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Голутвина Вера Васильевна Настольная книга первоклассника (+CD)
Данная книга содержит большой объем важнейшей информации, необходимой любому первокласснику. Простым, доступным языком, с юмором представлены основные правила, соблюдение которых позволит ребенку адаптироваться в школе без проблем, успешно выстроить свои отношения с одноклассниками, учителями. Книга поможет первокласснику стать самостоятельным, развить лидерские качества, научит его не только развлекаться самостоятельно, но и организовывать для этого своих товарищей. Благодаря этой книге ребенок научится демонстрировать такие замечательные качества, как любознательность, смышленость, самообладание, воля, ловкость и смекалка. Он научится безопасности в школе и на улице. Адресована самому широкому кругу читателей - не только детям, но и их родителям!
Успенский Эдуард Николаевич Происшествия в Простоквашино, или Изобретения почтальона Печкина
Жизнь в Простоквашино полна неожиданностей. Потому что простоквашинцы не хотят отставать от времени, чего бы им это ни стоило. Главный "неотставалыцик" (по-старому - передовик) в этом вопросе был Печкин. Он наизобретал много такого, чего лучше было бы не изобретать. Чего стоит хотя бы зонтик на руле велосипеда, из-за которого Печкин чуть не улетел в соседнюю область. И дядя Федор по части изобретений и нововведений не отставал от Печкина. Он завел дрессированных гусей-телохранителей. И эти гуси помогли поймать неуловимого воришку - дедушку Кадушкина. Но несмотря на все неожиданности жизнь в Простоквашино остается, пожалуй, самой интересной в стране. Художник-иллюстратор: О. Боголюбова.
Большая книга народной медицины. Уникальное собрание самых лучших рецептов
Несмотря на все достижения научно-технического прогресса, мы остаемся детьми Природы. И в трудную минуту на помощь нам может прийти все, что создано ею: растения, вода, камни, минералы, грязи, солнечный свет, запахи - важно только научиться все это правильно использовать. В этой уникальной книге собраны самые лучшие рецепты народной медицины. Вы узнаете о причинах и симптомах более 200 заболеваний, научитесь излечивать множество болезней, используя эффективные природные средства, освоите изготовление лечебных отваров и настоек. Книга принесет пользу всем, кто заботится о своем здоровье, кто хочет избавить себя и своих близких от недугов, кто хочет обходиться без дорогих и дорогих и далеко не всегда безвредных синтетических препаратов. Составитель Маркова Алла Викторовна.
Hidalgo Marta R. Young Fashion Designers
What are tomorrow`s most important fashion designers working on today? How are they shaping the future of fashion? Within these pages are the answers: profiles of 46 designers whose work defies the established norms, defining new ways of seeing clothing. Though their work has been featured in major fashion publications, their names may not be familiar within the mainstream - yet. Soon enough many of these designers will become household names, but for now we can appreciate their renegade ideas as they are still poised on the threshold of success. This book includes over three thousand original drawings, offering a rare perspective on the creative and artistic process of the designers featured. Издание на английском языке.
Hidalgo Marta R. Young Fashion Designers
What are tomorrow`s most important fashion designers working on today? How are they shaping the future of fashion? Within these pages are the answers: profiles of 46 designers whose work defies the established norms, defining new ways of seeing clothing. Though their work has been featured in major fashion publications, their names may not be familiar within the mainstream - yet. Soon enough many of these designers will become household names, but for now we can appreciate their renegade ideas as they are still poised on the threshold of success. This book includes over three thousand original drawings, offering a rare perspective on the creative and artistic process of the designers featured. Издание на английском языке.
Hidalgo Marta R. Young Fashion Designers
What are tomorrow`s most important fashion designers working on today? How are they shaping the future of fashion? Within these pages are the answers: profiles of 46 designers whose work defies the established norms, defining new ways of seeing clothing. Though their work has been featured in major fashion publications, their names may not be familiar within the mainstream - yet. Soon enough many of these designers will become household names, but for now we can appreciate their renegade ideas as they are still poised on the threshold of success. This book includes over three thousand original drawings, offering a rare perspective on the creative and artistic process of the designers featured. Издание на английском языке.
Успенский Эдуард Николаевич Происшествия в Простоквашино, или Изобретения почтальона Печкина
Жизнь в Простоквашино полна неожиданностей. Потому что простоквашинцы не хотят отставать от времени, чего бы им это ни стоило. Главный "неотставалыцик" (по-старому - передовик) в этом вопросе был Печкин. Он наизобретал много такого, чего лучше было бы не изобретать. Чего стоит хотя бы зонтик на руле велосипеда, из-за которого Печкин чуть не улетел в соседнюю область. И дядя Федор по части изобретений и нововведений не отставал от Печкина. Он завел дрессированных гусей-телохранителей. И эти гуси помогли поймать неуловимого воришку - дедушку Кадушкина. Но несмотря на все неожиданности жизнь в Простоквашино остается, пожалуй, самой интересной в стране. Художник-иллюстратор: О. Боголюбова.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Wright
The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Wright
The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Wright
The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Wright
The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Wright
The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Wright
The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Wright
The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Brooks Pfeiffer Bruce Wright
The American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) exerted unique influence on the architecture of the first half of this century. This volume presents the whole range of Frank Lloyd Wright's extraordinarily prolific output and shows clearly how his view of the world was a common factor throughout the rich diversity of his oeuvre. From his early prairie houses to the Guggenheim Museum in New York, Frank Lloyd Wright saw man as the focal point of an architecture closely bound up with nature. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Netherlands
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects-from the firmly established to the up-and-coming-with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: Wiel Arets, Erick van Egeraat, Herman Hertzberger, Meyer en van Schooten, MvRdV, Neutelings Riedijk, NOX, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, ONL, Dirk Jan Postel, SeARCH, UN Studio, Koen van Velsen, Rene van Zuuk About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Netherlands
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects-from the firmly established to the up-and-coming-with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: Wiel Arets, Erick van Egeraat, Herman Hertzberger, Meyer en van Schooten, MvRdV, Neutelings Riedijk, NOX, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, ONL, Dirk Jan Postel, SeARCH, UN Studio, Koen van Velsen, Rene van Zuuk About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Netherlands
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects-from the firmly established to the up-and-coming-with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: Wiel Arets, Erick van Egeraat, Herman Hertzberger, Meyer en van Schooten, MvRdV, Neutelings Riedijk, NOX, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, ONL, Dirk Jan Postel, SeARCH, UN Studio, Koen van Velsen, Rene van Zuuk About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Netherlands
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects-from the firmly established to the up-and-coming-with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: Wiel Arets, Erick van Egeraat, Herman Hertzberger, Meyer en van Schooten, MvRdV, Neutelings Riedijk, NOX, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, ONL, Dirk Jan Postel, SeARCH, UN Studio, Koen van Velsen, Rene van Zuuk About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Netherlands
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects-from the firmly established to the up-and-coming-with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: Wiel Arets, Erick van Egeraat, Herman Hertzberger, Meyer en van Schooten, MvRdV, Neutelings Riedijk, NOX, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, ONL, Dirk Jan Postel, SeARCH, UN Studio, Koen van Velsen, Rene van Zuuk About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Netherlands
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects-from the firmly established to the up-and-coming-with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: Wiel Arets, Erick van Egeraat, Herman Hertzberger, Meyer en van Schooten, MvRdV, Neutelings Riedijk, NOX, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, ONL, Dirk Jan Postel, SeARCH, UN Studio, Koen van Velsen, Rene van Zuuk About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Netherlands
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects-from the firmly established to the up-and-coming-with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: Wiel Arets, Erick van Egeraat, Herman Hertzberger, Meyer en van Schooten, MvRdV, Neutelings Riedijk, NOX, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, ONL, Dirk Jan Postel, SeARCH, UN Studio, Koen van Velsen, Rene van Zuuk About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Netherlands
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects-from the firmly established to the up-and-coming-with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: Wiel Arets, Erick van Egeraat, Herman Hertzberger, Meyer en van Schooten, MvRdV, Neutelings Riedijk, NOX, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, ONL, Dirk Jan Postel, SeARCH, UN Studio, Koen van Velsen, Rene van Zuuk About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United States
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects featured: Asymptote, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Boora Architects, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Frank O. Gehry, Steven Holl, Michael Jantzen, Jones, Partners: Architecture, Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis, Richard Meier, Morphosis, Eric Owen Moss, James Stuart Polshek, Antoine Predock, Rural Studio, Scogin Elam, Williams and Tsien About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United States
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects featured: Asymptote, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Boora Architects, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Frank O. Gehry, Steven Holl, Michael Jantzen, Jones, Partners: Architecture, Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis, Richard Meier, Morphosis, Eric Owen Moss, James Stuart Polshek, Antoine Predock, Rural Studio, Scogin Elam, Williams and Tsien About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United States
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects featured: Asymptote, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Boora Architects, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Frank O. Gehry, Steven Holl, Michael Jantzen, Jones, Partners: Architecture, Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis, Richard Meier, Morphosis, Eric Owen Moss, James Stuart Polshek, Antoine Predock, Rural Studio, Scogin Elam, Williams and Tsien About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United States
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects featured: Asymptote, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Boora Architects, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Frank O. Gehry, Steven Holl, Michael Jantzen, Jones, Partners: Architecture, Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis, Richard Meier, Morphosis, Eric Owen Moss, James Stuart Polshek, Antoine Predock, Rural Studio, Scogin Elam, Williams and Tsien About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United States
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects featured: Asymptote, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Boora Architects, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Frank O. Gehry, Steven Holl, Michael Jantzen, Jones, Partners: Architecture, Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis, Richard Meier, Morphosis, Eric Owen Moss, James Stuart Polshek, Antoine Predock, Rural Studio, Scogin Elam, Williams and Tsien About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United States
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects featured: Asymptote, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Boora Architects, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Frank O. Gehry, Steven Holl, Michael Jantzen, Jones, Partners: Architecture, Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis, Richard Meier, Morphosis, Eric Owen Moss, James Stuart Polshek, Antoine Predock, Rural Studio, Scogin Elam, Williams and Tsien About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United States
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects featured: Asymptote, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Boora Architects, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Frank O. Gehry, Steven Holl, Michael Jantzen, Jones, Partners: Architecture, Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis, Richard Meier, Morphosis, Eric Owen Moss, James Stuart Polshek, Antoine Predock, Rural Studio, Scogin Elam, Williams and Tsien About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United States
TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects featured: Asymptote, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Boora Architects, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Frank O. Gehry, Steven Holl, Michael Jantzen, Jones, Partners: Architecture, Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis, Richard Meier, Morphosis, Eric Owen Moss, James Stuart Polshek, Antoine Predock, Rural Studio, Scogin Elam, Williams and Tsien About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Emirates
