TV commercials are masterpieces of the art, 30- or 60-second films that make us think, and rethink our attitudes towards a certain brand, product or service. Whether it's selling the latest Nike sneaker or raising awareness about the danger of speeding, a commercial must communicate its message in under a minute, and only the sharpest creative minds achieve the perfect balance of novelty, entertainment, information and emotional impact. This book-and-DVD package gathers many of the world's best commercials of recent years, in chapters organized by subjects, such as food & beverage, health & beauty, social & political, technology, and transport. Also included are screenshots, descriptions of each spot, and a credit list. Over 80 commercials featured in the book are included on the accompanying DVD About the editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Animation Now!, Advertising Now! the Web Design series, and 1000 Favorite Websites. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Advertising Now! TV Commercials (+ CD)
As Seen On TV! From Apple to VW, the very best of today's television commercials For anyone interested in inventive commercials, this book covers the best contemporary examples from around the world The very best TV commercials are masterpieces of the art, 30- or 60-second films that make us think, and rethink our attitudes towards a certain brand, product or service. Whether it's selling the latest Nike sneaker or raising awareness about the danger of speeding, a commercial must communicate its message in under a minute, and only the sharpest creative minds achieve the perfect balance of novelty, entertainment, information and emotional impact. This book-and-DVD package gathers many of the world's best commercials of recent years, in chapters organized by subjects, such as food & beverage, health & beauty, social & political, technology, and transport. Also included are screenshots, descriptions of each spot, and a credit list. Over 80 commercials featured in the book are included on the accompanying DVD About the editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Animation Now!, Advertising Now! the Web Design series, and 1000 Favorite Websites. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Advertising Now! TV Commercials (+ CD)
As Seen On TV! From Apple to VW, the very best of today's television commercials For anyone interested in inventive commercials, this book covers the best contemporary examples from around the world The very best TV commercials are masterpieces of the art, 30- or 60-second films that make us think, and rethink our attitudes towards a certain brand, product or service. Whether it's selling the latest Nike sneaker or raising awareness about the danger of speeding, a commercial must communicate its message in under a minute, and only the sharpest creative minds achieve the perfect balance of novelty, entertainment, information and emotional impact. This book-and-DVD package gathers many of the world's best commercials of recent years, in chapters organized by subjects, such as food & beverage, health & beauty, social & political, technology, and transport. Also included are screenshots, descriptions of each spot, and a credit list. Over 80 commercials featured in the book are included on the accompanying DVD About the editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Animation Now!, Advertising Now! the Web Design series, and 1000 Favorite Websites. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Advertising Now! TV Commercials (+ CD)
As Seen On TV! From Apple to VW, the very best of today's television commercials For anyone interested in inventive commercials, this book covers the best contemporary examples from around the world The very best TV commercials are masterpieces of the art, 30- or 60-second films that make us think, and rethink our attitudes towards a certain brand, product or service. Whether it's selling the latest Nike sneaker or raising awareness about the danger of speeding, a commercial must communicate its message in under a minute, and only the sharpest creative minds achieve the perfect balance of novelty, entertainment, information and emotional impact. This book-and-DVD package gathers many of the world's best commercials of recent years, in chapters organized by subjects, such as food & beverage, health & beauty, social & political, technology, and transport. Also included are screenshots, descriptions of each spot, and a credit list. Over 80 commercials featured in the book are included on the accompanying DVD About the editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Animation Now!, Advertising Now! the Web Design series, and 1000 Favorite Websites. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Advertising Now! TV Commercials (+ CD)
As Seen On TV! From Apple to VW, the very best of today's television commercials For anyone interested in inventive commercials, this book covers the best contemporary examples from around the world The very best TV commercials are masterpieces of the art, 30- or 60-second films that make us think, and rethink our attitudes towards a certain brand, product or service. Whether it's selling the latest Nike sneaker or raising awareness about the danger of speeding, a commercial must communicate its message in under a minute, and only the sharpest creative minds achieve the perfect balance of novelty, entertainment, information and emotional impact. This book-and-DVD package gathers many of the world's best commercials of recent years, in chapters organized by subjects, such as food & beverage, health & beauty, social & political, technology, and transport. Also included are screenshots, descriptions of each spot, and a credit list. Over 80 commercials featured in the book are included on the accompanying DVD About the editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Animation Now!, Advertising Now! the Web Design series, and 1000 Favorite Websites. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Advertising Now! TV Commercials (+ CD)
As Seen On TV! From Apple to VW, the very best of today's television commercials For anyone interested in inventive commercials, this book covers the best contemporary examples from around the world The very best TV commercials are masterpieces of the art, 30- or 60-second films that make us think, and rethink our attitudes towards a certain brand, product or service. Whether it's selling the latest Nike sneaker or raising awareness about the danger of speeding, a commercial must communicate its message in under a minute, and only the sharpest creative minds achieve the perfect balance of novelty, entertainment, information and emotional impact. This book-and-DVD package gathers many of the world's best commercials of recent years, in chapters organized by subjects, such as food & beverage, health & beauty, social & political, technology, and transport. Also included are screenshots, descriptions of each spot, and a credit list. Over 80 commercials featured in the book are included on the accompanying DVD About the editor: Julius Wiedemann was born in Brazil, studied graphic design and marketing, and was an art editor for digital and design magazines in Tokyo. His many TASCHEN digital and media titles include Animation Now!, Advertising Now! the Web Design series, and 1000 Favorite Websites. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Logo Design. Volume 2
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. The world's best graphic symbols, tradmarks and logotypes In this follow-up to our immensely successful first volume, you'll find over 2,000 logos as well as detailed case studies on brand identities such as MTV and Wrangler. Top design and branding teams and offices featured include MetaDesign, Saffron Brand Consultants, Research Studios, Stefan Sagmeister, and Studio Dumbar. With a foreword by MetaDesign's chief design officer Uli Mayer-Johanssen and an introduction by branding guru Wally Olins, this collection brings an insider's prospective to the art of designing successful logos in any field of commerce.
Logo Design. Volume 2
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. The world's best graphic symbols, tradmarks and logotypes In this follow-up to our immensely successful first volume, you'll find over 2,000 logos as well as detailed case studies on brand identities such as MTV and Wrangler. Top design and branding teams and offices featured include MetaDesign, Saffron Brand Consultants, Research Studios, Stefan Sagmeister, and Studio Dumbar. With a foreword by MetaDesign's chief design officer Uli Mayer-Johanssen and an introduction by branding guru Wally Olins, this collection brings an insider's prospective to the art of designing successful logos in any field of commerce.
Logo Design. Volume 2
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. The world's best graphic symbols, tradmarks and logotypes In this follow-up to our immensely successful first volume, you'll find over 2,000 logos as well as detailed case studies on brand identities such as MTV and Wrangler. Top design and branding teams and offices featured include MetaDesign, Saffron Brand Consultants, Research Studios, Stefan Sagmeister, and Studio Dumbar. With a foreword by MetaDesign's chief design officer Uli Mayer-Johanssen and an introduction by branding guru Wally Olins, this collection brings an insider's prospective to the art of designing successful logos in any field of commerce.
Logo Design. Volume 2
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. The world's best graphic symbols, tradmarks and logotypes In this follow-up to our immensely successful first volume, you'll find over 2,000 logos as well as detailed case studies on brand identities such as MTV and Wrangler. Top design and branding teams and offices featured include MetaDesign, Saffron Brand Consultants, Research Studios, Stefan Sagmeister, and Studio Dumbar. With a foreword by MetaDesign's chief design officer Uli Mayer-Johanssen and an introduction by branding guru Wally Olins, this collection brings an insider's prospective to the art of designing successful logos in any field of commerce.
