Виртуальная экскурсия по булгаковской Москве

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Гражданское право: актуальные проблемы теории и практики
Настоящая книга представляет собой систематический сборник очерков по глобальным проблемно-методологическим вопросам современной российской цивилистики. Коллектив авторов стремится, с одной стороны, предпринять попытку научной постановки глобальных гражданско-правовых проблем, а с другой - проверить силу и работоспособность "проверенного многолетней практикой" цивилистическогo инструментария. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей юридических вузов, практикующих юристов и всех интересующихся гражданским правом. Под общей редакцией доктора юридических наук В. А. Белова.
Авдеев Вадим Александрович Периферийные устройства: интерфейсы, схемотехника, программирование
В книге с энциклопедической полнотой рассматриваются периферийные устройства персонального компьютера; принципы их действия и применения; интерфейсная схемотехника; интерактивные устройства ввода и способы обмена данными, преобразователи информации, модемы и т.д. Приведены основные сведения по защите информации от ошибок. Изложены вопросы программирования некоторых периферийных устройств на регистровом уровне и составлены функциональные графы вариантов программных заданий. Книга содержит большое количество схем и таблиц, способствующих лучшему пониманию соответствующей информации. Издание предназначено для студентов вузов и колледжей, изучающих компьютерную технику, а также для преподавателей и инженерно-технических работников. Рекомендовано УМО вузов по университетскому политехническому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальности "Вычислительные машины, комплексы, системы и сети".
Васильчикова Наталья Витальевна, Кухарук Владимир Васильевич Криминология: конспект лекций
Непосредственной сдаче экзамена или зачета по любой учебной дисциплине всегда предшествует достаточно краткий период, когда студент должен сосредоточиться, систематизировать свои знания. Выражаясь компьютерным языком, он должен "вывести информацию из долговременной памяти в оперативную", сделать ее готовой к немедленному и эффективному использованию. Специфика периода подготовки к экзамену или зачету заключается в том, что студент уже ничего не изучает (для этого просто нет времени): он лишь вспоминает и систематизирует изученное. Предлагаемое пособие поможет студентам в решении именно этой задачи применительно к курсу "Криминология". Издание предназначено студентам высших учебных заведений.
Шрайбер Герман Справочник по телевизионным микросхемам
В книгу вошли сведения по цифровым микросхемам: ступенчатые линии задержки на приборах с зарядовой связью; стабилизированные импульсные источники вторичного питания; тюнеры метрового и дециметрового диапазонов; декодеры телетекста для аналогового и цифрового телевидения; гребенчатые фильтры для выделения сигналов яркости и цветности. Издание предназначено для работников телевизионных мастерских, а также для радиолюбителей, интересующихся проблемами кабельного и спутникового телевидения.
Богомолова Анастасия Анатольевна Таможенное право: конспект лекций
Непосредственной сдаче экзамена или зачета по любой учебной дисциплине всегда предшествует достаточно краткий период, когда студент должен сосредоточиться, систематизировать свои знания. Выражаясь компьютерным языком, он должен "вывести информацию из долговременной памяти в оперативную", сделать ее готовой к немедленному и эффективному использованию. Специфика периода подготовки к экзамену или зачету заключается в том, что студент уже ничего не изучает (для этого просто нет времени): он лишь вспоминает и систематизирует изученное. Предлагаемое пособие поможет студентам в решении именно этой задачи применительно к курсу "Таможенное право".
Роббинс Гарольд Избранное: В 2-х томах. Том 2: Наследники; Бетси: Романы
Три поколения американских писателей считают Гарольда Роббинса своим учителем. В 50, 60 и 70-х годах этот писатель был главным законодателем моды в американской литературе. Каждый новый его роман вызывал огромнейший резонанс в обществе. Во второй том Избранного вошли романы "Наследники" и "Бетси".
Фосетт Перси Неоконченное путешествие. Сост. по рукописям, письмам, полевым дневникам и офиц. отчетам П.Г.Фоссета
Книга замечательного английского путешественника Перси Г. Фосетта - это яркий, красочный рассказ о дикой природе южноамериканских тропиков, о населении этих мест, о нравах и порядках, которые господствовали в то время в странах Южной Америки. В ходе экспедиций, совершенных Фосеттом, на карту мира были нанесены многие реки Боливии, Парагвая, Бразилии, исследованы территории, долгое время остававшиеся "белыми пятнами" на картах мира.
Шуплецова Юлия Игоревна Финансовое право: краткий курс лекций
Непосредственной сдаче экзамена или зачета по любой учебной дисциплине всегда предшествует краткий период, когда студент должен сосредоточиться, систематизировать свои знания. Выражаясь компьютерным языком, он должен "вывести информацию из долговременной памяти в оперативную", сделать ее готовой к немедленному и эффективному использованию. Специфика периода подготовки к экзамену или зачету заключается в том, что студент уже ничего не изучает (для этого просто нет времени): он лишь вспоминает и систематизирует изученное. Предлагаемое пособие поможет студентам в решении именно этой задачи применительно к курсу "Финансовое право". Содержание и структура пособия соответствуют требованиям Государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования. Издание предназначено студентам высших учебных заведений. 4-е издание, переработанное и дополненное.
Диккенс Чарльз Большие надежды
Чарльз Диккенс (1812-1870) - английский писатель, завоевавший мировую славу и необычайно популярный в России. Сложные сюжетные переплетения и глубокая эмоциональность присущи созданным Диккенсом произведениям. Роман "Большие надежды" - одна из жемчужин его творчества. Перевод с английского М. Лорие.
Волков Александр Мелентьевич Собрание сочинений в 4-х томах. Том 1: Волшебник Изумрудного города; Урфин Джюс и его дер. солдаты..
Александр Мелентьевич Волков (1891-1977) - известный детский писатель и переводчик. По образованию математик, посвятил часть жизни преподаванию, что не помешало ему стать замечательным автором, произведения которого любит и знает уже не одно поколение читателей. На основе сказки американского писателя Ф. Баума "Мудрец из страны Оз" А. Волков создал цикл сказочных повестей, самой известной из которых стала "Волшебник Изумрудного города". Также из-под пера писателя вышли повести и романы на исторические темы, рассчитанные на аудиторию юных читателей. В первый том собрания сочинений вошли сказочные повести "Волшебник Изумрудного города", "Урфин Джюс и его деревянные солдаты", а также "Семь подземных королей", из которых читатели узнают о приключениях девочки Элли, щенка Тотошки и их друзей.
Голицын Артур Николаевич Экология вашего дома
Книга посвящена экологии городского жилища; в ней рассмотрены загрязняемые среды квартиры - воздух, вода, пища, а также ее физические характеристики (радиация, магнитные поля, шум, освещение). В ней приведены описание методов и приборов экологического экспресс-анализа, применяемых при обследовании помещений; рекомендации о комфортном оснащении квартиры, о рациональной расстановке мебели. В особенной части обобщены материалы по параэкологии жилища. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, в том числе для студентов начальных и средних экологических образовательных учреждений, студентов вузов, учащихся общеобразовательных школ с экологическим уклоном, для домохозяек и читателей, интересующихся вопросами практической экологии, безопасности и комфортности жилища.
Волков Александр Мелентьевич Собрание сочинений в 4-х томах. Том 2: Огненный бог Марранов; Желтый туман; Тайна заброшенного замка
Александр Мелентьевич Волков (1891-1977) - известный детский писатель и переводчик. По образованию математик, посвятил часть жизни преподаванию, что не помешало ему стать замечательным автором, произведения которого любит и знает уже не одно поколение читателей. На основе сказки американского писателя Ф. Баума "Мудрец из страны Оз" А. Волков создал цикл сказочных повестей, самой известной из которых стала "Волшебник Изумрудного города". Также из-под пера писателя вышли повести и романы на исторические темы, рассчитанные на аудиторию юных читателей. Во втором томе собрания сочинений читатели познакомятся со сказочными повестями "Огненный бог Марранов", "Тайна заброшенного замка" и "Желтый туман" и узнают об остальных историях, приключившихся с полюбившимися героями "Волшебника Изумрудного города".
Волков Александр Мелентьевич Собрание сочинений в 4-х томах. Том 3: Зодчие: Роман
Александр Мелентьевич Волков (1891-1977) - известный детский писатель и переводчик. По образованию математик, посвятил часть жизни преподаванию, что не помешало ему стать замечательным автором, произведения которого любит и знает уже не одно поколение читателей. На основе сказки американского писателя Ф. Баума "Мудрец из страны Оз" А. Волков создал цикл сказочных повестей, самой известной из которых стала "Волшебник Изумрудного города". Также из-под пера писателя вышли повести и романы на исторические темы, рассчитанные на аудиторию юных читателей. В третий том собрания сочинений вошел роман "Зодчие", повествующий об исторических событиях XVI века: строительстве храма Василия Блаженного, войне Московского государства с татарами за Казань, народных восстаниях. Читатели узнают о судьбе русских зодчих, возводивших один из самых красивых храмов Москвы.
Волков Александр Мелентьевич Собрание сочинений в 4-х томах. Том 4: Два брата: Историческая повесть
Александр Мелентьевич Волков (1891-1977) - известный детский писатель и переводчик. По образованию математик, посвятил часть жизни преподаванию, что не помешало ему стать замечательным автором, произведения которого любит и знает уже не одно поколение читателей. На основе сказки американского писателя Ф. Баума "Мудрец из страны Оз" А. Волков создал цикл сказочных повестей, самой известной из которых стала "Волшебник Изумрудного города". Также из-под пера писателя вышли повести и романы на исторические темы, рассчитанные на аудиторию юных читателей. В четвертый том собрания сочинений включена повесть "Два брата", рассказывающая о судьбах братьев Ильи и Егора Марковых. Действие происходит в интереснейшую эпоху правления Петра I, а главным героям удается стать участниками многих исторических событий.
Моран Поль Парфэт де Салиньи; Левис и Ирен; Живой Будда; Нежности кладь: Романы
Поль Моран (1888-1976) принадлежит к числу видных писателей XX века. За свою творческую жизнь он создал более шестидесяти произведений разных жанров: новеллы, романы, эссе, путевые заметки, пьесы, стихи. И это при том, что литературную деятельность он успешно совмещал с дипломатической. В сборник вошли исторический роман "Парфэт де Салиньи", психологические - "Левис и Ирэн", "Живой Будда" и роман "Нежности кладь", состоящий из отдельных новелл.