The small emirates and states located on the Gulf, at the eastern edge of the Saudi Arabian peninsula, are building new cities in the desert at an astonishing rate, from Bahrain to Doha, and south to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Comprised of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain, the UAE is an oil-and-gas-rich region that has experienced an unparalleled architectural boom in recent years. With a dizzying array of ultra-modern towers popping up throughout the area, it's no surprise that the Gulf region has attracted many of the world's most prominent architects, including Tadao Ando, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and Jean Nouvel, who are all designing groundbreaking projects for the ambitious Cultural District project on Saadiyat Island off the coast of Abu Dhabi. With these and many more remarkable, large-scale projects recently built or in progress, the Gulf emirates are perhaps today's top architectural hotspot. Architects featured: AEDAS, Tadao Ando, Asymptote, Atkins, Behnisch Architects, Frank O. Gehry, Gensler, Zaha Hadid, HOK Sport, Kazuhiro Kojima+Kazuko Akamatsu/C+A, KPF, Greg Lynn Form, Jean Nouvel, OMA/Rem Kohlhaas, ONL, Carlos Ott, I.M. Pei, RNL, Hadi Simaan, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Studio Pei Zhu TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation or region featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Emirates
The small emirates and states located on the Gulf, at the eastern edge of the Saudi Arabian peninsula, are building new cities in the desert at an astonishing rate, from Bahrain to Doha, and south to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Comprised of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain, the UAE is an oil-and-gas-rich region that has experienced an unparalleled architectural boom in recent years. With a dizzying array of ultra-modern towers popping up throughout the area, it's no surprise that the Gulf region has attracted many of the world's most prominent architects, including Tadao Ando, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and Jean Nouvel, who are all designing groundbreaking projects for the ambitious Cultural District project on Saadiyat Island off the coast of Abu Dhabi. With these and many more remarkable, large-scale projects recently built or in progress, the Gulf emirates are perhaps today's top architectural hotspot. Architects featured: AEDAS, Tadao Ando, Asymptote, Atkins, Behnisch Architects, Frank O. Gehry, Gensler, Zaha Hadid, HOK Sport, Kazuhiro Kojima+Kazuko Akamatsu/C+A, KPF, Greg Lynn Form, Jean Nouvel, OMA/Rem Kohlhaas, ONL, Carlos Ott, I.M. Pei, RNL, Hadi Simaan, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Studio Pei Zhu TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation or region featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Emirates
The small emirates and states located on the Gulf, at the eastern edge of the Saudi Arabian peninsula, are building new cities in the desert at an astonishing rate, from Bahrain to Doha, and south to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Comprised of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain, the UAE is an oil-and-gas-rich region that has experienced an unparalleled architectural boom in recent years. With a dizzying array of ultra-modern towers popping up throughout the area, it's no surprise that the Gulf region has attracted many of the world's most prominent architects, including Tadao Ando, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and Jean Nouvel, who are all designing groundbreaking projects for the ambitious Cultural District project on Saadiyat Island off the coast of Abu Dhabi. With these and many more remarkable, large-scale projects recently built or in progress, the Gulf emirates are perhaps today's top architectural hotspot. Architects featured: AEDAS, Tadao Ando, Asymptote, Atkins, Behnisch Architects, Frank O. Gehry, Gensler, Zaha Hadid, HOK Sport, Kazuhiro Kojima+Kazuko Akamatsu/C+A, KPF, Greg Lynn Form, Jean Nouvel, OMA/Rem Kohlhaas, ONL, Carlos Ott, I.M. Pei, RNL, Hadi Simaan, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Studio Pei Zhu TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation or region featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Emirates
The small emirates and states located on the Gulf, at the eastern edge of the Saudi Arabian peninsula, are building new cities in the desert at an astonishing rate, from Bahrain to Doha, and south to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Comprised of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain, the UAE is an oil-and-gas-rich region that has experienced an unparalleled architectural boom in recent years. With a dizzying array of ultra-modern towers popping up throughout the area, it's no surprise that the Gulf region has attracted many of the world's most prominent architects, including Tadao Ando, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and Jean Nouvel, who are all designing groundbreaking projects for the ambitious Cultural District project on Saadiyat Island off the coast of Abu Dhabi. With these and many more remarkable, large-scale projects recently built or in progress, the Gulf emirates are perhaps today's top architectural hotspot. Architects featured: AEDAS, Tadao Ando, Asymptote, Atkins, Behnisch Architects, Frank O. Gehry, Gensler, Zaha Hadid, HOK Sport, Kazuhiro Kojima+Kazuko Akamatsu/C+A, KPF, Greg Lynn Form, Jean Nouvel, OMA/Rem Kohlhaas, ONL, Carlos Ott, I.M. Pei, RNL, Hadi Simaan, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Studio Pei Zhu TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation or region featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Emirates
The small emirates and states located on the Gulf, at the eastern edge of the Saudi Arabian peninsula, are building new cities in the desert at an astonishing rate, from Bahrain to Doha, and south to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Comprised of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain, the UAE is an oil-and-gas-rich region that has experienced an unparalleled architectural boom in recent years. With a dizzying array of ultra-modern towers popping up throughout the area, it's no surprise that the Gulf region has attracted many of the world's most prominent architects, including Tadao Ando, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and Jean Nouvel, who are all designing groundbreaking projects for the ambitious Cultural District project on Saadiyat Island off the coast of Abu Dhabi. With these and many more remarkable, large-scale projects recently built or in progress, the Gulf emirates are perhaps today's top architectural hotspot. Architects featured: AEDAS, Tadao Ando, Asymptote, Atkins, Behnisch Architects, Frank O. Gehry, Gensler, Zaha Hadid, HOK Sport, Kazuhiro Kojima+Kazuko Akamatsu/C+A, KPF, Greg Lynn Form, Jean Nouvel, OMA/Rem Kohlhaas, ONL, Carlos Ott, I.M. Pei, RNL, Hadi Simaan, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Studio Pei Zhu TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation or region featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Emirates
The small emirates and states located on the Gulf, at the eastern edge of the Saudi Arabian peninsula, are building new cities in the desert at an astonishing rate, from Bahrain to Doha, and south to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Comprised of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain, the UAE is an oil-and-gas-rich region that has experienced an unparalleled architectural boom in recent years. With a dizzying array of ultra-modern towers popping up throughout the area, it's no surprise that the Gulf region has attracted many of the world's most prominent architects, including Tadao Ando, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and Jean Nouvel, who are all designing groundbreaking projects for the ambitious Cultural District project on Saadiyat Island off the coast of Abu Dhabi. With these and many more remarkable, large-scale projects recently built or in progress, the Gulf emirates are perhaps today's top architectural hotspot. Architects featured: AEDAS, Tadao Ando, Asymptote, Atkins, Behnisch Architects, Frank O. Gehry, Gensler, Zaha Hadid, HOK Sport, Kazuhiro Kojima+Kazuko Akamatsu/C+A, KPF, Greg Lynn Form, Jean Nouvel, OMA/Rem Kohlhaas, ONL, Carlos Ott, I.M. Pei, RNL, Hadi Simaan, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Studio Pei Zhu TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation or region featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Emirates
The small emirates and states located on the Gulf, at the eastern edge of the Saudi Arabian peninsula, are building new cities in the desert at an astonishing rate, from Bahrain to Doha, and south to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Comprised of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain, the UAE is an oil-and-gas-rich region that has experienced an unparalleled architectural boom in recent years. With a dizzying array of ultra-modern towers popping up throughout the area, it's no surprise that the Gulf region has attracted many of the world's most prominent architects, including Tadao Ando, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and Jean Nouvel, who are all designing groundbreaking projects for the ambitious Cultural District project on Saadiyat Island off the coast of Abu Dhabi. With these and many more remarkable, large-scale projects recently built or in progress, the Gulf emirates are perhaps today's top architectural hotspot. Architects featured: AEDAS, Tadao Ando, Asymptote, Atkins, Behnisch Architects, Frank O. Gehry, Gensler, Zaha Hadid, HOK Sport, Kazuhiro Kojima+Kazuko Akamatsu/C+A, KPF, Greg Lynn Form, Jean Nouvel, OMA/Rem Kohlhaas, ONL, Carlos Ott, I.M. Pei, RNL, Hadi Simaan, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Studio Pei Zhu TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation or region featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the Emirates
The small emirates and states located on the Gulf, at the eastern edge of the Saudi Arabian peninsula, are building new cities in the desert at an astonishing rate, from Bahrain to Doha, and south to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Comprised of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Quwain, the UAE is an oil-and-gas-rich region that has experienced an unparalleled architectural boom in recent years. With a dizzying array of ultra-modern towers popping up throughout the area, it's no surprise that the Gulf region has attracted many of the world's most prominent architects, including Tadao Ando, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and Jean Nouvel, who are all designing groundbreaking projects for the ambitious Cultural District project on Saadiyat Island off the coast of Abu Dhabi. With these and many more remarkable, large-scale projects recently built or in progress, the Gulf emirates are perhaps today's top architectural hotspot. Architects featured: AEDAS, Tadao Ando, Asymptote, Atkins, Behnisch Architects, Frank O. Gehry, Gensler, Zaha Hadid, HOK Sport, Kazuhiro Kojima+Kazuko Akamatsu/C+A, KPF, Greg Lynn Form, Jean Nouvel, OMA/Rem Kohlhaas, ONL, Carlos Ott, I.M. Pei, RNL, Hadi Simaan, Skidmore Owings & Merrill, Studio Pei Zhu TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation or region featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in China
Great Leap Forward: Contemporary Architecture in China The past five years have seen a revolution in Chinese architecture - the emergence of independent designers, and a number of new stars - and above all new and interesting buildings that are not the product of direct Western influence. These developments have laid the groundwork for an indigenous modernity that differentiates itself from outside schools as well as eschewing the temptation to put a "Chinese-style" roof on ordinary office blocks. The fact that Beijing has been chosen to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games has been more than a catalyst for the development of high-quality contemporary architecture in China. Major foreign firms like OMA/Rem Koolhaas or Herzog & de Meuron are participating in the design of buildings that will have functions during the Games, but Chinese architects, too, have been mobilized in this massive effort to prepare the country for an unprecedented level of world-wide attention. Architects featured: Atelier Deshaus, FCJZ Atelier Feichang Jianzhu, AZL Atelier Zhanglei, EDGE Design Institute, Fake Design, Herzog & de Meuron, HHF Architects, Arata Isozaki, Jiakun Architects, Kengo Kuma, Li Xiaodong Atelier, MAD, MADA s.p.a.m., Michael Maltzan, Toshiko Mori, NODE – Architecture, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, Pei Zhu, URBANUS Architecture & Design, Wang Hui, Zhu Xiaofeng/Scenic Architecture TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects - from the firmly established to the up-and-coming - with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in China
Great Leap Forward: Contemporary Architecture in China The past five years have seen a revolution in Chinese architecture - the emergence of independent designers, and a number of new stars - and above all new and interesting buildings that are not the product of direct Western influence. These developments have laid the groundwork for an indigenous modernity that differentiates itself from outside schools as well as eschewing the temptation to put a "Chinese-style" roof on ordinary office blocks. The fact that Beijing has been chosen to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games has been more than a catalyst for the development of high-quality contemporary architecture in China. Major foreign firms like OMA/Rem Koolhaas or Herzog & de Meuron are participating in the design of buildings that will have functions during the Games, but Chinese architects, too, have been mobilized in this massive effort to prepare the country for an unprecedented level of world-wide attention. Architects featured: Atelier Deshaus, FCJZ Atelier Feichang Jianzhu, AZL Atelier Zhanglei, EDGE Design Institute, Fake Design, Herzog & de Meuron, HHF Architects, Arata Isozaki, Jiakun Architects, Kengo Kuma, Li Xiaodong Atelier, MAD, MADA s.p.a.m., Michael Maltzan, Toshiko Mori, NODE – Architecture, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, Pei Zhu, URBANUS Architecture & Design, Wang Hui, Zhu Xiaofeng/Scenic Architecture TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects - from the firmly established to the up-and-coming - with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in China
