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~ Diaries of Sofia Tolstoy ~

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Tolstoy Sofia Diaries of Sofia Tolstoy

Diaries of Sofia Tolstoy

Цена: 1422 руб.
Автор: Tolstoy Sofia
Издатели: Alma, год выпуска 2009
ISBN: 9781846881022
Год: 2009

Книга полностью на английском языке. When Sofia Behrs married Count Leo Tolstoy, the author of "War and Peace", husband and wife regularly exchanged diaries covering the years from 1862 to 1910. Sofia's life was not an easy one: she idealized her husband, but was tormented by him; even her many children were not an unmitigated blessing. In the background of her life was one of the most turbulent periods of Russian history: the transition from old feudal Russia to the three revolutions and three major international wars. Yet it is as Sofia Tolstoy's own life story, the study of one woman's private experience, that the diaries are most valuable and moving. They are a testament to a woman of tremendous vital energy and poetic sensibility who, in the face of provocation and suffering, continued to strive for the higher things in life and to remain indomitable. It contains a forward by Doris Lessing.

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