Logo Design. Volume 2
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. The world's best graphic symbols, tradmarks and logotypes In this follow-up to our immensely successful first volume, you'll find over 2,000 logos as well as detailed case studies on brand identities such as MTV and Wrangler. Top design and branding teams and offices featured include MetaDesign, Saffron Brand Consultants, Research Studios, Stefan Sagmeister, and Studio Dumbar. With a foreword by MetaDesign's chief design officer Uli Mayer-Johanssen and an introduction by branding guru Wally Olins, this collection brings an insider's prospective to the art of designing successful logos in any field of commerce.
Logo Design. Volume 2
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. The world's best graphic symbols, tradmarks and logotypes In this follow-up to our immensely successful first volume, you'll find over 2,000 logos as well as detailed case studies on brand identities such as MTV and Wrangler. Top design and branding teams and offices featured include MetaDesign, Saffron Brand Consultants, Research Studios, Stefan Sagmeister, and Studio Dumbar. With a foreword by MetaDesign's chief design officer Uli Mayer-Johanssen and an introduction by branding guru Wally Olins, this collection brings an insider's prospective to the art of designing successful logos in any field of commerce.
Logo Design. Volume 2
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. The world's best graphic symbols, tradmarks and logotypes In this follow-up to our immensely successful first volume, you'll find over 2,000 logos as well as detailed case studies on brand identities such as MTV and Wrangler. Top design and branding teams and offices featured include MetaDesign, Saffron Brand Consultants, Research Studios, Stefan Sagmeister, and Studio Dumbar. With a foreword by MetaDesign's chief design officer Uli Mayer-Johanssen and an introduction by branding guru Wally Olins, this collection brings an insider's prospective to the art of designing successful logos in any field of commerce.
Logo Design. Volume 2
Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках. The world's best graphic symbols, tradmarks and logotypes In this follow-up to our immensely successful first volume, you'll find over 2,000 logos as well as detailed case studies on brand identities such as MTV and Wrangler. Top design and branding teams and offices featured include MetaDesign, Saffron Brand Consultants, Research Studios, Stefan Sagmeister, and Studio Dumbar. With a foreword by MetaDesign's chief design officer Uli Mayer-Johanssen and an introduction by branding guru Wally Olins, this collection brings an insider's prospective to the art of designing successful logos in any field of commerce.
Taschen's New York
Get the most out of New York In New York, it's all about who you know. And now you're connected. Angelika Taschen knows New York. She's been behind the velvet ropes, explored the secret, unmarked restaurants and beloved neighborhood delis, scoured Soho, Nolita and Tribeca's stylish stores, and scoped out hotels uptown and downtown, from sleek and chic to hidden charms. She provides an all-access pass to parts of New York even most locals don't know. Dictionary-style cutout tabs make it easy to flip through, and a pocket-sized map of Manhattan lists all the shops, hotels, and restaurants in the book. With this guide in hand, New York is yours for the taking. Featuring the Maritime Hotel, a former sailors' dorm, now Chelsea's coolest hotel; Robert De Niro's Greenwich Hotel, with its authentic Japanese spa; the cheap but chic Pod Hotel. Learn how to get the best table at the Waverly Inn, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter's exclusive salon for the glitterati; how to find Soho's hidden basement bar subMercer; the Shake Shack, for a terrific burger in the shade of Madison Square Park; Rao's, the Spanish Harlem Italian joint run by the Sopranos' actor who turned Madonna away; where to buy New York's best cheesecake; and Greenwich Letterpress, for hand-printed cards to send to envious friends who didn't make this fabulous New York trip! About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Poul Ober specializes in interiors, architecture, and travel, and has produced advertising and editorial photography for Williams-Sonoma, O At Home, House & Garden, and various architectural and interior design firms. He lives and works in New York. (www.poulober.com) Texts by: Daisann McLane writes for National Geographic Traveler Magazine, The New York Times, New York Times Magazine and International Herald Tribune. She is the author of TASCHEN's Cheap Hotels and lives in New York City and Hong Kong. (www.daisann.com) Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen's New York
Get the most out of New York In New York, it's all about who you know. And now you're connected. Angelika Taschen knows New York. She's been behind the velvet ropes, explored the secret, unmarked restaurants and beloved neighborhood delis, scoured Soho, Nolita and Tribeca's stylish stores, and scoped out hotels uptown and downtown, from sleek and chic to hidden charms. She provides an all-access pass to parts of New York even most locals don't know. Dictionary-style cutout tabs make it easy to flip through, and a pocket-sized map of Manhattan lists all the shops, hotels, and restaurants in the book. With this guide in hand, New York is yours for the taking. Featuring the Maritime Hotel, a former sailors' dorm, now Chelsea's coolest hotel; Robert De Niro's Greenwich Hotel, with its authentic Japanese spa; the cheap but chic Pod Hotel. Learn how to get the best table at the Waverly Inn, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter's exclusive salon for the glitterati; how to find Soho's hidden basement bar subMercer; the Shake Shack, for a terrific burger in the shade of Madison Square Park; Rao's, the Spanish Harlem Italian joint run by the Sopranos' actor who turned Madonna away; where to buy New York's best cheesecake; and Greenwich Letterpress, for hand-printed cards to send to envious friends who didn't make this fabulous New York trip! About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Poul Ober specializes in interiors, architecture, and travel, and has produced advertising and editorial photography for Williams-Sonoma, O At Home, House & Garden, and various architectural and interior design firms. He lives and works in New York. (www.poulober.com) Texts by: Daisann McLane writes for National Geographic Traveler Magazine, The New York Times, New York Times Magazine and International Herald Tribune. She is the author of TASCHEN's Cheap Hotels and lives in New York City and Hong Kong. (www.daisann.com) Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen's New York
Get the most out of New York In New York, it's all about who you know. And now you're connected. Angelika Taschen knows New York. She's been behind the velvet ropes, explored the secret, unmarked restaurants and beloved neighborhood delis, scoured Soho, Nolita and Tribeca's stylish stores, and scoped out hotels uptown and downtown, from sleek and chic to hidden charms. She provides an all-access pass to parts of New York even most locals don't know. Dictionary-style cutout tabs make it easy to flip through, and a pocket-sized map of Manhattan lists all the shops, hotels, and restaurants in the book. With this guide in hand, New York is yours for the taking. Featuring the Maritime Hotel, a former sailors' dorm, now Chelsea's coolest hotel; Robert De Niro's Greenwich Hotel, with its authentic Japanese spa; the cheap but chic Pod Hotel. Learn how to get the best table at the Waverly Inn, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter's exclusive salon for the glitterati; how to find Soho's hidden basement bar subMercer; the Shake Shack, for a terrific burger in the shade of Madison Square Park; Rao's, the Spanish Harlem Italian joint run by the Sopranos' actor who turned Madonna away; where to buy New York's best cheesecake; and Greenwich Letterpress, for hand-printed cards to send to envious friends who didn't make this fabulous New York trip! About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Poul Ober specializes in interiors, architecture, and travel, and has produced advertising and editorial photography for Williams-Sonoma, O At Home, House & Garden, and various architectural and interior design firms. He lives and works in New York. (www.poulober.com) Texts by: Daisann McLane writes for National Geographic Traveler Magazine, The New York Times, New York Times Magazine and International Herald Tribune. She is the author of TASCHEN's Cheap Hotels and lives in New York City and Hong Kong. (www.daisann.com) Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen's New York