Great Leap Forward: Contemporary Architecture in China The past five years have seen a revolution in Chinese architecture - the emergence of independent designers, and a number of new stars - and above all new and interesting buildings that are not the product of direct Western influence. These developments have laid the groundwork for an indigenous modernity that differentiates itself from outside schools as well as eschewing the temptation to put a "Chinese-style" roof on ordinary office blocks. The fact that Beijing has been chosen to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games has been more than a catalyst for the development of high-quality contemporary architecture in China. Major foreign firms like OMA/Rem Koolhaas or Herzog & de Meuron are participating in the design of buildings that will have functions during the Games, but Chinese architects, too, have been mobilized in this massive effort to prepare the country for an unprecedented level of world-wide attention. Architects featured: Atelier Deshaus, FCJZ Atelier Feichang Jianzhu, AZL Atelier Zhanglei, EDGE Design Institute, Fake Design, Herzog & de Meuron, HHF Architects, Arata Isozaki, Jiakun Architects, Kengo Kuma, Li Xiaodong Atelier, MAD, MADA s.p.a.m., Michael Maltzan, Toshiko Mori, NODE – Architecture, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, Pei Zhu, URBANUS Architecture & Design, Wang Hui, Zhu Xiaofeng/Scenic Architecture TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects - from the firmly established to the up-and-coming - with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in China
Great Leap Forward: Contemporary Architecture in China The past five years have seen a revolution in Chinese architecture - the emergence of independent designers, and a number of new stars - and above all new and interesting buildings that are not the product of direct Western influence. These developments have laid the groundwork for an indigenous modernity that differentiates itself from outside schools as well as eschewing the temptation to put a "Chinese-style" roof on ordinary office blocks. The fact that Beijing has been chosen to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games has been more than a catalyst for the development of high-quality contemporary architecture in China. Major foreign firms like OMA/Rem Koolhaas or Herzog & de Meuron are participating in the design of buildings that will have functions during the Games, but Chinese architects, too, have been mobilized in this massive effort to prepare the country for an unprecedented level of world-wide attention. Architects featured: Atelier Deshaus, FCJZ Atelier Feichang Jianzhu, AZL Atelier Zhanglei, EDGE Design Institute, Fake Design, Herzog & de Meuron, HHF Architects, Arata Isozaki, Jiakun Architects, Kengo Kuma, Li Xiaodong Atelier, MAD, MADA s.p.a.m., Michael Maltzan, Toshiko Mori, NODE – Architecture, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, Pei Zhu, URBANUS Architecture & Design, Wang Hui, Zhu Xiaofeng/Scenic Architecture TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects - from the firmly established to the up-and-coming - with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in China
Great Leap Forward: Contemporary Architecture in China The past five years have seen a revolution in Chinese architecture - the emergence of independent designers, and a number of new stars - and above all new and interesting buildings that are not the product of direct Western influence. These developments have laid the groundwork for an indigenous modernity that differentiates itself from outside schools as well as eschewing the temptation to put a "Chinese-style" roof on ordinary office blocks. The fact that Beijing has been chosen to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games has been more than a catalyst for the development of high-quality contemporary architecture in China. Major foreign firms like OMA/Rem Koolhaas or Herzog & de Meuron are participating in the design of buildings that will have functions during the Games, but Chinese architects, too, have been mobilized in this massive effort to prepare the country for an unprecedented level of world-wide attention. Architects featured: Atelier Deshaus, FCJZ Atelier Feichang Jianzhu, AZL Atelier Zhanglei, EDGE Design Institute, Fake Design, Herzog & de Meuron, HHF Architects, Arata Isozaki, Jiakun Architects, Kengo Kuma, Li Xiaodong Atelier, MAD, MADA s.p.a.m., Michael Maltzan, Toshiko Mori, NODE – Architecture, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, Pei Zhu, URBANUS Architecture & Design, Wang Hui, Zhu Xiaofeng/Scenic Architecture TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects - from the firmly established to the up-and-coming - with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in China
Great Leap Forward: Contemporary Architecture in China The past five years have seen a revolution in Chinese architecture - the emergence of independent designers, and a number of new stars - and above all new and interesting buildings that are not the product of direct Western influence. These developments have laid the groundwork for an indigenous modernity that differentiates itself from outside schools as well as eschewing the temptation to put a "Chinese-style" roof on ordinary office blocks. The fact that Beijing has been chosen to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games has been more than a catalyst for the development of high-quality contemporary architecture in China. Major foreign firms like OMA/Rem Koolhaas or Herzog & de Meuron are participating in the design of buildings that will have functions during the Games, but Chinese architects, too, have been mobilized in this massive effort to prepare the country for an unprecedented level of world-wide attention. Architects featured: Atelier Deshaus, FCJZ Atelier Feichang Jianzhu, AZL Atelier Zhanglei, EDGE Design Institute, Fake Design, Herzog & de Meuron, HHF Architects, Arata Isozaki, Jiakun Architects, Kengo Kuma, Li Xiaodong Atelier, MAD, MADA s.p.a.m., Michael Maltzan, Toshiko Mori, NODE – Architecture, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, Pei Zhu, URBANUS Architecture & Design, Wang Hui, Zhu Xiaofeng/Scenic Architecture TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects - from the firmly established to the up-and-coming - with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in China
Great Leap Forward: Contemporary Architecture in China The past five years have seen a revolution in Chinese architecture - the emergence of independent designers, and a number of new stars - and above all new and interesting buildings that are not the product of direct Western influence. These developments have laid the groundwork for an indigenous modernity that differentiates itself from outside schools as well as eschewing the temptation to put a "Chinese-style" roof on ordinary office blocks. The fact that Beijing has been chosen to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games has been more than a catalyst for the development of high-quality contemporary architecture in China. Major foreign firms like OMA/Rem Koolhaas or Herzog & de Meuron are participating in the design of buildings that will have functions during the Games, but Chinese architects, too, have been mobilized in this massive effort to prepare the country for an unprecedented level of world-wide attention. Architects featured: Atelier Deshaus, FCJZ Atelier Feichang Jianzhu, AZL Atelier Zhanglei, EDGE Design Institute, Fake Design, Herzog & de Meuron, HHF Architects, Arata Isozaki, Jiakun Architects, Kengo Kuma, Li Xiaodong Atelier, MAD, MADA s.p.a.m., Michael Maltzan, Toshiko Mori, NODE – Architecture, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, Pei Zhu, URBANUS Architecture & Design, Wang Hui, Zhu Xiaofeng/Scenic Architecture TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects - from the firmly established to the up-and-coming - with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in China
Great Leap Forward: Contemporary Architecture in China The past five years have seen a revolution in Chinese architecture - the emergence of independent designers, and a number of new stars - and above all new and interesting buildings that are not the product of direct Western influence. These developments have laid the groundwork for an indigenous modernity that differentiates itself from outside schools as well as eschewing the temptation to put a "Chinese-style" roof on ordinary office blocks. The fact that Beijing has been chosen to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games has been more than a catalyst for the development of high-quality contemporary architecture in China. Major foreign firms like OMA/Rem Koolhaas or Herzog & de Meuron are participating in the design of buildings that will have functions during the Games, but Chinese architects, too, have been mobilized in this massive effort to prepare the country for an unprecedented level of world-wide attention. Architects featured: Atelier Deshaus, FCJZ Atelier Feichang Jianzhu, AZL Atelier Zhanglei, EDGE Design Institute, Fake Design, Herzog & de Meuron, HHF Architects, Arata Isozaki, Jiakun Architects, Kengo Kuma, Li Xiaodong Atelier, MAD, MADA s.p.a.m., Michael Maltzan, Toshiko Mori, NODE – Architecture, OMA/Rem Koolhaas, Pei Zhu, URBANUS Architecture & Design, Wang Hui, Zhu Xiaofeng/Scenic Architecture TASCHEN's new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects - from the firmly established to the up-and-coming - with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects' or firms' most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United Kingdom
TASCHEN’s new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects’ or firms’ most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: David Adjaye, Will Alsop, Caruso St John, Laurie Chetwood, David Chipperfield, Edward Cullinan, dECOi, Ellis Williams, FOA, Norman Foster, Nicholas Grimshaw, Zaha Hadid, Michael Hopkins, Eva Jiricna, Richard Rogers About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United Kingdom
TASCHEN’s new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects’ or firms’ most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: David Adjaye, Will Alsop, Caruso St John, Laurie Chetwood, David Chipperfield, Edward Cullinan, dECOi, Ellis Williams, FOA, Norman Foster, Nicholas Grimshaw, Zaha Hadid, Michael Hopkins, Eva Jiricna, Richard Rogers About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United Kingdom
TASCHEN’s new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects’ or firms’ most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: David Adjaye, Will Alsop, Caruso St John, Laurie Chetwood, David Chipperfield, Edward Cullinan, dECOi, Ellis Williams, FOA, Norman Foster, Nicholas Grimshaw, Zaha Hadid, Michael Hopkins, Eva Jiricna, Richard Rogers About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United Kingdom
TASCHEN’s new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects’ or firms’ most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: David Adjaye, Will Alsop, Caruso St John, Laurie Chetwood, David Chipperfield, Edward Cullinan, dECOi, Ellis Williams, FOA, Norman Foster, Nicholas Grimshaw, Zaha Hadid, Michael Hopkins, Eva Jiricna, Richard Rogers About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United Kingdom
TASCHEN’s new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects’ or firms’ most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: David Adjaye, Will Alsop, Caruso St John, Laurie Chetwood, David Chipperfield, Edward Cullinan, dECOi, Ellis Williams, FOA, Norman Foster, Nicholas Grimshaw, Zaha Hadid, Michael Hopkins, Eva Jiricna, Richard Rogers About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United Kingdom
TASCHEN’s new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects’ or firms’ most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: David Adjaye, Will Alsop, Caruso St John, Laurie Chetwood, David Chipperfield, Edward Cullinan, dECOi, Ellis Williams, FOA, Norman Foster, Nicholas Grimshaw, Zaha Hadid, Michael Hopkins, Eva Jiricna, Richard Rogers About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United Kingdom
TASCHEN’s new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects’ or firms’ most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: David Adjaye, Will Alsop, Caruso St John, Laurie Chetwood, David Chipperfield, Edward Cullinan, dECOi, Ellis Williams, FOA, Norman Foster, Nicholas Grimshaw, Zaha Hadid, Michael Hopkins, Eva Jiricna, Richard Rogers About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Jodidio Philip Architecture in the United Kingdom
TASCHEN’s new architecture series brings a unique perspective to world architecture, highlighting architectural trends by country. Each book features 15 to 20 architects—from the firmly established to the up-and-coming—with the focus on how they have contributed to very recent architecture in the chosen nation. Entries include contact information and short biographies in addition to copiously illustrated descriptions of the architects’ or firms’ most significant recent projects. Crossing the globe from country to country, this new series celebrates the richly hued architectural personality of each nation featured. Architects included: David Adjaye, Will Alsop, Caruso St John, Laurie Chetwood, David Chipperfield, Edward Cullinan, dECOi, Ellis Williams, FOA, Norman Foster, Nicholas Grimshaw, Zaha Hadid, Michael Hopkins, Eva Jiricna, Richard Rogers About the author: Philip Jodidio studied art history and economics at Harvard, and edited Connaissance des Arts for over 20 years. His books include TASCHEN's Architecture Now! series, Building a New Millennium, and monographs on Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Richard Meier, Jean Nouvel, and Zaha Hadid. He is internationally renowned as one of the most popular writers on the subject of architecture. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Моргунов Владимир Николаевич Мастерим из дерева для дома и дачи
Книга станет отличным помощником для домашних мастеров-любителей. С помощью наших советов и рекомендаций вы научитесь чувствовать красоту древесины различных пород, работать с плотницким и столярным инструментом, мастерить и ремонтировать, мебель, освоите тонкости покраски, лакирования и облицовки деревянных поверхностей, секреты мозаичного искусства и многое другое. Для широкого круга читателей.
Моргунов Владимир Николаевич Мастерим из дерева для дома и дачи
Книга станет отличным помощником для домашних мастеров-любителей. С помощью наших советов и рекомендаций вы научитесь чувствовать красоту древесины различных пород, работать с плотницким и столярным инструментом, мастерить и ремонтировать, мебель, освоите тонкости покраски, лакирования и облицовки деревянных поверхностей, секреты мозаичного искусства и многое другое. Для широкого круга читателей.
Писанка Руслана Кулинарные соблазны от Киевской Руси
Своей простотой и ясностью кухня Украины удивляет, соблазняет и даже гипнотизирует! И в то же время никогда не надоедает - не приедается. Тот, кто хоть однажды попробовал настоящий украинский борщ с пампушками, всегда вернется к нему на яву или во сне. Для гурманов и просто любителей вкусной и здоровой пищи Руслана Писанка собрала в этой книге те рецепты украинской кухни, которые, на ее взгляд, являются самыми аппетитными и соблазнительными. Вы узнаете, как сделать борщ ярко-красным, похудеть с помощью сала, отличить вареники с мясом от пельменей, наладить семейные отношения с помощью голубцов, а также другие секреты, которые помогут сделать вашу жизнь интересной и гармоничной.