Моран Поль Парфэт де Салиньи; Левис и Ирен; Живой Будда; Нежности кладь: Романы
Поль Моран (1888-1976) принадлежит к числу видных писателей XX века. За свою творческую жизнь он создал более шестидесяти произведений разных жанров: новеллы, романы, эссе, путевые заметки, пьесы, стихи. И это при том, что литературную деятельность он успешно совмещал с дипломатической. В сборник вошли исторический роман "Парфэт де Салиньи", психологические - "Левис и Ирэн", "Живой Будда" и роман "Нежности кладь", состоящий из отдельных новелл.
Рогов Анатолий Петрович Соломония
Роман Анатолия Рогова "Соломония" рассказывает о судьбе Соломонии, первой жены великого князя Московского Василия Иоанновнча, отца Иоанна Грозного. Родом из незнатного семейства Сабуровых, она и предположить не могла, что ее, красавицу писаную, выберут из полутора тысяч невест в царские жены. Однако это не сделало Соломонию счастливой. Закончила она свою жизнь монахиней в Суздальском Покровском монастыре - обычном месте ссылки для впавших в немилость власти придержащих.
Широкий Олег Борисович История Жанны
Удивительная история жизни Жанны Д'Арк, Орлеанской девы, народной героини Франции, отражена во многих литературных произведениях. И всегда это самые разные и противоречивые интерпретации. Автор этой книги, основываясь на исторических фактах и документальных источниках, облекает драматическую историю жизни Жанны в форму психологического романа, тем самым позволяя читателю взглянуть на события тех далеких лет с несколько иной стороны.
Карпущенко Сергей Сочинения. В 3-х томах. Том 3. "Стальной кит - повелитель мира"
Приключения Володи, Иринки и Леньки Кошмарика, начавшиеся в романах "Рыцарь с железным клювом" и "Операция "Святой Иероним", - продолжаются. Теперь друзья отправились в путешествие на подводной лодке... По чистой случайности маршрут Петербург - Хельсинки - Петербург закончился благополучно.
Карпущенко Сергей Сочинения в 3-х томах. Том 1: Капитан полевой артиллерии
В романе "Капитан полевой артиллерии" описывается один из почти забытых эпизодов времен первой мировой войны: оборона неприступной крепости Новогеоргиевск. Главный герой, капитан полевой артиллерии Лихунов, попадает в немецкий плен, где начинает вести дневник, в котором находят отражение не только картины обороны крепости и жизни русского офицера в плену, но и размышления о смысле жизни, о вере, о том, что же такое война и кому она нужна...
Карпущенко Сергей Сочинения в 3-х томах. Том 2: Рыцарь с железным клювом; Операция "Святой Иероним": Романы
Какому мальчику не хотелось быть смелым и отважным в 13 лет, да еще в глазах девочки, которая тебе очень нравится?.. Оказывается, и в наши дни можно спасти палаш старика соседа, раскрыть тайну загадочного острова, вступить в бой с призраком в старом замке и даже... перехитрить мафиозного Паука. Все эти удивительные истории произошли с петербургским мальчиком Володей - главным героем романов С. Карпущенко "Рыцарь с железным клювом", "Операция "Святой Иероним". Увлекательное, захватывающее чтение для современных мальчишек и девчонок среднего школьного возраста.
Лаптухин Виктор Владимирович Африканский казак
Автор этой книги - В. В. Лаптухин - писатель, журналист-международник, более восьми лет проработавший в странах Западной и Южной Африки. Действие романа происходит в конце XIX - начале XX в. Герой - казачий офицер Дмитрий Есаулов - отправляется на военно-дипломатическую службу в Египет. Здесь и начинаются его головокружительные приключения, которые забрасывают его в страны Тропической Африки.
Рождествина Анна Анатольевна Шпаргалка по уголовному праву (особенной части): ответы на экзаменационные билеты
Все выучить - жизни не хватит, а экзамен сдать надо. Это готовая "шпора", написанная реальным преподом. Здесь найдешь все необходимой по Уголовному праву (особенной части), а остальное - дело техники. Ни пуха, ни пера.
Рождествина Анна Анатольевна Шпаргалка по уголовному праву (особенной части): ответы на экзаменационные билеты
Все выучить - жизни не хватит, а экзамен сдать надо. Это готовая "шпора", написанная реальным преподом. Здесь найдешь все необходимой по Уголовному праву (особенной части), а остальное - дело техники. Ни пуха, ни пера.
Лаптухин Виктор Владимирович Тайные фрегаты
В. Лаптухин - писатель и журналист, более восьми лет проработал в странах Западной и Южной Африки. Действие авантюрного романа "Тайные фрегаты" происходит в начале XVII века. Новгородский юноша Иван Плотников отправляется с купцами "за три моря". Чудом спасшись от пиратов, он насильно завербован в английский флот. Сражения в Средиземном море, охота на слонов в Африке, участие в тайных закупках иностранных фрегатов для пополнения российского Балтийского флота - эти и другие приключения выпадают на долю главного героя.
Paris Style. Vol. II
Paris is not just the city of French classical style, but has now also become one of the leading centres of contemporary design and modern art. This book shows how subtly architects and interior designers combine these two worlds. It takes you to elegant lofts that were once cramped apartments, inside traditional buildings of the Haussmann era, where accessories from exotic places set the scene, and to glamorous showrooms in beautifully restored city palais. Paris - c'est toujours chic! Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris Style. Vol. II
Paris is not just the city of French classical style, but has now also become one of the leading centres of contemporary design and modern art. This book shows how subtly architects and interior designers combine these two worlds. It takes you to elegant lofts that were once cramped apartments, inside traditional buildings of the Haussmann era, where accessories from exotic places set the scene, and to glamorous showrooms in beautifully restored city palais. Paris - c'est toujours chic! Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris Style. Vol. II
Paris is not just the city of French classical style, but has now also become one of the leading centres of contemporary design and modern art. This book shows how subtly architects and interior designers combine these two worlds. It takes you to elegant lofts that were once cramped apartments, inside traditional buildings of the Haussmann era, where accessories from exotic places set the scene, and to glamorous showrooms in beautifully restored city palais. Paris - c'est toujours chic! Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris Style. Vol. II
Paris is not just the city of French classical style, but has now also become one of the leading centres of contemporary design and modern art. This book shows how subtly architects and interior designers combine these two worlds. It takes you to elegant lofts that were once cramped apartments, inside traditional buildings of the Haussmann era, where accessories from exotic places set the scene, and to glamorous showrooms in beautifully restored city palais. Paris - c'est toujours chic! Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris Style. Vol. II
Paris is not just the city of French classical style, but has now also become one of the leading centres of contemporary design and modern art. This book shows how subtly architects and interior designers combine these two worlds. It takes you to elegant lofts that were once cramped apartments, inside traditional buildings of the Haussmann era, where accessories from exotic places set the scene, and to glamorous showrooms in beautifully restored city palais. Paris - c'est toujours chic! Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris Style. Vol. II
Paris is not just the city of French classical style, but has now also become one of the leading centres of contemporary design and modern art. This book shows how subtly architects and interior designers combine these two worlds. It takes you to elegant lofts that were once cramped apartments, inside traditional buildings of the Haussmann era, where accessories from exotic places set the scene, and to glamorous showrooms in beautifully restored city palais. Paris - c'est toujours chic! Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris Style. Vol. II
Paris is not just the city of French classical style, but has now also become one of the leading centres of contemporary design and modern art. This book shows how subtly architects and interior designers combine these two worlds. It takes you to elegant lofts that were once cramped apartments, inside traditional buildings of the Haussmann era, where accessories from exotic places set the scene, and to glamorous showrooms in beautifully restored city palais. Paris - c'est toujours chic! Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Seaside Style. Vol. II
A house on the sea is something that many people dream of. This book takes you to the most beautiful locations in the world where the dream became true: full-page colour photos show places such as Oresund, the beaches of Mykonos, the dunes of the Hamptons and the coast of Brazil. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Seaside Style. Vol. II
A house on the sea is something that many people dream of. This book takes you to the most beautiful locations in the world where the dream became true: full-page colour photos show places such as Oresund, the beaches of Mykonos, the dunes of the Hamptons and the coast of Brazil. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Seaside Style. Vol. II
A house on the sea is something that many people dream of. This book takes you to the most beautiful locations in the world where the dream became true: full-page colour photos show places such as Oresund, the beaches of Mykonos, the dunes of the Hamptons and the coast of Brazil. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Seaside Style. Vol. II
A house on the sea is something that many people dream of. This book takes you to the most beautiful locations in the world where the dream became true: full-page colour photos show places such as Oresund, the beaches of Mykonos, the dunes of the Hamptons and the coast of Brazil. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Seaside Style. Vol. II
A house on the sea is something that many people dream of. This book takes you to the most beautiful locations in the world where the dream became true: full-page colour photos show places such as Oresund, the beaches of Mykonos, the dunes of the Hamptons and the coast of Brazil. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Seaside Style. Vol. II
A house on the sea is something that many people dream of. This book takes you to the most beautiful locations in the world where the dream became true: full-page colour photos show places such as Oresund, the beaches of Mykonos, the dunes of the Hamptons and the coast of Brazil. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Seaside Style. Vol. II
A house on the sea is something that many people dream of. This book takes you to the most beautiful locations in the world where the dream became true: full-page colour photos show places such as Oresund, the beaches of Mykonos, the dunes of the Hamptons and the coast of Brazil. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
20th Century Photography
"Defining images of photographic art in this century." -Photo Art International, United Kingdom. The photographic collection of the Museum Ludwig Cologne is one of the most important collections of contemporary photography in the world. This book provides a fascinating insight into its rich diversity: conceptual art, abstraction, reportage - about 200 works works by around 100 of the 20th century's most famous international photographers, from Ansel to Joel Peter Witkin.
20th Century Photography
"Defining images of photographic art in this century." -Photo Art International, United Kingdom. The photographic collection of the Museum Ludwig Cologne is one of the most important collections of contemporary photography in the world. This book provides a fascinating insight into its rich diversity: conceptual art, abstraction, reportage - about 200 works works by around 100 of the 20th century's most famous international photographers, from Ansel to Joel Peter Witkin.