Get the most out of New York In New York, it's all about who you know. And now you're connected. Angelika Taschen knows New York. She's been behind the velvet ropes, explored the secret, unmarked restaurants and beloved neighborhood delis, scoured Soho, Nolita and Tribeca's stylish stores, and scoped out hotels uptown and downtown, from sleek and chic to hidden charms. She provides an all-access pass to parts of New York even most locals don't know. Dictionary-style cutout tabs make it easy to flip through, and a pocket-sized map of Manhattan lists all the shops, hotels, and restaurants in the book. With this guide in hand, New York is yours for the taking. Featuring the Maritime Hotel, a former sailors' dorm, now Chelsea's coolest hotel; Robert De Niro's Greenwich Hotel, with its authentic Japanese spa; the cheap but chic Pod Hotel. Learn how to get the best table at the Waverly Inn, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter's exclusive salon for the glitterati; how to find Soho's hidden basement bar subMercer; the Shake Shack, for a terrific burger in the shade of Madison Square Park; Rao's, the Spanish Harlem Italian joint run by the Sopranos' actor who turned Madonna away; where to buy New York's best cheesecake; and Greenwich Letterpress, for hand-printed cards to send to envious friends who didn't make this fabulous New York trip! About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Poul Ober specializes in interiors, architecture, and travel, and has produced advertising and editorial photography for Williams-Sonoma, O At Home, House & Garden, and various architectural and interior design firms. He lives and works in New York. (www.poulober.com) Texts by: Daisann McLane writes for National Geographic Traveler Magazine, The New York Times, New York Times Magazine and International Herald Tribune. She is the author of TASCHEN's Cheap Hotels and lives in New York City and Hong Kong. (www.daisann.com) Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen's New York
Get the most out of New York In New York, it's all about who you know. And now you're connected. Angelika Taschen knows New York. She's been behind the velvet ropes, explored the secret, unmarked restaurants and beloved neighborhood delis, scoured Soho, Nolita and Tribeca's stylish stores, and scoped out hotels uptown and downtown, from sleek and chic to hidden charms. She provides an all-access pass to parts of New York even most locals don't know. Dictionary-style cutout tabs make it easy to flip through, and a pocket-sized map of Manhattan lists all the shops, hotels, and restaurants in the book. With this guide in hand, New York is yours for the taking. Featuring the Maritime Hotel, a former sailors' dorm, now Chelsea's coolest hotel; Robert De Niro's Greenwich Hotel, with its authentic Japanese spa; the cheap but chic Pod Hotel. Learn how to get the best table at the Waverly Inn, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter's exclusive salon for the glitterati; how to find Soho's hidden basement bar subMercer; the Shake Shack, for a terrific burger in the shade of Madison Square Park; Rao's, the Spanish Harlem Italian joint run by the Sopranos' actor who turned Madonna away; where to buy New York's best cheesecake; and Greenwich Letterpress, for hand-printed cards to send to envious friends who didn't make this fabulous New York trip! About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Poul Ober specializes in interiors, architecture, and travel, and has produced advertising and editorial photography for Williams-Sonoma, O At Home, House & Garden, and various architectural and interior design firms. He lives and works in New York. (www.poulober.com) Texts by: Daisann McLane writes for National Geographic Traveler Magazine, The New York Times, New York Times Magazine and International Herald Tribune. She is the author of TASCHEN's Cheap Hotels and lives in New York City and Hong Kong. (www.daisann.com) Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen's New York
Get the most out of New York In New York, it's all about who you know. And now you're connected. Angelika Taschen knows New York. She's been behind the velvet ropes, explored the secret, unmarked restaurants and beloved neighborhood delis, scoured Soho, Nolita and Tribeca's stylish stores, and scoped out hotels uptown and downtown, from sleek and chic to hidden charms. She provides an all-access pass to parts of New York even most locals don't know. Dictionary-style cutout tabs make it easy to flip through, and a pocket-sized map of Manhattan lists all the shops, hotels, and restaurants in the book. With this guide in hand, New York is yours for the taking. Featuring the Maritime Hotel, a former sailors' dorm, now Chelsea's coolest hotel; Robert De Niro's Greenwich Hotel, with its authentic Japanese spa; the cheap but chic Pod Hotel. Learn how to get the best table at the Waverly Inn, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter's exclusive salon for the glitterati; how to find Soho's hidden basement bar subMercer; the Shake Shack, for a terrific burger in the shade of Madison Square Park; Rao's, the Spanish Harlem Italian joint run by the Sopranos' actor who turned Madonna away; where to buy New York's best cheesecake; and Greenwich Letterpress, for hand-printed cards to send to envious friends who didn't make this fabulous New York trip! About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Poul Ober specializes in interiors, architecture, and travel, and has produced advertising and editorial photography for Williams-Sonoma, O At Home, House & Garden, and various architectural and interior design firms. He lives and works in New York. (www.poulober.com) Texts by: Daisann McLane writes for National Geographic Traveler Magazine, The New York Times, New York Times Magazine and International Herald Tribune. She is the author of TASCHEN's Cheap Hotels and lives in New York City and Hong Kong. (www.daisann.com) Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen's New York
Get the most out of New York In New York, it's all about who you know. And now you're connected. Angelika Taschen knows New York. She's been behind the velvet ropes, explored the secret, unmarked restaurants and beloved neighborhood delis, scoured Soho, Nolita and Tribeca's stylish stores, and scoped out hotels uptown and downtown, from sleek and chic to hidden charms. She provides an all-access pass to parts of New York even most locals don't know. Dictionary-style cutout tabs make it easy to flip through, and a pocket-sized map of Manhattan lists all the shops, hotels, and restaurants in the book. With this guide in hand, New York is yours for the taking. Featuring the Maritime Hotel, a former sailors' dorm, now Chelsea's coolest hotel; Robert De Niro's Greenwich Hotel, with its authentic Japanese spa; the cheap but chic Pod Hotel. Learn how to get the best table at the Waverly Inn, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter's exclusive salon for the glitterati; how to find Soho's hidden basement bar subMercer; the Shake Shack, for a terrific burger in the shade of Madison Square Park; Rao's, the Spanish Harlem Italian joint run by the Sopranos' actor who turned Madonna away; where to buy New York's best cheesecake; and Greenwich Letterpress, for hand-printed cards to send to envious friends who didn't make this fabulous New York trip! About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Poul Ober specializes in interiors, architecture, and travel, and has produced advertising and editorial photography for Williams-Sonoma, O At Home, House & Garden, and various architectural and interior design firms. He lives and works in New York. (www.poulober.com) Texts by: Daisann McLane writes for National Geographic Traveler Magazine, The New York Times, New York Times Magazine and International Herald Tribune. She is the author of TASCHEN's Cheap Hotels and lives in New York City and Hong Kong. (www.daisann.com) Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Taschen's New York
Get the most out of New York In New York, it's all about who you know. And now you're connected. Angelika Taschen knows New York. She's been behind the velvet ropes, explored the secret, unmarked restaurants and beloved neighborhood delis, scoured Soho, Nolita and Tribeca's stylish stores, and scoped out hotels uptown and downtown, from sleek and chic to hidden charms. She provides an all-access pass to parts of New York even most locals don't know. Dictionary-style cutout tabs make it easy to flip through, and a pocket-sized map of Manhattan lists all the shops, hotels, and restaurants in the book. With this guide in hand, New York is yours for the taking. Featuring the Maritime Hotel, a former sailors' dorm, now Chelsea's coolest hotel; Robert De Niro's Greenwich Hotel, with its authentic Japanese spa; the cheap but chic Pod Hotel. Learn how to get the best table at the Waverly Inn, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter's exclusive salon for the glitterati; how to find Soho's hidden basement bar subMercer; the Shake Shack, for a terrific burger in the shade of Madison Square Park; Rao's, the Spanish Harlem Italian joint run by the Sopranos' actor who turned Madonna away; where to buy New York's best cheesecake; and Greenwich Letterpress, for hand-printed cards to send to envious friends who didn't make this fabulous New York trip! About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel, and lifestyle. About the photographer: Poul Ober specializes in interiors, architecture, and travel, and has produced advertising and editorial photography for Williams-Sonoma, O At Home, House & Garden, and various architectural and interior design firms. He lives and works in New York. (www.poulober.com) Texts by: Daisann McLane writes for National Geographic Traveler Magazine, The New York Times, New York Times Magazine and International Herald Tribune. She is the author of TASCHEN's Cheap Hotels and lives in New York City and Hong Kong. (www.daisann.com) Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Heimann Jim, Patton Philip Classic cars 20th Century