100 самых красивых городов мира
Эта книга позволит вам перенестись в крупнейшие столицы и самые живописные города мира: из Африки в Азию, из Европы в Северную и Южную Америку. Вы сможете полюбоваться похожими на ущелья магистралями суперсовременных мегаполисов и прогуляться по причудливым улочкам старинных городов всех континентов. Эти города смогут поведать вам о многом - от величайших событий мировой истории до местных преданий, связанных с повседневной жизнью каждого города. Перевод с английского А.М. Голова.
Курочка Ряба. Сказки для самых маленьких
Читайте в нашей книжке сказки для самых маленьких. Сказки, которые дети готовы слушать целый день и особенно перед сном. И пусть им приснится добрая и мудрая Курочка Ряба; дед и его дружная семья, которая помогла ему вытащить из земли репку, большую-пребольшую; маленький Мышонок, который перехитрил самого умного и хитрого Лиса... Для чтения родителями детям.
Врублевский Александр Иванович Тесты по химии для школьников
Книга содержит 2720 разноуровневых тематических тестовых вопросов по всем разделам базового школьного курса химии. Предназначена для систематического, последовательного изучения химии с целью подготовки к централизованному тестированию. В книге в максимальной степени отражены изменения в учебной программе и требования, предъявляемые к знаниям абитуриентов на централизированном тестировании по химии. Рекомендуется в первую очередь для самостоятельной подготовки абитуриентам, будет также полезна педагогам и учащимся средних общеобразовательных школ, лицеев, подготовительных отделений и курсов, всем, кто желает углубить свои знания по химии.
Горбов Александр Михайлович Энциклопедия дачного строительства
Книга дает ответы на большинство вопросов, интересующих владельца дачного участка: строительство дачного дома от проекта до возведения крыши, материалы, ремонт, интерьер, коммуникации в доме и на участке (водопровод, канализация, электричество, разбивка сада и огорода), детская площадка, бассейн, внутренний дворик, дорожки, изгороди и т. п. Воплотить в строительстве дачного дома ваши самые изысканные фантазии и желания, сделать его максимально комфортным вам поможет эта книга. Для широкого круга читателей.
Остер Григорий Бенционович Вредные советы непослушным бизнесменам
Внимание! Покупая эту книгу, вы вносите свой вклад в борьбу с мировым финансовым и экономическим кризисом. Осторожно! Эти вредные советы не для детей, они про взрослых непослушных бизнесменов. Если вы сами взрослый непослушный бизнесмен, читайте эту книгу. Художник Николай Воронцов.
Остер Григорий Бенционович Вредные советы непослушным бизнесменам
Внимание! Покупая эту книгу, вы вносите свой вклад в борьбу с мировым финансовым и экономическим кризисом. Осторожно! Эти вредные советы не для детей, они про взрослых непослушных бизнесменов. Если вы сами взрослый непослушный бизнесмен, читайте эту книгу. Художник Николай Воронцов.
Остер Григорий Бенционович Вредные советы непослушным бизнесменам
Внимание! Покупая эту книгу, вы вносите свой вклад в борьбу с мировым финансовым и экономическим кризисом. Осторожно! Эти вредные советы не для детей, они про взрослых непослушных бизнесменов. Если вы сами взрослый непослушный бизнесмен, читайте эту книгу. Художник Николай Воронцов.
Остер Григорий Бенционович Вредные советы непослушным бизнесменам
Внимание! Покупая эту книгу, вы вносите свой вклад в борьбу с мировым финансовым и экономическим кризисом. Осторожно! Эти вредные советы не для детей, они про взрослых непослушных бизнесменов. Если вы сами взрослый непослушный бизнесмен, читайте эту книгу. Художник Николай Воронцов.
Остер Григорий Бенционович Вредные советы непослушным бизнесменам
Внимание! Покупая эту книгу, вы вносите свой вклад в борьбу с мировым финансовым и экономическим кризисом. Осторожно! Эти вредные советы не для детей, они про взрослых непослушных бизнесменов. Если вы сами взрослый непослушный бизнесмен, читайте эту книгу.
Остер Григорий Бенционович Вредные советы непослушным бизнесменам
Внимание! Покупая эту книгу, вы вносите свой вклад в борьбу с мировым финансовым и экономическим кризисом. Осторожно! Эти вредные советы не для детей, они про взрослых непослушных бизнесменов. Если вы сами взрослый непослушный бизнесмен, читайте эту книгу.
Остер Григорий Бенционович Вредные советы непослушным бизнесменам
Внимание! Покупая эту книгу, вы вносите свой вклад в борьбу с мировым финансовым и экономическим кризисом. Осторожно! Эти вредные советы не для детей, они про взрослых непослушных бизнесменов. Если вы сами взрослый непослушный бизнесмен, читайте эту книгу.
Остер Григорий Бенционович Вредные советы непослушным бизнесменам
Внимание! Покупая эту книгу, вы вносите свой вклад в борьбу с мировым финансовым и экономическим кризисом. Осторожно! Эти вредные советы не для детей, они про взрослых непослушных бизнесменов. Если вы сами взрослый непослушный бизнесмен, читайте эту книгу.
Мир античных мифов
Книга, которую Вы держите в руках, представляет самые известные античные мифологические циклы, эпические сказания и легенды, прочно вошедшие в европейскую и русскую культуру, искусство и литературу. Объём книги не позволяет познакомить читателя с бесчисленным количеством разных версий одних и тех же мифов. В ней представлены только основные варианты "главных" мифов и самые значительные эпические сказания. Особый акцент в книге сделан на так называемые мифологические совпадения (общие мифологические образы и сюжеты, присущие разным народам мира), выявленные исследователями в античной мифологии. Большой интерес представляет материал о том, как древние мифологические схемы повлияли на становление западноевропейской культуры. Книга написана известными искусствоведами, историками и этнологами. Богато иллюстрированные увлекательные научно-популярные статьи предназначены для самого широкого круга читателей, и особенно для тех, кто интересуется культурой, искусством и мифологией Древней Греции и Древнего Рима. Редакционная группа: Т. Каширина, Т. Евсеева, О. Лесняк.
Тиммон Джулия Из сегодня в завтра
Эви Уотт, принимая во внимание печальный предыдущий опыт, дает себе слово, что никогда не свяжется с разведенным, тем более отцом чьих-то детей. И вот в ее жизни появляется Джерард Морроу, неунывающий, умный и умеющий радоваться жизни мужчина. Их отношения вскоре выливаются в то надежное и ценное, что обещает остаться с Эви на всю жизнь. Спустя полгода Джерард делает ей предложение. В эти самые минуты случайно выясняется, что у него есть бывшая жена. Более того, еще и симпатичные дети-близнецы...
Большаков Алексей Владимирович Как пользоваться популярной литературой по оздоровлению
Рассказывается, как сохранить здоровье, бодрость духа и трезвый рассудок, занимаясь голоданием, моржеванием, переходя на раздельное питание или увлекшись какой-то модной диетой.
Неумывакин Иван Павлович Кремний. Мифы и реальность
Книга посвящена лечебным свойствам кремния, необходимого нашему организму элемента. Рассказывается о его особом действии в организме, приводятся рекомендации использования целебной силы кремния.
Неумывакин Иван Павлович Кремний. Мифы и реальность
Книга посвящена лечебным свойствам кремния, необходимого нашему организму элемента. Рассказывается о его особом действии в организме, приводятся рекомендации использования целебной силы кремния.
Павлова Татьяна Владимировна Гирудотерапия и очищение организма
Автор представляет перспективный метод лечения, практически не имеющий противопоказаний, не приводящий к осложнениям и не имеющий возрастных ограничений, а главное - простой для освоения и применения в домашних условиях.
Финогеев Ю. П., Крумгольц В. Ф., Захаренко С. М., Семена А. В., Сидорчук С. М. Инфекционные болезни. Лечение без химии
Фитотерапия - мощное средство ускорения выздоровления инфекционных больных. В книге приведены сведения о приготовлении настоев, отваров, экстрактов и т. д. В изучении возможностей фитотерапии помогут систематизированная информация о действующих веществах лекарственных растений, множество цветных иллюстраций. При создании книги использованы личный опыт авторов по лечению инфекционных больных, а также многочисленные литературные источники. Возможности фитотерапии велики: растениям присущи многочисленные лечебные свойства. Авторы обращают особое внимание на ядовитые лекарственные растения. Книга будет интересна не только врачам различных специальностей и студентам медицинских и фармацевтических вузов, но и всем, кто хочет узнать больше о современных возможностях фитотерапии.
Финогеев Ю. П., Крумгольц В. Ф., Захаренко С. М., Семена А. В., Сидорчук С. М. Инфекционные болезни. Лечение без химии
Фитотерапия - мощное средство ускорения выздоровления инфекционных больных. В книге приведены сведения о приготовлении настоев, отваров, экстрактов и т. д. В изучении возможностей фитотерапии помогут систематизированная информация о действующих веществах лекарственных растений, множество цветных иллюстраций. При создании книги использованы личный опыт авторов по лечению инфекционных больных, а также многочисленные литературные источники. Возможности фитотерапии велики: растениям присущи многочисленные лечебные свойства. Авторы обращают особое внимание на ядовитые лекарственные растения. Книга будет интересна не только врачам различных специальностей и студентам медицинских и фармацевтических вузов, но и всем, кто хочет узнать больше о современных возможностях фитотерапии.
Финогеев Ю. П., Крумгольц В. Ф., Захаренко С. М., Семена А. В., Сидорчук С. М. Инфекционные болезни. Лечение без химии
Фитотерапия - мощное средство ускорения выздоровления инфекционных больных. В книге приведены сведения о приготовлении настоев, отваров, экстрактов и т. д. В изучении возможностей фитотерапии помогут систематизированная информация о действующих веществах лекарственных растений, множество цветных иллюстраций. При создании книги использованы личный опыт авторов по лечению инфекционных больных, а также многочисленные литературные источники. Возможности фитотерапии велики: растениям присущи многочисленные лечебные свойства. Авторы обращают особое внимание на ядовитые лекарственные растения. Книга будет интересна не только врачам различных специальностей и студентам медицинских и фармацевтических вузов, но и всем, кто хочет узнать больше о современных возможностях фитотерапии.
Жены и матери пророков. Истории о благочестивых и богобоязненных женщинах
Книга показывает, что благочестие и богобоязненность женщины способны сформировать великий характер, который долгие века будет служить примером людям.
Сподвижники мои как звёзды... Истории о сподвижниках Пророка
Перед вами - собрание преданий о сподвижниках Пророка Мухаммада, проникнутых мудростью и преклонением перед Аллахом и Его Посланником. Книга будет интересна читателям всех вероисповеданий, как взрослым, так и детям.
Расул Камила бинт, Бахадори Наталья Духовное воспитание в мусульманской семье. Бабочки в раю
С чего начинается духовное воспитание детей? Очень важно учиться быть родителями, находить вашим детям хороших учителей, формировать подходящий им круг общения и делать все, что мы описали в этой книге. Но есть то, что важнее всего перечисленного. Это - молитва, ваша личная молитва за ваших детей и приобщение их к непреходящим духовным ценностям Ислама. В книге рассказывается о том, как обучить ребенка молитве, поведать ему об Аллахе, заложить понятие нравственности и пр. Приложение содержит сценарии для детских праздников и викторины.
Бахадори Наталья, Расул Камила бинт Растим гармоничного ребенка. Красота исламского воспитания
Главная мысль этой книги заключается в том, что малыш, выросший в доме, где между родителями царят любовь и взаимопонимание, становится уравновешенным, уверенным в себе, то есть счастливым человеком.
Бахадори Наталья, Расул Камила бинт Растим гармоничного ребенка. Красота исламского воспитания
Главная мысль этой книги заключается в том, что малыш, выросший в доме, где между родителями царят любовь и взаимопонимание, становится уравновешенным, уверенным в себе, то есть счастливым человеком.
Бахадори Наталья, Расул Камила бинт Растим гармоничного ребенка. Красота исламского воспитания
Главная мысль этой книги заключается в том, что малыш, выросший в доме, где между родителями царят любовь и взаимопонимание, становится уравновешенным, уверенным в себе, то есть счастливым человеком.