20th Century Photography
"Defining images of photographic art in this century." -Photo Art International, United Kingdom. The photographic collection of the Museum Ludwig Cologne is one of the most important collections of contemporary photography in the world. This book provides a fascinating insight into its rich diversity: conceptual art, abstraction, reportage - about 200 works works by around 100 of the 20th century's most famous international photographers, from Ansel to Joel Peter Witkin.
Mexico Style
Exploding with color, textures, patterns, and ideas, this guide to the best of Mexican decor is packed cover to cover with splendid eye-popping photos. From Costa Careyes to the Yucatan Peninsula, this diverse selection of villas, casitas, haciendas, cabanas, and palapas paints a multihued picture of Mexican style. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотографы: Barbara and Rene Stoeltie. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Mexico Style
Exploding with color, textures, patterns, and ideas, this guide to the best of Mexican decor is packed cover to cover with splendid eye-popping photos. From Costa Careyes to the Yucatan Peninsula, this diverse selection of villas, casitas, haciendas, cabanas, and palapas paints a multihued picture of Mexican style. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотографы: Barbara and Rene Stoeltie. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Mexico Style
Exploding with color, textures, patterns, and ideas, this guide to the best of Mexican decor is packed cover to cover with splendid eye-popping photos. From Costa Careyes to the Yucatan Peninsula, this diverse selection of villas, casitas, haciendas, cabanas, and palapas paints a multihued picture of Mexican style. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотографы: Barbara and Rene Stoeltie. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Mexico Style
Exploding with color, textures, patterns, and ideas, this guide to the best of Mexican decor is packed cover to cover with splendid eye-popping photos. From Costa Careyes to the Yucatan Peninsula, this diverse selection of villas, casitas, haciendas, cabanas, and palapas paints a multihued picture of Mexican style. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотографы: Barbara and Rene Stoeltie. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Mexico Style
Exploding with color, textures, patterns, and ideas, this guide to the best of Mexican decor is packed cover to cover with splendid eye-popping photos. From Costa Careyes to the Yucatan Peninsula, this diverse selection of villas, casitas, haciendas, cabanas, and palapas paints a multihued picture of Mexican style. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотографы: Barbara and Rene Stoeltie. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Mexico Style
Exploding with color, textures, patterns, and ideas, this guide to the best of Mexican decor is packed cover to cover with splendid eye-popping photos. From Costa Careyes to the Yucatan Peninsula, this diverse selection of villas, casitas, haciendas, cabanas, and palapas paints a multihued picture of Mexican style. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотографы: Barbara and Rene Stoeltie. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Mexico Style
Exploding with color, textures, patterns, and ideas, this guide to the best of Mexican decor is packed cover to cover with splendid eye-popping photos. From Costa Careyes to the Yucatan Peninsula, this diverse selection of villas, casitas, haciendas, cabanas, and palapas paints a multihued picture of Mexican style. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотографы: Barbara and Rene Stoeltie. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Barcelona. Restaurants & More
When the sun goes down, Spain's culinary culture comes alive; the Catalans like to enjoy their meals late into the night, to the surprise of many foreigners who are not accustomed to eating dinner as late as 11 p.m. or even midnight. But they quickly become accustomed to this very relaxed way of life, having learned to enjoy a siesta in the afternoon when all the shops are closed. A favorite way to usher in the evening hours is to visit a classic tapas bar such as TapaC24 or Cerveceria El Vaso de Oro, where fresh, simple, and delicious nibbles can be had while sipping a cold cerveza. When your appetite is in full swing and the hour grows late, choose from our restaurant recommendations such as 7 Portes, the oldest eatery in the city, or the very glamorous Noti. If after-dinner drinks are in order, be sure to visit Bar Gimlet for cocktails and jazz. And forget about that diet: you must try the scrumptiously sweet suizos and churros at Granja La Pallaresa! Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Barcelona. Restaurants & More
When the sun goes down, Spain's culinary culture comes alive; the Catalans like to enjoy their meals late into the night, to the surprise of many foreigners who are not accustomed to eating dinner as late as 11 p.m. or even midnight. But they quickly become accustomed to this very relaxed way of life, having learned to enjoy a siesta in the afternoon when all the shops are closed. A favorite way to usher in the evening hours is to visit a classic tapas bar such as TapaC24 or Cerveceria El Vaso de Oro, where fresh, simple, and delicious nibbles can be had while sipping a cold cerveza. When your appetite is in full swing and the hour grows late, choose from our restaurant recommendations such as 7 Portes, the oldest eatery in the city, or the very glamorous Noti. If after-dinner drinks are in order, be sure to visit Bar Gimlet for cocktails and jazz. And forget about that diet: you must try the scrumptiously sweet suizos and churros at Granja La Pallaresa! Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Barcelona. Restaurants & More
When the sun goes down, Spain's culinary culture comes alive; the Catalans like to enjoy their meals late into the night, to the surprise of many foreigners who are not accustomed to eating dinner as late as 11 p.m. or even midnight. But they quickly become accustomed to this very relaxed way of life, having learned to enjoy a siesta in the afternoon when all the shops are closed. A favorite way to usher in the evening hours is to visit a classic tapas bar such as TapaC24 or Cerveceria El Vaso de Oro, where fresh, simple, and delicious nibbles can be had while sipping a cold cerveza. When your appetite is in full swing and the hour grows late, choose from our restaurant recommendations such as 7 Portes, the oldest eatery in the city, or the very glamorous Noti. If after-dinner drinks are in order, be sure to visit Bar Gimlet for cocktails and jazz. And forget about that diet: you must try the scrumptiously sweet suizos and churros at Granja La Pallaresa! Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Barcelona. Restaurants & More
When the sun goes down, Spain's culinary culture comes alive; the Catalans like to enjoy their meals late into the night, to the surprise of many foreigners who are not accustomed to eating dinner as late as 11 p.m. or even midnight. But they quickly become accustomed to this very relaxed way of life, having learned to enjoy a siesta in the afternoon when all the shops are closed. A favorite way to usher in the evening hours is to visit a classic tapas bar such as TapaC24 or Cerveceria El Vaso de Oro, where fresh, simple, and delicious nibbles can be had while sipping a cold cerveza. When your appetite is in full swing and the hour grows late, choose from our restaurant recommendations such as 7 Portes, the oldest eatery in the city, or the very glamorous Noti. If after-dinner drinks are in order, be sure to visit Bar Gimlet for cocktails and jazz. And forget about that diet: you must try the scrumptiously sweet suizos and churros at Granja La Pallaresa! Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Barcelona. Restaurants & More
When the sun goes down, Spain's culinary culture comes alive; the Catalans like to enjoy their meals late into the night, to the surprise of many foreigners who are not accustomed to eating dinner as late as 11 p.m. or even midnight. But they quickly become accustomed to this very relaxed way of life, having learned to enjoy a siesta in the afternoon when all the shops are closed. A favorite way to usher in the evening hours is to visit a classic tapas bar such as TapaC24 or Cerveceria El Vaso de Oro, where fresh, simple, and delicious nibbles can be had while sipping a cold cerveza. When your appetite is in full swing and the hour grows late, choose from our restaurant recommendations such as 7 Portes, the oldest eatery in the city, or the very glamorous Noti. If after-dinner drinks are in order, be sure to visit Bar Gimlet for cocktails and jazz. And forget about that diet: you must try the scrumptiously sweet suizos and churros at Granja La Pallaresa! Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Barcelona. Restaurants & More
When the sun goes down, Spain's culinary culture comes alive; the Catalans like to enjoy their meals late into the night, to the surprise of many foreigners who are not accustomed to eating dinner as late as 11 p.m. or even midnight. But they quickly become accustomed to this very relaxed way of life, having learned to enjoy a siesta in the afternoon when all the shops are closed. A favorite way to usher in the evening hours is to visit a classic tapas bar such as TapaC24 or Cerveceria El Vaso de Oro, where fresh, simple, and delicious nibbles can be had while sipping a cold cerveza. When your appetite is in full swing and the hour grows late, choose from our restaurant recommendations such as 7 Portes, the oldest eatery in the city, or the very glamorous Noti. If after-dinner drinks are in order, be sure to visit Bar Gimlet for cocktails and jazz. And forget about that diet: you must try the scrumptiously sweet suizos and churros at Granja La Pallaresa! Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Barcelona. Restaurants & More
When the sun goes down, Spain's culinary culture comes alive; the Catalans like to enjoy their meals late into the night, to the surprise of many foreigners who are not accustomed to eating dinner as late as 11 p.m. or even midnight. But they quickly become accustomed to this very relaxed way of life, having learned to enjoy a siesta in the afternoon when all the shops are closed. A favorite way to usher in the evening hours is to visit a classic tapas bar such as TapaC24 or Cerveceria El Vaso de Oro, where fresh, simple, and delicious nibbles can be had while sipping a cold cerveza. When your appetite is in full swing and the hour grows late, choose from our restaurant recommendations such as 7 Portes, the oldest eatery in the city, or the very glamorous Noti. If after-dinner drinks are in order, be sure to visit Bar Gimlet for cocktails and jazz. And forget about that diet: you must try the scrumptiously sweet suizos and churros at Granja La Pallaresa! Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Barcelona. Restaurants & More
When the sun goes down, Spain's culinary culture comes alive; the Catalans like to enjoy their meals late into the night, to the surprise of many foreigners who are not accustomed to eating dinner as late as 11 p.m. or even midnight. But they quickly become accustomed to this very relaxed way of life, having learned to enjoy a siesta in the afternoon when all the shops are closed. A favorite way to usher in the evening hours is to visit a classic tapas bar such as TapaC24 or Cerveceria El Vaso de Oro, where fresh, simple, and delicious nibbles can be had while sipping a cold cerveza. When your appetite is in full swing and the hour grows late, choose from our restaurant recommendations such as 7 Portes, the oldest eatery in the city, or the very glamorous Noti. If after-dinner drinks are in order, be sure to visit Bar Gimlet for cocktails and jazz. And forget about that diet: you must try the scrumptiously sweet suizos and churros at Granja La Pallaresa! Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, немецком и французском языках.