Henry Ford jump-started the age of the automobile with the first assembly-line car in 1908: the Model T. Over the next century the automobile evolved from chugging workhorse to tailfin-era showboat to sleek status symbol, complete with sleek hood ornament. Initially a novelty item, the car grew into a necessity of the modern age, and a vector of freedom on the open road. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade-by-decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels-and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design. Here are car trends as reflection of the zeitgeist, from the thrifty VW Beetle to the lumbering, gas-guzzling Hummer. Time-travel through the Automobile Age, with a collection that puts you in the driver's seat. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times, and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Heimann Jim, Patton Philip Classic cars 20th Century
Henry Ford jump-started the age of the automobile with the first assembly-line car in 1908: the Model T. Over the next century the automobile evolved from chugging workhorse to tailfin-era showboat to sleek status symbol, complete with sleek hood ornament. Initially a novelty item, the car grew into a necessity of the modern age, and a vector of freedom on the open road. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade-by-decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels-and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design. Here are car trends as reflection of the zeitgeist, from the thrifty VW Beetle to the lumbering, gas-guzzling Hummer. Time-travel through the Automobile Age, with a collection that puts you in the driver's seat. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times, and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Heimann Jim, Patton Philip Classic cars 20th Century
Henry Ford jump-started the age of the automobile with the first assembly-line car in 1908: the Model T. Over the next century the automobile evolved from chugging workhorse to tailfin-era showboat to sleek status symbol, complete with sleek hood ornament. Initially a novelty item, the car grew into a necessity of the modern age, and a vector of freedom on the open road. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade-by-decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels-and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design. Here are car trends as reflection of the zeitgeist, from the thrifty VW Beetle to the lumbering, gas-guzzling Hummer. Time-travel through the Automobile Age, with a collection that puts you in the driver's seat. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times, and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Heimann Jim, Patton Philip Classic cars 20th Century
Henry Ford jump-started the age of the automobile with the first assembly-line car in 1908: the Model T. Over the next century the automobile evolved from chugging workhorse to tailfin-era showboat to sleek status symbol, complete with sleek hood ornament. Initially a novelty item, the car grew into a necessity of the modern age, and a vector of freedom on the open road. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade-by-decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels-and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design. Here are car trends as reflection of the zeitgeist, from the thrifty VW Beetle to the lumbering, gas-guzzling Hummer. Time-travel through the Automobile Age, with a collection that puts you in the driver's seat. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times, and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Heimann Jim, Patton Philip Classic cars 20th Century
Henry Ford jump-started the age of the automobile with the first assembly-line car in 1908: the Model T. Over the next century the automobile evolved from chugging workhorse to tailfin-era showboat to sleek status symbol, complete with sleek hood ornament. Initially a novelty item, the car grew into a necessity of the modern age, and a vector of freedom on the open road. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade-by-decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels-and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design. Here are car trends as reflection of the zeitgeist, from the thrifty VW Beetle to the lumbering, gas-guzzling Hummer. Time-travel through the Automobile Age, with a collection that puts you in the driver's seat. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times, and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Heimann Jim, Patton Philip Classic cars 20th Century
Henry Ford jump-started the age of the automobile with the first assembly-line car in 1908: the Model T. Over the next century the automobile evolved from chugging workhorse to tailfin-era showboat to sleek status symbol, complete with sleek hood ornament. Initially a novelty item, the car grew into a necessity of the modern age, and a vector of freedom on the open road. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade-by-decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels-and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design. Here are car trends as reflection of the zeitgeist, from the thrifty VW Beetle to the lumbering, gas-guzzling Hummer. Time-travel through the Automobile Age, with a collection that puts you in the driver's seat. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times, and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Heimann Jim, Patton Philip Classic cars 20th Century
Henry Ford jump-started the age of the automobile with the first assembly-line car in 1908: the Model T. Over the next century the automobile evolved from chugging workhorse to tailfin-era showboat to sleek status symbol, complete with sleek hood ornament. Initially a novelty item, the car grew into a necessity of the modern age, and a vector of freedom on the open road. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade-by-decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of auto advertising, this book traces the evolution of the auto from horseless carriage to rocket on wheels-and beyond. With an introduction and chapter text by New York Times automotive writer Phil Patton, as well as an illustrated timeline, this volume highlights the technological innovations, major manufacturers and dealers, historical events, and influence of popular culture on car design. Here are car trends as reflection of the zeitgeist, from the thrifty VW Beetle to the lumbering, gas-guzzling Hummer. Time-travel through the Automobile Age, with a collection that puts you in the driver's seat. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Phil Patton writes about car design for The New York Times, and is a contributing editor to ID magazine. He was a consultant for Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design at the Phoenix Art Museum, and Different Roads: Automobiles for the Next Century at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Martin Macarena San Patterns in Fashion (+CD)
This title provides playful patterns and their applications. Forgotten are the times when fabric prints were limited to the usual stripes, dots, flowers and geometric forms. Nowadays one can find anything, from skulls to screwdrivers and exotic animals, adorning us from head to toe in the form of items of clothing and accessories. This book brings together a wide variety of pattern designs and their variations, mapping the spectrum of its possible applications such as shirts, skirts, shoes, jackets, trousers and a wide range of accessories. Organized by colours, this reference book for professional designers and amateurs alike features pattern designers from over the world. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Martin Macarena San Patterns in Fashion (+CD)
This title provides playful patterns and their applications. Forgotten are the times when fabric prints were limited to the usual stripes, dots, flowers and geometric forms. Nowadays one can find anything, from skulls to screwdrivers and exotic animals, adorning us from head to toe in the form of items of clothing and accessories. This book brings together a wide variety of pattern designs and their variations, mapping the spectrum of its possible applications such as shirts, skirts, shoes, jackets, trousers and a wide range of accessories. Organized by colours, this reference book for professional designers and amateurs alike features pattern designers from over the world. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Martin Macarena San Patterns in Fashion (+CD)
This title provides playful patterns and their applications. Forgotten are the times when fabric prints were limited to the usual stripes, dots, flowers and geometric forms. Nowadays one can find anything, from skulls to screwdrivers and exotic animals, adorning us from head to toe in the form of items of clothing and accessories. This book brings together a wide variety of pattern designs and their variations, mapping the spectrum of its possible applications such as shirts, skirts, shoes, jackets, trousers and a wide range of accessories. Organized by colours, this reference book for professional designers and amateurs alike features pattern designers from over the world. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Martin Macarena San Patterns in Fashion (+CD)
This title provides playful patterns and their applications. Forgotten are the times when fabric prints were limited to the usual stripes, dots, flowers and geometric forms. Nowadays one can find anything, from skulls to screwdrivers and exotic animals, adorning us from head to toe in the form of items of clothing and accessories. This book brings together a wide variety of pattern designs and their variations, mapping the spectrum of its possible applications such as shirts, skirts, shoes, jackets, trousers and a wide range of accessories. Organized by colours, this reference book for professional designers and amateurs alike features pattern designers from over the world. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Martin Macarena San Patterns in Fashion (+CD)
