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~ Madame Bovary ~

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Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary

Madame Bovary

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Автор: Flaubert Gustave
Издатели: Penguin, год выпуска 2005
ISBN: 0-14-062179-2, 9780140624113
Серия: Penguin Popular Classics
Год: 2005

Flaubert's story of the beautiful Madame Bovary scandalized Paris when first published in 1856. Seen as flagrantly amoral, its writer was himself prosecuted and, after a sensational trial, acquitted. Today, however, his novel is recognized as a milestone in European literature. Emma Rouault leaves her father to marry Charles Bovary, an insignificant local doctor, and to live among the bourgeoisie of Yonville. An ardent devourer of sentimental novels, Emma fills her head with fantastic notions of gallantry and high romance, which she soon finds lacking in her dull husband. Disillusioned and frustrated she finds solace in a tempestuous love affair with the local squire, naively imagining that he will fulfil her desires. Torn between her licentiousness afid piety, her voracious passion for spending and her constant need for love, Emma Bovary has become one of the greatest, and least conventional, heroines of fiction. Издание полностью на английском языке. Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения.

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