Koetzle Hans-Michael Photo Icons. The Story Behind the Pictures. Vol. 2
Each chapter of the two Photo Icons volumes focuses on a single image which is described and analyzed in detail, in aesthetic, historical, and artistic contexts. Volume I begins with the very first permanent images (Nicephore Niepce's 1827 8-hour-exposure rooftop picture and Louis Daguerre's famous 1839 street scene) and takes the reader up through the avant-garde photography of the 1920s. Volume II explores works such as Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother (1936) and Robert Doisneau's Kiss in Front of City Hall (1950), up through Martin Parr's 'New European photography.'
Koetzle Hans-Michael Photo Icons. The Story Behind the Pictures. Vol. 2
Each chapter of the two Photo Icons volumes focuses on a single image which is described and analyzed in detail, in aesthetic, historical, and artistic contexts. Volume I begins with the very first permanent images (Nicephore Niepce's 1827 8-hour-exposure rooftop picture and Louis Daguerre's famous 1839 street scene) and takes the reader up through the avant-garde photography of the 1920s. Volume II explores works such as Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother (1936) and Robert Doisneau's Kiss in Front of City Hall (1950), up through Martin Parr's 'New European photography.'
Koetzle Hans-Michael Photo Icons. The Story Behind the Pictures. Vol. 2
Each chapter of the two Photo Icons volumes focuses on a single image which is described and analyzed in detail, in aesthetic, historical, and artistic contexts. Volume I begins with the very first permanent images (Nicephore Niepce's 1827 8-hour-exposure rooftop picture and Louis Daguerre's famous 1839 street scene) and takes the reader up through the avant-garde photography of the 1920s. Volume II explores works such as Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother (1936) and Robert Doisneau's Kiss in Front of City Hall (1950), up through Martin Parr's 'New European photography.'
Большой современный немецко-русский русско-немецкий словарь: 160 000 слов
Современный немецко-русский русско-немецкий словарь включает около 160 000 слов с детальной обработкой их значений. В словаре приводятся фонетическая и грамматическая характеристики слова, даны наиболее употребимые словосочетания, фразеологизмы, пословицы и т. п. Словарь удобен в пользовании. Рассчитан на специалистов в области немецкого языка, студентов вузов, техникумов, учащихся школ, лицеев, колледжей. Составитель: Сиротина Татьяна Александровна.
Koetzle Hans-Michael Photo Icons. The Story Behind the Pictures. Vol. 1
Each chapter of the two Photo Icons volumes focuses on a single image which is described and analyzed in detail, in aesthetic, historical, and artistic contexts. Volume I begins with the very first permanent images (Nicephore Niepce's 1827 8-hour-exposure rooftop picture and Louis Daguerre's famous 1839 street scene) and takes the reader up through the avant-garde photography of the 1920s. Volume II explores works such as Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother (1936) and Robert Doisneau's Kiss in Front of City Hall (1950), up through Martin Parr's 'New European photography.'
Koetzle Hans-Michael Photo Icons. The Story Behind the Pictures. Vol. 1
Each chapter of the two Photo Icons volumes focuses on a single image which is described and analyzed in detail, in aesthetic, historical, and artistic contexts. Volume I begins with the very first permanent images (Nicephore Niepce's 1827 8-hour-exposure rooftop picture and Louis Daguerre's famous 1839 street scene) and takes the reader up through the avant-garde photography of the 1920s. Volume II explores works such as Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother (1936) and Robert Doisneau's Kiss in Front of City Hall (1950), up through Martin Parr's 'New European photography.'
Koetzle Hans-Michael Photo Icons. The Story Behind the Pictures. Vol. 1
Each chapter of the two Photo Icons volumes focuses on a single image which is described and analyzed in detail, in aesthetic, historical, and artistic contexts. Volume I begins with the very first permanent images (Nicephore Niepce's 1827 8-hour-exposure rooftop picture and Louis Daguerre's famous 1839 street scene) and takes the reader up through the avant-garde photography of the 1920s. Volume II explores works such as Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother (1936) and Robert Doisneau's Kiss in Front of City Hall (1950), up through Martin Parr's 'New European photography.'
Indian Style
A compact guide to Indian architecture and interior design. Starting in the North of India, this compact guide to the best of Indian style takes the reader on a tour down through to the south of the country, exploring a wide range of Indian architecture and interior design. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Indian Style
A compact guide to Indian architecture and interior design. Starting in the North of India, this compact guide to the best of Indian style takes the reader on a tour down through to the south of the country, exploring a wide range of Indian architecture and interior design. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Indian Style
A compact guide to Indian architecture and interior design. Starting in the North of India, this compact guide to the best of Indian style takes the reader on a tour down through to the south of the country, exploring a wide range of Indian architecture and interior design. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Indian Style
A compact guide to Indian architecture and interior design. Starting in the North of India, this compact guide to the best of Indian style takes the reader on a tour down through to the south of the country, exploring a wide range of Indian architecture and interior design. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Indian Style
A compact guide to Indian architecture and interior design. Starting in the North of India, this compact guide to the best of Indian style takes the reader on a tour down through to the south of the country, exploring a wide range of Indian architecture and interior design. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Indian Style
A compact guide to Indian architecture and interior design. Starting in the North of India, this compact guide to the best of Indian style takes the reader on a tour down through to the south of the country, exploring a wide range of Indian architecture and interior design. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Indian Style
A compact guide to Indian architecture and interior design. Starting in the North of India, this compact guide to the best of Indian style takes the reader on a tour down through to the south of the country, exploring a wide range of Indian architecture and interior design. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Tokyo Style
So you love sushi, sleep on a futon, drink green tea-why not take your Nippon-adoration one step further by infusing your surroundings with a few Japanese touches? The best place to start is this look book bursting with full-page color photographs of apartments, houses, and hotels throughout the city. Whether it`s a high-rise apartment overlooking Tokyo, a boutique hotel, or a house made of fiberglass, each dwelling herein will awaken the Japanese spirit within you. For a real treat, why not sip a sake while you peruse the pages? Highlights include: - Plastic House by Kengo Kuma - Professor Nakamura's version of a Japanese literati retreat - Natural Stripes House by Masaki Endoh - Lost in Translation hotel Park Hyatt by Kenzo Tange Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Reto Guntli. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Tokyo Style
So you love sushi, sleep on a futon, drink green tea-why not take your Nippon-adoration one step further by infusing your surroundings with a few Japanese touches? The best place to start is this look book bursting with full-page color photographs of apartments, houses, and hotels throughout the city. Whether it`s a high-rise apartment overlooking Tokyo, a boutique hotel, or a house made of fiberglass, each dwelling herein will awaken the Japanese spirit within you. For a real treat, why not sip a sake while you peruse the pages? Highlights include: - Plastic House by Kengo Kuma - Professor Nakamura's version of a Japanese literati retreat - Natural Stripes House by Masaki Endoh - Lost in Translation hotel Park Hyatt by Kenzo Tange Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Reto Guntli. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Tokyo Style
So you love sushi, sleep on a futon, drink green tea-why not take your Nippon-adoration one step further by infusing your surroundings with a few Japanese touches? The best place to start is this look book bursting with full-page color photographs of apartments, houses, and hotels throughout the city. Whether it`s a high-rise apartment overlooking Tokyo, a boutique hotel, or a house made of fiberglass, each dwelling herein will awaken the Japanese spirit within you. For a real treat, why not sip a sake while you peruse the pages? Highlights include: - Plastic House by Kengo Kuma - Professor Nakamura's version of a Japanese literati retreat - Natural Stripes House by Masaki Endoh - Lost in Translation hotel Park Hyatt by Kenzo Tange Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Reto Guntli. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Tokyo Style
So you love sushi, sleep on a futon, drink green tea-why not take your Nippon-adoration one step further by infusing your surroundings with a few Japanese touches? The best place to start is this look book bursting with full-page color photographs of apartments, houses, and hotels throughout the city. Whether it`s a high-rise apartment overlooking Tokyo, a boutique hotel, or a house made of fiberglass, each dwelling herein will awaken the Japanese spirit within you. For a real treat, why not sip a sake while you peruse the pages? Highlights include: - Plastic House by Kengo Kuma - Professor Nakamura's version of a Japanese literati retreat - Natural Stripes House by Masaki Endoh - Lost in Translation hotel Park Hyatt by Kenzo Tange Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Reto Guntli. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Tokyo Style
So you love sushi, sleep on a futon, drink green tea-why not take your Nippon-adoration one step further by infusing your surroundings with a few Japanese touches? The best place to start is this look book bursting with full-page color photographs of apartments, houses, and hotels throughout the city. Whether it`s a high-rise apartment overlooking Tokyo, a boutique hotel, or a house made of fiberglass, each dwelling herein will awaken the Japanese spirit within you. For a real treat, why not sip a sake while you peruse the pages? Highlights include: - Plastic House by Kengo Kuma - Professor Nakamura's version of a Japanese literati retreat - Natural Stripes House by Masaki Endoh - Lost in Translation hotel Park Hyatt by Kenzo Tange Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Reto Guntli. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Tokyo Style
So you love sushi, sleep on a futon, drink green tea-why not take your Nippon-adoration one step further by infusing your surroundings with a few Japanese touches? The best place to start is this look book bursting with full-page color photographs of apartments, houses, and hotels throughout the city. Whether it`s a high-rise apartment overlooking Tokyo, a boutique hotel, or a house made of fiberglass, each dwelling herein will awaken the Japanese spirit within you. For a real treat, why not sip a sake while you peruse the pages? Highlights include: - Plastic House by Kengo Kuma - Professor Nakamura's version of a Japanese literati retreat - Natural Stripes House by Masaki Endoh - Lost in Translation hotel Park Hyatt by Kenzo Tange Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Reto Guntli. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Tokyo Style
So you love sushi, sleep on a futon, drink green tea-why not take your Nippon-adoration one step further by infusing your surroundings with a few Japanese touches? The best place to start is this look book bursting with full-page color photographs of apartments, houses, and hotels throughout the city. Whether it`s a high-rise apartment overlooking Tokyo, a boutique hotel, or a house made of fiberglass, each dwelling herein will awaken the Japanese spirit within you. For a real treat, why not sip a sake while you peruse the pages? Highlights include: - Plastic House by Kengo Kuma - Professor Nakamura's version of a Japanese literati retreat - Natural Stripes House by Masaki Endoh - Lost in Translation hotel Park Hyatt by Kenzo Tange Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Reto Guntli. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Еремина Татьяна Степановна Явленная. В 2-х частях. Часть 1: Фендрик; Часть 2: Мой грустный ангел
Чудеса изобретательности пришлось проявить юному князю Дмитрию Долгорукову, офицеру Преображенского полка, чтобы таинственное письмо, адресованное почившему императору Петру I, попало государыне Екатерине. Однако та передала его врагу Дмитрия, светлейшему князю Меншикову. Но судьба переменчива... Еще вчера всесильный властелин Меншиков оказался в глубокой сибирской ссылке. Князь Дмитрий решает следовать туда же... Действие романа "Явленная" развивается на протяжении пяти лет и сопровождается большими переменами в истории России: кончина Петра I, смерть Екатерины и 14-летнего государя Петра II.