This title provides playful patterns and their applications. Forgotten are the times when fabric prints were limited to the usual stripes, dots, flowers and geometric forms. Nowadays one can find anything, from skulls to screwdrivers and exotic animals, adorning us from head to toe in the form of items of clothing and accessories. This book brings together a wide variety of pattern designs and their variations, mapping the spectrum of its possible applications such as shirts, skirts, shoes, jackets, trousers and a wide range of accessories. Organized by colours, this reference book for professional designers and amateurs alike features pattern designers from over the world. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Martin Macarena San Patterns in Fashion (+CD)
This title provides playful patterns and their applications. Forgotten are the times when fabric prints were limited to the usual stripes, dots, flowers and geometric forms. Nowadays one can find anything, from skulls to screwdrivers and exotic animals, adorning us from head to toe in the form of items of clothing and accessories. This book brings together a wide variety of pattern designs and their variations, mapping the spectrum of its possible applications such as shirts, skirts, shoes, jackets, trousers and a wide range of accessories. Organized by colours, this reference book for professional designers and amateurs alike features pattern designers from over the world. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Martin Macarena San Patterns in Fashion (+CD)
This title provides playful patterns and their applications. Forgotten are the times when fabric prints were limited to the usual stripes, dots, flowers and geometric forms. Nowadays one can find anything, from skulls to screwdrivers and exotic animals, adorning us from head to toe in the form of items of clothing and accessories. This book brings together a wide variety of pattern designs and their variations, mapping the spectrum of its possible applications such as shirts, skirts, shoes, jackets, trousers and a wide range of accessories. Organized by colours, this reference book for professional designers and amateurs alike features pattern designers from over the world. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Neret Gilles Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), scion of an ancient aristocratic family, was a crippled dwarf. His family's wealth gave him financial security, and he chose to become an artist. In Paris he was drawn to the world of the red-light district around Montmartre. In the cafes, cabarets, dance halls and brothels he observed "the theatre of life", viewing this world not from the moralising standpoint of the 19th-century bourgeoisie, but with the eyes of one for whom all inhibitions had long since vanished. Lautrec recorded what he saw without the arrogance of a social superior, but also without "spurious pity - like a reporter with a "photographic paintbrush". He transferred his observations to paper and canvas with sensitive understanding and a sharp eye, creating the real atmosphere and live character studies of a world where middle-class morals do not count, in which elegance and baseness mix, as do the ingenuous and the sinful. Lautrec had the gift of painting life as it is. No one else has captured the entertainment world of the belle epoque in so unadulterated, so masterful and so timelessly true a manner as did Lautrec in his paintings, lithographs and posters. This monograph sets out to examine the close relations between Lautrec's work and life. It thereby offers the reader a lively impression of Lautrec's art, and at the same time provides an understanding of his private life and of the magnificent Paris of the belle epoque. About the editor: Ingo F. Walther (1940-2007) was born in Berlin and studied medieval studies, literature, and art history in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. He has published numerous books on the art of the Middle Ages and of the 19th and 20th centuries. Walther's many titles for TASCHEN include Picasso, Art of the 20th Century, and Codices Illustres. About the author: Gilles Neret (1933-2005) was an art historian, journalist, writer and museum correspondent. He organized several art retrospectives in Japan and founded the SEIBU museum and the Wildenstein Gallery in Tokyo. He directed art reviews such as L'CEil and Connaissance des Arts and received the Elie Faure Prize in 1981 for his publications. His TASCHEN titles include Salvador Dali: The Paintings, Matisse, and Erotica Universalis. Издание на английском языке.
Neret Gilles Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), scion of an ancient aristocratic family, was a crippled dwarf. His family's wealth gave him financial security, and he chose to become an artist. In Paris he was drawn to the world of the red-light district around Montmartre. In the cafes, cabarets, dance halls and brothels he observed "the theatre of life", viewing this world not from the moralising standpoint of the 19th-century bourgeoisie, but with the eyes of one for whom all inhibitions had long since vanished. Lautrec recorded what he saw without the arrogance of a social superior, but also without "spurious pity - like a reporter with a "photographic paintbrush". He transferred his observations to paper and canvas with sensitive understanding and a sharp eye, creating the real atmosphere and live character studies of a world where middle-class morals do not count, in which elegance and baseness mix, as do the ingenuous and the sinful. Lautrec had the gift of painting life as it is. No one else has captured the entertainment world of the belle epoque in so unadulterated, so masterful and so timelessly true a manner as did Lautrec in his paintings, lithographs and posters. This monograph sets out to examine the close relations between Lautrec's work and life. It thereby offers the reader a lively impression of Lautrec's art, and at the same time provides an understanding of his private life and of the magnificent Paris of the belle epoque. About the editor: Ingo F. Walther (1940-2007) was born in Berlin and studied medieval studies, literature, and art history in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. He has published numerous books on the art of the Middle Ages and of the 19th and 20th centuries. Walther's many titles for TASCHEN include Picasso, Art of the 20th Century, and Codices Illustres. About the author: Gilles Neret (1933-2005) was an art historian, journalist, writer and museum correspondent. He organized several art retrospectives in Japan and founded the SEIBU museum and the Wildenstein Gallery in Tokyo. He directed art reviews such as L'CEil and Connaissance des Arts and received the Elie Faure Prize in 1981 for his publications. His TASCHEN titles include Salvador Dali: The Paintings, Matisse, and Erotica Universalis. Издание на английском языке.
Neret Gilles Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), scion of an ancient aristocratic family, was a crippled dwarf. His family's wealth gave him financial security, and he chose to become an artist. In Paris he was drawn to the world of the red-light district around Montmartre. In the cafes, cabarets, dance halls and brothels he observed "the theatre of life", viewing this world not from the moralising standpoint of the 19th-century bourgeoisie, but with the eyes of one for whom all inhibitions had long since vanished. Lautrec recorded what he saw without the arrogance of a social superior, but also without "spurious pity - like a reporter with a "photographic paintbrush". He transferred his observations to paper and canvas with sensitive understanding and a sharp eye, creating the real atmosphere and live character studies of a world where middle-class morals do not count, in which elegance and baseness mix, as do the ingenuous and the sinful. Lautrec had the gift of painting life as it is. No one else has captured the entertainment world of the belle epoque in so unadulterated, so masterful and so timelessly true a manner as did Lautrec in his paintings, lithographs and posters. This monograph sets out to examine the close relations between Lautrec's work and life. It thereby offers the reader a lively impression of Lautrec's art, and at the same time provides an understanding of his private life and of the magnificent Paris of the belle epoque. About the editor: Ingo F. Walther (1940-2007) was born in Berlin and studied medieval studies, literature, and art history in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. He has published numerous books on the art of the Middle Ages and of the 19th and 20th centuries. Walther's many titles for TASCHEN include Picasso, Art of the 20th Century, and Codices Illustres. About the author: Gilles Neret (1933-2005) was an art historian, journalist, writer and museum correspondent. He organized several art retrospectives in Japan and founded the SEIBU museum and the Wildenstein Gallery in Tokyo. He directed art reviews such as L'CEil and Connaissance des Arts and received the Elie Faure Prize in 1981 for his publications. His TASCHEN titles include Salvador Dali: The Paintings, Matisse, and Erotica Universalis. Издание на английском языке.