Эдвард Г.Браун Мусульманская медицина. Фитцпатриковские лекции
Мусульманская медицина внесла большой вклад в развитие мировой медицинской науки. Многие из древних знаний используются в настоящее время, некоторые из них представляют исторический интерес. Мусульмане использовали имевшееся на тот период медицинское наследие, развили теории лечения различных заболеваний, привнесли новое, дали новый сильный импульс дальнейшему развитию медицинской науки. Автор книги, Эдвард Г. Браун, представляет результаты своей многолетней исследовательской работы. Приведенные в книге медицинские и исторические сведения будут интересны специалистам, медикам, историкам * религиоведам, а также широкому кругу читателей. Перевод Н.Терлецкого.
ал-Карнаки Ибн Мирзакарим Вода Зам-зам: свойства и тайны
Книга посвящена чудесам и тайнам воды источника Зам-зам. На протяжении многовековой истории накоплена масса примеров, когда эта вода излечивала даже безнадежных больных.
ал-Карнаки Ибн Мирзакарим Вода Зам-зам: свойства и тайны
Книга посвящена чудесам и тайнам воды источника Зам-зам. На протяжении многовековой истории накоплена масса примеров, когда эта вода излечивала даже безнадежных больных.
Саид ал-Джамал Аш-Шазули Семь стоянок на Пути от себя и к себе
Автор книги о совершенствовании суфия на Пути к Аллаху - известный современный суфийский наставник Шадилийа Тарика, основанной в Египте в XIII в. Шейх живет на Масличной горе в Иерусалиме с 1959 г. Его духовное учение - для слушающих сердцем.
Ильяхов Анатолий Гаврилович Пир мудрецов. Притчи. Изречения. Рассуждения. Афине посвященные
В этой книге читатель найдет замечательные, мудрые и поучительные истории, героями которых стали философы, цари, полководцы и правители из легендарного античного прошлого.
Шалаева Галина Петровна Английский - с пеленок, а также французский, немецкий, испанский
Методика, данная в этой книге, поможет вашему малышу легко выучить четыре иностранных языка с нулевого уровня до разговорной речи, а русская транскрипция даст возможность родителям научить ребёнка правильному произношению.
Шалаева Галина Петровна Английский - с пеленок, а также французский, немецкий, испанский
Методика, данная в этой книге, поможет вашему малышу легко выучить четыре иностранных языка с нулевого уровня до разговорной речи, а русская транскрипция даст возможность родителям научить ребёнка правильному произношению.
Шалаева Галина Петровна Букварь с игровыми заданиями
Давно доказано, что обучение в процессе игры более эффективно и приносит радость и малышу, и его родителям или воспитателям. "Букварь с игровыми заданиями" предназначен именно для того, чтобы ваш ребенок легко и с удовольствием выучил алфавит и научился читать. Веселые задания развлекут его и помогут лучше усвоить пройденное. В книге также приводятся упражнения на развитие речи: уделено внимание тренировке произношения трудных для ребенка звуков, что поможет малышу научиться правильно и красиво говорить. Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Шалаева Галина Петровна Букварь с игровыми заданиями
Давно доказано, что обучение в процессе игры более эффективно и приносит радость и малышу, и его родителям или воспитателям. "Букварь с игровыми заданиями" предназначен именно для того, чтобы ваш ребенок легко и с удовольствием выучил алфавит и научился читать. Веселые задания развлекут его и помогут лучше усвоить пройденное. В книге также приводятся упражнения на развитие речи: уделено внимание тренировке произношения трудных для ребенка звуков, что поможет малышу научиться правильно и красиво говорить. Для чтения взрослыми детям.
Лестер Кристин Сиреневая весна
Все истории начинаются со слова "однажды", и эта - не исключение. Однажды девушка по имени Шерли не встретила своего сужено­го, потому что номер его телефона унес ветер. Однажды она узнала, что ее жених любит другую женщину, но продолжала с ним встречаться. Однажды она сама захотела украсть чужого мужчину, только ей это не удалось. Однажды ее подруга решила написать обо всем этом роман и, шутя, повернула ход событий в другую сторону... Просто однажды пришла Сиреневая Весна и изменила жизнь всем героям этого романа!
Тернбулл Стивен Символика японских самураев
Книга С. Тёрнбулла посвящена интересной и малоизученной теме - истории геральдических знаков японской военной аристократии. Здесь представлено развитие знамен самураев начиная с 10 в., подробно описано значение геральдических цветов и символов.
Полански Кэтрин Стиль жизни
Когда тебя ждет перспектива карьерного роста, а в фирму, где ты работаешь, присылают ревизора, кому это понравится? Уж точно не Саманте Хоук, преуспевающей бизнес-леди из компании, производящей женскую одежду. Она не намерена проигрывать. Тем более ревизору - Ралфу Дормеру, носящему скучные костюмы, прозвище Злой Старик и, по слухам, замешанному в странной истории. Саманта не догадывается, что Ралф может быть для нее опасен не только в стенах офиса...
Воронцов Николай Англо-русский словарь. 500 слов в картинках
Чтобы свободно общаться в Англии и Америке, Индии и Австралии, на уроках английского и дома, - 500 самых популярных английских слов в 500 самых смешных иллюстрациях дяди Коли Воронцова. Слова снабжены переводом и транскрипцией, примерами употребления в предложении. Высокий результат запоминания гарантирован. Потому что вы снова и снова станете с удовольствием рассматривать эту книгу.
Русские народные сказки
Самые добрые, самые детские и самые известные сказки на свете ждут малышей на страницах этой книги. " Теремок ", " Коза-дереза ", "Пряничный домик" и многие другие замечательные волшебные истории с лучшими иллюстрациями мы подготовили в подарок вам - дорогие ребята! Для дошкольного возраста. пересказ Аникина В.П., Михайлова М.М., Толстого А.Н.
Руа Вероника, Фиве Люк Знак убийцы
В Парижском Национальном музее обнаружен чудовищно изуродованный труп одной из сотрудниц. К телу приколота записка со странной надписью: "Человек вырождающийся". И это - лишь одно из звеньев в цепи чудовищных преступлений, происходящих в музее. Убийца ведет изощренную игру, всякий раз оставляя следователям подсказки - листья растений и отрывки из научных трудов, минералы и раскрытые книги... Полиция никак не найти связь между этими символическими знаками. И тогда собственное расследование начинают детективы-любители: известный антрополог Питер Осмонд, его коллега - священник и ученый отец Маньяни и сотрудница архива Леопольдина Девэр…
Коупленд Дуглас Похитители жвачки
Магазин канцелярских товаров "Скрепки" - кладбище загубленных надежд и тихая гавань непризнанных талантов? Похоже, что так. Иначе зачем бы писателю-неудачнику Роджеру с обреченным видом перекладывать с полки на полку пачки гербовой бумаги, а готической девушке Бетани - надменно сортировать красные и синие шариковые ручки? Они ненавидят окружающий мир, вожделенно мечтают о грядущем конце света и... с наслаждением портят жизнь друг другу. Но однажды недавние недруги решают стать друзьями и союзниками... В конце концов, вдвоем противостоять гнусностям и опасностям бытия проще! Так начинается новый роман Дугласа Коупленда, который сам он назвал "Историей о любви и Апокалипсисе", а критики окрестили элегантной пародией на фильм "Клерки" и пьесу "Кто боится Вирджинии Вульф". Перевод Е. Романовой.
Асприн Роберт МИФОтолкование
В конце семидесятых годов прошлого века молодой талантливый писатель Роберт Асприн решил изменить представления читателей всего мира о юмористическом фэнтези. В рамках этого жанра он написал роман "Еще один великолепный МИФ", который положил начало большому сериалу. "МИФОтолкования" - роман, продолжающий рассказ о забавных приключениях мага Скива - пентюха и его наставника - потерявшего волшебную силу демона Ааза.
Фоменко Анатолий Тимофеевич, Носовский Глеб Владимирович Пегая орда. История "древнего" Китая
Настоящая книга - десятая в серии "Новая хронология для всех", посвященной полному и в то же время доступному изложению идей и результатов научного направления "Новая хронология". Данная книга посвящена новой хронологии Китая. Как доказывают авторы, манжурский Китай XVII-XIX веков, который обычно считается далеко не расцветом китайской истории, на самом деле, по сути ИСЧЕРПЫВАЕТ ВСЮ КИТАЙСКУЮ ИСТОРИЮ. Более древние ее эпохи оказываются не более, чем фантомными отражениями манжурского Китая или же средневековых европейских событий. Первые главы книги посвящены астрономическому анализу китайской хронологии и дают представление о том, как устроена китайская история в целом. В шестой главе приведен результат математико-статистического исследования авторов по китайской хронологии. Он полностью согласуется с астрономическим анализом и уточняет его. Последующие главы посвящены реконструкции истории Китая. В них мы подробно говорится о Пегой Орде - манжурах, основавших Китайскую империю в XVII веке нашей эры. В Приложениях приведен полный хронологический список китайских династий и список китайских кометных наблюдений от древнейших времен до III века н.э. по общепринятой хронологии. Книга не требует от читателя специальных знаний и предназначена всем, кто интересуется историей и хронологией.
Лысова Наталья Александровна, Чернева Лидия Фомична Управление ценами: учебное пособие
Рассматриваются базовые концепции ценообразования, основы формирования эффективной ценовой политики, стратегии и тактики ценообразования хозяйствующего субъекта в рыночной экономике, государственного регулирования цен и управления элементами цены. Описаны методики регулирования и расчета цены на продукцию производственно-технического назначения, особенности установления цен при реализации долгосрочных проектов. Анализируются сущность и последствия ведения ценовых войн. Для студентов различных форм обучения, аспирантов, преподавателей вузов, слушателей системы послевузовского образования, экономистов, бухгалтеров, менеджеров.
Лысова Наталья Александровна, Чернева Лидия Фомична Управление ценами: учебное пособие
Рассматриваются базовые концепции ценообразования, основы формирования эффективной ценовой политики, стратегии и тактики ценообразования хозяйствующего субъекта в рыночной экономике, государственного регулирования цен и управления элементами цены. Описаны методики регулирования и расчета цены на продукцию производственно-технического назначения, особенности установления цен при реализации долгосрочных проектов. Анализируются сущность и последствия ведения ценовых войн. Для студентов различных форм обучения, аспирантов, преподавателей вузов, слушателей системы послевузовского образования, экономистов, бухгалтеров, менеджеров.
Лысова Наталья Александровна, Чернева Лидия Фомична Управление ценами: учебное пособие
Рассматриваются базовые концепции ценообразования, основы формирования эффективной ценовой политики, стратегии и тактики ценообразования хозяйствующего субъекта в рыночной экономике, государственного регулирования цен и управления элементами цены. Описаны методики регулирования и расчета цены на продукцию производственно-технического назначения, особенности установления цен при реализации долгосрочных проектов. Анализируются сущность и последствия ведения ценовых войн. Для студентов различных форм обучения, аспирантов, преподавателей вузов, слушателей системы послевузовского образования, экономистов, бухгалтеров, менеджеров.
Гюго Виктор Собор Парижской Богоматери. Пьесы. Стихотворения
В томе представлены лучшие произведения классика французской и мировой литературы Виктора Гюго.
Гюго Виктор Собор Парижской Богоматери. Пьесы. Стихотворения
В томе представлены лучшие произведения классика французской и мировой литературы Виктора Гюго.