Sweden Style
This book brings together a warm and colorful selection of cozy, quaint country interiors in the land of northern lights and white nights, from seaside cottages to traditional farmhouses and royal manors. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Sweden Style
This book brings together a warm and colorful selection of cozy, quaint country interiors in the land of northern lights and white nights, from seaside cottages to traditional farmhouses and royal manors. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Sweden Style
This book brings together a warm and colorful selection of cozy, quaint country interiors in the land of northern lights and white nights, from seaside cottages to traditional farmhouses and royal manors. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Sweden Style
This book brings together a warm and colorful selection of cozy, quaint country interiors in the land of northern lights and white nights, from seaside cottages to traditional farmhouses and royal manors. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Sweden Style
This book brings together a warm and colorful selection of cozy, quaint country interiors in the land of northern lights and white nights, from seaside cottages to traditional farmhouses and royal manors. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Sweden Style
This book brings together a warm and colorful selection of cozy, quaint country interiors in the land of northern lights and white nights, from seaside cottages to traditional farmhouses and royal manors. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Sweden Style
This book brings together a warm and colorful selection of cozy, quaint country interiors in the land of northern lights and white nights, from seaside cottages to traditional farmhouses and royal manors. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Gautrand Jean-Claude Robert Doisneau
Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) is best known for his magical, timeless 35mm street portraits taken in Paris and its suburbs. Fresh, unstaged, and full of poetry and humor, his photographs portray everyday people (in everyday places, doing everyday things) frozen in time, unwittingly revealing fleeting personal emotions in a public context. Doisneau`s gift was the ability to seek out and capture, with humanity and grace, those little epiphanies of everyday Parisian life. This book traces Doisneau`s life and career, providing a wonderful introduction to the work of this seminal photographer. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Gautrand Jean-Claude Robert Doisneau
Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) is best known for his magical, timeless 35mm street portraits taken in Paris and its suburbs. Fresh, unstaged, and full of poetry and humor, his photographs portray everyday people (in everyday places, doing everyday things) frozen in time, unwittingly revealing fleeting personal emotions in a public context. Doisneau`s gift was the ability to seek out and capture, with humanity and grace, those little epiphanies of everyday Parisian life. This book traces Doisneau`s life and career, providing a wonderful introduction to the work of this seminal photographer. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Gautrand Jean-Claude Robert Doisneau
Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) is best known for his magical, timeless 35mm street portraits taken in Paris and its suburbs. Fresh, unstaged, and full of poetry and humor, his photographs portray everyday people (in everyday places, doing everyday things) frozen in time, unwittingly revealing fleeting personal emotions in a public context. Doisneau`s gift was the ability to seek out and capture, with humanity and grace, those little epiphanies of everyday Parisian life. This book traces Doisneau`s life and career, providing a wonderful introduction to the work of this seminal photographer. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Gautrand Jean-Claude Robert Doisneau
Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) is best known for his magical, timeless 35mm street portraits taken in Paris and its suburbs. Fresh, unstaged, and full of poetry and humor, his photographs portray everyday people (in everyday places, doing everyday things) frozen in time, unwittingly revealing fleeting personal emotions in a public context. Doisneau`s gift was the ability to seek out and capture, with humanity and grace, those little epiphanies of everyday Parisian life. This book traces Doisneau`s life and career, providing a wonderful introduction to the work of this seminal photographer. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Gautrand Jean-Claude Robert Doisneau
Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) is best known for his magical, timeless 35mm street portraits taken in Paris and its suburbs. Fresh, unstaged, and full of poetry and humor, his photographs portray everyday people (in everyday places, doing everyday things) frozen in time, unwittingly revealing fleeting personal emotions in a public context. Doisneau`s gift was the ability to seek out and capture, with humanity and grace, those little epiphanies of everyday Parisian life. This book traces Doisneau`s life and career, providing a wonderful introduction to the work of this seminal photographer. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Gautrand Jean-Claude Robert Doisneau
Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) is best known for his magical, timeless 35mm street portraits taken in Paris and its suburbs. Fresh, unstaged, and full of poetry and humor, his photographs portray everyday people (in everyday places, doing everyday things) frozen in time, unwittingly revealing fleeting personal emotions in a public context. Doisneau`s gift was the ability to seek out and capture, with humanity and grace, those little epiphanies of everyday Parisian life. This book traces Doisneau`s life and career, providing a wonderful introduction to the work of this seminal photographer. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Gautrand Jean-Claude Robert Doisneau
Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) is best known for his magical, timeless 35mm street portraits taken in Paris and its suburbs. Fresh, unstaged, and full of poetry and humor, his photographs portray everyday people (in everyday places, doing everyday things) frozen in time, unwittingly revealing fleeting personal emotions in a public context. Doisneau`s gift was the ability to seek out and capture, with humanity and grace, those little epiphanies of everyday Parisian life. This book traces Doisneau`s life and career, providing a wonderful introduction to the work of this seminal photographer. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
South African Style
This surprising and multi-hued collection of interiors ranges from Dutch colonial to traditional wood and thatched-roof houses, townships, modern city apartments, and funky artist homes, reflecting the country`s tumultuous political history while celebrating its rich culture. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
South African Style
This surprising and multi-hued collection of interiors ranges from Dutch colonial to traditional wood and thatched-roof houses, townships, modern city apartments, and funky artist homes, reflecting the country`s tumultuous political history while celebrating its rich culture. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
South African Style
This surprising and multi-hued collection of interiors ranges from Dutch colonial to traditional wood and thatched-roof houses, townships, modern city apartments, and funky artist homes, reflecting the country`s tumultuous political history while celebrating its rich culture. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
South African Style
This surprising and multi-hued collection of interiors ranges from Dutch colonial to traditional wood and thatched-roof houses, townships, modern city apartments, and funky artist homes, reflecting the country`s tumultuous political history while celebrating its rich culture. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
South African Style
This surprising and multi-hued collection of interiors ranges from Dutch colonial to traditional wood and thatched-roof houses, townships, modern city apartments, and funky artist homes, reflecting the country`s tumultuous political history while celebrating its rich culture. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
South African Style
This surprising and multi-hued collection of interiors ranges from Dutch colonial to traditional wood and thatched-roof houses, townships, modern city apartments, and funky artist homes, reflecting the country`s tumultuous political history while celebrating its rich culture. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
South African Style
This surprising and multi-hued collection of interiors ranges from Dutch colonial to traditional wood and thatched-roof houses, townships, modern city apartments, and funky artist homes, reflecting the country`s tumultuous political history while celebrating its rich culture. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Deidi von Schaewen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Зинаида Серебрякова
Серебрякова Зинаида Евгеньевна (1884-1967) - русская художница, автор многочисленных портретов, пейзажей и жанровых картин. Обучалась в Петербургской художественной студии М.К. Тенишевой, затем в мастерской О.Э. Браза. Первый успех пришел к Серебряковой в 1910 году после показа на VII выставке Союза русских художников нескольких ее работ, среди которых одна из наиболее известных - автопортрет "За туалетом". Хотя портретная живопись занимала значительное место в творчестве Серебряковой, главной темой ее картин были сцены из крестьянской жизни. Во многих работах, посвященных этим сюжетам, жизнь народа представлена как гармоническое равновесие духовных и физических начал. Таковы ее картины "Баня", "Крестьяне", "Жатва", "Беление холста" и многие другие. В этих произведениях ощущается влияние знаменитого певца крестьянской жизни - русского живописца XIX столетия А. Г. Венецианова. С 1924 года Серебрякова жила во Франции. Она мечтала заработать денег и вернуться на родину, но ее надеждам не суждено было сбыться. 19 сентября 1967 года художница скончалась, так и не побывав на родной земле. Похоронили ее на кладбище Сен-Женевьев под Парижем. Редактор-составитель В. Дроздова.
Зинаида Серебрякова
Серебрякова Зинаида Евгеньевна (1884-1967) - русская художница, автор многочисленных портретов, пейзажей и жанровых картин. Обучалась в Петербургской художественной студии М.К. Тенишевой, затем в мастерской О.Э. Браза. Первый успех пришел к Серебряковой в 1910 году после показа на VII выставке Союза русских художников нескольких ее работ, среди которых одна из наиболее известных - автопортрет "За туалетом". Хотя портретная живопись занимала значительное место в творчестве Серебряковой, главной темой ее картин были сцены из крестьянской жизни. Во многих работах, посвященных этим сюжетам, жизнь народа представлена как гармоническое равновесие духовных и физических начал. Таковы ее картины "Баня", "Крестьяне", "Жатва", "Беление холста" и многие другие. В этих произведениях ощущается влияние знаменитого певца крестьянской жизни - русского живописца XIX столетия А. Г. Венецианова. С 1924 года Серебрякова жила во Франции. Она мечтала заработать денег и вернуться на родину, но ее надеждам не суждено было сбыться. 19 сентября 1967 года художница скончалась, так и не побывав на родной земле. Похоронили ее на кладбище Сен-Женевьев под Парижем. Редактор-составитель В. Дроздова.