Neret Gilles Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901), scion of an ancient aristocratic family, was a crippled dwarf. His family's wealth gave him financial security, and he chose to become an artist. In Paris he was drawn to the world of the red-light district around Montmartre. In the cafes, cabarets, dance halls and brothels he observed "the theatre of life", viewing this world not from the moralising standpoint of the 19th-century bourgeoisie, but with the eyes of one for whom all inhibitions had long since vanished. Lautrec recorded what he saw without the arrogance of a social superior, but also without "spurious pity - like a reporter with a "photographic paintbrush". He transferred his observations to paper and canvas with sensitive understanding and a sharp eye, creating the real atmosphere and live character studies of a world where middle-class morals do not count, in which elegance and baseness mix, as do the ingenuous and the sinful. Lautrec had the gift of painting life as it is. No one else has captured the entertainment world of the belle epoque in so unadulterated, so masterful and so timelessly true a manner as did Lautrec in his paintings, lithographs and posters. This monograph sets out to examine the close relations between Lautrec's work and life. It thereby offers the reader a lively impression of Lautrec's art, and at the same time provides an understanding of his private life and of the magnificent Paris of the belle epoque. About the editor: Ingo F. Walther (1940-2007) was born in Berlin and studied medieval studies, literature, and art history in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. He has published numerous books on the art of the Middle Ages and of the 19th and 20th centuries. Walther's many titles for TASCHEN include Picasso, Art of the 20th Century, and Codices Illustres. About the author: Gilles Neret (1933-2005) was an art historian, journalist, writer and museum correspondent. He organized several art retrospectives in Japan and founded the SEIBU museum and the Wildenstein Gallery in Tokyo. He directed art reviews such as L'CEil and Connaissance des Arts and received the Elie Faure Prize in 1981 for his publications. His TASCHEN titles include Salvador Dali: The Paintings, Matisse, and Erotica Universalis. Издание на английском языке.
Duchting Hajo Cezanne
Perhaps best known for his exceptional apples and pears, Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) was one of the founding fathers of modern art. Though he was underappreciated and highly criticized during his life, as time passed Cezanne's work came to be considered of inestimable importance. His method of experimentation with abstraction and perspective was an important precursor to modern painting, particularly cubism. About the author: Hajo Duchting (b. 1949 in Dusseldorf) studied art history, philosophy and archaeology in Munich, where he gained his doctorate in 1981 with a thesis on Robert Delaunay's Windows series. After working in museum and adult education, he moved on to teaching posts and guest professorships at the universities of Munich, Kassel, Leipzig, Saarbrucken and Mainz. Since 2004 he has taught painting and colour theory at the Mediadesign Akademie in Munich. Duchting has published numerous articles on the art of the modern era, colour theory and the teaching of art and has authored a number of TASCHEN titles, including Paul Cezanne (1988), Wassily Kandinsky (1990); Robert and Sonia Delaunay (1993) and Georges Seurat (1999). Издание на английском языке.
Duchting Hajo Cezanne
Perhaps best known for his exceptional apples and pears, Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) was one of the founding fathers of modern art. Though he was underappreciated and highly criticized during his life, as time passed Cezanne's work came to be considered of inestimable importance. His method of experimentation with abstraction and perspective was an important precursor to modern painting, particularly cubism. About the author: Hajo Duchting (b. 1949 in Dusseldorf) studied art history, philosophy and archaeology in Munich, where he gained his doctorate in 1981 with a thesis on Robert Delaunay's Windows series. After working in museum and adult education, he moved on to teaching posts and guest professorships at the universities of Munich, Kassel, Leipzig, Saarbrucken and Mainz. Since 2004 he has taught painting and colour theory at the Mediadesign Akademie in Munich. Duchting has published numerous articles on the art of the modern era, colour theory and the teaching of art and has authored a number of TASCHEN titles, including Paul Cezanne (1988), Wassily Kandinsky (1990); Robert and Sonia Delaunay (1993) and Georges Seurat (1999). Издание на английском языке.
Duchting Hajo Cezanne
Perhaps best known for his exceptional apples and pears, Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) was one of the founding fathers of modern art. Though he was underappreciated and highly criticized during his life, as time passed Cezanne's work came to be considered of inestimable importance. His method of experimentation with abstraction and perspective was an important precursor to modern painting, particularly cubism. About the author: Hajo Duchting (b. 1949 in Dusseldorf) studied art history, philosophy and archaeology in Munich, where he gained his doctorate in 1981 with a thesis on Robert Delaunay's Windows series. After working in museum and adult education, he moved on to teaching posts and guest professorships at the universities of Munich, Kassel, Leipzig, Saarbrucken and Mainz. Since 2004 he has taught painting and colour theory at the Mediadesign Akademie in Munich. Duchting has published numerous articles on the art of the modern era, colour theory and the teaching of art and has authored a number of TASCHEN titles, including Paul Cezanne (1988), Wassily Kandinsky (1990); Robert and Sonia Delaunay (1993) and Georges Seurat (1999). Издание на английском языке.
Jodidio Philip Santiago Calatrava. Complete Works 1979-2009
Santiago Calatrava is a renowned architect, structural engineer and artist. Recent projects such as the Athens 2004 Olympic sports complex, the Turning Torso in Malmo, and TGV station in Liege, have brought him international acclaim. The only architect to exhibit at both the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, he is presently designing the main transportation hub for Ground Zero in Manhattan, as well as the tallest building in the USA: the 150-story Chicago Tower. Calatrava collaborated extensively on this monograph, which traces his career and places his architecture in the context of his art and engineering prowess. All of his works, from the suspended swimming pool at Zurich's Federal Institute of Technology to his latest, startling designs, are featured in this lavishly illustrated volume. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Jodidio Philip Santiago Calatrava. Complete Works 1979-2009
Santiago Calatrava is a renowned architect, structural engineer and artist. Recent projects such as the Athens 2004 Olympic sports complex, the Turning Torso in Malmo, and TGV station in Liege, have brought him international acclaim. The only architect to exhibit at both the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, he is presently designing the main transportation hub for Ground Zero in Manhattan, as well as the tallest building in the USA: the 150-story Chicago Tower. Calatrava collaborated extensively on this monograph, which traces his career and places his architecture in the context of his art and engineering prowess. All of his works, from the suspended swimming pool at Zurich's Federal Institute of Technology to his latest, startling designs, are featured in this lavishly illustrated volume. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Jodidio Philip Santiago Calatrava. Complete Works 1979-2009
Santiago Calatrava is a renowned architect, structural engineer and artist. Recent projects such as the Athens 2004 Olympic sports complex, the Turning Torso in Malmo, and TGV station in Liege, have brought him international acclaim. The only architect to exhibit at both the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, he is presently designing the main transportation hub for Ground Zero in Manhattan, as well as the tallest building in the USA: the 150-story Chicago Tower. Calatrava collaborated extensively on this monograph, which traces his career and places his architecture in the context of his art and engineering prowess. All of his works, from the suspended swimming pool at Zurich's Federal Institute of Technology to his latest, startling designs, are featured in this lavishly illustrated volume. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Jodidio Philip Santiago Calatrava. Complete Works 1979-2009
Santiago Calatrava is a renowned architect, structural engineer and artist. Recent projects such as the Athens 2004 Olympic sports complex, the Turning Torso in Malmo, and TGV station in Liege, have brought him international acclaim. The only architect to exhibit at both the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, he is presently designing the main transportation hub for Ground Zero in Manhattan, as well as the tallest building in the USA: the 150-story Chicago Tower. Calatrava collaborated extensively on this monograph, which traces his career and places his architecture in the context of his art and engineering prowess. All of his works, from the suspended swimming pool at Zurich's Federal Institute of Technology to his latest, startling designs, are featured in this lavishly illustrated volume. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Jodidio Philip Santiago Calatrava. Complete Works 1979-2009