Designing the 21st Century
How do today's brightest and best designers see the future of design? What are the defining elements of form, function, and aesthetics at the turn of the millennium? In response to these burning questions, we've put together the definitive book on cutting-edge product design, furniture, ceramics, glassware, and textiles. Including a cross-section of the world's most influential designers, from superstars to newcomers, and stunning images of their most progressive work, Designing the 21st Century is like no other book of its kind. Making it especially unique are the contributions from all designers featured: each sent us his or her answer to the question, "What is your vision for the future of design?" Crack the book to see how their revolutionary ways of thinking take shape. The experimental concepts and predictions featured here will serve as an important reference for generations to come - when researchers in 2101 want to see what was going on in design a century earlier, this is the book they'll turn to. About the editor: Charlotte and Peter Fiell have written numerous TASCHEN books, including 1000 Chairs, Design of the 20th Century, Industrial Design A-Z, Scandinavian Design, Designing the 21st Century, Graphic Design for the 21st Century, 1000 Lights and Contemporary Graphic Design. They also edited TASCHEN's Decorative Art series and the 12-volume domus 1928-1999. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Designing the 21st Century
How do today's brightest and best designers see the future of design? What are the defining elements of form, function, and aesthetics at the turn of the millennium? In response to these burning questions, we've put together the definitive book on cutting-edge product design, furniture, ceramics, glassware, and textiles. Including a cross-section of the world's most influential designers, from superstars to newcomers, and stunning images of their most progressive work, Designing the 21st Century is like no other book of its kind. Making it especially unique are the contributions from all designers featured: each sent us his or her answer to the question, "What is your vision for the future of design?" Crack the book to see how their revolutionary ways of thinking take shape. The experimental concepts and predictions featured here will serve as an important reference for generations to come - when researchers in 2101 want to see what was going on in design a century earlier, this is the book they'll turn to. About the editor: Charlotte and Peter Fiell have written numerous TASCHEN books, including 1000 Chairs, Design of the 20th Century, Industrial Design A-Z, Scandinavian Design, Designing the 21st Century, Graphic Design for the 21st Century, 1000 Lights and Contemporary Graphic Design. They also edited TASCHEN's Decorative Art series and the 12-volume domus 1928-1999. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Designing the 21st Century
How do today's brightest and best designers see the future of design? What are the defining elements of form, function, and aesthetics at the turn of the millennium? In response to these burning questions, we've put together the definitive book on cutting-edge product design, furniture, ceramics, glassware, and textiles. Including a cross-section of the world's most influential designers, from superstars to newcomers, and stunning images of their most progressive work, Designing the 21st Century is like no other book of its kind. Making it especially unique are the contributions from all designers featured: each sent us his or her answer to the question, "What is your vision for the future of design?" Crack the book to see how their revolutionary ways of thinking take shape. The experimental concepts and predictions featured here will serve as an important reference for generations to come - when researchers in 2101 want to see what was going on in design a century earlier, this is the book they'll turn to. About the editor: Charlotte and Peter Fiell have written numerous TASCHEN books, including 1000 Chairs, Design of the 20th Century, Industrial Design A-Z, Scandinavian Design, Designing the 21st Century, Graphic Design for the 21st Century, 1000 Lights and Contemporary Graphic Design. They also edited TASCHEN's Decorative Art series and the 12-volume domus 1928-1999. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Designing the 21st Century
How do today's brightest and best designers see the future of design? What are the defining elements of form, function, and aesthetics at the turn of the millennium? In response to these burning questions, we've put together the definitive book on cutting-edge product design, furniture, ceramics, glassware, and textiles. Including a cross-section of the world's most influential designers, from superstars to newcomers, and stunning images of their most progressive work, Designing the 21st Century is like no other book of its kind. Making it especially unique are the contributions from all designers featured: each sent us his or her answer to the question, "What is your vision for the future of design?" Crack the book to see how their revolutionary ways of thinking take shape. The experimental concepts and predictions featured here will serve as an important reference for generations to come - when researchers in 2101 want to see what was going on in design a century earlier, this is the book they'll turn to. About the editor: Charlotte and Peter Fiell have written numerous TASCHEN books, including 1000 Chairs, Design of the 20th Century, Industrial Design A-Z, Scandinavian Design, Designing the 21st Century, Graphic Design for the 21st Century, 1000 Lights and Contemporary Graphic Design. They also edited TASCHEN's Decorative Art series and the 12-volume domus 1928-1999. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Designing the 21st Century
How do today's brightest and best designers see the future of design? What are the defining elements of form, function, and aesthetics at the turn of the millennium? In response to these burning questions, we've put together the definitive book on cutting-edge product design, furniture, ceramics, glassware, and textiles. Including a cross-section of the world's most influential designers, from superstars to newcomers, and stunning images of their most progressive work, Designing the 21st Century is like no other book of its kind. Making it especially unique are the contributions from all designers featured: each sent us his or her answer to the question, "What is your vision for the future of design?" Crack the book to see how their revolutionary ways of thinking take shape. The experimental concepts and predictions featured here will serve as an important reference for generations to come - when researchers in 2101 want to see what was going on in design a century earlier, this is the book they'll turn to. About the editor: Charlotte and Peter Fiell have written numerous TASCHEN books, including 1000 Chairs, Design of the 20th Century, Industrial Design A-Z, Scandinavian Design, Designing the 21st Century, Graphic Design for the 21st Century, 1000 Lights and Contemporary Graphic Design. They also edited TASCHEN's Decorative Art series and the 12-volume domus 1928-1999. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Designing the 21st Century
How do today's brightest and best designers see the future of design? What are the defining elements of form, function, and aesthetics at the turn of the millennium? In response to these burning questions, we've put together the definitive book on cutting-edge product design, furniture, ceramics, glassware, and textiles. Including a cross-section of the world's most influential designers, from superstars to newcomers, and stunning images of their most progressive work, Designing the 21st Century is like no other book of its kind. Making it especially unique are the contributions from all designers featured: each sent us his or her answer to the question, "What is your vision for the future of design?" Crack the book to see how their revolutionary ways of thinking take shape. The experimental concepts and predictions featured here will serve as an important reference for generations to come - when researchers in 2101 want to see what was going on in design a century earlier, this is the book they'll turn to. About the editor: Charlotte and Peter Fiell have written numerous TASCHEN books, including 1000 Chairs, Design of the 20th Century, Industrial Design A-Z, Scandinavian Design, Designing the 21st Century, Graphic Design for the 21st Century, 1000 Lights and Contemporary Graphic Design. They also edited TASCHEN's Decorative Art series and the 12-volume domus 1928-1999. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Designing the 21st Century
How do today's brightest and best designers see the future of design? What are the defining elements of form, function, and aesthetics at the turn of the millennium? In response to these burning questions, we've put together the definitive book on cutting-edge product design, furniture, ceramics, glassware, and textiles. Including a cross-section of the world's most influential designers, from superstars to newcomers, and stunning images of their most progressive work, Designing the 21st Century is like no other book of its kind. Making it especially unique are the contributions from all designers featured: each sent us his or her answer to the question, "What is your vision for the future of design?" Crack the book to see how their revolutionary ways of thinking take shape. The experimental concepts and predictions featured here will serve as an important reference for generations to come - when researchers in 2101 want to see what was going on in design a century earlier, this is the book they'll turn to. About the editor: Charlotte and Peter Fiell have written numerous TASCHEN books, including 1000 Chairs, Design of the 20th Century, Industrial Design A-Z, Scandinavian Design, Designing the 21st Century, Graphic Design for the 21st Century, 1000 Lights and Contemporary Graphic Design. They also edited TASCHEN's Decorative Art series and the 12-volume domus 1928-1999. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Designing the 21st Century
How do today's brightest and best designers see the future of design? What are the defining elements of form, function, and aesthetics at the turn of the millennium? In response to these burning questions, we've put together the definitive book on cutting-edge product design, furniture, ceramics, glassware, and textiles. Including a cross-section of the world's most influential designers, from superstars to newcomers, and stunning images of their most progressive work, Designing the 21st Century is like no other book of its kind. Making it especially unique are the contributions from all designers featured: each sent us his or her answer to the question, "What is your vision for the future of design?" Crack the book to see how their revolutionary ways of thinking take shape. The experimental concepts and predictions featured here will serve as an important reference for generations to come - when researchers in 2101 want to see what was going on in design a century earlier, this is the book they'll turn to. About the editor: Charlotte and Peter Fiell have written numerous TASCHEN books, including 1000 Chairs, Design of the 20th Century, Industrial Design A-Z, Scandinavian Design, Designing the 21st Century, Graphic Design for the 21st Century, 1000 Lights and Contemporary Graphic Design. They also edited TASCHEN's Decorative Art series and the 12-volume domus 1928-1999. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Большаков Валерий Меченосец
Личный квест Олега Сухова, кузнеца, воина и нашего современника, продолжается. Попав в девятый век, он не просто сумел выжить, а добился уважения в дружине конунга Рюрика. И вот новая напасть - некая сила будто стремится вернуть Сухова обратно, в "родное время". Жаль, не добрасывает - Олег с другом Шуркой Пончиком оказываются в веке десятом. Без оружия, без друзей, без возлюбленных. И вновь Олег Сухов делает свой выбор - все начинает с нуля, пробивается наверх, добывая мечом славу и золото, влюбляется до безумия и отправляется в поход на Константинополь...
Art Now
Highlights from our popular Art at the Turn of the Millennium. Two pages, with illustrations and biographical / bibliographical information, are devoted to each artist. You'd be hard-pressed to find a more comprehensive guide in such a compact format! About the Series: More bang for your buck! "... a fast-food, high-energy fix on the topic at hand." The New York Times Book Review About the editors: Uta Grosenick lives and works as a freelance author and editor in Cologne. For TASCHEN she has edited, among other books, the following publications: Women Artists, 2001; ART NOW, 2002 (together with Burkhard Riemschneider); Buttner, 2003; ART NOW II, 2005, and numerous books from the Basic Genre Series. Art historian Burkhard Riemschneider runs an art gallery in Berlin and has published several monographs on contemporary artists. Издание на английском языке.
Art Now
Highlights from our popular Art at the Turn of the Millennium. Two pages, with illustrations and biographical / bibliographical information, are devoted to each artist. You'd be hard-pressed to find a more comprehensive guide in such a compact format! About the Series: More bang for your buck! "... a fast-food, high-energy fix on the topic at hand." The New York Times Book Review About the editors: Uta Grosenick lives and works as a freelance author and editor in Cologne. For TASCHEN she has edited, among other books, the following publications: Women Artists, 2001; ART NOW, 2002 (together with Burkhard Riemschneider); Buttner, 2003; ART NOW II, 2005, and numerous books from the Basic Genre Series. Art historian Burkhard Riemschneider runs an art gallery in Berlin and has published several monographs on contemporary artists. Издание на английском языке.
Art Now
Highlights from our popular Art at the Turn of the Millennium. Two pages, with illustrations and biographical / bibliographical information, are devoted to each artist. You'd be hard-pressed to find a more comprehensive guide in such a compact format! About the Series: More bang for your buck! "... a fast-food, high-energy fix on the topic at hand." The New York Times Book Review About the editors: Uta Grosenick lives and works as a freelance author and editor in Cologne. For TASCHEN she has edited, among other books, the following publications: Women Artists, 2001; ART NOW, 2002 (together with Burkhard Riemschneider); Buttner, 2003; ART NOW II, 2005, and numerous books from the Basic Genre Series. Art historian Burkhard Riemschneider runs an art gallery in Berlin and has published several monographs on contemporary artists. Издание на английском языке.