Paris. Restaurants & More
French cuisine may be one of the most refined in the world, but that doesn't mean it's easy to find great food in Paris. That's why you'd be smart to carry this fabulous little guide book along with you, secure in the knowledge that your Parisian meals will be nothing but delicieux. Packed with photos, information and hotspot recommendations, this little treasure will have you eating in not only the yummiest and most chic restaurants, but also being seen in the city's nicest bars, cafes, and beautiful tea salons. Highlights: - Chartier, authentic traditional brasserie opened in 1896 - Jean-Jacques Costes's Cafe Marly with spectacular views of the Louvre - Brasserie Lipp, Hemingway's favorite brasserie in Paris - L'Avenue, the hangout of the beautiful, rich, and famous - the most elegant bar in Paris, Bar George V Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris. Restaurants & More
French cuisine may be one of the most refined in the world, but that doesn't mean it's easy to find great food in Paris. That's why you'd be smart to carry this fabulous little guide book along with you, secure in the knowledge that your Parisian meals will be nothing but delicieux. Packed with photos, information and hotspot recommendations, this little treasure will have you eating in not only the yummiest and most chic restaurants, but also being seen in the city's nicest bars, cafes, and beautiful tea salons. Highlights: - Chartier, authentic traditional brasserie opened in 1896 - Jean-Jacques Costes's Cafe Marly with spectacular views of the Louvre - Brasserie Lipp, Hemingway's favorite brasserie in Paris - L'Avenue, the hangout of the beautiful, rich, and famous - the most elegant bar in Paris, Bar George V Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris. Restaurants & More
French cuisine may be one of the most refined in the world, but that doesn't mean it's easy to find great food in Paris. That's why you'd be smart to carry this fabulous little guide book along with you, secure in the knowledge that your Parisian meals will be nothing but delicieux. Packed with photos, information and hotspot recommendations, this little treasure will have you eating in not only the yummiest and most chic restaurants, but also being seen in the city's nicest bars, cafes, and beautiful tea salons. Highlights: - Chartier, authentic traditional brasserie opened in 1896 - Jean-Jacques Costes's Cafe Marly with spectacular views of the Louvre - Brasserie Lipp, Hemingway's favorite brasserie in Paris - L'Avenue, the hangout of the beautiful, rich, and famous - the most elegant bar in Paris, Bar George V Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris. Restaurants & More
French cuisine may be one of the most refined in the world, but that doesn't mean it's easy to find great food in Paris. That's why you'd be smart to carry this fabulous little guide book along with you, secure in the knowledge that your Parisian meals will be nothing but delicieux. Packed with photos, information and hotspot recommendations, this little treasure will have you eating in not only the yummiest and most chic restaurants, but also being seen in the city's nicest bars, cafes, and beautiful tea salons. Highlights: - Chartier, authentic traditional brasserie opened in 1896 - Jean-Jacques Costes's Cafe Marly with spectacular views of the Louvre - Brasserie Lipp, Hemingway's favorite brasserie in Paris - L'Avenue, the hangout of the beautiful, rich, and famous - the most elegant bar in Paris, Bar George V Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris. Restaurants & More
French cuisine may be one of the most refined in the world, but that doesn't mean it's easy to find great food in Paris. That's why you'd be smart to carry this fabulous little guide book along with you, secure in the knowledge that your Parisian meals will be nothing but delicieux. Packed with photos, information and hotspot recommendations, this little treasure will have you eating in not only the yummiest and most chic restaurants, but also being seen in the city's nicest bars, cafes, and beautiful tea salons. Highlights: - Chartier, authentic traditional brasserie opened in 1896 - Jean-Jacques Costes's Cafe Marly with spectacular views of the Louvre - Brasserie Lipp, Hemingway's favorite brasserie in Paris - L'Avenue, the hangout of the beautiful, rich, and famous - the most elegant bar in Paris, Bar George V Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris. Restaurants & More
French cuisine may be one of the most refined in the world, but that doesn't mean it's easy to find great food in Paris. That's why you'd be smart to carry this fabulous little guide book along with you, secure in the knowledge that your Parisian meals will be nothing but delicieux. Packed with photos, information and hotspot recommendations, this little treasure will have you eating in not only the yummiest and most chic restaurants, but also being seen in the city's nicest bars, cafes, and beautiful tea salons. Highlights: - Chartier, authentic traditional brasserie opened in 1896 - Jean-Jacques Costes's Cafe Marly with spectacular views of the Louvre - Brasserie Lipp, Hemingway's favorite brasserie in Paris - L'Avenue, the hangout of the beautiful, rich, and famous - the most elegant bar in Paris, Bar George V Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris. Restaurants & More
French cuisine may be one of the most refined in the world, but that doesn't mean it's easy to find great food in Paris. That's why you'd be smart to carry this fabulous little guide book along with you, secure in the knowledge that your Parisian meals will be nothing but delicieux. Packed with photos, information and hotspot recommendations, this little treasure will have you eating in not only the yummiest and most chic restaurants, but also being seen in the city's nicest bars, cafes, and beautiful tea salons. Highlights: - Chartier, authentic traditional brasserie opened in 1896 - Jean-Jacques Costes's Cafe Marly with spectacular views of the Louvre - Brasserie Lipp, Hemingway's favorite brasserie in Paris - L'Avenue, the hangout of the beautiful, rich, and famous - the most elegant bar in Paris, Bar George V Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Paris. Restaurants & More
French cuisine may be one of the most refined in the world, but that doesn't mean it's easy to find great food in Paris. That's why you'd be smart to carry this fabulous little guide book along with you, secure in the knowledge that your Parisian meals will be nothing but delicieux. Packed with photos, information and hotspot recommendations, this little treasure will have you eating in not only the yummiest and most chic restaurants, but also being seen in the city's nicest bars, cafes, and beautiful tea salons. Highlights: - Chartier, authentic traditional brasserie opened in 1896 - Jean-Jacques Costes's Cafe Marly with spectacular views of the Louvre - Brasserie Lipp, Hemingway's favorite brasserie in Paris - L'Avenue, the hangout of the beautiful, rich, and famous - the most elegant bar in Paris, Bar George V Special features: - exclusive hand-illustrated cover - exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area - information such as history, design, opening hours, and signature dishes - hand-illustrated postcard - softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Поль Гоген
Поль Гоген - французский художник конца XIX - начала XX в., литератор, мыслитель, крупнейший представитель постимпрессионизма. Гоген считал, что искусство призвано сыграть важную роль в переустройстве общества. Родился в 1848 г. в семье журналиста. Живописи учился в академии Коларосси. За свою жизнь Гоген написал множество картин, в том числе около сорока автопортретов. Принимал участие в выставках импрессионистов. Пытаясь уйти от нужды, Гоген в 1886 г. уехал в Понт-Авен, где создал цикл работ, посвященных красоте природы Бретани. Впоследствии Гоген стал главой понт-авенской школы. Наиболее плодотворным периодом в творчестве художника является время, проведенное на островах Океании. Гоген изображал жизнь местных жителей, своеобразие природы Полинезийских островов. Редактор-составитель С. Андронова.
Поль Гоген
Поль Гоген - французский художник конца XIX - начала XX в., литератор, мыслитель, крупнейший представитель постимпрессионизма. Гоген считал, что искусство призвано сыграть важную роль в переустройстве общества. Родился в 1848 г. в семье журналиста. Живописи учился в академии Коларосси. За свою жизнь Гоген написал множество картин, в том числе около сорока автопортретов. Принимал участие в выставках импрессионистов. Пытаясь уйти от нужды, Гоген в 1886 г. уехал в Понт-Авен, где создал цикл работ, посвященных красоте природы Бретани. Впоследствии Гоген стал главой понт-авенской школы. Наиболее плодотворным периодом в творчестве художника является время, проведенное на островах Океании. Гоген изображал жизнь местных жителей, своеобразие природы Полинезийских островов. Редактор-составитель С. Андронова.