Santiago Calatrava is a renowned architect, structural engineer and artist. Recent projects such as the Athens 2004 Olympic sports complex, the Turning Torso in Malmo, and TGV station in Liege, have brought him international acclaim. The only architect to exhibit at both the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, he is presently designing the main transportation hub for Ground Zero in Manhattan, as well as the tallest building in the USA: the 150-story Chicago Tower. Calatrava collaborated extensively on this monograph, which traces his career and places his architecture in the context of his art and engineering prowess. All of his works, from the suspended swimming pool at Zurich's Federal Institute of Technology to his latest, startling designs, are featured in this lavishly illustrated volume. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Jodidio Philip Santiago Calatrava. Complete Works 1979-2009
Santiago Calatrava is a renowned architect, structural engineer and artist. Recent projects such as the Athens 2004 Olympic sports complex, the Turning Torso in Malmo, and TGV station in Liege, have brought him international acclaim. The only architect to exhibit at both the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, he is presently designing the main transportation hub for Ground Zero in Manhattan, as well as the tallest building in the USA: the 150-story Chicago Tower. Calatrava collaborated extensively on this monograph, which traces his career and places his architecture in the context of his art and engineering prowess. All of his works, from the suspended swimming pool at Zurich's Federal Institute of Technology to his latest, startling designs, are featured in this lavishly illustrated volume. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Jodidio Philip Santiago Calatrava. Complete Works 1979-2009
Santiago Calatrava is a renowned architect, structural engineer and artist. Recent projects such as the Athens 2004 Olympic sports complex, the Turning Torso in Malmo, and TGV station in Liege, have brought him international acclaim. The only architect to exhibit at both the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, he is presently designing the main transportation hub for Ground Zero in Manhattan, as well as the tallest building in the USA: the 150-story Chicago Tower. Calatrava collaborated extensively on this monograph, which traces his career and places his architecture in the context of his art and engineering prowess. All of his works, from the suspended swimming pool at Zurich's Federal Institute of Technology to his latest, startling designs, are featured in this lavishly illustrated volume. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Jodidio Philip Santiago Calatrava. Complete Works 1979-2009
Santiago Calatrava is a renowned architect, structural engineer and artist. Recent projects such as the Athens 2004 Olympic sports complex, the Turning Torso in Malmo, and TGV station in Liege, have brought him international acclaim. The only architect to exhibit at both the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, he is presently designing the main transportation hub for Ground Zero in Manhattan, as well as the tallest building in the USA: the 150-story Chicago Tower. Calatrava collaborated extensively on this monograph, which traces his career and places his architecture in the context of his art and engineering prowess. All of his works, from the suspended swimming pool at Zurich's Federal Institute of Technology to his latest, startling designs, are featured in this lavishly illustrated volume. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Nieder Alison A. 20th Century Fashion: 100 Years of Apparel Ads
The Way We Wore The story of modern fashion-from couture to mass market The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite, into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature feminine silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition: House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet's bias-cut gowns, Dior's New Look to Quant's Chelsea Look, Halston's white suit to Frankie B.'s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts, skinny ties or baggy pants entered the fore. 20th Century Fashion offers a stylish retrospective of the last hundred years, via 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of advertising, this book documents the unrelenting pace of fashion as it was adopted into the mass culture, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction, chapter text, and illustrated timeline detail the style-makers and trend-setters, from couture to the mass market; and how the historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed-then and now. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Alison A. Nieder has worked in fashion since 1985, in retail, apparel production, and as a fashion business journalist. She is executive editor of California Apparel News, a fashion trade publication covering the West Coast apparel and textile industries. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Nieder Alison A. 20th Century Fashion: 100 Years of Apparel Ads
The Way We Wore The story of modern fashion-from couture to mass market The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite, into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature feminine silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition: House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet's bias-cut gowns, Dior's New Look to Quant's Chelsea Look, Halston's white suit to Frankie B.'s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts, skinny ties or baggy pants entered the fore. 20th Century Fashion offers a stylish retrospective of the last hundred years, via 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of advertising, this book documents the unrelenting pace of fashion as it was adopted into the mass culture, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction, chapter text, and illustrated timeline detail the style-makers and trend-setters, from couture to the mass market; and how the historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed-then and now. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Alison A. Nieder has worked in fashion since 1985, in retail, apparel production, and as a fashion business journalist. She is executive editor of California Apparel News, a fashion trade publication covering the West Coast apparel and textile industries. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Nieder Alison A. 20th Century Fashion: 100 Years of Apparel Ads
The Way We Wore The story of modern fashion-from couture to mass market The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite, into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature feminine silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition: House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet's bias-cut gowns, Dior's New Look to Quant's Chelsea Look, Halston's white suit to Frankie B.'s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts, skinny ties or baggy pants entered the fore. 20th Century Fashion offers a stylish retrospective of the last hundred years, via 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of advertising, this book documents the unrelenting pace of fashion as it was adopted into the mass culture, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction, chapter text, and illustrated timeline detail the style-makers and trend-setters, from couture to the mass market; and how the historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed-then and now. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Alison A. Nieder has worked in fashion since 1985, in retail, apparel production, and as a fashion business journalist. She is executive editor of California Apparel News, a fashion trade publication covering the West Coast apparel and textile industries. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Nieder Alison A. 20th Century Fashion: 100 Years of Apparel Ads
The Way We Wore The story of modern fashion-from couture to mass market The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite, into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature feminine silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition: House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet's bias-cut gowns, Dior's New Look to Quant's Chelsea Look, Halston's white suit to Frankie B.'s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts, skinny ties or baggy pants entered the fore. 20th Century Fashion offers a stylish retrospective of the last hundred years, via 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of advertising, this book documents the unrelenting pace of fashion as it was adopted into the mass culture, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction, chapter text, and illustrated timeline detail the style-makers and trend-setters, from couture to the mass market; and how the historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed-then and now. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Alison A. Nieder has worked in fashion since 1985, in retail, apparel production, and as a fashion business journalist. She is executive editor of California Apparel News, a fashion trade publication covering the West Coast apparel and textile industries. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Nieder Alison A. 20th Century Fashion: 100 Years of Apparel Ads