Замятин Евгений Иванович Бич Божий, Мы (CDmp3)
В сборник произведений выдающегося русского писателя ХХ века Евгения Ивановича Замятина [1884-1937] входят роман-антиутопия "Мы" и исторический роман "Бич Божий". Роман "Мы" открыл целое направление в литературе ХХ века. В жутковато-гротескной манере писатель показал тоталитарное общество, где человек потерял свою индивидуальность и даже вместо имени получил порядковый номер. Человек-винтик - продукт тоталитарного государства, уже не утопического, а реального - гибрида СССР и нацистской Германии. А ведь роман был впервые опубликован в 1924 году. Именно, роман "Мы" натолкнул Дж. Орруэла на идею создания его бессмертного романа "1984". "Мы" переведен на многие языки и неоднократно издавался в разных странах. В СССР был впервые издан в 1988 году. Исторический роман "Бич Божий", повествует о времени заката Римской империи. Бичом Божьим называли вождя гуннов Аттилу (406-453) - одного из величайших правителей варварских племён, вторгавшихся в Римскую империю. Все глаза были подняты туда, вверх: в утренней, непорочной, еще не высохшей от ночных слез синеве - едва заметное пятно, то темное, то одетое лучами. Это с небес нисходил к нам Он - новый Иегова на аэро, такой же мудрый и любяще-жестокий, как Иегова древних. С каждой минутой Он все ближе, - и все выше навстречу ему миллионы сердец, - и вот уже Он видит нас. И я вместе с ним мысленно озираю сверху: намеченные тонким голубым пунктиром концентрические круги трибун - как бы круги паутины, осыпанные микроскопическими солнцами ( - сияние блях); и в центре ее - сейчас сядет белый, мудрый Паук - в белых одеждах Благодетель, мудро связавший нас по рукам и ногам благодетельными тенетами счастья. Евгений Замятин. "Мы" "Мы". Роман-антиутопия Исполняет Денис Некрасов "Бич Божий". Исторический роман. Исполняет Игорь Серебряный Общее время звучания: 11 часа 18 мин. 128 kBit/sec o 44,1 kHz, Stereo o MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98 Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 4x
Моцарт Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт и пение птиц (CDmp3)
Специальная музыкальная программа для отдыха и релакса, продолжительностью 6 часов, составлена из лучших произведений гениального Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта на фоне естественных звуков природы. Непрерывное звучание волшебных звуков флоры и фауны в сопровождении классических музыкальных композиций в мгновение ока перенесет Вас в фантастическую атмосферу чистой и прозрачной природы. Чарующее пение луговых птиц, стрекот сверчков, тихий шелест цветов и травы подарят Вам неповторимое ощущение покоя и гармонии. От накопившейся усталости не останется и следа! Оригинальная программа способствует восстановлению душевного равновесия, улучшению самочувствия, поднимает настроение и жизненный тонус. Она прекрасно подойдет как для легкого салонного оформления, так и для прослушивания в домашней обстановке. Общее время звучания: 6 ч. 256 kBit/sec o 44,1 kHz, Stereo o MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98 Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 4x
Моцарт Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт и пение птиц (CDmp3)
Специальная музыкальная программа для отдыха и релакса, продолжительностью 6 часов, составлена из лучших произведений гениального Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта на фоне естественных звуков природы. Непрерывное звучание волшебных звуков флоры и фауны в сопровождении классических музыкальных композиций в мгновение ока перенесет Вас в фантастическую атмосферу чистой и прозрачной природы. Чарующее пение луговых птиц, стрекот сверчков, тихий шелест цветов и травы подарят Вам неповторимое ощущение покоя и гармонии. От накопившейся усталости не останется и следа! Оригинальная программа способствует восстановлению душевного равновесия, улучшению самочувствия, поднимает настроение и жизненный тонус. Она прекрасно подойдет как для легкого салонного оформления, так и для прослушивания в домашней обстановке. Общее время звучания: 6 ч. 256 kBit/sec o 44,1 kHz, Stereo o MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98 Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 4x
Математика (СDpc)
БДЭ "Математика" - это увлекательное знакомство с историей становления "царицы наук" и ее удивительным настоящим! Это возможность шире и глубже узнать об основных математических законах и понятиях, о выдающихся, ярких и неординарных творцах математики, в чьих умах рождались гениальные теории и невероятные открытия. В интересном, живом изложении, с большим количеством иллюстраций, исторических и любопытных фактов здесь представлены сведения по самым разным разделам математики, как включенным в школьную программу, так и выходящим за ее рамки. В конце каждой темы предложены тесты для самоконтроля на закрепление материала с автоматической проверкой результата, а так же занимательные игры с регулировкой уровня сложности. Познавательное издание способствует формированию у ребенка интереса к школьному предмету, осознания необходимости математики для жизни и, несомненно, служит тому, чтобы увлекательное знакомство с этой наукой переросло в их крепкую дружбу! Системные требования: Операционная система: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 Процессор: Pentium III Память: 256 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 24x HDD: 100 Мb Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (Поставляется на диске) Kodek DIVX (Поставляется на диске) Проигрыватель Adobe Flash (Поставляется на диске)
1000 Signs
This book features an amusing collection of signs from around the world. Divided into chapters by type (animals, man, stop, danger, weapons, transport, children, toilets, work, "no!", etc.), the signs demonstrate how different cultures portray the icons with which we are all so familiar. The diverse selection of photographs is accompanied by texts describing the cultural and social significance of signs. You may even learn things from this book that could save your life the next time you travel! "A fantastic collaboration between cool TASCHEN and edgy COLORS. This book shows there is no border between countries, races, art or fashion...". Mono Magazine, Tokyo. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
1000 Signs
This book features an amusing collection of signs from around the world. Divided into chapters by type (animals, man, stop, danger, weapons, transport, children, toilets, work, "no!", etc.), the signs demonstrate how different cultures portray the icons with which we are all so familiar. The diverse selection of photographs is accompanied by texts describing the cultural and social significance of signs. You may even learn things from this book that could save your life the next time you travel! "A fantastic collaboration between cool TASCHEN and edgy COLORS. This book shows there is no border between countries, races, art or fashion...". Mono Magazine, Tokyo. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
1000 Signs
This book features an amusing collection of signs from around the world. Divided into chapters by type (animals, man, stop, danger, weapons, transport, children, toilets, work, "no!", etc.), the signs demonstrate how different cultures portray the icons with which we are all so familiar. The diverse selection of photographs is accompanied by texts describing the cultural and social significance of signs. You may even learn things from this book that could save your life the next time you travel! "A fantastic collaboration between cool TASCHEN and edgy COLORS. This book shows there is no border between countries, races, art or fashion...". Mono Magazine, Tokyo. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
1000 Signs
This book features an amusing collection of signs from around the world. Divided into chapters by type (animals, man, stop, danger, weapons, transport, children, toilets, work, "no!", etc.), the signs demonstrate how different cultures portray the icons with which we are all so familiar. The diverse selection of photographs is accompanied by texts describing the cultural and social significance of signs. You may even learn things from this book that could save your life the next time you travel! "A fantastic collaboration between cool TASCHEN and edgy COLORS. This book shows there is no border between countries, races, art or fashion...". Mono Magazine, Tokyo. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
1000 Signs
This book features an amusing collection of signs from around the world. Divided into chapters by type (animals, man, stop, danger, weapons, transport, children, toilets, work, "no!", etc.), the signs demonstrate how different cultures portray the icons with which we are all so familiar. The diverse selection of photographs is accompanied by texts describing the cultural and social significance of signs. You may even learn things from this book that could save your life the next time you travel! "A fantastic collaboration between cool TASCHEN and edgy COLORS. This book shows there is no border between countries, races, art or fashion...". Mono Magazine, Tokyo. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
1000 Signs
This book features an amusing collection of signs from around the world. Divided into chapters by type (animals, man, stop, danger, weapons, transport, children, toilets, work, "no!", etc.), the signs demonstrate how different cultures portray the icons with which we are all so familiar. The diverse selection of photographs is accompanied by texts describing the cultural and social significance of signs. You may even learn things from this book that could save your life the next time you travel! "A fantastic collaboration between cool TASCHEN and edgy COLORS. This book shows there is no border between countries, races, art or fashion...". Mono Magazine, Tokyo. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
1000 Signs
This book features an amusing collection of signs from around the world. Divided into chapters by type (animals, man, stop, danger, weapons, transport, children, toilets, work, "no!", etc.), the signs demonstrate how different cultures portray the icons with which we are all so familiar. The diverse selection of photographs is accompanied by texts describing the cultural and social significance of signs. You may even learn things from this book that could save your life the next time you travel! "A fantastic collaboration between cool TASCHEN and edgy COLORS. This book shows there is no border between countries, races, art or fashion...". Mono Magazine, Tokyo. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Дебюсси Клод Дебюсси и звучание пенных волн (CDmp3)
Специальная музыкальная программа для отдыха и релакса, продолжительностью 6 часов, составлена из лучших произведений гениального Клода Дебюсси на фоне естественных звуков природы. Непрерывное звучание божественной музыки, плавно перетекающее из одной композиции в другую, позволяет слушателю мысленно перенестись на маленький остров в океане, где можно бесконечно наслаждаться свежестью нового дня, чарующими песнями экзотических птиц и звучанием пенных волн, переливающихся в лучах солнца. Программа поможет снять стресс, накопленный в шумной индустриальной обстановке, восстановит душевное равновесие и сбалансирует внутренний мир человека. Она может быть использована как для легкого салонного оформления, так и для прослушивания в домашней обстановке. Праздник музыки и звуков сопровождается слайдами, которые усиливают восприятие звучания. Серия "Классика на природе" - это музыка для отдыха и релакса! Общее время звучания: 6 ч. 256 kBit/sec o 44,1 kHz, Stereo o MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98 Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 4x
Дебюсси Клод Дебюсси и звучание пенных волн (CDmp3)
Специальная музыкальная программа для отдыха и релакса, продолжительностью 6 часов, составлена из лучших произведений гениального Клода Дебюсси на фоне естественных звуков природы. Непрерывное звучание божественной музыки, плавно перетекающее из одной композиции в другую, позволяет слушателю мысленно перенестись на маленький остров в океане, где можно бесконечно наслаждаться свежестью нового дня, чарующими песнями экзотических птиц и звучанием пенных волн, переливающихся в лучах солнца. Программа поможет снять стресс, накопленный в шумной индустриальной обстановке, восстановит душевное равновесие и сбалансирует внутренний мир человека. Она может быть использована как для легкого салонного оформления, так и для прослушивания в домашней обстановке. Праздник музыки и звуков сопровождается слайдами, которые усиливают восприятие звучания. Серия "Классика на природе" - это музыка для отдыха и релакса! Общее время звучания: 6 ч. 256 kBit/sec o 44,1 kHz, Stereo o MPEG Audio Layer 3 Системные требования: Операционная система: Windows 95/98 Процессор: Pentium 100 MHz Память: 16 Mb Звук CD-ROM: 4x
Оруэлл Джордж 1984. Скотный Двор
1984: Своеобразный антипод второй великой антиутопии XX века - "О дивный новый мир" Олдоса Хаксли. Что, в сущности, страшнее: доведенное до абсурда "общество потребления" - или доведенное до абсолюта "общество идеи"? По Оруэллу, нет и не может быть ничего ужаснее тотальной несвободы... Скотный Двор: Притча, полная юмора и сарказма. Может ли скромная ферма стать символом тоталитарного общества? Конечно, да. Но... каким увидят это общество его "граждане" - животные, обреченные на бойню? Перевод В. Голышева и Л. Беспаловой.
Артамонов Арсений Семейный медицинский справочник: 6500 советов
Данная книга знакомит читателя со многими областями современной научной медицины. В популярной форме изложены сведения о профилактике и лечении распространенных заболеваний, которыми страдают люди разного возраста - от новорожденных до пожилых. Большой интерес представляет раздел "Домашняя педиатрия", где изложены современные данные не только о диагностике и лечении детских заболеваний, но и материалы о вскармливании малыша, уходе за ним. Раздел "Современные лекарственные препараты и их аналоги" позволит читателю не растеряться среди аптечного изобилия, а раздел об уходе за больными поможет правильно провести домашние лечебные процедуры. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
Best Movies of the 70s
The birth of the blockbuster: The prodigies of the 1970s revolutionize cinema. The 1970s: that magical era betwixt the swinging 60s and the decadent 80s, the epoch of leisure suits and Afros, the age of disco music and platform shoes. As war raged on in Vietnam and the cold war continued to escalate, Hollywood began to heat up, recovering from its commercial crisis with box-office successes such as Star Wars, Jaws, The Exorcist, and The Godfather. Thanks to directors like Spielberg and Lucas, American cinema gave birth to a new phenomenon: the blockbuster. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, while the Nouvelle Vague died out in France, its influence extended to Germany, where the New German Cinema of Fassbinder, Wenders, and Herzog had its heyday. The sexual revolution made its way to the silver screen (cautiously in the US, more freely in Europe) most notably in Bertolucci's steamy, scandalous Last Tango in Paris. Amidst all this came a wave of nostalgic films (The Sting, American Graffiti) and Vietnam pictures (Apocalypse Now, The Deer Hunter), the rise of the anti-hero (Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman), and the prestigious short-lived genre, blaxploitation. 140 A-Z film entries include: - Synopsis - Film stills and production photos - Cast/crew listings - Box office figures - Trivia - Useful information on technical stuff - Actor and director bios Plus: a complete Academy Awards list for the decade About the editor: Jurgen Muller has worked as an art critic, a curator of numerous exhibitions, a visiting professor at various universities, and has published books and numerous articles on cinema and art history. Currently he holds the chair for art history at the University of Dresden, where he lives. Muller is the series editor for TASCHEN's Movies decade titles. Издание на английском языке.