Berlin. Restaurants & More
Berlin's best culinary and nightlife secrets You can feel like a true Berliner thanks to the insider's tips in this handy guide. From the best Currywurst stand to the coolest place to grab a cocktail and all the best places to sample fine Berlin cuisine, these are truly priceless pointers. Highlights: - Legendary restaurant and bar Paris Bar - Diener Tattersaal, German pub with typical Berlin beer and food - Green Door, you have to ring the doorbell to gain entrance to this stylish night spot - Cafe Einstein, a classic coffee house in an old villa - Kumpelnest 3000, a glamour-trash bar in a former brothel? - Borchardt, the brasserie where the likes of Tom Hanks, Goldie Hawn, Gerhard Schroder have eaten Wiener Schnitzel - Konnopke's Imbiss, birthplace of the famous Berlin Currywurst - Wohnzimmer, a cosy, vintage-style cafe in Berlin's most hottest neighborhood, Prenzlauer Berg Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Berlin. Restaurants & More
Berlin's best culinary and nightlife secrets You can feel like a true Berliner thanks to the insider's tips in this handy guide. From the best Currywurst stand to the coolest place to grab a cocktail and all the best places to sample fine Berlin cuisine, these are truly priceless pointers. Highlights: - Legendary restaurant and bar Paris Bar - Diener Tattersaal, German pub with typical Berlin beer and food - Green Door, you have to ring the doorbell to gain entrance to this stylish night spot - Cafe Einstein, a classic coffee house in an old villa - Kumpelnest 3000, a glamour-trash bar in a former brothel? - Borchardt, the brasserie where the likes of Tom Hanks, Goldie Hawn, Gerhard Schroder have eaten Wiener Schnitzel - Konnopke's Imbiss, birthplace of the famous Berlin Currywurst - Wohnzimmer, a cosy, vintage-style cafe in Berlin's most hottest neighborhood, Prenzlauer Berg Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Berlin. Restaurants & More
Berlin's best culinary and nightlife secrets You can feel like a true Berliner thanks to the insider's tips in this handy guide. From the best Currywurst stand to the coolest place to grab a cocktail and all the best places to sample fine Berlin cuisine, these are truly priceless pointers. Highlights: - Legendary restaurant and bar Paris Bar - Diener Tattersaal, German pub with typical Berlin beer and food - Green Door, you have to ring the doorbell to gain entrance to this stylish night spot - Cafe Einstein, a classic coffee house in an old villa - Kumpelnest 3000, a glamour-trash bar in a former brothel? - Borchardt, the brasserie where the likes of Tom Hanks, Goldie Hawn, Gerhard Schroder have eaten Wiener Schnitzel - Konnopke's Imbiss, birthplace of the famous Berlin Currywurst - Wohnzimmer, a cosy, vintage-style cafe in Berlin's most hottest neighborhood, Prenzlauer Berg Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Berlin. Restaurants & More
Berlin's best culinary and nightlife secrets You can feel like a true Berliner thanks to the insider's tips in this handy guide. From the best Currywurst stand to the coolest place to grab a cocktail and all the best places to sample fine Berlin cuisine, these are truly priceless pointers. Highlights: - Legendary restaurant and bar Paris Bar - Diener Tattersaal, German pub with typical Berlin beer and food - Green Door, you have to ring the doorbell to gain entrance to this stylish night spot - Cafe Einstein, a classic coffee house in an old villa - Kumpelnest 3000, a glamour-trash bar in a former brothel? - Borchardt, the brasserie where the likes of Tom Hanks, Goldie Hawn, Gerhard Schroder have eaten Wiener Schnitzel - Konnopke's Imbiss, birthplace of the famous Berlin Currywurst - Wohnzimmer, a cosy, vintage-style cafe in Berlin's most hottest neighborhood, Prenzlauer Berg Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Berlin. Restaurants & More
Berlin's best culinary and nightlife secrets You can feel like a true Berliner thanks to the insider's tips in this handy guide. From the best Currywurst stand to the coolest place to grab a cocktail and all the best places to sample fine Berlin cuisine, these are truly priceless pointers. Highlights: - Legendary restaurant and bar Paris Bar - Diener Tattersaal, German pub with typical Berlin beer and food - Green Door, you have to ring the doorbell to gain entrance to this stylish night spot - Cafe Einstein, a classic coffee house in an old villa - Kumpelnest 3000, a glamour-trash bar in a former brothel? - Borchardt, the brasserie where the likes of Tom Hanks, Goldie Hawn, Gerhard Schroder have eaten Wiener Schnitzel - Konnopke's Imbiss, birthplace of the famous Berlin Currywurst - Wohnzimmer, a cosy, vintage-style cafe in Berlin's most hottest neighborhood, Prenzlauer Berg Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Berlin. Restaurants & More
Berlin's best culinary and nightlife secrets You can feel like a true Berliner thanks to the insider's tips in this handy guide. From the best Currywurst stand to the coolest place to grab a cocktail and all the best places to sample fine Berlin cuisine, these are truly priceless pointers. Highlights: - Legendary restaurant and bar Paris Bar - Diener Tattersaal, German pub with typical Berlin beer and food - Green Door, you have to ring the doorbell to gain entrance to this stylish night spot - Cafe Einstein, a classic coffee house in an old villa - Kumpelnest 3000, a glamour-trash bar in a former brothel? - Borchardt, the brasserie where the likes of Tom Hanks, Goldie Hawn, Gerhard Schroder have eaten Wiener Schnitzel - Konnopke's Imbiss, birthplace of the famous Berlin Currywurst - Wohnzimmer, a cosy, vintage-style cafe in Berlin's most hottest neighborhood, Prenzlauer Berg Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Berlin. Restaurants & More
Berlin's best culinary and nightlife secrets You can feel like a true Berliner thanks to the insider's tips in this handy guide. From the best Currywurst stand to the coolest place to grab a cocktail and all the best places to sample fine Berlin cuisine, these are truly priceless pointers. Highlights: - Legendary restaurant and bar Paris Bar - Diener Tattersaal, German pub with typical Berlin beer and food - Green Door, you have to ring the doorbell to gain entrance to this stylish night spot - Cafe Einstein, a classic coffee house in an old villa - Kumpelnest 3000, a glamour-trash bar in a former brothel? - Borchardt, the brasserie where the likes of Tom Hanks, Goldie Hawn, Gerhard Schroder have eaten Wiener Schnitzel - Konnopke's Imbiss, birthplace of the famous Berlin Currywurst - Wohnzimmer, a cosy, vintage-style cafe in Berlin's most hottest neighborhood, Prenzlauer Berg Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Berlin. Restaurants & More
Berlin's best culinary and nightlife secrets You can feel like a true Berliner thanks to the insider's tips in this handy guide. From the best Currywurst stand to the coolest place to grab a cocktail and all the best places to sample fine Berlin cuisine, these are truly priceless pointers. Highlights: - Legendary restaurant and bar Paris Bar - Diener Tattersaal, German pub with typical Berlin beer and food - Green Door, you have to ring the doorbell to gain entrance to this stylish night spot - Cafe Einstein, a classic coffee house in an old villa - Kumpelnest 3000, a glamour-trash bar in a former brothel? - Borchardt, the brasserie where the likes of Tom Hanks, Goldie Hawn, Gerhard Schroder have eaten Wiener Schnitzel - Konnopke's Imbiss, birthplace of the famous Berlin Currywurst - Wohnzimmer, a cosy, vintage-style cafe in Berlin's most hottest neighborhood, Prenzlauer Berg Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
М.В. Нестеров
М. В. Нестеров (1862-1942) - известный русский художник XIX-XX вв. Родился в Уфе, в семье купца. Окончил Московское училище живописи, ваяния и зодчества. Раннее творчество художника было посвящено бытовой жанровой живописи. Позднее в произведениях Нестерова главенствующее место заняла тема русской истории и религии. В 1897 г. за создание картины "Великий постриг* художник был удостоен звания академика. После революции 1917 г. полностью раскрылся талант Нестерова-портретиста. Художник создал целую портретную галерею образов своих современников - художников, академиков, врачей, скульпторов. В июне 1942 г. Нестерову было присвоено звание заслуженного деятеля искусств РСФСР. Редактор-составитель С. Андронова.
М.В. Нестеров
М. В. Нестеров (1862-1942) - известный русский художник XIX-XX вв. Родился в Уфе, в семье купца. Окончил Московское училище живописи, ваяния и зодчества. Раннее творчество художника было посвящено бытовой жанровой живописи. Позднее в произведениях Нестерова главенствующее место заняла тема русской истории и религии. В 1897 г. за создание картины "Великий постриг* художник был удостоен звания академика. После революции 1917 г. полностью раскрылся талант Нестерова-портретиста. Художник создал целую портретную галерею образов своих современников - художников, академиков, врачей, скульпторов. В июне 1942 г. Нестерову было присвоено звание заслуженного деятеля искусств РСФСР. Редактор-составитель С. Андронова.
London. Restaurants & More
English food is much more varied than fish 'n' chips (though we can tell you where to get the best London has to offer). Indeed, England's capital city is home to a dizzying array of culinary options and of course Angelika Taschen has selected the finest London eateries where you'll delight in a meal, tea, or simply hobnobbing with the jet-set. Highlights: The Golden Hind with its art deco interior and delectable fish 'n' chips-a fixture on Marylebone Lane since 1914 The Wolseley, classic grand cafe and perfect place for afternoon tea and scones Enjoy the same classic British cooking as Charles Dickens once did at the city's oldest restaurant, Rules London's first gastropub, The Eagle La Fromagerie, a cheese Mecca and delicatessen with fresh groceries celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's restaurant, Fifteen Special features: exclusive hand-illustrated cover exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area information such as opening hours, history, and signature dishes hand-illustrated postcard softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
London. Restaurants & More
English food is much more varied than fish 'n' chips (though we can tell you where to get the best London has to offer). Indeed, England's capital city is home to a dizzying array of culinary options and of course Angelika Taschen has selected the finest London eateries where you'll delight in a meal, tea, or simply hobnobbing with the jet-set. Highlights: The Golden Hind with its art deco interior and delectable fish 'n' chips-a fixture on Marylebone Lane since 1914 The Wolseley, classic grand cafe and perfect place for afternoon tea and scones Enjoy the same classic British cooking as Charles Dickens once did at the city's oldest restaurant, Rules London's first gastropub, The Eagle La Fromagerie, a cheese Mecca and delicatessen with fresh groceries celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's restaurant, Fifteen Special features: exclusive hand-illustrated cover exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area information such as opening hours, history, and signature dishes hand-illustrated postcard softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
London. Restaurants & More
English food is much more varied than fish 'n' chips (though we can tell you where to get the best London has to offer). Indeed, England's capital city is home to a dizzying array of culinary options and of course Angelika Taschen has selected the finest London eateries where you'll delight in a meal, tea, or simply hobnobbing with the jet-set. Highlights: The Golden Hind with its art deco interior and delectable fish 'n' chips-a fixture on Marylebone Lane since 1914 The Wolseley, classic grand cafe and perfect place for afternoon tea and scones Enjoy the same classic British cooking as Charles Dickens once did at the city's oldest restaurant, Rules London's first gastropub, The Eagle La Fromagerie, a cheese Mecca and delicatessen with fresh groceries celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's restaurant, Fifteen Special features: exclusive hand-illustrated cover exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area information such as opening hours, history, and signature dishes hand-illustrated postcard softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
London. Restaurants & More
English food is much more varied than fish 'n' chips (though we can tell you where to get the best London has to offer). Indeed, England's capital city is home to a dizzying array of culinary options and of course Angelika Taschen has selected the finest London eateries where you'll delight in a meal, tea, or simply hobnobbing with the jet-set. Highlights: The Golden Hind with its art deco interior and delectable fish 'n' chips-a fixture on Marylebone Lane since 1914 The Wolseley, classic grand cafe and perfect place for afternoon tea and scones Enjoy the same classic British cooking as Charles Dickens once did at the city's oldest restaurant, Rules London's first gastropub, The Eagle La Fromagerie, a cheese Mecca and delicatessen with fresh groceries celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's restaurant, Fifteen Special features: exclusive hand-illustrated cover exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area information such as opening hours, history, and signature dishes hand-illustrated postcard softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
London. Restaurants & More