The Way We Wore The story of modern fashion-from couture to mass market The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite, into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature feminine silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition: House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet's bias-cut gowns, Dior's New Look to Quant's Chelsea Look, Halston's white suit to Frankie B.'s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts, skinny ties or baggy pants entered the fore. 20th Century Fashion offers a stylish retrospective of the last hundred years, via 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of advertising, this book documents the unrelenting pace of fashion as it was adopted into the mass culture, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction, chapter text, and illustrated timeline detail the style-makers and trend-setters, from couture to the mass market; and how the historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed-then and now. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Alison A. Nieder has worked in fashion since 1985, in retail, apparel production, and as a fashion business journalist. She is executive editor of California Apparel News, a fashion trade publication covering the West Coast apparel and textile industries. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Nieder Alison A. 20th Century Fashion: 100 Years of Apparel Ads
The Way We Wore The story of modern fashion-from couture to mass market The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite, into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature feminine silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition: House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet's bias-cut gowns, Dior's New Look to Quant's Chelsea Look, Halston's white suit to Frankie B.'s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts, skinny ties or baggy pants entered the fore. 20th Century Fashion offers a stylish retrospective of the last hundred years, via 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of advertising, this book documents the unrelenting pace of fashion as it was adopted into the mass culture, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction, chapter text, and illustrated timeline detail the style-makers and trend-setters, from couture to the mass market; and how the historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed-then and now. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Alison A. Nieder has worked in fashion since 1985, in retail, apparel production, and as a fashion business journalist. She is executive editor of California Apparel News, a fashion trade publication covering the West Coast apparel and textile industries. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Nieder Alison A. 20th Century Fashion: 100 Years of Apparel Ads
The Way We Wore The story of modern fashion-from couture to mass market The 20th century saw fashion evolve from an exclusive Parisian salon business catering to a wealthy elite, into a global industry employing millions, with new trends whisked into stores before the last model has left the catwalk. Along the way, the signature feminine silhouettes of each era evolved beyond recognition: House of Worth crinolines gave way to Vionnet's bias-cut gowns, Dior's New Look to Quant's Chelsea Look, Halston's white suit to Frankie B.'s low-rise jeans. In menswear, ready-made suits signaled the demise of bespoke tailoring, long before Hawaiian shirts, skinny ties or baggy pants entered the fore. 20th Century Fashion offers a stylish retrospective of the last hundred years, via 400 fashion advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection. Using imagery culled from a century of advertising, this book documents the unrelenting pace of fashion as it was adopted into the mass culture, decade by decade. An in-depth introduction, chapter text, and illustrated timeline detail the style-makers and trend-setters, from couture to the mass market; and how the historic events, design houses, retailers, films, magazines, and celebrities shaped the way we dressed-then and now. About the editor: Cultural anthropologist and graphic design historian Jim Heimann is Executive Editor for TASCHEN America, and author of numerous books on architecture, pop culture, and the history of the West Coast, Los Angeles and Hollywood. His unrivaled private collection of ephemera has featured in museum exhibitions around the world and dozens of books. About the author: Alison A. Nieder has worked in fashion since 1985, in retail, apparel production, and as a fashion business journalist. She is executive editor of California Apparel News, a fashion trade publication covering the West Coast apparel and textile industries. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Литовинска Ольга В мире жуков и пауков
Целый мир насекомых окажется у тебя на столе. В книге-коллекции ты найдешь удивительные сведения и фотографии насекомых и пауков. Исследуй мир насекомых и пауков и готовься сыграть с друзьями в увлекательную игру-викторину. В комплекте - книга, игровое поле, 4 фишки, 36 карточек с вопросами, коллекция из 20 игрушечных насекомых и пауков. Для детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста.
Литовинска Ольга В мире жуков и пауков
Целый мир насекомых окажется у тебя на столе. В книге-коллекции ты найдешь удивительные сведения и фотографии насекомых и пауков. Исследуй мир насекомых и пауков и готовься сыграть с друзьями в увлекательную игру-викторину. В комплекте - книга, игровое поле, 4 фишки, 36 карточек с вопросами, коллекция из 20 игрушечных насекомых и пауков. Для детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста.
Берган Майкл На планете динозавров
Большие и маленькие, ужасные и симпатичные - динозавры устроят настоящую битву у тебя на столе. В этой книге-коллекции ты найдешь удивительные сведения о рептилиях, красочные иллюстрации и фотографии. Исследуй древний мир динозавров и готовься сыграть с друзьями в увлекательную игру-викторину. В комплекте - книга, игровое поле, 4 фишки, 36 карточек с вопросами и 16 игрушечных динозавров. Для детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста.
Берган Майкл На планете динозавров
Большие и маленькие, ужасные и симпатичные - динозавры устроят настоящую битву у тебя на столе. В этой книге-коллекции ты найдешь удивительные сведения о рептилиях, красочные иллюстрации и фотографии. Исследуй древний мир динозавров и готовься сыграть с друзьями в увлекательную игру-викторину. В комплекте - книга, игровое поле, 4 фишки, 36 карточек с вопросами и 16 игрушечных динозавров. Для детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста.
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Один из главных вопросов, который встает перед каждым любителем лоскутного шитья, - какой узор использовать? Более 1000 мотивов этой книги станут для вас неиссякаемым источником вдохновения.
Пелевин Виктор Олегович t
Мастер боевых искусств граф Т. пробирается в Оптину Пустынь. На пути ему встречается каббалистический демон Ариэль, который утверждает, что создал мир и самого графа Т. И это очень похоже на правду...
Ван Пин, Пяо Чжиюн Русско-китайский юридический словарь: более 18 000 терминов
Первый в России специализированный юридический русско-китайский словарь вошли более 18 000 терминов и словосочетаний в области юриспруденции, экономики и финансов, снабженных транскрипцией и примерами словоупотребления. Словарь предназначен для бизнесменов и государственных служащих, банкиров, экономистов и финансистов, научных сотрудников и преподавателей высших учебных заведений, аспирантов и студентов, а также всех тех, кто имеет отношение к данной сфере деятельности.
Макфейден Коди Человек из тени
Серийный убийца вырезал семью агента ФБР Смоуки Барретт, а потом изуродовал ее лицо. Она застрелила преступника - но ни месть, ни правосудие не избавили ее от мучительных переживаний и чувства вины. Теперь Смоуки живет затворницей и пребывает в постоянной депрессии. Но неожиданно она получает ужасную посылку - кассету, на которой запечатлено садистское убийство молодой женщины... Новый маньяк - достойный ученик Джека-потрошителя - ясно дает понять: равным противником он считает только Смоуки - лучшую из лучших. Если она не согласится начать охоту - он будет убивать чаще и изощреннее, и никто и никогда не поймает его, ведь он слишком умен, чтобы совершать ошибки, которые мог бы разглядеть кто-нибудь, кроме Смоуки Барретт...
Коннелли Майкл Смотровая площадка
Две пули в голову - и Стэнли Кент, один из самых известных врачей Лос-Анджелеса, мертв. Кому понадобилось убрать человека, чьими услугами пользовались лучшие клиники города? Человека, который спасал жизнь практически безнадежным больным? Возможно, все дело в нетрадиционных методах лечения, которые применял доктор Кент? Гарри Босх начинает расследование этого громкого дела, но вскоре его отстраняет... ФБР. И что самое неприятное - теперь против него "играет" бывшая возлюбленная, агент ФБР Рейчел Уоллинг... Перед Босхом стоит выбор: отступить, поддавшись на шантаж и угрозы, - или продолжить расследование на свой страх и риск...
Роен Й.В., Йокочи К., Лютьен-Дреколл Э. Иллюстрированный атлас. Анатомия
Полный анатомический курс в одном атласе: - уникальные фотографии анатомических срезов, тончайшим образом передающие цветовые и структурные особенности строения органов; - обучающие схемы, которые дополняют и разъясняют великолепные цветные фотографии анатомических срезов; - дидактический материал, освещающий фундаментальные аспекты строения органов и систем; - разъяснение функциональных связей между отдельными органами и их системами; - принцип изучения срезов "от внешнего к внутреннему", при препарировании в лаборатории и в клинической работе; - описание современных методов визуализации особенностей строения органов и систем организма; - удобный всесторонний предметный указатель; - таблицы нервной и мышечной систем. 6-е издание.
Харрис Джоэль Чандлер Сказки дядюшки Римуса
В этой книге вы прочитаете веселые сказки дядюшки Римуса о забавных приключениях Братца Кролика, Братца Лиса, Братца Волка и других зверей. Эти сказки, полные юмора, фантазии и мудрости, давно полюбились детям всего мира.

Домен и сайт продаются

Булгаковская энциклопедия