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~ Don Quixote ~

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Cervantes Miguel de Don Quixote

Don Quixote

Цена: 306 руб.
Автор: Cervantes Miguel de
Издатели: Wordsworth, год выпуска 2008
ISBN: 978-1-85326-036-0
Год: 2008

Cervantes' tale of the deranged gentleman who turns knight-errant, tilts at windmills and battles with sheep in the service of the lady of his dreams, Dulcinea del Toboso, has fascinated generations of readers, and inspired other creative artists such as Flaubert, Picasso and Richard Strauss. The tall, thin knight and his short, fat squire, Sancho Panza, have found their way into films, cartoons and even computer games. Издание на английском языке.

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