English food is much more varied than fish 'n' chips (though we can tell you where to get the best London has to offer). Indeed, England's capital city is home to a dizzying array of culinary options and of course Angelika Taschen has selected the finest London eateries where you'll delight in a meal, tea, or simply hobnobbing with the jet-set. Highlights: The Golden Hind with its art deco interior and delectable fish 'n' chips-a fixture on Marylebone Lane since 1914 The Wolseley, classic grand cafe and perfect place for afternoon tea and scones Enjoy the same classic British cooking as Charles Dickens once did at the city's oldest restaurant, Rules London's first gastropub, The Eagle La Fromagerie, a cheese Mecca and delicatessen with fresh groceries celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's restaurant, Fifteen Special features: exclusive hand-illustrated cover exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area information such as opening hours, history, and signature dishes hand-illustrated postcard softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
London. Restaurants & More
English food is much more varied than fish 'n' chips (though we can tell you where to get the best London has to offer). Indeed, England's capital city is home to a dizzying array of culinary options and of course Angelika Taschen has selected the finest London eateries where you'll delight in a meal, tea, or simply hobnobbing with the jet-set. Highlights: The Golden Hind with its art deco interior and delectable fish 'n' chips-a fixture on Marylebone Lane since 1914 The Wolseley, classic grand cafe and perfect place for afternoon tea and scones Enjoy the same classic British cooking as Charles Dickens once did at the city's oldest restaurant, Rules London's first gastropub, The Eagle La Fromagerie, a cheese Mecca and delicatessen with fresh groceries celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's restaurant, Fifteen Special features: exclusive hand-illustrated cover exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area information such as opening hours, history, and signature dishes hand-illustrated postcard softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
London. Restaurants & More
English food is much more varied than fish 'n' chips (though we can tell you where to get the best London has to offer). Indeed, England's capital city is home to a dizzying array of culinary options and of course Angelika Taschen has selected the finest London eateries where you'll delight in a meal, tea, or simply hobnobbing with the jet-set. Highlights: The Golden Hind with its art deco interior and delectable fish 'n' chips-a fixture on Marylebone Lane since 1914 The Wolseley, classic grand cafe and perfect place for afternoon tea and scones Enjoy the same classic British cooking as Charles Dickens once did at the city's oldest restaurant, Rules London's first gastropub, The Eagle La Fromagerie, a cheese Mecca and delicatessen with fresh groceries celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's restaurant, Fifteen Special features: exclusive hand-illustrated cover exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area information such as opening hours, history, and signature dishes hand-illustrated postcard softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
London. Restaurants & More
English food is much more varied than fish 'n' chips (though we can tell you where to get the best London has to offer). Indeed, England's capital city is home to a dizzying array of culinary options and of course Angelika Taschen has selected the finest London eateries where you'll delight in a meal, tea, or simply hobnobbing with the jet-set. Highlights: The Golden Hind with its art deco interior and delectable fish 'n' chips-a fixture on Marylebone Lane since 1914 The Wolseley, classic grand cafe and perfect place for afternoon tea and scones Enjoy the same classic British cooking as Charles Dickens once did at the city's oldest restaurant, Rules London's first gastropub, The Eagle La Fromagerie, a cheese Mecca and delicatessen with fresh groceries celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's restaurant, Fifteen Special features: exclusive hand-illustrated cover exclusive hand-illustrated map for each area information such as opening hours, history, and signature dishes hand-illustrated postcard softcover with a sturdy PVC jacket Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Островский Александр Николаевич Снегурочка. Весенняя сказка
Вошедшая в книгу весенняя сказка "Снегурочка" полна фантастических превращений, феерических картин, безудержного народного веселья. Для среднего школьного возраста.
Островский Александр Николаевич Снегурочка. Весенняя сказка
Вошедшая в книгу весенняя сказка "Снегурочка" полна фантастических превращений, феерических картин, безудержного народного веселья. Для среднего школьного возраста.
Miami Style
Fun, happy, and sexy homes populate this dreamy seaside city where blue sky, green palm leaves, and electric vibes provide an exotic backdrop to the fabulous and outrageous interiors we`ve selected for you. Whether they`re exploding with color and pizzazz or imploding with white minimalism, these are the creme de la creme of Miami pads. Highlights include: - classic 1950s Eden Roc Hotel by Morris Lapidus - residence of artist Michele Oka in South Beach - the house of Tui Pranich designed according to strict Feng Shui principles - apartment of a Cuban woman in an Art Deco district - "Stiltsville"-colorful huts hovering over the water on stilts Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Eric Laignel. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Miami Style
Fun, happy, and sexy homes populate this dreamy seaside city where blue sky, green palm leaves, and electric vibes provide an exotic backdrop to the fabulous and outrageous interiors we`ve selected for you. Whether they`re exploding with color and pizzazz or imploding with white minimalism, these are the creme de la creme of Miami pads. Highlights include: - classic 1950s Eden Roc Hotel by Morris Lapidus - residence of artist Michele Oka in South Beach - the house of Tui Pranich designed according to strict Feng Shui principles - apartment of a Cuban woman in an Art Deco district - "Stiltsville"-colorful huts hovering over the water on stilts Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Eric Laignel. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Miami Style
Fun, happy, and sexy homes populate this dreamy seaside city where blue sky, green palm leaves, and electric vibes provide an exotic backdrop to the fabulous and outrageous interiors we`ve selected for you. Whether they`re exploding with color and pizzazz or imploding with white minimalism, these are the creme de la creme of Miami pads. Highlights include: - classic 1950s Eden Roc Hotel by Morris Lapidus - residence of artist Michele Oka in South Beach - the house of Tui Pranich designed according to strict Feng Shui principles - apartment of a Cuban woman in an Art Deco district - "Stiltsville"-colorful huts hovering over the water on stilts Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Eric Laignel. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Miami Style
Fun, happy, and sexy homes populate this dreamy seaside city where blue sky, green palm leaves, and electric vibes provide an exotic backdrop to the fabulous and outrageous interiors we`ve selected for you. Whether they`re exploding with color and pizzazz or imploding with white minimalism, these are the creme de la creme of Miami pads. Highlights include: - classic 1950s Eden Roc Hotel by Morris Lapidus - residence of artist Michele Oka in South Beach - the house of Tui Pranich designed according to strict Feng Shui principles - apartment of a Cuban woman in an Art Deco district - "Stiltsville"-colorful huts hovering over the water on stilts Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Eric Laignel. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Miami Style
Fun, happy, and sexy homes populate this dreamy seaside city where blue sky, green palm leaves, and electric vibes provide an exotic backdrop to the fabulous and outrageous interiors we`ve selected for you. Whether they`re exploding with color and pizzazz or imploding with white minimalism, these are the creme de la creme of Miami pads. Highlights include: - classic 1950s Eden Roc Hotel by Morris Lapidus - residence of artist Michele Oka in South Beach - the house of Tui Pranich designed according to strict Feng Shui principles - apartment of a Cuban woman in an Art Deco district - "Stiltsville"-colorful huts hovering over the water on stilts Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Eric Laignel. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Miami Style
Fun, happy, and sexy homes populate this dreamy seaside city where blue sky, green palm leaves, and electric vibes provide an exotic backdrop to the fabulous and outrageous interiors we`ve selected for you. Whether they`re exploding with color and pizzazz or imploding with white minimalism, these are the creme de la creme of Miami pads. Highlights include: - classic 1950s Eden Roc Hotel by Morris Lapidus - residence of artist Michele Oka in South Beach - the house of Tui Pranich designed according to strict Feng Shui principles - apartment of a Cuban woman in an Art Deco district - "Stiltsville"-colorful huts hovering over the water on stilts Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Eric Laignel. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
Miami Style
Fun, happy, and sexy homes populate this dreamy seaside city where blue sky, green palm leaves, and electric vibes provide an exotic backdrop to the fabulous and outrageous interiors we`ve selected for you. Whether they`re exploding with color and pizzazz or imploding with white minimalism, these are the creme de la creme of Miami pads. Highlights include: - classic 1950s Eden Roc Hotel by Morris Lapidus - residence of artist Michele Oka in South Beach - the house of Tui Pranich designed according to strict Feng Shui principles - apartment of a Cuban woman in an Art Deco district - "Stiltsville"-colorful huts hovering over the water on stilts Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Фотограф: Eric Laignel. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
See The World
The best travel highlights from our 40s, 50s, and 60s ads books. Редактор: Jim Heimann. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
See The World
The best travel highlights from our 40s, 50s, and 60s ads books. Редактор: Jim Heimann. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
See The World
The best travel highlights from our 40s, 50s, and 60s ads books. Редактор: Jim Heimann. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
See The World
The best travel highlights from our 40s, 50s, and 60s ads books. Редактор: Jim Heimann. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
See The World
The best travel highlights from our 40s, 50s, and 60s ads books. Редактор: Jim Heimann. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
See The World
The best travel highlights from our 40s, 50s, and 60s ads books. Редактор: Jim Heimann. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
See The World
The best travel highlights from our 40s, 50s, and 60s ads books. Редактор: Jim Heimann. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
New York Style. Vol. II
This book opens the doors on inspiring interiors that have been created in the Big Apple in recent years - from a masculine triplex apartment in a former hat factory in Noho and an artist's studio in a music school in the East Village to an apartment furnished with great sophistication high above Columbus Circle. Whole-page colour photos also present unconventional and charming addresses in Brooklyn and Harlem, as well as experimental recycling design such as an old oil tank that was converted to sleeping pods. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
New York Style. Vol. II
This book opens the doors on inspiring interiors that have been created in the Big Apple in recent years - from a masculine triplex apartment in a former hat factory in Noho and an artist's studio in a music school in the East Village to an apartment furnished with great sophistication high above Columbus Circle. Whole-page colour photos also present unconventional and charming addresses in Brooklyn and Harlem, as well as experimental recycling design such as an old oil tank that was converted to sleeping pods. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
New York Style. Vol. II
This book opens the doors on inspiring interiors that have been created in the Big Apple in recent years - from a masculine triplex apartment in a former hat factory in Noho and an artist's studio in a music school in the East Village to an apartment furnished with great sophistication high above Columbus Circle. Whole-page colour photos also present unconventional and charming addresses in Brooklyn and Harlem, as well as experimental recycling design such as an old oil tank that was converted to sleeping pods. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.
New York Style. Vol. II
This book opens the doors on inspiring interiors that have been created in the Big Apple in recent years - from a masculine triplex apartment in a former hat factory in Noho and an artist's studio in a music school in the East Village to an apartment furnished with great sophistication high above Columbus Circle. Whole-page colour photos also present unconventional and charming addresses in Brooklyn and Harlem, as well as experimental recycling design such as an old oil tank that was converted to sleeping pods. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

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