Best Movies of the 70s
The birth of the blockbuster: The prodigies of the 1970s revolutionize cinema. The 1970s: that magical era betwixt the swinging 60s and the decadent 80s, the epoch of leisure suits and Afros, the age of disco music and platform shoes. As war raged on in Vietnam and the cold war continued to escalate, Hollywood began to heat up, recovering from its commercial crisis with box-office successes such as Star Wars, Jaws, The Exorcist, and The Godfather. Thanks to directors like Spielberg and Lucas, American cinema gave birth to a new phenomenon: the blockbuster. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, while the Nouvelle Vague died out in France, its influence extended to Germany, where the New German Cinema of Fassbinder, Wenders, and Herzog had its heyday. The sexual revolution made its way to the silver screen (cautiously in the US, more freely in Europe) most notably in Bertolucci's steamy, scandalous Last Tango in Paris. Amidst all this came a wave of nostalgic films (The Sting, American Graffiti) and Vietnam pictures (Apocalypse Now, The Deer Hunter), the rise of the anti-hero (Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman), and the prestigious short-lived genre, blaxploitation. 140 A-Z film entries include: - Synopsis - Film stills and production photos - Cast/crew listings - Box office figures - Trivia - Useful information on technical stuff - Actor and director bios Plus: a complete Academy Awards list for the decade About the editor: Jurgen Muller has worked as an art critic, a curator of numerous exhibitions, a visiting professor at various universities, and has published books and numerous articles on cinema and art history. Currently he holds the chair for art history at the University of Dresden, where he lives. Muller is the series editor for TASCHEN's Movies decade titles. Издание на английском языке.
Best Movies of the 70s
The birth of the blockbuster: The prodigies of the 1970s revolutionize cinema. The 1970s: that magical era betwixt the swinging 60s and the decadent 80s, the epoch of leisure suits and Afros, the age of disco music and platform shoes. As war raged on in Vietnam and the cold war continued to escalate, Hollywood began to heat up, recovering from its commercial crisis with box-office successes such as Star Wars, Jaws, The Exorcist, and The Godfather. Thanks to directors like Spielberg and Lucas, American cinema gave birth to a new phenomenon: the blockbuster. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, while the Nouvelle Vague died out in France, its influence extended to Germany, where the New German Cinema of Fassbinder, Wenders, and Herzog had its heyday. The sexual revolution made its way to the silver screen (cautiously in the US, more freely in Europe) most notably in Bertolucci's steamy, scandalous Last Tango in Paris. Amidst all this came a wave of nostalgic films (The Sting, American Graffiti) and Vietnam pictures (Apocalypse Now, The Deer Hunter), the rise of the anti-hero (Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman), and the prestigious short-lived genre, blaxploitation. 140 A-Z film entries include: - Synopsis - Film stills and production photos - Cast/crew listings - Box office figures - Trivia - Useful information on technical stuff - Actor and director bios Plus: a complete Academy Awards list for the decade About the editor: Jurgen Muller has worked as an art critic, a curator of numerous exhibitions, a visiting professor at various universities, and has published books and numerous articles on cinema and art history. Currently he holds the chair for art history at the University of Dresden, where he lives. Muller is the series editor for TASCHEN's Movies decade titles. Издание на английском языке.
Мерцалова Алла Учет и операционная деятельность в кредитных организациях
Посвящено процессам организации, документального оформления, синтетического и аналитического учета кассовых, расчетных, депозитных и кредитных операций кредитных учреждений. В каждой главе помимо теории приводятся примеры, контрольные вопросы и тесты для самопроверки, рассматриваются учебные ситуации. Для студентов, обучающихся по специальностям "Финансы и кредит" (специализация "Банковское дело"), "Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит". Может быть полезно слушателям центров повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров, использовано в работе банковских специалистов и аудиторов.
Мерцалова Алла Учет и операционная деятельность в кредитных организациях
Посвящено процессам организации, документального оформления, синтетического и аналитического учета кассовых, расчетных, депозитных и кредитных операций кредитных учреждений. В каждой главе помимо теории приводятся примеры, контрольные вопросы и тесты для самопроверки, рассматриваются учебные ситуации. Для студентов, обучающихся по специальностям "Финансы и кредит" (специализация "Банковское дело"), "Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит". Может быть полезно слушателям центров повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров, использовано в работе банковских специалистов и аудиторов.
Bamboo Style
Besides feeding pandas and making a yummy addition to many Asian dishes, bamboo is also used as a building material, both functional and decorative. The dried stems are extremely sturdy and lend themselves to a multitude of uses. Shigeru Ban, for example, found a way to create lumber from laminated woven bamboo for a house he designed in Beijing. Other houses show off bamboo in more straightforward ways, lining the ceilings or floors with stems, or even forming walls. Bamboo is also used to construct furniture, lending a chair or a bed a warm, earthy feeling. This unique look book captures the many uses of bamboo in houses throughout China, Japan, and Indonesia. About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel. About the photographer: Swiss photographer Reto Guntli, based in Zurich, regularly travels the world shooting for international magazines. He has published numerous books and contributed to TASCHEN publications such as Inside Asia, Living in Japan, Living in Bali, Great Escapes Asia and Great Escapes Europe. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Bamboo Style
Besides feeding pandas and making a yummy addition to many Asian dishes, bamboo is also used as a building material, both functional and decorative. The dried stems are extremely sturdy and lend themselves to a multitude of uses. Shigeru Ban, for example, found a way to create lumber from laminated woven bamboo for a house he designed in Beijing. Other houses show off bamboo in more straightforward ways, lining the ceilings or floors with stems, or even forming walls. Bamboo is also used to construct furniture, lending a chair or a bed a warm, earthy feeling. This unique look book captures the many uses of bamboo in houses throughout China, Japan, and Indonesia. About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel. About the photographer: Swiss photographer Reto Guntli, based in Zurich, regularly travels the world shooting for international magazines. He has published numerous books and contributed to TASCHEN publications such as Inside Asia, Living in Japan, Living in Bali, Great Escapes Asia and Great Escapes Europe. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Bamboo Style
Besides feeding pandas and making a yummy addition to many Asian dishes, bamboo is also used as a building material, both functional and decorative. The dried stems are extremely sturdy and lend themselves to a multitude of uses. Shigeru Ban, for example, found a way to create lumber from laminated woven bamboo for a house he designed in Beijing. Other houses show off bamboo in more straightforward ways, lining the ceilings or floors with stems, or even forming walls. Bamboo is also used to construct furniture, lending a chair or a bed a warm, earthy feeling. This unique look book captures the many uses of bamboo in houses throughout China, Japan, and Indonesia. About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel. About the photographer: Swiss photographer Reto Guntli, based in Zurich, regularly travels the world shooting for international magazines. He has published numerous books and contributed to TASCHEN publications such as Inside Asia, Living in Japan, Living in Bali, Great Escapes Asia and Great Escapes Europe. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Bamboo Style
Besides feeding pandas and making a yummy addition to many Asian dishes, bamboo is also used as a building material, both functional and decorative. The dried stems are extremely sturdy and lend themselves to a multitude of uses. Shigeru Ban, for example, found a way to create lumber from laminated woven bamboo for a house he designed in Beijing. Other houses show off bamboo in more straightforward ways, lining the ceilings or floors with stems, or even forming walls. Bamboo is also used to construct furniture, lending a chair or a bed a warm, earthy feeling. This unique look book captures the many uses of bamboo in houses throughout China, Japan, and Indonesia. About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel. About the photographer: Swiss photographer Reto Guntli, based in Zurich, regularly travels the world shooting for international magazines. He has published numerous books and contributed to TASCHEN publications such as Inside Asia, Living in Japan, Living in Bali, Great Escapes Asia and Great Escapes Europe. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Bamboo Style
Besides feeding pandas and making a yummy addition to many Asian dishes, bamboo is also used as a building material, both functional and decorative. The dried stems are extremely sturdy and lend themselves to a multitude of uses. Shigeru Ban, for example, found a way to create lumber from laminated woven bamboo for a house he designed in Beijing. Other houses show off bamboo in more straightforward ways, lining the ceilings or floors with stems, or even forming walls. Bamboo is also used to construct furniture, lending a chair or a bed a warm, earthy feeling. This unique look book captures the many uses of bamboo in houses throughout China, Japan, and Indonesia. About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel. About the photographer: Swiss photographer Reto Guntli, based in Zurich, regularly travels the world shooting for international magazines. He has published numerous books and contributed to TASCHEN publications such as Inside Asia, Living in Japan, Living in Bali, Great Escapes Asia and Great Escapes Europe. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Bamboo Style
Besides feeding pandas and making a yummy addition to many Asian dishes, bamboo is also used as a building material, both functional and decorative. The dried stems are extremely sturdy and lend themselves to a multitude of uses. Shigeru Ban, for example, found a way to create lumber from laminated woven bamboo for a house he designed in Beijing. Other houses show off bamboo in more straightforward ways, lining the ceilings or floors with stems, or even forming walls. Bamboo is also used to construct furniture, lending a chair or a bed a warm, earthy feeling. This unique look book captures the many uses of bamboo in houses throughout China, Japan, and Indonesia. About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel. About the photographer: Swiss photographer Reto Guntli, based in Zurich, regularly travels the world shooting for international magazines. He has published numerous books and contributed to TASCHEN publications such as Inside Asia, Living in Japan, Living in Bali, Great Escapes Asia and Great Escapes Europe. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Bamboo Style
Besides feeding pandas and making a yummy addition to many Asian dishes, bamboo is also used as a building material, both functional and decorative. The dried stems are extremely sturdy and lend themselves to a multitude of uses. Shigeru Ban, for example, found a way to create lumber from laminated woven bamboo for a house he designed in Beijing. Other houses show off bamboo in more straightforward ways, lining the ceilings or floors with stems, or even forming walls. Bamboo is also used to construct furniture, lending a chair or a bed a warm, earthy feeling. This unique look book captures the many uses of bamboo in houses throughout China, Japan, and Indonesia. About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel. About the photographer: Swiss photographer Reto Guntli, based in Zurich, regularly travels the world shooting for international magazines. He has published numerous books and contributed to TASCHEN publications such as Inside Asia, Living in Japan, Living in Bali, Great Escapes Asia and Great Escapes Europe. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Рахманов Александр Иванович Кормление домашних кур
Продуктивность домашних кур находится в тесной зависимости от условий питания. В связи с этим в книге рассматриваются питательные вещества кормов, их значение в обмене веществ, рекомендуются различные рационы и режимы кормления цыплят и взрослых кур в домашнем хозяйстве. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, занимающихся птицеводством на приусадебных участках.
Рахманов Александр Иванович Индейки и цесарки. Содержание и разведение
В книге описываются наиболее популярные породы домашних индеек и цесарок, даны советы и рекомендации по содержанию, уходу и разведению их в домашних условиях. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг любителей птицеводства и дачников, интересующихся разведением индеек и цесарок в домашних условиях.
Berlin Style
With its tumultuous history, bustling international community, and cutting-edge art scene, Berlin is naturally home to a very diverse range of interiors which reflect the city’s mix of Eastern and Western influences. Traversing the city’s most eclectic and unique interiors, Berlin Style offers an inspiring view of Berlin and its inhabitants. About the editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on architecture, photography, design, contemporary art, interiors, and travel. About the photographer: New York-based French photographer Eric Laignel captures architecture and design “for the pleasure of the eyes.” His work is regularly featured in various international publications, though his favorites projects remain TASCHEN’s Berlin Interiors and Miami Interiors. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

Домен и сайт продаются

Булгаковская энциклопедия